We know that there was election fraud in 2020 and 2024 and the dem vote counts were inflated (just my hunch). Even still, at least 50 million voted democrat for real.
That means that way too many people don't understand the deep state's presence, nor do they understand the cabal.
And THAT means that if Trump actually pursues justice, too many people (including weak repubs) will think he is being tyranical and the country will remain divided (I.e., unawakened).
Additionally, WH's need to expose the MSM once and for all, and rein in the talking heads from continually fueling division. Watching the broken libtards implode is entertaining, but they are not the majority of dems. Too many still hate Trump and simply think they lost the election.
And there are many repubs who don't even understand the deep state and cabal. Way too many Americans think this election was politics as usual. Yay, our guy won, now turn on the Tyson fight.
With the MSM fixed, and without the real storm and declass waking people up, we will be a divided country, and Trump will not be able to aggressively pursue his agenda with the backing of 94 percent of the population.
Basically, we're nowhere close to the awakening I expected.
That's my Sunday rant. I am still expecting the precipice... maybe this missle thing is the beginning.
I was able to halt the college’s indoctrination of my son back in 2017. he is now a red-blooded Patriot who is a teacher in a public school. He says every teacher in the high school (besides him and one other male teacher) is a flaming socialist calling for the death of Trump and all of his cabinet selections. It’s bad
I am glad for you! You saved youur son. He will turn them.
The entire education system pre-k to PhD is Marxist boot camp.
He cant declas all that u ntil he gets in on Jan 20.
u/#q854 u/#q862
Also the two posts with finding out what happened to Haiti will make D lose the “black vote”.
Very true
He can't declas until foreign players clean their assets. Like Canadian PM from 5eyes
"Basically, we're nowhere close to the awakening I expected."
Trump got record numbers of POC and even white women voters.
Precipice? I don't see no stinking precipice.
I agree, but that bar was pretty low, so a "record" is not necessarily impressive. At least 40 percent of voters chose Harris.
They would have voted for an ass with a D on the ballot.
You have a point. And it's the same point. What do these people need to see/experience?
Dems started losing the real Catholic / Christian vote with abortion. Dems are losing the working class of all races with inflation and unrestrained immigration.
We Americans are ALL idealists! We want everyone to be happy and prosperous.
I guess it has to hit them in their personal lives, where it hurts. Otherwise they will vote as "life long democrats" who used to claim to be for the working class; or life-long progressives who can think better of themselves for espousing disastrous policies, as long as they personally are OK . . .
A mugged democrat is a republican. They cannot long escape the results of their own policies. But of course we keep rescuing America! So they can stay deluded!
HA! Sad but true! We will still rescue America, despite their delusion!
I think you nailed it.
Actually, they did.
And they did.
They did.
I agree. I want it ALL put out there. I never agreed with Q's assessment that much must be hidden. That is BS. People MUST know or this will just happen again in another generation or two. Adults should be treated like adults and Americans have the right to know what is or has been going on with their country.
Absolutely. Thank you. The intelligence community, even the good guys, need to get over themselves. The truth is not your private property. And when they hide the truth from us, it is replaced by lies. Not a good look for the 'good' guys.
Then build more hospitals would be my response.
If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth. Even shitty, ugly, soul crushing truths.
The declass of crimes against children is the only thing that will wake those last 30%.
The thing is, it really won't. You don't understand what we're facing here apparently. What we are dealing with is a pandemic of narcissistic personality disorder. These people will never ever ever admit fault without twisting it around so that you are the bad guy. The only thing you can do is remove them. These people have no sense of right and wrong. I should know, I dated one of them. Even pedophilia is only reprehensible to them when they personally can make themselves look good at that particular Moment by condemning it. Nothing is off limits. There is no low that they will not sink to in order to avoid personal accountability. Attempting to get them to see the error of their ways is an exercise in futility. They will never agree to stop abusing us, we have to make them stop and they will scream and cry and play the victim and do everything that they possibly can to get their fucking way no matter what up to and including killing you. These people cannot exist in a civilized society. It's sad but they are simply broken.
I am talking about all those that voted for Harris that are Democrats. In Mississippi, I know people that have always voted Democrat. It didn't matter who was running, it was the party of the common man. They are oblivious to all the DS. These people follow CNN and MSNBC. I am not speaking of those of satanic cult. They are lost for sure. The 30% I speak of are just normal sheeple that have no clue of the evil running this country. When they see the depth of evil on CNN and MSNBC or other networks, I think they will finally wake up.
they'll still be virtue signalers trying to invent a new subversion of their ancestors
Something big has to happen before he is Inaugurated. Nothing hos DOJ or military will do as it stands now will be legitimate to the otherside, which currently exceeds the 4-6%.
I think that was 46 percent the - was a typo
Had to be intentional. The "-" is nowhere near the 4 & 6 on the keyboard. Plus it doesn't make sense that nearly half the country is lost forever. We know the Ds have lost a ton of support the last 4 years and the rig polls. Something must happen to win over or neutralize the minds of 20-30% of population between now and January 20th.
