Its not just a saying when when Q said "its going to be Biblical". There is divine power behind Trump and Q. No way we can break out of matrix otherwise.
As in the time of Jonah humanity didnt waste the 40 days given , starting on April 8, 2024 , to repent and to turn away from our evil ways and Nineveh was spared..God winked His approval in that millisecond with Trump for all to see...if that isnt Biblical i dont know what would be considered Biblical...God is as real as the tattered ear on that mans head.
Anybody who has experienced synchronicity understands that we are being influenced by a "higher power". When you look at a clock and see 11:11 what made you turn your head at exactly that moment?
It is not a coincidence that whistleblowers and leaked emails come out at exactly the right time. These demons are being exposed for the whole world to see. Every time they make a move it fails. "God" is putting on a show and we know how it ends so have no fear.
When Q said we were watching a movie they weren't kidding. EVERYTHING happens for a reason and that reason is to wake up humanity and ascend our consciousness to 5D [ascension].
Humanity is about to realize that we are not humans but souls all part of a collective consciousness [WWG1WGA].
“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” - Nikola Tesla
What??? Colossians 1:27 it's Christ in you! 3Jn 2 -greater is he that is in you than he that is in this world.
Christ is seated at the right hand of God and all principalities amdnpowers are FAR below him.
We with Christ in us are members innparticular of rhe Body of Christ which Christ is he head of.
Satan has power for sure, but only over those who allow it. God's people can raise the dead because he is in us. I've seen it. If you gonna Choose what to believe why not believe this? All believers will put on immortality when Christ returns. As you say he has tricks and we are not to be ignorant of them. But we are far from helpless, we rule over satan if we choose to believe it.
Hosea 4:6 - my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. That would be knowledge of God.
My job on Earth is to be the best version of me that I can so that when the moment comes my actions naturally unfold as God intends. No need to second guess every decision, every moment, because if you are truly you under all circumstances you cannot do it wrong.
That is what it means to give up your will to God.
And if you do this, then you receive protection.
I was a whistle blower about 20 years ago that exposed something major going on. I acted out of an intense feeling of righteous indignation and a sense of right/wrong. I took zero steps to conceal my identity, and in the field I work in I expected to be black listed forever afterwards.
swear that every time I look at the clock it's X:17. 10:17, 5:17, etc. Maybe pattern recognition though for me. I dont know. I'm often like "ah, let me guess, 5:17" looks "Yep. Figured." lol
I have the same thing happen all the time. Maybe we’re all noticing it? My wife makes fun of me all the time for calling out my number “17” when we see it.
same lol. She'll say something related to a number and sometimes I'll be like "it's - let me guess - 17?" She sighs and is like "...yes..." lol
Example just a few days ago. "Guess how cheap the food order was?!" "Let guess - ....17?"
Now that one is obviously coincidental. But it's weird with all these stories related to it, like different companies with different earnings, or how many employees they're letting go, etc. Wish I understood it more. Seems like some kind of nod or com
Definitely seems like a nod or a com. Question is from who and how? And why are certain individuals having it happen? And are we supposed to be doing anything with the message?!? So many questions that I can’t answer currently.
I must confess, I have a very, very different reaction to this post than the rest of you. This post serves only to increase my anger.
Like many of you in the comments, I do believe that His hand intervened and prevented DJT's assassination.
But God should never have had to get involved. Donald John Trump is the face of not only a political movement, but as the video correctly asserts, he is the face of a revival.
For nearly 7 years, we have read and discussed the messages from Q. We were slowly convinced of Q's legitimacy. But eventually we knew Q was legitimate and we ate up every drop. We became aware that President Trump was the face of a long-planned counterattack against the Evil that runs the planet we share.
For years and in some cases decades, many of us have understood the broad brush strokes of the evil cabal that has quietly enslaved our world. And in President Trump & Q, we saw the possibility of a golden age for our children. A world without the cabal where this could be a world of truth, liberty and peace.
So to almost lose the face of a war against evil for our planet to such a banal assassination attempt is stomach churning.
This wasn't a high tech attempt on President Trump's life by a desperate cabal. We know that has happened and we have some idea of the myriad, high-tech ways the cabal can remove an enemy.
But this was the clumsiest of attempts. A brainwashed child, a rifle, and a SS and police force that was either utterly incompetent or utterly compromised, take your pick. And we nearly lost our leader to it.
To the Q team: Do better. Justify our faith in you. You are God's instruments. Do the job He has asked you to do. He should not have needed to get involved.
