Now this may concern many of us! Especially us on the west coast which most have Taiwan built Solar Panels. Luckily mine are Korean, but still it is most likely the semi-conductors which Taiwan makes most of them. Cause for a Heads Up my Frens. This could strike or at least scare a lot of people in the US and abroad.
Edit and additional thought: See Q-Post 111 & 142 about “something that could send 99% of us to a hospital.” Could that mean our electronic devices parts that come from Taiwan? We all have them, carry them, or are in/on our homes. This would make a lot of sense to that “multiple meaning” line in those 2 Q-Posts. And why would communications neeeeed to be brought down?!
Things that make me go hmmm! I don’t want to make us all paranoid my frens, but it’s something for us to reeally consider now and do some research into. This could become a big scare for sure if MSM begins to flood on it. Stay vigilant Anons.
to clarify. it isn't the solar panels exploding. it's the battery systems attached to the solar panels. Title is misleading
Well it’s the parts that make up the panels really, but you get the picture. And the article is there for easy Anon connection. It’s only misleading if one decides to skim by, instead of reading and putting 2+2 together in the pieces I posted. So yes I guess it could be if an Anon here decides to choose not to review the given info. I guess it’s my own bias as a Mod here I tend to hope most of us are a bit brighter than to just pause at and only take the title as being 100% of the info Anon haha.
Your title is just fine, fren. It grabbed my attention and I thought it was quite catchy actually.
The fact is, we got shit blows up all over the place, frens!
It's getting spicy on the home stretch. Enjoy the show!
u/#pepenuke u/#pepecozy
And out of everyone I expect you, Ash and our other “contributors” to get on it and post all what you can that is or appears strongly legit. 😂😂 So get to digging! WWG1WGA
Sir! Yes, Sir!
💯 u/Brent75
I always thought of "Anon" as more of a title than a simple pronoun.
Correct. It is a Title only the brightest and best carry. That’s why WE are so few Anon. 🤗🤗 Much love and respect dear fren.
Not sure what you're about, but "anon" is short for "anonymous", which is a feature available on some discussion forums where people can post with that "username" without having to create their own. This is beneficial for various reasons, notably ego-suppression which leads to better overall intelligence/research. This concept doesn't exist on this board.
I’m aware Anon what it means. But it can also be seen as a Title of respect between members on this forum. So in that sense, it can exist depending on “opinion”. 😉
That's just like your opinion, man.
Correct! That’s exactly what I said too. 😂😂
Don't take it personal. For accuracy, the title should've been "lithium-based solar batteries", not panels. That would've been technically correct, and that's the best kind of correct.
Could be that or additional explosives. I wasn’t singling out a part yet until more research is done. So get on it then! 😂😂 And then you post a more direct thread. I support it. 😁
well I suppose "Misleading" is too strong a phrase, I didn't think there was any ill intent on your part.. maybe I should have simply said "title is not wholly accurate" I only mentioned it because someone here said that it had to be DEW's doing this, which would make sense if the panels were exploding, but it's not it's the batteries themselves, and maybe high explosives put into the battery storage used for solar panel setups
I was going to mention the same. Don't think it has anything to do with the panels or any part of the panel. My guess is that it's the battery storage.
Could be. But we should of course begin to softly spread the word. To be calm but diligent Anons. WWG1WGA.
I have 6 of those solar generators, mine are portable.
This is why backdoors into systems are bad for everyone. Some of the literal best hackers in the world belong to Israel.
Keyword: "Belong" aka Have dirt on them, black mail, etc.
Or prosecution hanging over their heads.
It is also a good reason to manufacture our own stuff.
Now imagine fighters and bombers exploding mid flight during a conflict. Missiles detonating in the magazines of our warships.
If you believe the WTC was mined by Israelis, then you better believe they've mined other strategic locations for remote detonation.
I think WTC could have been wired all the way back to its construction. Imagine the spray on insulation being magnesium and thermite powder mixed in a cellulose. Then hit it with heat or even a microwave weapon and poof. Those two buildings primed and ready to go for years sitting dormant with people working, going about their lives not knowing that just behind the drywall was a ticking time bomb.