9/11 DECLAS would be a nice prelude
Part of me thinks the steal happening in PA may lead to Kamala trying to do a recount nationwide, and she wins, showing the world the big steal. And hopefully military steps in and exposes everything
Now THAT would require a dumptruck of popcorn.
You know musk is in talks to buy MSNBC and possibly CNN. By the time Trump is sworn in I am guessing their MSM talking p oints go down to almost 0.
By the way Kamala did not get 50 million votes. Take out 10 million illegals that voted and probably another 10 million they stole in each individual state. I think Kamala got 30 million votes.
6% of total American population is 20 million that are lost forever. So of the actual 30 million votes Kamala actually had10 million of those are likely to all or most wake up shortly after Trump is sworn in and all the info starts coming out.
Yes, but her supposed total is 70+ million, so after the subtractions I came up with 50. And these are the voting adults. Even if it's 30 million, that's waaaaaay too many
You must live in a rural area.
There is a storm coming. And I believe it is of the likes that we have never seen before. In my opinion. 🤠
Yup, feels like the quiet before the storm to me.
Ds didn't vote for Harris, they voted against Trump.
Excellent insights. Thanks!
For me, with great Justice comes huge amounts of asset confiscation. Then I will consider forgiveness. My precipice was passed long ago.
Forgiveness? Why even talk about that?
Thanks for the opinion piece now settle the fuck down . It's only been 2 weeks and the inauguration is 2 months away
Yep, you totally missed the point
What point? Self defeating analysis or being burdened by what has been
I like what youdid there.
The average normie can't discover their spouse is cheating with out having a meltdown and going scorched Earth on the person they supposedly love above everyone
Q is absolutely right when he says the truth will put people in the hospital. Every single thing you believed in being fake (money, illness, death, etc) and the unprecedented vile depravity of the powers that be will send a lot of people straight to an ER or the end of a gun
Base average people simply cannot process things the way we can
Yeah i think we have years to go.
Its not over. Trump has just become positioned for this next crucial step.
Exactly. Crimes against children will bring us together.
Agreed. Biden just authorized WW3 so I think it’s coming
Wait until people find out that the vaccines they've been getting have reduced their life spans to 5-10 years, or if they do survive, a lifetime of illness and misery.
I predict some destruction when people realize they don't have much left to live for.
I hope this becomes mainsteam knowledge and can no longer be denied by anyone worldwide. That sure would wake people up and make them demand change.
X is becoming a cesspool of libs lying about everything Liz. If there’s anything going to start something it’ll be the left’s side that does not accept the election results.
If mainstream media is arrested, how will people know what's happening when there is no media to report it? We will know via this site, but 90% of the public still watch the news.
100% agree, CA. If not for a busy work/family schedule of late, was going to post about this myself.
A lot of people woke up because of Biden's fraudulent Presidency. Our army grew much larger.
But there's still a ton of Leftists who are asleep. And I say that aside from the (as Q references) 4-6% who will never wake up. Worse, a lot of these people are leaving the conversation and fleeing to Reddit and Bluesky in search of an echo chamber. Worst still is that open calls for violence against Trump supporters are being allowed on those platforms.
These people need to be brought back to the fold and woken up. Only a "precipice" or declassification of shocking information would do so.
And as you correctly point out CA, a lot of Trump supporters don't understand the true landscape of the battlefield.
I always interpreted Q's words in that their goal was to leave a psychic scar on this country that would cause future generations to take care of this Republic. We've had tough times the past 6 years, but there's been very little scarring.
I have to believe something big is coming.
Here is what Trump could do. He could force the networks regulated by the FCC, meaning ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, WB, Fox broadcasting, local affiliates and others including AM/FM radio to give him time to spell it all out with declassification live on air no commercials or interruptions.
He could being others to come in front of the cameras and explain with documentation and proof. Links to documents, videos, and other evidence too.
The FCC controls over the air broadcasting, meaning it is owned by WE THE PEOPLE. They could refuse, but in the national interest they would be forced to at the point of a gun.
This coud be the plan!
i think we are about to see the man in the arena - struck down and removed and a dark time to get through......that's all i will say about it right now......the removal of DJT in the public eye, will be the precipice and "dark night of the soul" and the collection of individuals that he has assembled will show all their true colors and people will have to have firm resolve and faith to get through the process.
If we don't get declass on at least the few big things, this whole thing is just a continuation of one big show. They traffic children. If that doesn't come to the forefront, they are still being protected.
I think the Biden puppet provoking WWIII is part of the precipice. What if stuff starts exploding inside Russia, you know, like missile striking "targets"? What if the strikes are a staged event? What if Russia saying they're now targeting US and European cities with nukes and are ready to launch them? Will that scare the fuck out of normies when they're doing "duck and cover" drills because Russia is about to press the big red button? "News" reporting Russian nuclear subs off the east coast have been spotted! Oh, I think we're in for a ride to the big finally of this movie. I'm cozy AF over it.
When the public find out about child murder and what is in their food, when they find out that the aliens they are shown are really demons from hell, when a nuke goes off and when the anti christ reveals itself.
Not forgetting the Wormwood star. (Betelgeuse Supernova?)