We need to talk about what is going on in the world.
MSM has been talking about it but only at the surface. If every device around the world can now be hijacked and turned into a remote detonated bomb that changes the whole world.
Big tech is now the largest terrorist organization in the world with billions of suicide bombers under their control.
The mass surveillance state can now identify and detonate anyone and anything at will. If they specifically wanted to take out their target they have biometric scans at the ready when a person logs into their phone and boom - target eliminated.
This is an insane new world we live in.
Looking back at Hollywood movies like Minority Report where a couple of prophet MKUltra children lived in a pool of water and could predict the future to determine pre-crime events, report to the machine, so the enforcement agencies could go round them up have become reality where AI is living in that pool of water and dictating orders to the machine.
The deep state now can target anyone for removal.
That robot vacuum that you clean your house with is now about to blow you and your dog up.
That electric vehicle that drives you to and from your slave owners plantation to pick the cotton is now a VBIED ready to take you and your family out.
The whole world has instantly changed and of course the media is not going to tell you that every device that big tech has installed in your house, which has been secretly recording to the AI minority report prophets is a ticking time bomb waiting to target you for removal.
It use to take a lot of time and effort to build a target report on the terrorists in the middle east. Operators had to capture intel and deem the person as a threat before they could engage. Now we are in a world where Palantir and AI get to do all that work for them and the second their finger unlocks their phone they get detonated. I think the real terrorists are on full display to those paying attention and have turned everything around us into boom devices.
They put explosives in those 5,000 devices and distributed them in Iran. They can't detonate anyone's cell phone. Come on now people. We have to be a bit smarter than this.
This reply should have been stickied.
From what technical reports, videos, other information I can gather, Hezzy quickly ordered large quantities of unusual electronics from a outside source to replace their cellphones, an order that can be easily tracked and intercepted by intelligence agencies due to its nature.
Naturally, Israel quickly found out about the order, engineered small bombs that resembled the batteries of these electronics, intercepted the order misroute, rig up all the electronics, and allowed the rigged items to spread throughout the Hezzy organization until the time to strike.
Even the movies and videos where the cellphones are turned into bombs, it usually require the assassin physically accessing the phone to place explosives inside.
While modern electronics and their batteries can be dangerous due to thermal runaway, from what I can gather from video evidence, that is not what is happening here. I have seen videos of thermal runaway from batteries; these explosions are not them. They more resemble explosives like TNT going off. So, unless you suspect assassins have rigged your phone specifically, I would not worry.
The reason why Hezzy was suffering so much from exploding devices is because they were being colossally stupid, ordering suspiciously large quantities of electronics and not even suspecting that Israel or their enemies can take advantage of the information. Ironically, it would be much safer and better to have their membership buy their own phones, including smartphones, from any common cellphone shop.
We at GAW are called to be smart; giving into fear like this is not smart. Do better.
Just like anyone's gasoline tank in their car cannot spontaneously explode without the proper conditions, namely fuel air mixture, lithium batteries cannot spontaneously explode. According to the research I've done, In order for lithium to become explosive, a certain Minimum temperature is chemically required for lithium to become "explosive". I'm driving otherwise I would provide the relevant leads. Anyone can dig.
If the above were not accurate, Trump, all of his family, cabinet, and joint chiefs at a bare minimum would be walking around with nickel cadmium (or equivalent) battery powered phones.
Sounds like having a minimum temperature spontaneous explosion is a design flaw for vehicles that can get stranded and break down in the winter.
Imagine sitting inside after being stranded: Beating the wind with candles lit, somewhat warm, help is on its way........... THEN BOOM!
"Explosion" is a bit of a misnomer… It's more like thermal runaway that then turns into a boom. Very unlikely to go unnoticed.
Should not the first question be, "Were the devices that exploded even using lithium batters?"
Maybe not the phone explode, but a thermal runaway when someone put their phone down near that fertilizer blast at a port in Beirut in 2020, and now then you might have something...
They (IDF) got into the supply chain and added or replaced a PCB board with something that could go boom. Add a code to trigger the switch... is most likely what was done.
For real for real.
'They' Are you saying the Hezbollah put explosives in their own agents phones? Do you have sauce on this?
