I'm seeing the outrage reaction from anons and others that this act is supposed to evoke.
Think about all the absolutely stupid moves the Democrats and RINOs are making right now. No politician in their right mind would make those moves. So why are we seeing it happen?
It is part of the movie. The sheeple have to wake the fuck up no matter what it takes to get there or we don't have a country.
It is crunch time, and we are standing at the precipice
As a person who has a friend about to be deployed, please take off your "it's a movie" blinder and see things for what they are. I might lose a friend here, in real life.
There will come a point, in which the police and military say fuck this, my family is more important, and then abandon their duties en masse. That is when SHTF for real.
There comes a time in every military member's life when they just have to do the right thing and accept the njp. The greatest marine that ever lived had multiple.
Good moral conduct controls the greater man, laws and rules control the lesser.
Israel since it's founding has had a veritable river of our tax dollars fund their government and other enterprises. This country has an intelligence empire that starts conflicts and a tax base to fund this mayhem. Duel citizens have ensured that this is an institution without accountability. And they just rubbed our faces in it with a CR before leaving to get themselves reelected.
Horrible! Thanks for posting.
I heard that the purpose of the HAARP hurricane is to clear out NC so they can strip lithium from the land at a great profit to themselves.
Has anyone else heard this?
If they need homeowners to die or to never return, that would explain why they will not allow the military to enter. Same playbook as in Lahaina.
And the State/County level Emergency Management Agencies are apparently telling Volunteers to leave and turning away Donations. And aren’t really communicating with Municipal Governments.
At this point I’m becoming more and more confident that everyone involved in the command and control of the Emergency Response at the County and State level Needs to at minimum be fired and barred from Government employment of any sort.
And frankly that operational control should have gone to US North Com. Once it became clear that County and State Level Agencies weren’t handling anything
State level may be complicit, but I think county level offices turning away donations is misinformation -- The counties hit hardest by the hurricane are probably not physically capable of receiving donations due to service outages and damage to infrastructure, since County funding is handled by either a County Treasurer or a Tax Commissioner per county. If the offices that handle these transactions are out of service, there's not much that can be done monetarily.
Volunteers may be getting turned away because of the dangers of ongoing flooding, impassable roadways, mobile debris, potential mudslides, and damaged power lines. There are a lot of dangers in disaster relief that the 5000 or so professional technicians and other responders are trained to handle or avoid that most well-meaning Samaritans simply aren't equipped for.
County level agencies absolutely ARE handling things -- there are linemen up here in WNC who have been sent from all the way from City of New Bern, who have come from the east coast of the state to help with disaster relief.
If you want to lay blame on any government agency, I believe you should direct your anger onto the National Weather Service. By the time the first messages about Flash Flood watches and warnings started appearing for the Piedmont counties, the mountains were already severely flooded -- The NWS had two days in advance that they could have advised evacuation, even in the mountains, and DID NOT DO SO.
Deliberate by this uncaring government. Conservative states were targeted to: 1) punish for daring to support DJT, 2). Interfere with the election-have people so focused on loss of homes, lives and possessions to not vote.
He believed the chief was from somewhere in Michigan.
“I told him my background experience, law enforcement, firefighting, and pilot and he immediately started helping with coordination. He gave me radio frequencies to coordinate with them on, set up a landing area for me to come back with the other victim, and just basically started the rescue efforts; the policies and procedures that you would take coordinating with someone from an outside source or outside agency. And in the middle of the whole conversation and them blocking the road off, I was greeted by the – at that time I didn’t know – but the Lake Lure fire chief, or assistant chief, maybe. And he shut down the whole operation.”.....“I’m going back and getting my copilot. He said, ‘If you turn around and go back up the mountain, you’re going to be arrested.’ I said, ‘Well, sir, I’m going back to get my copilot, I don’t know what to tell you.'”
It's near the end of my buddy's enlistment and the retention office told him he might as well reenlist and get the bonus before they stop-gaped him. He hasn't done it but I think he's still got 3 months so we're worried.
Getting out isn't as easy as quitting walmart. And even if you are able to leave they can force you to stay.
If this is such a big deal, I fully expect the individual to make his own choice to help or not. The “higher ups” cop out is tired. I have given my subordinates direct orders to attend to their families if needed.
But…. I think the bigger deal here is that the 82nd is on immediate recall, as inferred by the post. That would be standard to not allow volunteer work or even to attend to family if activation is imminent. Unfortunately we may have boots on the ground in short order if this is the case. Will be wild.
