'We must not publish a study that says we're harming children because people who say we're harming children will use the study as evidence that we're harming children, which might make it difficult for us to continue harming children.' @JK_Rowling
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Un Fucking Real. Literal fucking demons walk amongst us. Opponents of the "care"? No, opponents of the crimes against children.
i can't hate them enough.
The other fun one is when they publish the study, but then gaslight against it with all public statements, intentionally denying it or taking it out of context.
I have a lengthy post here about how the NIH has proven a ton of negative aspects of vaccines in formal studies, but then continue to get up on stage and promote vaccines and advocate mandatory vaccine schedules.
Go back to hell, demons.
The medical community is not in the business to promote health. The majority of physicians, NP’s, PA’s and nurses are dumb ignoramuses, who practice medicine like robots and are not free thinkers. As long as the money keeps flowing in, they will turn a blind eye to the reality that they are just putting a band aid on the problem, courtesy of Big Pharma. The consumer, as long as they get a prescription, think the doctor is God. No one ever asks: “What is the root cause?” “How do we fix this without long term medication?” “Is medication what is really needed, or diet change, better food, exercise, sunshine, environmental change?”
and they've lost their bedside manners. they are rude and act like you are an interruption to their day.
I actually had an allergist act like this to me.
10 years ago another allergist did the skin test and found 8 things I'm allergic to. I moved cities and didn't finish the allergy shot treatments.
I decide to see a new allergist here, and he was acting like we're wasting our time, and after the skin test tried to say I wasn't allergic to anything and suggested a nasal spray (I've tried them all and they are all useless)
Fuck doctors. Useless BigPharm salesmen.
Be careful with allergy medications like that. They give us these shots, and we stop “being allergic” to some things.
Like with “cold and sinus” meds, shutting down the symptoms can have bad long term results.
Better to learn what it is and how to take things to proactively detox from it, if that’s not what you’re doing.
I know some people who took a lot of allergy shots, then developed chronic disease later. No conclusive proof that they were the cause, but I’m keeping an eye out. Look up “terrain theory” - the symptoms are most likely our trying to get rid of toxins. I’ve had good results vs allergies by just taking some dandelion extract.
Iunno. I'm being more and more against meds and vaccinations, but allergy shots simply give you a constant (and increasing) allergy so your body gets over it.
Since the shots have nothing but the exact allergens you are allergic to (and no rna and other vaccine shit) I'd be far more likely to restart allergy shots to make my body accustomed to the allergens. But the dipshit doc didn't seem to care and threw a pharma spray at me, which did nothing but cost me money for something I'm trashing
I got allergy shots years ago. Was a good reason to get out of work early on a Friday. Now no way. Netti pot, mullein and saline spray. And I’m good to go. All 100% natural and work like a charm.
Meh, I have a netti pot and tried it many times and it doesn't do shit. Especially when my sinuses are clogged, no liquids will go in so that doesn't even work.
I've tried everything. Once an "attack" is triggered, it just has to run it's course. 2-4 days of insane sneezing, holding head over a garbage can because I'm literally dripping clear liquid every 5 seconds, all I can do is take the small red pseudoephedrine pills, and put a towel on my pillow so I don't leak at night.
Everything else you listed is woowoo hippy stuff. Salt water is useless against an actual histamine attack. I would try getting the shots again (they are nothing but saline AND precise doses of the exact allergens that trigger you, and constantly given until your body gets used to the allergen)
They aren't anything like a vaccine or rna Covid shit
Lol. Woowoo hippy shit. Well it works for my wife and I. Add a humidifier at night and clean the house regularly.
Choices have consequences. Good luck.
I mean my mom always gave me that woowoo hippy shit, and taking zicam zinc nasal spray literally killed off 95% of my sense of smell and taste. They had a huge lawsuit a while back but I missed it .
That holistic nasal shit literally ruined my taste and smell senses. And just salt water doesn't do fuckall. Especially when my sinuses are so packed and inflamed that clear liquid drips out my nose so bad I have to hold my head over a trash can. Netti pot is again, like giving a child's aspirin for someone who gets shot in the knee.
They can test for allergies with blood now.
Opposite of you, an Rx nose spray works fantastic for me.
Blood was an option but we went with instant prick test.
I've tried all versions of OTC and Rx nasal sprays. They are like giving childs aspirin for a severely broken leg. Absolutely useless. Or like giving the Pfizer shots for Covid. Useless.