If a phone does indeed report back the exact location then, yes, any phone can receive an inordinate amount of signal which would certainly heat the phone up to the point it causes some sort of adverse effect (which could signal an explosion if the phone is so equipped) - IF it is in an area where cell towers equipped to handle this extra detail of taking cells 'out'
Since it would take a lot more expensive equipment I would doubt that all cell towers would have this ability but, yes, this should be possible. It is a good idea that we discuss it
Yea, well there are a LOT of smart patriots that are not mentally ill.
Once someone demonstrates if / how they can turn everyday consumer battery electronics into bombs, those companies, who make those electronics, their value will plunge to ZERO and the tech boom is OVER. If signals can be found to be able to turn battery devices into bombs, people will ditch them for good and battery tech, as we know it is OVER for good. So until then, we need to wait for those patriots to assess if that can be done. Until then, its likely explosive material placed inside those electronics.
Make tangled-ass phone cords great again.
There's a lot of evil to uncover and we have to ask questions and do the critical thinking. How long did they trick us with "the heated steel brought the Towers down"??
WTC failure was because of who built them. Sam Gravano's book "Underboss" details how the Gambino family became so powerful and wealthy. It was by controlling the construction of the WTC, mainly concrete pouring and they skimmed a ton of money by only using 1/3 of the rebar that was to spec. That's a book he wrote in the mid 90s.
The Lord says, "Fear not" so that is what I will do. I do not fear death because I know where I'm going after my time on earth is finished.
As far as Smart devices, I do not have:
I don't fear where I go but I do fear the method of my death. So many do not die in their sleep.
I don't even fear the method, as long as I don't perish by my own folly. That'd just be embarrassing.
Revelation says Christians will be beheaded. I wanna make sure I'm strong enough to stand with Christ despite the fear.
Full Plate has good AC. Get some chainmail for the neck area. 💪
He will take you over if it comes to that fren. I'm convinced. How else would the Anabaptists sing so loud on their way to being executed that the church had to hire an orchestra to drown it out?
I refuse to encourage things that make me 'less' or provide control over me, my thoughts or my actions.
It's getting harder to navigate the system without these things, but still possible, for now.
None of those things can explode.
Unless you're a Hezbollah soldier who received one of the modified devices that explosives were added to before being shipped to you...
Modern gas cars do spy on you and have """smart""" features.
OnStar has been disabled
I still don't own a cellphone, nor a pager, nor an EV, nor solar panels. Not even a robot vacuum.
Now, who's laughing?
Computer? Or are you using a carrier pigeon to get this message here?
My laptop's battery is screwed. Doesn't charge and doesn't appear connected.
If they want to turn that into a bomb then they can bloody well fix it first.
That's how you'll know, mate.
Your battery will start working! 😂🤣
My computer is old. 😂
Smoke signals.
But what if they start sending subliminal messages through your computer screen that makes you gay? Or if they send signals through our radios that make our eardrums explode?
I'm sure I saw a movie that might have said that could happen. Or maybe it was a dream I had. I can't remember. But I'm sure that someone could figure out a way to do that, if they wanted.
Maybe we should all unplug our computers and TVs and radios. Just in case.
(This is sarcasm. I'm saying this because if I don't flat out say it is sarcasm, there is sure to be someone that thinks it's serious and takes it upon themself to correct me.)
So when does the World Label Israeli Military as a Terrorist State?
A terrorist ethnostate?
Look here, not there. When a story or report comes out, with just enough information to ruffle Everyone's feathers, and not an ounce more--Give it some time.
“What if” the nanotechnology inserted into millions of sheep can actually be activated with a simple signal? There are hundreds or thousands of videos showing the “stuff” inserted into people form “circuits” after receiving the shot. I’m thinking bigger picture.
That's certainly a fast and efficient way of the Globalists reducing the World Population for their World Domination Wet Dream.
Makes perfect sense how unHolywood makes so many movies about zombies and blood sucking vampires.
That might send 99% running to the hospitals.
Imma make a mint constructing Faraday cages.
Reminds me of a Disney movie, G Force: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-Force_(film)
Skip to the plot portion. FBI program about to be eliminated, microchips in all home devices turned into killing devices around the world. Character named Yanshu, Chinese for “mole.”
I've never been one of the "latest and greatest" buyers. I let others buy the new stuff way before I do, I let others guinea pig new devices.
