This a bit wild but give it a chance, my wife and I just connected some dots...
The above link states the Whitehouse and 33 other Satanic sites will be blown up in unison.
May I direct your attention to this clip from V for Vendetta(which by the way is 1:52 long, or 1:(5+2=)7.
In the above clip you can see a few things.
"It is to Madame Justice that we dedicate this concerto."
"Defend the children of the poor and punish the wrongdoer."
A town under lockdown/curfew, almost 20 years ago.
The song being played: by a man name Tchaikovsky
"The piece commemorates Russia's successful defense against the French invasion of the nation in 1812.
Commemoration of the 1812 Russian defense against Napoleon's invading Grande Armée"
Defense against who? Napolean. Lets take a look at this Napolean character:
Nice Masonic pose there Napolean!
BONUS tinfoil if you like that kind of stuff:
Would love some extra eyes on this, I think we have made some connections here.
Edit: Adding list of "34 satanic sites in the world":
I cant verify any of the above as true or real information I just tried connecting some dots...feel free to poke holes wherever
I don't think you need 33 satanic-masonic buildings blowing up on the same day to come to the conclusion that voting early is a good idea.
I think antifa disruptions, pro-palestinian protester disruptions, sudden power failure and "muh voting machine is down" problems, are far more likely.
"Do it as soon as you can" is reasonable advice.
Turnout will be huge,voting early shortens the lines.
EH. I appreciate the discussion (and the datefagging)
but ultimately, we don't need to overcomplicate it.
get out there early, because the boss said so.
That's what I did, although I have some misgivings about early ballots possibly being changed or replaced.
Majic Eyes Qnly connects to and talks a lot about this in his video from 2 weeks ago. Very interesting.
Thank for paying attention, I watch all his videos including series 9 and I believed what he’s saying too. Most people aren’t doing any research whatsoever, the Q board tells us what’s happening.
Yes it does, but Majic is going much deeper on “how” the info got to Q. That’s the awesome time jumping thing to think about.
So whenever I watch the first part of that I just wonder is how all that comes to be. Do you think a human laid all that out and the footnote number equals the Gemetria number and those total up to relate to the area code of Washington DC and back to the post number and just all this craziness or do we think God just made everything all fall in place and we get to sit back and see all the connections? Because I don’t see any way anyone can go through and make all those connections and have it makes sense and all fall into place.
Unless someone was able to tell someone back in time exactly what needed to be known to message to Anons or people like Majic. It is a verifiable code, and these symbols are in the original movies. So how this all got done back then to be seen now, is the billion dollar time jump question. I have a theory outside of Remote Viewing and Project Looking Glass, based on Christ or God himself providing the information. But I can’t prove mine…..yet.
God is showing us more and more truths every day, your theory is 100% provable to those that are blessed to receive the direct conversations. Also this internet is tied into everything somehow, I am sure of it. Knowledge is abundant, if you know where to look.
If you’ve ever read my theory, it would bring more to light possibly. Let me know and I’ll link it here.
link it! interesting downdoots
It needs current/more up to date revision, as I’ve learned to much more since this 2nd edit. But it still gets a theoretical point across to how this is possibly all happening.
If you’ve ever read my theory, it would bring more to light possibly. Let me know and I’ll link it here.
ME really pulls some stuff out of the hat. I have little doubt the guy knows what he's talking about and I can follow and interpret most of it, but to send a link of one of his videos to most folks at times seems detrimental to our cause as there's such a huge gap between what the general populace knows and can fathom to what ME can explain.
But oh yeah, I'm getting a V for Vendetta video. Somewhere in the last three years I came across a map showing how DC was laid out way back when and how it matches to some of the Loserfer connections. Pretty decent odds there will be stuff happening there involving a MythBusters segment on how to remove cement from inside a mixer truck.
Look for the Owl that is made up around the White House. And Juan O’Savin does an entire video on how DC is laid out by the Masons which the layout turns out to be luciferian and mocking God. So we are unsure of if the founding fathers knew this or not because, you can only make out the certain objects from the air. And they did not have air power back then
Yeah, I've caught some of that map layout in items stored away for a personal "past proves future" project. Recorded hot air ballooning goes back to France in 1783, so conceivably they had the foresight to lay out DC for something big you could recognize from higher up. If you make a jump to "alien influence" in our history, that would explain a lot as well.
I know someone "in the know" that recognizes some of this going back to Egyptian BC stuff that GAW mentions here and there. We've been lied to SOOO much.
My Commander in Chief (Supreme Allied Commander, actually) asked us to vote early.
That's exactly what this household is going to do. In person , on the designated day in our state. End of story.
The idea that there's any more chance of rigging than on 11/5 is debatable. In fact, some say it's even less likely.
Unlikely this is gonna happen,
If it did, it would wake up EVERYONE
All Trump would have to do is say terrorists from Anitifa/MS13 cartels did it.
This is very likely to happen and the election is delayed for a few months while the Military arrest the deep states publicly….everything was video taped and will be showed to the public. Democrats will lose all 50 states because the military will conduct the election and eliminate their voter fraud operation which probably account for 50% of their votes. NCSWIC!
I like this scenario much better.
yh and the media regime will say it was far right MAGA christofascists etc. Media has way more sway than Trump over the brainded sheep masses
I second RandomNumber's thoughts about how a lot of strategic smaller disruptions could produce more widespread chaos and violently intimidate voters.