I get allergy attacks that I've dealt with for 20 years or more and nothing has stopped them. Living in the dessert kinda helped but then I was allergic to new shit in the outdoors .
Sheer curiosity: were you ever in the military?
Reason I ask is because I never had allergies until I joined. The barrage of shots, the the yearly flu shot was the cause. My allergies were so bad I had to take a literal handful of pills just to function but ended up making me a walking zombie at certain times of the year. Added to that, the mandatory flu shots gave me violent flu within 10 days of getting it....for 24 years straight.
I retired in 2012, said no more fuckin shots of ANYTHING. Result: my severe allergies have reduced to mere inconvenience once a year and haven't had a cold or flu ever since.
Nope. And I only took ONE flu vax in 2006 or so and got the sickest I've ever been and swore off unnecessary vaccines .
My sinus attacks happen I guess when certain pollens are over a certain threshold and then once the attack is triggered, nothing can stop it. It's 2-4 days of the exact same "attack" every single time.
Having bedroom windows open when pine trees outside are releasing pollen? Boom 1 week long attack. No windows open? Usually won't get attacks more than once or twice a year.
No doctor, allergist, ENT, etc have ever solved my obnoxious attacks. Hate this shit
Ugh, that's rough dude. Pine pollen, however, messes up just about everyone when the trees are in thier pollination period. Covers everything in that yellow sticky pollen.
I had my very first battery of tests done with hypodermics, probably before the white sticks came out. Even though I was a kid, I think I was passed the age of going ape shit over needles, but it was 10 of those in each forearm, for 20 total. I was crying a little after it.
Have you tried flucanistone azelastine? That's what I use.
Something like this happened to me. Nobody could figure out why my eyes were just beet red for no reason. Went to the allergist, got tested, and then they signed me up for whatever it was, weekly or monthly shots. Eyes were still red so I saw another eye doctor who sent me to a cornea specialist. Cornea specialist said my eyes were "dry and pissed off". Turns out dry, red eyes are just another fun but obscure sign of menopause. I stopped those stupid shots. Now I look back and remember that waiting room full of people waiting to get shot up with God knows what and it pisses me off.
Have you had the ALCAT panels? They test for food, chemicals, and environmental allergens. I had them a long time ago and besides actual allergies, they even picked up sensitivities -- things that I could only have in moderation. They're very comprehensive tests.
I have not, but I've been meaning to figure out what my food allergies are as milk and cheese and wheat always makes me phlegmy and cough after eating, it's so obnoxious.
Only external allergy panels I've done. After moass and I got free money and time I'll go get that food allergy test
Their goal is not to heal (and forever lose a patient)
But to create a perpetual customer.
Which bothers me because my daughter really wants to go to med school.
She wants to help people and be a neurologist but I'm afraid of what med school will shove down her throat.
Reminds me of this circlejerk:
Jack Thompson: "Video games are making people violent!"
Some military guy citing Jack Thompson: "Video games are making people violent!"
Jack Thompson: "The military says video games are making people violent!"
It's like how they say "Oh we cannot publish that 90% of rapes in Sweden are by african and middle eastern migrants, otherwise the far-right will say migrants are raping Swedes, and we cannot hand them a victory"
"We cannot publish that 67% of UK Muslims are claiming state funding and do not work, otherwise the far right will use it to say it's not worth having them here"
"We cannot publish that the vaccine doesn't work and has maimed 17million people otherwise the far right will persuade people not to take them!"
It is just so INSANE.
Spot on. heavy sigh
Yes, Vapourface, that's an excellent capsule summary.
Posts like this make me wanna upvote and downvote at the same time. Multiple times each way.
Exposing lies and telling the truth.
has become:
Weaponizing truth against lies.
Morning C5.....I beat you to this one...😉🙂😎
Ooohhh...some C4 on C5. 💥
Kek, you tell him!
Lol...AND its stickied....🤣😎
Adding insult to injury!
We should teach children that
every fuckin damn thing is political.
Better late than never.
Imagine being surprised to find out lopping off body parts doesn’t improve mental health related to “body distress.”
take a look at any tranny... they are not happy.. .they are miserable with themselves and their life's choices... they're messed up people... thanks to parenting and education... and social media....
Possible shortened title "We decided to keep harming kids rather than give our political opponents an edge"
"Gender distress." Is there no end to the neologisms the left will invent to make their insanity palatable to the masses?
"...the care."
I can't think of anything less like care.