We don't even make our own money - (((they))) do.
Best infiltrators would be more accurate.
I don't even want to share my scary theory/scenario regarding all the Chinese made products in the U.S. because in the past, when I have discussed things like it out loud, they came true.
Yeah well, most of us have Cells and PCs, not counting TVs, cars, and other electronics. Remember Q telling us there is something out there that can send most of us to the hospital? Now I wonder if this is also one of those “multiple meanings” of what he meant. 😬 Maybe you should do a post on it! Might be a good time.
I think the ability to send a signal via cell, which causes a debilitation in heart or brainwaves via cell is possible. I also think "classified explosives" exist and is used in limited scenarios aka Lebanon. It doesn't take much PETN to do damage.
I never thought of that… Double meanings definitely exist. Great OP!
Certainly the reptilian Shapeshifter thing would just be way too much for most people to handle.
It's funny YouTube has a fact check under all those videos about it and so many believe the 'fact check.'
Does the enemy 'fact check' to spread truth or to hide truth?
Think deeply friends.
Hide truth or to confuse truth. To make us question to give that moment of pause. And sometimes that moment is all an adversary needs to plant “seeds of deceit” or even “win”. The oldest story in the Bible.
Don’t even think about it.
Yes! That’s what our job is Anon! To get ahead on this stuff to warn those who’ll get the word out.
Thank you u/Brent75
An 'Elite research site' is the polar opposite of a safe space.
This is why I appreciate Mod participation.
Give it to us u/PhDinNY!
No one forces anyone to read.
Where is everyone's faith in God?
Relax. Do NOT fear. He Wins!
I’m always around my fren. Always. 😉
Glad you understood and read Anon. 😊
I don’t know. It’s always tracked really.
Here's some predictive programming for you
They put Obama's name on this film
This just dawned on me, I'm sure it's been said befire though..
The q post "the truth would put x% of people in the hospital"
What if that was meant literally? Like if certain groundshaking news comes out, they'll blow up our phones/laptops?
I just edited for Q-Posts 111 & 142. Exactly Anon!
Wasn't this part of the plot of the first Kingsmen movie too? Blowing up everyone's phones?
I'm a big proponent of them hiding future events in movie plots as a way to even their karma because they "told us" but we're too stupid to understand
We aren’t Anon. Don’t put yourself in that mix since you are here. The Sheeple, yes. Yep and you could be right about that being a future Comm.
Highly doubtful Q would tell us that and then not do shit about it and allow the enemy the chance to detonate them
Patriots also allowed the plandemic to unfold, despite likely foreknowledge.
Are we to conclude that all alternative strategies were worse?
I concur with you. This is a war. They can't prevent every single bad thing from happening. We're talking about a cabal that has been in power since basically the beginning of corruption. Satan's minions.
They even got 2 assassination attempts on Trump, they would have definitely prevented that from happening. Trump is with us because God said so.
The next 2 months is going to bananas.
It wasn't a rhetorical question....
I do wonder, if those alternatives were worse, I somewhat doubt it.
The plandemic virus that had a 99.9% survival rate?
The virus was easily survivable but it still led to massive trampling of our liberties.
Should have said: vaccine rollout.
Especially with DOD involvement
But isn’t the Posts the point? To tell us in advance? And to give us “possible” scenarios? Yes, yes they are. And how do you awaken all the Sheeple or even collapse big tech/the media into the Econ going down?
A scare like this could easily do it. But we shall see my friend. MSM is beginning to run with it too. I’m just putting it out there for us to check and get a handle on. That’s luckily our job. 👍🏻😊
That's possible. True. Just my 2c tho :)
I value your 2Cents as they are priceless to me my fren. You should know that by now I hope. Your contributions are great and deep to our cause. I hope you know that as well. 🤗
This ⬆️
"Full picture would put 99% of people (the world) in the hospital.
It's informational.
What would be just so absolutely terrifying that people would lose their shit?
