I’m so sorry for your loss too. COVID-19 HUMANITY BETRAYAL
ㅤ MEMORY PROJECT is a .com site that has thousands of our stories. It’s so tragic and horrible. CHBMP.ORG
We need to hold the CEOs of every hospital in the country accountable. They all went along with the agenda. We can’t let them walk down the streets ever again!
The figure is generally bigger than $48000. It may have been $48,000 for a mention of COVID on the death certificate but hospitals also got paid for accepting COVID patients and were paid again for putting them on a ventilator.
That was why every new patient, even ones from car accidents, were tested for COVID because if they were positive they received a lump sum.
This is the issue when one tries to run public health like a business. I have maintained since forever, that Public Service Management is not the same as Business Management. The disciplines are markedly different: The problem is that money, and making lots of it, is not a fair measure, when it comes to Public Health.
Whatever. I will Never EVER trust the Western Medical/Pharmaceutical Complex again.
Ever since Rockefeller (amirite?) forced "pharmaceuticals" (made from chemicals) to be the only option in healthcare and prohibited centuries' old holistic healing remedies.
I hate seeing these f ---ers in their personal protective gear and yet they let people die without allowing a family member be with them. The family member would have gladly put the gear on. I think they wanted the fear factor to cripple us; but I also believe they didn't want anyone to see their treatment.
I was in for 10 weeks with COVID-19. Seven weeks on a ventilator. Remdesivir, all the protocols, trach surgery. Only prayers and grace of God spared me. That picture is very real.
I believe this was common knowledge by the Summer of 2020. First they put you on a ventilator for thousands of dollars so it was easier to kill you, then they collected their $48,000 bonus.
Too bad about the extremely poor grammar and spelling. This meme is powerful and would be useful in 'waking people up'. I don't give a shit if your 'autistic' creativity makes this a gloss over non point but when you're dealing with super morons who thinks they are progressive intellectuals, you can't give them anything to point at. Make your art, be creative, but goddammit, get your grammar and punctuation right.
Knowing what I know about covid, I could walk into that hospital room they're in without any protective gear on and be completely unafraid. I don't even bother using CAPS for covid anymore as you can tell.
One of the biggest reasons I check this site is to find out news on this very subject, and see if there's anything I can do or join to get this addressed!
If the hospital admitted a covid patient, they got an extra $13,000.
If the patient needed a ventilator, the hospital got an extra $39,000.
The puppet masters knew this would encourage every hospital to diagnose every patient with covid to increase profits. This is why the Flu disappeared that year. Everyone coming in with the flu was misdiagnosed as having covid. $$$
It was easy to create a covid diagnosis. If you ran the PCR test a few extra cycles, it would always give you a false positive test result. Now, the question is, who advised the lab technicians on the number cycles to use. Was it the hospital administrators who manipulated the test to ramp up profits or was it the FDA/CDC who authorized the PCR test in an effort to ramp up the fear?
The PCR test was authorized for use under EUA guidelines in July 2020 but then they pulled the PCR test from use in December 2021. If the FDA/CDC knew it was a faulty test, why did they authorize its use for a full year?
Kary Mullis invented the PCR test and said it wasn’t designed to detect infectious diseases. This is why they killed him, I mean, he died soon after claiming the PCR test should not be used.
If the puppet masters wanted to use the PCR data to ramp up the fear which was then posted on CNN and then used the fear to push the vaccinations, wouldn't it make sense that the medical system across the country was used by the deepstate to create the results it was looking for? If you dangle a carrot on a stick in front of a horse, you can make the horse go where you want.
Fauci and the NHI was the people who authorized Remdesivir to treat covid infections. He knew this drug failed clinical trials and caused kidney failure. However, Fauci was one of the people who invented Remdesivir, and he wanted a payout long after it was pulled from the market.
The Evil woks in broad daylight, they don't care if they are exposed. If one of their minions fall, they have enough money and influence to buy another minion and the evil continues.
I hope everything comes to light soon and a full picture of Covid from the research and gain of function to lab leak or purposeful release develops. Then the coordinated effort between government, big pharma, the medical establishment, media, mass inoculation, shut downs and who became essential and non-essential, who got paid, what was known but hidden, etc. Then, justice must be served and those who suffered loss or injury of loved ones, loss of jobs and businesses, etc. must be compensated. These were crimes against humanity and those responsible must be held responsible and punished.
The Hippocratic Oath is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards. The oath is the earliest expression of medical ethics in the Western world, establishing several principles of medical ethics which remain of paramount significance today.
Hippocratic Oath
I swear by Apollo Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.
To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the Healer's oath, but to nobody else.
I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. [6] Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.
Hospital protocols murdered many people, including my husband. Wicked, lying medical staffs.
I felt this in the pit of my stomach. I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you
Thank you for your prayers.
Deepest condolences. May God grant you peace and justice.
Thank you for your condolences. The Lord with deal the Justice.
Sorry for your loss
My Dad +1
I’m so sorry for your loss too. COVID-19 HUMANITY BETRAYAL ㅤ MEMORY PROJECT is a .com site that has thousands of our stories. It’s so tragic and horrible. CHBMP.ORG
My mother as well. I'm so sorry, fren.