I kind of agree with this. Where does this whole event fit into the Q movement? Were we really just that close to losing not only this fight, but our dear leader as well? The events of 2020 and this assassination attempt have made me question whether or not we are still on the Q plan.
Because the war between good and evil is real. Because evil is rooted in the spiritual world, where it has tens of thousands, if not more, years of inertia behind it. Because evil can strike out. Because in the end, it comes down to human beings doing the utter best they can and fulfilling their responsibility, but ultimately, it's God who turns the wheel. And evil hates God.
The Q operation was a intel drop and psyop orchestrated on the chans to inspire and arouse confidence, determination, insight, wisdom, and a fighting force of civilian intel militia that could lift the mainstream by spearheading the Awakening.
I see the Q operation as a deployment, an operation part of a larger war. It is not the be-all and end-all. And, we do not, cannot, accurately know the context of everything that Q dropped. Hence, varying interpretations.
FWIW, I think the "insulated" part is contextual, and that despite the best efforts of the team that is leading the war, evil found a way to invade and infiltrate.
The point: Learn what the Q op did, what its effects were, but don't necessarily think its all literal or a complete blueprint. We ourselves still have responsibility.
the problem is... the risk was SO HIGH and SO OBVIOUS
How could they allow boss to step into an obvious trap?? If they truly ARE in control, how could they boss to come within 1/20th of second by 1 cm of his life??
he didn't have his usual security detail. how does that happen? how many layers does that have to go through until boss actually takes the fucking stage knowing his security detail is not there??
I think it's valuable to try to conceive of reality unfolding along a specific formula, wherein God's Will = God's work (responsibility) and human work (responsibility). Human responsibility is to be involved and act according to what God wants, as to the best of one's ability. When that part is fulfilled, God's plan for us (and the world) unfolds. When failure occurs in the human part, even though god ALWAYS fulfills his part, things are delayed, postponed and undesired results occur.
I think that somehow, there was some condition for Evil to strike at Trump. It could be that in order to spiritually lay the foundation for what is to come (overwhelming judgment of evil, executed in part via Trump admin #2), God needed to let Satan take his shot.
If the foundation on the human side was lacking, it would have been disastrous. But in the millionths of a second, God intervened, precisely because He had the foundation to do so.
If you look at scripture, key central figures in God's providence had to face a moment of life and death. Moses, on the way to Egypt to lead the exodus, faced a moment of death: 4:24. Jacob, returning to Canaan to become the founder of God's people, had to face the struggle with the Angel at the river of Jabbok.
Externally, we might find out some of the actual details around what happened on the 13th. But we may never really know exactly. But regardless of what actually went down, for me, I think the root cause and outcome are found in the spiritual realms.
God had to let Satan take one final shot. Satan infiltrated, found his instruments in the perpetrators (most very likely an inside job, but anyway....) or those that were criminally negligent, and took his shot. But because DJT is united with God's will, as far as it goes for his role in the US and the world, God protected him.
It's inconceivable for me that somehow the WHs allowed this to play out because it was some sort of trap. A horrific chain of events "the unthinkable", but ultimately, the cause and outcome were decided by spiritual forces in realms that we usually do not get to see.
In other words, the patriots are in control as far as they can humanly be in control. We should take confidence in that. But sometimes, God's champions need to face a life and death situation, and I think this was DJT's.
That's about as far as I get with it. I totally hold to the belief or idea that the Q operation is 100% legit, but I do not think that many, if any of us, really know exactly what it is and what each and every drop actually means.
I believe in Q, but my faith is in God, and so in the end, I don't need to think I understand Q 100%. Coz i don't. But I work with what understand.
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
It has to be done right, there can be no mistakes.
Does technically getting shot in the head by some 20 year old neckbeard at an event with compromised security and almost getting killed align with that? Unless this was all staged at a scale we've not seen before, I'd say no.
"God should never have had to get involved" - No, but in hindsight He apparently had to. Look at what's transpired over the last 100+ years. Two world wars, millions of lives lost there, 65 million+ babies being aborted in the US alone, some being "grown elsewhere and tortured for their blood" (adrenochrome). No, He shouldn't have had to, but when millions cry out His name for help, and team dumbarse comes up with a plan to kill of 80% of us and mentally imprison the rest, exactly what should He do??
I've walked up to people to tell them about the Great Awakening, later to find that in some cases it turns out the person is well up the chain as part of the cabal. In every instance so far (or I wouldn't be typing this!), I walk away unscathed and they know they'd better change or their end is closer than they think. Many appear to be determined to try and ride this out somehow, some way. Ain't happening.