I'm intimately aware of what immediate recall means, my point was that there are always units on GRF (the whole point of which is to react to surprises around the globe), and that alone is no reason to expect to see 'boots on ground' anywhere.
If unit commanders aren’t allowing members to tend to their families or take leave to volunteer in state…. alert time is likely reduced from a general “always ready” posture.
GRF isn't the general readiness posture, it's when your shit is packed and you need to be able to report to your unit within 4 hrs sober. Most units cycle through this 'on call' status for a month or so at a time. It's like CQ or Staff Duty but longer and gayer.
So wtf are you arguing against my post about? It’s pretty obvious being on a higher alert level doesn’t mean you are definitely going anywhere, but it also means the probability you are heading out has increased.
Like being on Alert 5 sitting on the cat ready to launch…. Doesn’t mean you are going but there is a higher likelihood than sitting in your stateroom.
Unfortunately we may have boots on the ground in short order if this is the case. Will be wild.
It seemed like you were saying that the 82nd being on GRF meant that there was a plan to send them somewhere. I was just saying that that isn't necessarily the case.
Realize where we are right now that soldiers will follow orders to ignore saving their own families and sacrifice themselves in the middle east instead.
I'm seeing the outrage reaction from anons and others that this act is supposed to evoke.
Think about all the absolutely stupid moves the Democrats and RINOs are making right now. No politician in their right mind would make those moves. So why are we seeing it happen?
It is part of the movie. The sheeple have to wake the fuck up no matter what it takes to get there or we don't have a country.
It is crunch time, and we are standing at the precipice
As a person who has a friend about to be deployed, please take off your "it's a movie" blinder and see things for what they are. I might lose a friend here, in real life.
You think people don't die in this movie? Wake up, people are dying every day in this movie. Millions died in the covid act alone.
Always been a weak response, and still a weak response.
Are missiles really flying? Who’s telling us they are? MSM? How do we know that’s true? I’ll stick with the movie narrative until I see otherwise.
A ton of different video angles, that's pretty difficult to fake. Unless you are in on Blue Beam, I guess, in which case carry on.
downvoted because someone wants to actually see with their own eyes ?
Yes. The sheer absurdity of what's going on with this administration proves it's a movie..
There will come a point, in which the police and military say fuck this, my family is more important, and then abandon their duties en masse. That is when SHTF for real.
There comes a time in every military member's life when they just have to do the right thing and accept the njp. The greatest marine that ever lived had multiple.
Good moral conduct controls the greater man, laws and rules control the lesser.
UA I wanna go-oh, but they won't let me go-oh, ho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ome!
I’m sure Congress is also sending a few more billion to Iran and Ukraine.
Israel since it's founding has had a veritable river of our tax dollars fund their government and other enterprises. This country has an intelligence empire that starts conflicts and a tax base to fund this mayhem. Duel citizens have ensured that this is an institution without accountability. And they just rubbed our faces in it with a CR before leaving to get themselves reelected.
Just when you think this country can’t be more fucked…
America and American first. Drop everything and help rescue, clean up and rebuild.
Someone really did set us up the bomb it seems.
Horrible! Thanks for posting. I heard that the purpose of the HAARP hurricane is to clear out NC so they can strip lithium from the land at a great profit to themselves.
Has anyone else heard this?
If they need homeowners to die or to never return, that would explain why they will not allow the military to enter. Same playbook as in Lahaina.
You heard right. There's also oodles and oodles of lithium in Ukraine too. . . .
Oh. I knew they were stripping Ukraine of minerals, but I didn't know which ones. Thanks.
And the State/County level Emergency Management Agencies are apparently telling Volunteers to leave and turning away Donations. And aren’t really communicating with Municipal Governments.
At this point I’m becoming more and more confident that everyone involved in the command and control of the Emergency Response at the County and State level Needs to at minimum be fired and barred from Government employment of any sort.
And frankly that operational control should have gone to US North Com. Once it became clear that County and State Level Agencies weren’t handling anything
State level may be complicit, but I think county level offices turning away donations is misinformation -- The counties hit hardest by the hurricane are probably not physically capable of receiving donations due to service outages and damage to infrastructure, since County funding is handled by either a County Treasurer or a Tax Commissioner per county. If the offices that handle these transactions are out of service, there's not much that can be done monetarily.
Volunteers may be getting turned away because of the dangers of ongoing flooding, impassable roadways, mobile debris, potential mudslides, and damaged power lines. There are a lot of dangers in disaster relief that the 5000 or so professional technicians and other responders are trained to handle or avoid that most well-meaning Samaritans simply aren't equipped for.