Reptilian Shapeshifter's folks.
Q and Trump both pointed to each other's posts with the same gematria "shapeshifters."
I'm working on a post about it.
Does YouTube fact check reptilian Shapeshifter videos to spread truth or hide truth?
Do you trust anything YouTube fact checks?
Who is the serpent from genesis?
"Questions reveal answers." ~Q
This is why I don't have a wifi fridge, they're next, charged with poison gas and set to vent off.
That type of fridge is called a "Swalwell."
wahh waahhhhh
My Dharma smart fridge has the feature to input a series of numbers every 108 minutes or the world ends. So as long as I go to grab a cold brewski every hour and a half, we're safe from the timeline sunder.
What's next, cars?!?
I think besides Electric cars, it’ll be communications connected items, phones and such is my guess. But it’ll be more Scare than actual Boom. The paranoid scare can be enough to begin a communication and economic collapse easily. Sheep are Sheep.
IED's planted by sleeper cells.
50 CAL vs electric substations. (Low risk to bad guys)
Low risk high reward.
Best MO for max impact = "low risk/high reward."
With a low risk/high reward strategy, what targets would they pick?
"Questions reveal answers."
I'm not sure, but I bet only a very small percentage of anons on here remember anything about the Tylenol tampering in stores:
That terrified a lot of people. Now imagine various small cells putting something in the water supply in random areas.
I think tampering with food is possible, though not as likely as tampering with water. More people would be directly effected - bigger bang for their buck so to speak.
I was thinking the same. If these were detonated remotely by some means then there would need to be some communication mechanism to the device. I'm surprised there is such a communication channel within this solar energy system.
Yes the online system monitoring. My Solar Panels have them for my App. Yep now you’re on to it. So be calm and cool, but begin to share what you’re putting together Anon. WWG1WGA.
Well that's one way to have a communication blackout. What a psyop, they'll be paranoid as shit and won't be able to communicate. Sucks to be them.
Gives prudence and added curiosity to that Sat-Phone idea pushed a few years back.
No matter how one views this, it is bad for the globalists. So when Toyotas drive themselves super fast, teslas pop, and so over the last couple decades.
Could all be by design. A scare tactic? To keep people in check? Is this a warning to the west? Kids all across the USA have cell phones, computers, tv’s, and so on. Are we going g to see them just start blowing up if we do not bow?
Could these devices been built just for this cause? Then that too is not good.
So they did this early because they thought it was about to be found out? Someone was salivating over the enter button for how long? Or was it a program that went off early?
I am not panicking. This is truly interesting and still think it is a false flag to try and scare people before this election. Now if we really see stuff popping in the USA or any western nation, you do understand that they would be covered up and people would be mocked as if they said aliens existed just a few years ago.
They just used Ohio as the test to see if they could cover up a story that is just as interesting. They use this to test the waters before they deploy the bigger thing. They have a backup plan to the monkey virus failing.
See. I think they have a chose your own adventure so to speak. If a lesser thing will force people to comply, they will use that. The more people that refuse to comply. The bigger force they will use. They are the rulers now the less. They rule by force for decades and all of sudden we see it?
God will win if we want Him too. It is and always has been algorithm. Playing chicken with Satan is a serious thing. Not to be taken lightly. Evil will always have kamikaze people that are so possessed no one even realizes it. Satan is called the deceiver of Nations for a reason.
The most intelligent human being that might believe they are to smart to be fooled with such nonsense is already defeated by Satan. Greed, envy, and the rest are used by the left for a reason. They are always the victim because that is how Satan is. We only care about the children when it benefits the Deciever of Nations for a reason too.
Very good points here Anon!
If it happened here we would know who to blame… Even if it was not Israel doing it to us, it would sure look like it after the past few days.
This would certainly mean war.
The American people would demand it. For this reason I doubt Israel would want to pull the trigger on something like that on us given that we already know who is behind the worlds first glimpse of this technology. They would automatically get the blame, guilty or not.
If this was done to Americans, it would be an absolute last ditch effort, and a Deathwish.