I’ve seen some odd videos of him. He’s a beta male, he was lucky. He made it up on top of that roof and he had to have help from somebody. he was a weak individual, and I doubt he would have the focus involved in being an assassin.
He’s a beta male, he was lucky. He made it up on top of that roof and he had to have help from somebody. he was a weak individual, and I doubt he would have the focus involved in being an assassin.
But this could also be the description of a school shooter.
But I just read one thing that that's making me super curious. Supposedly he had an IED in the trunk of his car and the receiver to set off that bomb in his pocket.
There have been reports of some type of explosive in his vehicle or a white van or something like that nearby. However, that’s MSM and I don’t believe anything they say anymore.
Good versus evil. God has touched that man. I also find it a beautiful coincidence that the American Flags tangled when deployed and looked like an Angel.
For it IS God who worketh in you to will and to of his good pleasure.
Just God doing what He does. I've avoided many calamities just because God got me to turn left rather than right. Espescially working EDD k9 in Iraq during the war.
Reminds me of the 1 Corinthians 15:52 bible verse that says,
" in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. "
It refers to God calling His chosen at the last TRUMPET--in a twinkling of an eye it will happen.
A twinkling of an eye is calculated as 8.895×10−11sec. (one calculation I found),
Think about everyone that was in on it. The SS, the cops, the media that showed up to cover it live, the RNC that invited Nikki Haley half an hour before. He’s completely surrounded by murderous traitors. He really does seem to be divinely protected. Now he has to make sure no one messes with his plane.
A TYPICAL AR-15 round (55 grain FMJ like NATO M193) out of a TYPICAL length AR-15 (16" barrel) will not be traveling 1006 m/s, or 3300.525 ft/s. It will be closer to 3100 ft/s, perhaps as low as 3000 ft/s depending on manufacturer and location conditions. Even out of a 20" barrel 1006 m/s exceeds design specs of M193.
No, the opposite actually, but humidity has the least impact of the environmental factors. Humid air has less density than dry air and thus exerts slightly less drag on the bullet.
humid air is apparently less dense than dry air, at least that is why I have heard is the reason homeruns are easier to hit when it is warm and humid, but perhaps it is just the air density vs temperature, with cooler air being more dense, regardless of humidity.
I broke this math down for my wife last night. This was 100% divine intervention. The chances of this shot missing like it did when it did is the hand of God working.
Did the people right behind Trump just get lucky in not being hit by the bullet that went through Trump's ear? From the videos I've seen, it looks like the bullet must have just passed through the gaps between the people.
Make sure that you keep letting these fuckwits knob that they are dumb enough to take a shot.....and they missed.
Message received, response forthcoming
Its not just a saying when when Q said "its going to be Biblical". There is divine power behind Trump and Q. No way we can break out of matrix otherwise.
God Anointed DJT for such a time as this. ☝️🙌
Gives me chills just to realize just how close we came to losing him. Surreal.
As in the time of Jonah humanity didnt waste the 40 days given , starting on April 8, 2024 , to repent and to turn away from our evil ways and Nineveh was spared..God winked His approval in that millisecond with Trump for all to see...if that isnt Biblical i dont know what would be considered Biblical...God is as real as the tattered ear on that mans head.
Actually, I think it was 1/17th of a second.
Love precision!
I was thinking the same thing. Kek.
Anybody who has experienced synchronicity understands that we are being influenced by a "higher power". When you look at a clock and see 11:11 what made you turn your head at exactly that moment?
It is not a coincidence that whistleblowers and leaked emails come out at exactly the right time. These demons are being exposed for the whole world to see. Every time they make a move it fails. "God" is putting on a show and we know how it ends so have no fear.
When Q said we were watching a movie they weren't kidding. EVERYTHING happens for a reason and that reason is to wake up humanity and ascend our consciousness to 5D [ascension].
Humanity is about to realize that we are not humans but souls all part of a collective consciousness [WWG1WGA].
“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” - Nikola Tesla
Nothing can stop what is coming.
We are mortals. Satan is a "higher power" too.
Be careful what you accidentally worship.
That fucker has a lot of tricks.
Be careful which tree you choose to eat from.
Genesis 2;17
"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
Aren’t you the same guy I’ve called out in the past for your “galactic federation” nonsense?
Be careful which tree you choose to eat from indeed……
Just because you can not see the bigger picture does not mean there isn't a bigger picture to see.
Expand your thinking.