County level agencies absolutely ARE handling things -- there are linemen up here in WNC who have been sent from all the way from City of New Bern, who have come from the east coast of the state to help with disaster relief.
If you want to lay blame on any government agency, I believe you should direct your anger onto the National Weather Service. By the time the first messages about Flash Flood watches and warnings started appearing for the Piedmont counties, the mountains were already severely flooded -- The NWS had two days in advance that they could have advised evacuation, even in the mountains, and DID NOT DO SO.
Deliberate by this uncaring government. Conservative states were targeted to: 1) punish for daring to support DJT, 2). Interfere with the election-have people so focused on loss of homes, lives and possessions to not vote.
who read this and turns into a sailor swearing all kinds of words at the injustice and they don't even care if you think they're POS.
Service members are government property and as such, our government is showing their asses.
FAMILY > Military Industrial Complex
..https://www.qcnews.com/news/investigations/sc-pilot-flying-volunteer-supply-and-rescue-missions-ordered-out-of-lake-lure-under-arrest-threat/ it's a freaking joke !! Check this story out.. “Once we landed where emergency personnel were, I was met by a fire chief or maybe a captain, and he asked me who I was. I told him who I was, who I was with, just a local volunteer,” Seidhom said. The man was from an out-of-state fire department who’d traveled to N.C. to help in the rescue efforts, Seidhom said.
He believed the chief was from somewhere in Michigan.
“I told him my background experience, law enforcement, firefighting, and pilot and he immediately started helping with coordination. He gave me radio frequencies to coordinate with them on, set up a landing area for me to come back with the other victim, and just basically started the rescue efforts; the policies and procedures that you would take coordinating with someone from an outside source or outside agency. And in the middle of the whole conversation and them blocking the road off, I was greeted by the – at that time I didn’t know – but the Lake Lure fire chief, or assistant chief, maybe. And he shut down the whole operation.”.....“I’m going back and getting my copilot. He said, ‘If you turn around and go back up the mountain, you’re going to be arrested.’ I said, ‘Well, sir, I’m going back to get my copilot, I don’t know what to tell you.'”
peak 2024 energy
Quit the military and get a job rebuilding western NC. There will be plenty is work for years to come.
You can't just quit the military like that. If you desert, you will go to prison.
It's near the end of my buddy's enlistment and the retention office told him he might as well reenlist and get the bonus before they stop-gaped him. He hasn't done it but I think he's still got 3 months so we're worried.
Getting out isn't as easy as quitting walmart. And even if you are able to leave they can force you to stay.
If this is such a big deal, I fully expect the individual to make his own choice to help or not. The “higher ups” cop out is tired. I have given my subordinates direct orders to attend to their families if needed.
But…. I think the bigger deal here is that the 82nd is on immediate recall, as inferred by the post. That would be standard to not allow volunteer work or even to attend to family if activation is imminent. Unfortunately we may have boots on the ground in short order if this is the case. Will be wild.
GRF doesn't mean that there's a planned deployment, they're just the ones on call in case anything pops off.
That’s what “immediate recall” means bruh
I'm intimately aware of what immediate recall means, my point was that there are always units on GRF (the whole point of which is to react to surprises around the globe), and that alone is no reason to expect to see 'boots on ground' anywhere.
If unit commanders aren’t allowing members to tend to their families or take leave to volunteer in state…. alert time is likely reduced from a general “always ready” posture.
GRF isn't the general readiness posture, it's when your shit is packed and you need to be able to report to your unit within 4 hrs sober. Most units cycle through this 'on call' status for a month or so at a time. It's like CQ or Staff Duty but longer and gayer.
So wtf are you arguing against my post about? It’s pretty obvious being on a higher alert level doesn’t mean you are definitely going anywhere, but it also means the probability you are heading out has increased.
Like being on Alert 5 sitting on the cat ready to launch…. Doesn’t mean you are going but there is a higher likelihood than sitting in your stateroom.
It seemed like you were saying that the 82nd being on GRF meant that there was a plan to send them somewhere. I was just saying that that isn't necessarily the case.
Hurry the fuck up november
You can go anywhere on QRF, they tell you that before hand.
That's when I would go UA/AWOL.
Realize where we are right now that soldiers will follow orders to ignore saving their own families and sacrifice themselves in the middle east instead.
We as a Nation DOES NOT HAVE A GOVERNMENT we have a ONE WORLD CABAL. Prove me wrong