Question… is there anyone that’s not trying to kill us?
"Evil surrounds us."
"God Wins!"
Well, if you rephrase your question just a little - the answer could be "Russia is trying hard to not kill us". Joe (or more likely everyone around him) is trying to push Putin towards an attack and Putin seems to know we aren't the baddies - the Deep State is.
C'mon man, you know it'll be Trump's fault. I've been joking lately, anything that doesn't go right is Trump's fault lol
It's literally all going to shit lately...
In fact, just this morning, someone blew up the men's room at Wawa...
How long were you at Wawa? I smell a rat…wait, that’s not rat
Name checks out 💩😂😂😂
It'd have to be a dire emergency for me to pinch a loaf at Wawa...
It's not uncommon for my internal dialogue, catching the vile smell of stranger's shit particles in the air on the way to a urinal to be like, "Jesus... What in the hell are these people eating??? Possum burritos? That mofo needs a doctor...or an exorcist!"
Seriously... WTF are these people eating??!!
It’s not just what they’re eating, it how long it’s been festering inside. They are truly giving birth to a new lifeform.
These guys that crap at Wawa haven’t taken a dump in 2 weeks and all of a sudden when they walk into the door at a restaurant or grocery store the contractions start.
As a regular guy, i tend to forget how many people are literally full of shit...😂
Well shit does splatter. 😂😂
Yes! 😂😂😂
So the question is, is this due to Israel tampering with these devices in the BlackRock supply chain or a feature imbedded in every device that uses a lithium ion battery? I have seen them catch fire but is it possible to intentionally make a lithium ion batteries explode with deadly force or is these devices manufactured with a thin sheet of C4 explosive’s for example? I guess it would be fairly easy to build a small blasting cap and a sheet of plastic explosive into the design. The scale of this operation must be huge. I guess if the Mexicans can build a van out of weed for Cheech and Chong then the Jews can build a pager bomb.
If it was something in buried in every single device, no one in trumps family, cabinet, etc. would have a standard smart phone. You're talking about millions of people getting fucked up within minutes. I've studied precisely how lithium ion batteries explode years ago.
They can, but there is a "heat up" time. They cannot go super critical without the lithium reaching a certain temperature first.
Just like gasoline must be vaporized in order to burn properly. A critical minimum temperature is chemically necessary first.
I wonder if there is some sort of sine wave, pulse or polarity switching that could cause an explosion very quickly.
Are suggesting it could be possible?
Dig in! Find us some leads Anon.
I don’t think I’m going on Google and searching micro blasting caps, plastic explosives and cell phones. My FBI agent is crazed enough by my antics. I did hear these were Motorola pagers assembled in Europe. Vanguard and BlackRock are both the largest stock holders, along with State Street Capital.
😂😂😂 Oh why not F with him some more! It’s fun. Plus it’s not like they’ll all still have their jobs when this is all over.
You ever see those unregulated vape mods explode? There are videos on youtube. Some hipsters get unregulated devices that do not have safety protections for the batteries - they can get bigger clouds. Most devices won't let the batteries go beyond what they can handle. If they do go beyond - BOOM. It can lead to anything from a fire and maybe losing a finger or all your teeth, to having it shoot part of the device up into your head and killing you.
That said - I don't think this is batteries exploding. This is explosives. Pagers/walkies/phones - they would all have protections. There have been a few phones explode from overheating (not counting the Note 8s they recalled) but those things are by and large safe. Nobody would ever buy them if they frequently exploded.
Do we know exactly what's inside these devices that's blowing up?
Do we know for sure it's the batteries?
Well the chips would receive the correct signal. But all these devices get hot. It’s just gotta be the batteries or the Semi-Conductors that are poofing to explode I would assume. Plus I’m wondering the amount of ingredients put in to make them detonate a bit larger than just catching fire.
But good question Anon. I’m sure someone in here, a prior Bomb Unit police officer or Vet from military explosives experience, will know a bit more about electronic explosives than I.
Their were reports that their was a small amount of high explosives, that could be detonated by the heat from a battery meldown.