You try to recruit vulnerable people into a new age cult teaching founded by a grifter. Keep my Lord’s name out of your mouth, snake.
We are talking about the same thing. One day you will understand.
Call them angels and demons if that makes it easier for you to digest.
I come here to help people who are READY to raise their consciousness. You come here to attack anybody who does not use the same words that you use.
Your anger and contempt blind you.
You sound like the only surviving heavens gate member. How’s that crystallized DNA working out for you?
What??? Colossians 1:27 it's Christ in you! 3Jn 2 -greater is he that is in you than he that is in this world. Christ is seated at the right hand of God and all principalities amdnpowers are FAR below him.
We with Christ in us are members innparticular of rhe Body of Christ which Christ is he head of.
Satan has power for sure, but only over those who allow it. God's people can raise the dead because he is in us. I've seen it. If you gonna Choose what to believe why not believe this? All believers will put on immortality when Christ returns. As you say he has tricks and we are not to be ignorant of them. But we are far from helpless, we rule over satan if we choose to believe it.
Hosea 4:6 - my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. That would be knowledge of God.
I can vouch for this experience of the Universe.
It is what led me back to Jesus wholeheartedly.
My job on Earth is to be the best version of me that I can so that when the moment comes my actions naturally unfold as God intends. No need to second guess every decision, every moment, because if you are truly you under all circumstances you cannot do it wrong.
That is what it means to give up your will to God.
And if you do this, then you receive protection.
I was a whistle blower about 20 years ago that exposed something major going on. I acted out of an intense feeling of righteous indignation and a sense of right/wrong. I took zero steps to conceal my identity, and in the field I work in I expected to be black listed forever afterwards.
That didn't happen, like, at all.
swear that every time I look at the clock it's X:17. 10:17, 5:17, etc. Maybe pattern recognition though for me. I dont know. I'm often like "ah, let me guess, 5:17" looks "Yep. Figured." lol
You made me look at the time on my phone reading this, 10:17. 10 freaking 17.
lmao. every time I see it I'm like "welp.... wwg1wga"
I have the same thing happen all the time. Maybe we’re all noticing it? My wife makes fun of me all the time for calling out my number “17” when we see it.
same lol. She'll say something related to a number and sometimes I'll be like "it's - let me guess - 17?" She sighs and is like "...yes..." lol
Example just a few days ago. "Guess how cheap the food order was?!" "Let guess - ....17?"
Now that one is obviously coincidental. But it's weird with all these stories related to it, like different companies with different earnings, or how many employees they're letting go, etc. Wish I understood it more. Seems like some kind of nod or com
Definitely seems like a nod or a com. Question is from who and how? And why are certain individuals having it happen? And are we supposed to be doing anything with the message?!? So many questions that I can’t answer currently.
I’ve stopped counting how many synchronicities I experience per week.
Love this comment
God is not finished with DJT or the USA!❤️🇺🇸
I must confess, I have a very, very different reaction to this post than the rest of you. This post serves only to increase my anger.
Like many of you in the comments, I do believe that His hand intervened and prevented DJT's assassination.
But God should never have had to get involved. Donald John Trump is the face of not only a political movement, but as the video correctly asserts, he is the face of a revival.
For nearly 7 years, we have read and discussed the messages from Q. We were slowly convinced of Q's legitimacy. But eventually we knew Q was legitimate and we ate up every drop. We became aware that President Trump was the face of a long-planned counterattack against the Evil that runs the planet we share.
For years and in some cases decades, many of us have understood the broad brush strokes of the evil cabal that has quietly enslaved our world. And in President Trump & Q, we saw the possibility of a golden age for our children. A world without the cabal where this could be a world of truth, liberty and peace.
So to almost lose the face of a war against evil for our planet to such a banal assassination attempt is stomach churning.
This wasn't a high tech attempt on President Trump's life by a desperate cabal. We know that has happened and we have some idea of the myriad, high-tech ways the cabal can remove an enemy.
But this was the clumsiest of attempts. A brainwashed child, a rifle, and a SS and police force that was either utterly incompetent or utterly compromised, take your pick. And we nearly lost our leader to it.
To the Q team: Do better. Justify our faith in you. You are God's instruments. Do the job He has asked you to do. He should not have needed to get involved.
I kind of agree with this. Where does this whole event fit into the Q movement? Were we really just that close to losing not only this fight, but our dear leader as well? The events of 2020 and this assassination attempt have made me question whether or not we are still on the Q plan.