They're putting explosives in our pagers and it's turning the frogs gay
They're putting frogs in our explosions, and it's making the pagers ghey.
the only thing of question I own is my phone. which can be remedied very quick.
Seems like a poor business model. You want to keep customers alive and paying.
Should be a class action lawsuit against the pager manufacturer. It would start digging into how the whole thing happened and who's responsible. If Motorola or who ever was hacked then we need to know.
How is a cellphone supposed to detonate exactly? You’re saying they’re all designed to be capable to do so already?? Lmfao
How stupid is this post Op. are you insinuating my iPhone has explosives in it? Ffs the idiocy.
Go drop lithium ion batteries in water and report back with your findings.
Follow up with overheating a lithium ion battery to the point the protective casing melts and vents. Report back with your findings.
It's not "explosives" in your phone. It's the materials in your phone that under the right conditions, can explode or combust.
Why is something idiotic if you can't understand how it works?
A few things here:
-I'm assuming this post is in reference to the pagers exploding in Lebanon and Syria. If so, would be good to reference that for people unfamiliar with the story.
-Those pagers were almost certainly not stock devices. Israel likely made changes to them at some point in the supply chain, inserting a small amount of explosive material.
-While it is not difficult for someone with privileged access to many battery powered devices to initiate a battery cook-off, the result is far slower and far less explosive than the pagers overseas.
-Most importantly, there's enough for people to worry about in this world without driving them into a paranoid frenzy that their Roomba is going to blow up Fido.
We all compartmentalize what we know of the REAL world from the phony, concocted world that we're forced to spend much of our time in, and that's difficult enough already. There are risks we accept in part simply because we have to be able to function in those two worlds. Looking at every device as a bomb is not only factually incorrect, it's a useless endeavor that causes more harm than help.
Nah. Lithium Ion batteries had to specifically be designed and to meet regulations to not cause a dangerous explosion. Which is why they are allowed on airplanes. Laptops are allowed on airplanes and they are supplied with much larger capacity batteries than your cellphone. You might some burns but you'll be fine.
If any electronic device could be a remotely detonated bomb, why is the TSA allowing them onboard?
If the TSA isn't prohibiting them, then what do we need the TSA for?
Cuz jobs.
Not to mention that your refrigerators, ovens, t.v.s, cars, phones, robot vacuums, robot lawnmowers all have chips that can control your movements, actions and lives.
Don’t forget the the time bomb COVID JAB
Why is no one asking the most important "first" question? Were these devices using lithium batters. I think there is evidence that these pager devices were using old fashion AAA batteries.
I love it when a self-proclaimed expert calls another commenter stupid for claiming lithium batteries are exploding. "You're any idiot, you don't even understand how these batteries work", is their charge, as though they know anymore than they have read from other sources.
Get off of you "I'm smarter than you" high horse. It's usually the one that claims to know it all that is the most unimaginative to somethings potential.
This is a sticky? Just lame. Way to try and reach with this jump. No way is this even close to the real world. Yes Big tech is an issue... no they cannot do any of that shit mentioned.
sticky to roast OP and remind others to use their heads b4 poasting
The issue isn't whether every device can now be made into a remote kill switch, it's that hijacking goods in the supply chain has now been validated as a tactic of war. We have outsourced our supply chain to an insane degree, with much of it being produced in China (a country we may very well be at war with sooner rather than later). Also, fuck israel in general.
Don't forget the electrical wire in your house can carry data from anything plugged in to the wall with a chip. If you’re plugged into the power grid, you’re logged into their network.
This is not even remotely true.
So for argument's sake, let's say your assertion is true.
What actionable steps should a person take?
Completely abstain from having a computer? At which point you're now off the digital battlefield in the fight for waking people up.
The NSA already captures all data traffic at every backbone facility in the Western world. If for whatever reason you've done something to get on their radar, they can already get into your computer via multiple backdoors at the OS and Hardware level.
We are forced to live knowing that we have very little privacy. There's little things you can do to improve that privacy, but we have to accept that fact for right now rather than live in a state of constant paranoia. It's why we need to work to enlighten the sleeping idiots out there so we can get back to a government and intel community that isn't spying on every single American and European.
Filter at your smart meter was the solution about 10+ years ago. Have not looked into it for a while.
user name checks out.....
Thought you guys may know about PLC. Guess not……