So if that’s the case, since batteries can get hot all the time, they must somehow be able to signal the device to somehow overheat the battery? Just guessing here.
I belive so. They send a signal to overheat the battery,and the heat sets of the explosive at about 900 degrees.
Well boys and ladies, we have work to do. Companies of the pagers, walkies, and Solar Panel parts will need some researching. And who owns them and tied to them etc.
I think it is more than that. Maybe these pagers and walkies have multiple alerts - one for normal pages and one for emergency pages. Walkies can also do things like make and receive calls or texts - depends on the make/model - so they could do something there as well.
Just guessing, but I think there may be one spot on the pcb inside that gets activated for an emergency page/call. If so, they could simply wire that to the high explosives and activate it at any time. It should be instant as well as evidenced by how many went off at nearly the same time. They would never be 100% synced because of the network comms and congestion, but they were close.
From the BDA I've reviewed, injuries seem consistent with a real M80 amount of energy. Maybe 2 M80s. Faster explosive like PETN or an analogue..
The guy with the pager shape rectangle blown out of his abdomen is like how I used to wear my beeper in the 90s. Miniature shaped charge on an added circuit board added to assembly instructions.
Highly likely PETN with pcb as a simple deflector. Pagers were assembled under licence in Hungary.
Most likely battery pack swapped out there with a hybrid package. Weak heat fuse for short circuit detonation? Or even new pcb.
Pagers held on belt or bum bag, near a lot of vital organs. Plenty of shrapnel in pockets & bum bags. I expect a lot of further deaths due to organ failure, infections.
Lithium doesn’t explode. Just burns like crazy when exposed to air. Also, new gen batteries are less volatile.
So batteries not likely, BUT never know. There are teams dedicated to researching this psychotic type of murder/ assassination using every day objects for deniability.
No worse than drone warfare.
Yep, these injuries aren’t a joke!
I'm an electronics engineer and I can tell you that there's NOTHING in any solar panel that can explode or even catch fire. So I declare bullshit and I refuse to read further.
Uhh we are talking about planted explosives possibly. We would hope you would read further and if you have some insight Anon, add it in. Instead of maybe shutting down totally like your small kindergarten tantrum response? 😒
There's only one explanation for this now:
No, its not DEWs! Please, this is an old trick out of the Cold War Spy Book. It’s the Taiwan made semi-conductors, chips and then just sending a signal. Israel has already admitted to “fixing” the pagers to get Hezbollah. MSN is reporting it and Israel clearly isn’t denying it. Actually a pretty good and often overlooked 007-type plan.
DEW-dew heads never want to consider the simpler explanations.
Well I get point and shoot lasers. They could do it too. But this is smaller, more precise, and surly old school Cold War stuff. Because as we know, most of our Sheeple and young people haven’t been clued into that kind of stuff, outside thinking James Bond is just fantasy, rather than fiction based on facts. 😉
If every cellphone blows up, it would be catastrophic. So many ppl will die and get hurt. It would be catastrophic if computers, kids toys, game systems like the Nintendo switch smart appliances. Fires would break out everywhere.
Correct. It’s a dirty but good plan, and can create a solid scare, bring down an economy, and provide the requirement to shut everything “internet” down.
It isn't easy being green.
It’s 007 funny but real life not that funny. Think about what you’re typing on…. Possibly a pocket or desk top IED. And what does EVERYONE you know have? Or even all the “made in Taiwan or China” devices around them at any given moment. Then let that sink in. 😒 Could cause a mass scare and can potentially bring down the economy if MSM reeeeally spins it up. And they’re starting. Gives good reason to shut everything down; “10 days of darkness”.
So stay vigilant Anon and feel free to carefully and calmly warn those you love. WWG1WGA
Could our phones have something like this lying dormant inside, until they decide to activate it?
I think it’s going to depend on company, phone type. But also ALL communication-able device types. I have a feeling it was done in a smaller batch than I think, but the media scare will affect a wider range and the economy.
Try posting it on the .win conspiracy page.