I must confess NQ, I am stunned by the collective shoulder shrug around here.
"God saved President Trump, cool!".
I sincerely believe He did. But why did he have to?
Because the war between good and evil is real. Because evil is rooted in the spiritual world, where it has tens of thousands, if not more, years of inertia behind it. Because evil can strike out. Because in the end, it comes down to human beings doing the utter best they can and fulfilling their responsibility, but ultimately, it's God who turns the wheel. And evil hates God.
The Q operation was a intel drop and psyop orchestrated on the chans to inspire and arouse confidence, determination, insight, wisdom, and a fighting force of civilian intel militia that could lift the mainstream by spearheading the Awakening.
I see the Q operation as a deployment, an operation part of a larger war. It is not the be-all and end-all. And, we do not, cannot, accurately know the context of everything that Q dropped. Hence, varying interpretations.
FWIW, I think the "insulated" part is contextual, and that despite the best efforts of the team that is leading the war, evil found a way to invade and infiltrate.
The point: Learn what the Q op did, what its effects were, but don't necessarily think its all literal or a complete blueprint. We ourselves still have responsibility.
the problem is... the risk was SO HIGH and SO OBVIOUS
How could they allow boss to step into an obvious trap?? If they truly ARE in control, how could they boss to come within 1/20th of second by 1 cm of his life??
he didn't have his usual security detail. how does that happen? how many layers does that have to go through until boss actually takes the fucking stage knowing his security detail is not there??
this shit boggles the mind
Yep. Exactly.
I think it's valuable to try to conceive of reality unfolding along a specific formula, wherein God's Will = God's work (responsibility) and human work (responsibility). Human responsibility is to be involved and act according to what God wants, as to the best of one's ability. When that part is fulfilled, God's plan for us (and the world) unfolds. When failure occurs in the human part, even though god ALWAYS fulfills his part, things are delayed, postponed and undesired results occur.
I think that somehow, there was some condition for Evil to strike at Trump. It could be that in order to spiritually lay the foundation for what is to come (overwhelming judgment of evil, executed in part via Trump admin #2), God needed to let Satan take his shot.
If the foundation on the human side was lacking, it would have been disastrous. But in the millionths of a second, God intervened, precisely because He had the foundation to do so.
If you look at scripture, key central figures in God's providence had to face a moment of life and death. Moses, on the way to Egypt to lead the exodus, faced a moment of death: 4:24. Jacob, returning to Canaan to become the founder of God's people, had to face the struggle with the Angel at the river of Jabbok.
Externally, we might find out some of the actual details around what happened on the 13th. But we may never really know exactly. But regardless of what actually went down, for me, I think the root cause and outcome are found in the spiritual realms.
God had to let Satan take one final shot. Satan infiltrated, found his instruments in the perpetrators (most very likely an inside job, but anyway....) or those that were criminally negligent, and took his shot. But because DJT is united with God's will, as far as it goes for his role in the US and the world, God protected him.
It's inconceivable for me that somehow the WHs allowed this to play out because it was some sort of trap. A horrific chain of events "the unthinkable", but ultimately, the cause and outcome were decided by spiritual forces in realms that we usually do not get to see.
In other words, the patriots are in control as far as they can humanly be in control. We should take confidence in that. But sometimes, God's champions need to face a life and death situation, and I think this was DJT's.
That's about as far as I get with it. I totally hold to the belief or idea that the Q operation is 100% legit, but I do not think that many, if any of us, really know exactly what it is and what each and every drop actually means.
I believe in Q, but my faith is in God, and so in the end, I don't need to think I understand Q 100%. Coz i don't. But I work with what understand.
Like I said before, yep.
Agreed. Q has said two things over and over:
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
It has to be done right, there can be no mistakes.
Does technically getting shot in the head by some 20 year old neckbeard at an event with compromised security and almost getting killed align with that? Unless this was all staged at a scale we've not seen before, I'd say no.
God intervened, but he shouldn’t have to?
Why is your desire to put faith in men?
Is this not missing the point?
If you believe I'm missing a point, then please explain how.
God did not put us on this earth to sit back and wait for him to give us what we want. He put us here to be His instruments, to do His work.
