225 Jen Rubin deleted tweet (media.greatawakening.win) 🤢 These people are sick! 🤮 posted 3 months ago by DenisPat 3 months ago by DenisPat +225 / -0 58 comments download share 58 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Liberal cunt
I Love a summing up that is both succinct and accurate. Well played.
Short and to the point.
And when a women uses that term it has a heightened power.
I don’t like that word but sometimes I just can’t keep my thoughts to myself.
My wife doesnt either so if she used it its power is greater than if I did.
#Believe all women - they are almost always crazy!
I'm a woman and I agree with 100% Westiemom!
Ahem. She's a Republican.
Ok I laughed. :)
Ugly in face, ugly in spirit.
C U Next Tuesday! Oh shit, that's tomorrow!!
Who is she?
What a Cohen-cidence.
Always happens to be a...
Oy vey!
you failed your (((notice)))) check, must've rolled a 1 on a D20. Sorry bro.
WaPo opinion columnist
Thanks DRan! Hope she loses the 2 readers that follow her... this is the WaPo after all
Never heard of her but she had an ugly spirit and no heart. Karma's coming for her.
Typical butt ugly liberal cunt. Should I delete this?
What is wrong with these people? Honest question.
They are children of their father. I would expect no more from the devil.
I wish more people understood this.
These people are sick.
Do MAGA cats deserve to die? Dogs? Children? Supporters? What an evil human being.
MAGA cats never die, they just dance.
Frogs too..
...and vibe, all throughout their 9 lives...
Why is he a MAGA squirrel?
It dipped its nuts in a liberals' latte
So... D's nuts?
I guess because MAGA people have kind hearts
Cause MAGA people have a heart and are pissed about the situation, versus the left who are just a bunch of sick demons.
i guess they'll all commit mass suicide on inauguration day, or just unintentionally drink themselves to death
(((Every time)))
Is that even "her" real name?
Too late. Already saw it.
These people are an existential threat to our lives. They must be locked up.
Can we give her kneecaps the same treatment?
Always some dyke from the tribe!!
And just like that, she spoke internment camps into existence - we can no longer exist peacefully with these mental defects...
Hope she gets cancelled into Hell.
Lefty bitch needs about 4 more boosters.
How did she know it was MAGA?
I guess because MAGA people have kind hearts
Isn't that the honest truth?
Absolutely GG!
Every. Damned. Time.
Somebody told her to shut it down
Why are these Democrat Communist men so angry?
Actually that ugly man-looking cunt needs put down. If i looked that ugly I'd jump in front of a semi.
The squirrel made Jen fearful for her life, because she is a NUT.
Drunk texting again Jen?
Jen is a very ugly woman inside and out NeverTrump, pro-democracy opinion writer at @WashingtonPost , MSNBC contributor. And: http://podcasts.apple.com/us/podc and JenRubin9 at Threads Washington DCwashingtonpost.com/people/jennife… https://x.com/jrubinblogger?lang=en
Pfizer and Moderna should've put more mRNA and less saline in the jabs. So many problems would've solved themselves by now.
Dave Rubin of the Rubin Report. Has said several times that he's not related. Just because of his last name.