FWIW, Julie Green has mentioned many specific DC and other national monuments will come down, and a number of prophets have talked about how it all will change in a single day.
The same Julie Green who "prophecied" that Prince Charles would never get the crown (among many other things that turned out to be false)?
Deuteronomy 18:22, King James Version:
"When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."
A true prophet is correct 100% of the time. Any other percentage is just luck and reasonable guessing.
100%? This is based on....(??).
It's a pretty tough crew here as apparently a lot of good people have been taken for a ride the past 100+ years from people we trusted. I'm simply looking to establish where it was determined a "true prophet is correct 100% of the time."
The same. If he really got the crown, then she is a false prophet. If it was a mass head fake, like the Biden fake inauguration, it could yet be proven true. (I haven't done a deep dive on the coronation to make that determination, but I am open to that possibility.)
Curious: do you have other items where her statements are provably false? I'd be interested in reviewing them.
Here are some more:
How do you know that it really IS the crown?
I bet she didn’t prophecy properly to begin with in her videos…
I remember hearing something a couple times well over a year ago about our capital moving to another city. Vaguely maybe something too about the old WH being demolished. New start, new capital city, might be nice
heard the same, winter white house rings a bell.
Guy Fawks was a Catholic militant who attempted to blow up the Parliament after the Pagan, Queen Elizabeth I persecuted faithful that remained loyal to Rome, after years of persecution in the former Catholic land.
The American revolution was a revolution against Protestant Christian Monarchy. Monarchy remained intact & many founders were of Nobel pedegre.
French Revolution was revolution against Catholic Monarchy & the Freemasons double-crossed & successfully executed their former ally.
The Bolshevik Communist revolution was a revolution against Orthodox Christian Monarchy.
I find it interesting that the only “Christian” monarchy to come out of the centuries long Judeo-Masonic revolution, has been the British-Masonic Royals that rub elbows with Jeff Epstein & Jimmy Savile.
Ummmmm. Some of those sites in the last link have already been destroyed. Georgia guidestones and playboy mansion. The mansion was destroyed likely to cover evidence of the Honeypot Intel ops being carried out there. Several of those sites also have no apparent satanic agenda associated with them. Why would white house 1 and 2 be satanic? Notre Dame? Plenty of them we're familiar with, but a lot of those seem like wildcards without the proper explanation. Also, some things are missing. If masonry is satanic (or at least a lesser form/gateway to satanism) why wouldn't the IRS building be on there for example? Just food for thought.......64,000 tons of amm0nium n1trate did go missing off of GPS tracked rail cars with no explanation and..... Wouldn't you know, all these Arab terror groups created by USA/1srea1 specialize in making big booms out of this material.......
Yeah, it’s hard to see why Notre Dame…
Is that the real Julian Assange???
Question I came to ask also, and is he on social media?
Looks like someone skipped the “Discernment and Critical Thinking for Marines” MCI, eh? 🫡
Nah the njp and page 11's let them know no matter what they wanted me to study, I was gonna ask questions and think for myself.
I also have zero social media so my question was genuine.
You can't even spell "Napoleon", who is what my username is based on.
Thank you for the correction. I honestly thought I knew how to spell his name haha.
What is the username about?
They are the surnames of two of my favorite Marshals of his empire. Davout never lost a battle and Ney was a certified badass. To get a nutshell version, read about his performance in the 1812 Russian campaign and how he managed to get his battered corps through cossacks and back to the main army.
Vote early! But nothing is going to blow up 😉
Good grief almost half of those sites are in the United States.
This is kinda trippy re: rumors of the WH getting blown up (although without a direct link to a verified/check mark "Julian Assange" social media account showing that specific online post, I don't believe that message actually came from him, much less on that date).
What's trippy to me is ever since Pres. Trump's Jan. 2021 DC departure, I've had visions and dreams many times that the WH gets blown to smithereens. No clue why - it's just this recurring image in my head that I see happening. There's no frame of reference as to event timing or even who is in office at the time - all I really see is the whole place being leveled.
In each vision/dream, it looks like some kind of military-level mass explosion (maybe a missile or something) that is blamed on some foreign 'boogeyman of the day' but who isn't the actual perpetrator. And what else is odd about the scene I see is that I never get a clear sense of whether 'good guys' or 'bad guys' are the ones who did it. In my visions/dreams about this, Trump is never IN there when the explosion occurs, by the way (important to note).
Anyway, just thought I'd share that. Wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar - maybe some type of 'collective consciousness' awareness re: pre-cog info possibly??
This is LARP
Maybe they are information bombs instead of physical? Im with you on the likelyhood of it being a LARP as well...just thought the V for Vendetta connections were interesting.
I live in a blue city where probably 80% of the people voting at my polling location will be libshits so unless they are going to make it so all the libs can’t vote I figure I’ll be safe to vote on the 5th.
Or vote early like every single person in Trumps world is telling us to do. u/#mikeyep
Is there a guarantee that your polling place will be open on election day? If it is open, is there a guarantee that the machines will be operating correctly?
Because, in Maricopa County, all the dems voted early, and when the republicans showed up to vote on election day for Kari Lake, all of the machines were down, delayed, miscalibrated, and election day voters were disenfranchised.