"God should never have had to get involved" - No, but in hindsight He apparently had to. Look at what's transpired over the last 100+ years. Two world wars, millions of lives lost there, 65 million+ babies being aborted in the US alone, some being "grown elsewhere and tortured for their blood" (adrenochrome). No, He shouldn't have had to, but when millions cry out His name for help, and team dumbarse comes up with a plan to kill of 80% of us and mentally imprison the rest, exactly what should He do?? I've walked up to people to tell them about the Great Awakening, later to find that in some cases it turns out the person is well up the chain as part of the cabal. In every instance so far (or I wouldn't be typing this!), I walk away unscathed and they know they'd better change or their end is closer than they think. Many appear to be determined to try and ride this out somehow, some way. Ain't happening.
God is always involved and id prefer it that way for the very fact that the flesh is weak. Man will never get it right on his own
I don’t think it was that guy on the roof that took the shot though. The Principal still applies
Another shooter on the water tower.
we know it sure wasn’t that retard on the roof.
I’ve seen some odd videos of him. He’s a beta male, he was lucky. He made it up on top of that roof and he had to have help from somebody. he was a weak individual, and I doubt he would have the focus involved in being an assassin.
I think this is less than sure
But this could also be the description of a school shooter.
But I just read one thing that that's making me super curious. Supposedly he had an IED in the trunk of his car and the receiver to set off that bomb in his pocket.
There have been reports of some type of explosive in his vehicle or a white van or something like that nearby. However, that’s MSM and I don’t believe anything they say anymore.
He drove a Hyundai and the FBI has said and CNN reported he had an IED wired in the car and other bomb parts at home
Yep, I don't think he could carry the ladder. It probably weighed more than he did.
Im thinking possibly the same thing
Good versus evil. God has touched that man. I also find it a beautiful coincidence that the American Flags tangled when deployed and looked like an Angel.
God is Real!
This is the final red pill
Correction: The shooter was 150.43872m away. Please adjust calculations.
Either way I think we all agree that Trump turning his head just then saved his life.
GOD turned DJT's head. Because GOD WINS.
For it IS God who worketh in you to will and to of his good pleasure.
Just God doing what He does. I've avoided many calamities just because God got me to turn left rather than right. Espescially working EDD k9 in Iraq during the war.
Fine. If Trump's head hadn't turned just then...
Is that better you Cheeky Bastard? LOL. Of course it was according to God's will.
Saturday's event shows that God has not forsaken us. He saved POTUS. There is not other explanation. Miracle
Reminds me of the 1 Corinthians 15:52 bible verse that says,
" in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. "
It refers to God calling His chosen at the last TRUMPET--in a twinkling of an eye it will happen.
A twinkling of an eye is calculated as 8.895×10−11sec. (one calculation I found),
Anyway, I agree--this was BIBLICAL!!!!
Thank you Lord!
He looks tired. Pray.
Think about everyone that was in on it. The SS, the cops, the media that showed up to cover it live, the RNC that invited Nikki Haley half an hour before. He’s completely surrounded by murderous traitors. He really does seem to be divinely protected. Now he has to make sure no one messes with his plane.
Trump is the new Chuck Norris
17 was my husband's fastpitch jersey number, so I've been noticing it for a long time...
A TYPICAL AR-15 round (55 grain FMJ like NATO M193) out of a TYPICAL length AR-15 (16" barrel) will not be traveling 1006 m/s, or 3300.525 ft/s. It will be closer to 3100 ft/s, perhaps as low as 3000 ft/s depending on manufacturer and location conditions. Even out of a 20" barrel 1006 m/s exceeds design specs of M193.
👆👆👆This Patriot knows! We have the best Patriots!
Atmospherics indicate that it was also quite humid (vapour trail of bullet) so that would also slow the bullet slighty, yes?
No, the opposite actually, but humidity has the least impact of the environmental factors. Humid air has less density than dry air and thus exerts slightly less drag on the bullet.
humid air is apparently less dense than dry air, at least that is why I have heard is the reason homeruns are easier to hit when it is warm and humid, but perhaps it is just the air density vs temperature, with cooler air being more dense, regardless of humidity.
god loves donald trump, he'd probably like to ask democrats how that was for a cognitive abilities test.
I broke this math down for my wife last night. This was 100% divine intervention. The chances of this shot missing like it did when it did is the hand of God working.
Trump is a Spartan super soldier.
Some will get the reference.
Did the people right behind Trump just get lucky in not being hit by the bullet that went through Trump's ear? From the videos I've seen, it looks like the bullet must have just passed through the gaps between the people.
Bullet went more left to right than straight at him. It was the side of his bhead that was the sight picture.
deus vult, God wills it!
Thank you, Jesus!!
Make sure that you keep letting these fuckwits knob that they are dumb enough to take a shot.....and they missed. Message received, response forthcoming
Gives me chills.