Thank you…it’s worse then we know I’m afraid.
Local hospital killed my husband. Then FEMA sent me $9k to pay for his funeral.
It’s disgusting what they did to our people. I’ll never trust the medical pharmacological industries again.
Sorry for your loss
Pretty sure the number surpassed $300k in some locations. Sauce does exist.
We need to hold the CEOs of every hospital in the country accountable. They all went along with the agenda. We can’t let them walk down the streets ever again!
The figure is generally bigger than $48000. It may have been $48,000 for a mention of COVID on the death certificate but hospitals also got paid for accepting COVID patients and were paid again for putting them on a ventilator.
That was why every new patient, even ones from car accidents, were tested for COVID because if they were positive they received a lump sum.
EDIT: I just found a man who knows.
And here is an article.
And here is another one with even bigger numbers.
This is the issue when one tries to run public health like a business. I have maintained since forever, that Public Service Management is not the same as Business Management. The disciplines are markedly different: The problem is that money, and making lots of it, is not a fair measure, when it comes to Public Health.
now do selling "vaccines"
I'mI was given redemsivir = hospital got 35k Organ shut down put on ventilator= 245k
After 7 days they asked my wife to pull plug because they told her I was a vegetable.
Money ran out for me at hospital
I woke up on day 18
8 months to recover
I had a cousin who was having breathing problems in 2021... and was stupid enough to go to a hospital emergency room in Denver for treatment.
Given Redemsivir, breathing machine, isolated from family... dead two weeks later.
Sacrificed on the altar of medical $$$$$.
Yikes! Glad you pulled through. Wake as many as you can, we're gonna clean all this up and it gets golden after that!
What a nightmare. I'm glad you recovered.
Greed is good until it gets you Executed for Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.
Long overdue. The medical industry needs the fear of God put into it.
There are plenty of people trying to do good, and they are hampered by those with evil intent.
Add in the fear of the people…unless we do something they have nothing to fear until they’re dead.
Whatever. I will Never EVER trust the Western Medical/Pharmaceutical Complex again.
Ever since Rockefeller (amirite?) forced "pharmaceuticals" (made from chemicals) to be the only option in healthcare and prohibited centuries' old holistic healing remedies.
Follow the Money, Q sez.
I just don't know how they can live with themselves, at least those who knew what was going on.
Very well as it turns out.
Not to be a jerk but it should read "Hospitals Nationwide Murdered people" It's murdered not murderer........
The point is well made. Profits over people! Follow the $$. $$ is the root of all evil.
I hate seeing these f ---ers in their personal protective gear and yet they let people die without allowing a family member be with them. The family member would have gladly put the gear on. I think they wanted the fear factor to cripple us; but I also believe they didn't want anyone to see their treatment.
I was in for 10 weeks with COVID-19. Seven weeks on a ventilator. Remdesivir, all the protocols, trach surgery. Only prayers and grace of God spared me. That picture is very real.
Tom make sure you watch for cancer. They gave my husband remdesivir and two months later he had a blood clot and stage 4 Lymphoma.
Thanks for your concern. It's been 3 years now. It was a long road, but I feel like I'm back. Not bad shape for going on 67. Praise God.
I believe this was common knowledge by the Summer of 2020. First they put you on a ventilator for thousands of dollars so it was easier to kill you, then they collected their $48,000 bonus.
Didn't Trump order Ford to make ventilators?
Great meme but *murdered
No, it’s murdererered
Too bad about the extremely poor grammar and spelling. This meme is powerful and would be useful in 'waking people up'. I don't give a shit if your 'autistic' creativity makes this a gloss over non point but when you're dealing with super morons who thinks they are progressive intellectuals, you can't give them anything to point at. Make your art, be creative, but goddammit, get your grammar and punctuation right.
Do we think this is likely to "go public"?
I mean uh .."WE" already knew this...
But "WE" aren't exactly the type to chimp out over it... regardless of race or creed
I think there's going to be so much head spinning with everything coming out, people will probably just shut down.
But I think they'll ultimately get with our program and push the medical industrial complex to shape up.
Knowing what I know about covid, I could walk into that hospital room they're in without any protective gear on and be completely unafraid. I don't even bother using CAPS for covid anymore as you can tell.
Clap for them.......
Jerusalema dance ...
One of the biggest reasons I check this site is to find out news on this very subject, and see if there's anything I can do or join to get this addressed!
The meme itself is inaccurate, the money was tied to admissions of covid patients. Let me explain.
If the hospital admitted a covid patient, they got an extra $13,000.
If the patient needed a ventilator, the hospital got an extra $39,000.
The puppet masters knew this would encourage every hospital to diagnose every patient with covid to increase profits. This is why the Flu disappeared that year. Everyone coming in with the flu was misdiagnosed as having covid. $$$
It was easy to create a covid diagnosis. If you ran the PCR test a few extra cycles, it would always give you a false positive test result. Now, the question is, who advised the lab technicians on the number cycles to use. Was it the hospital administrators who manipulated the test to ramp up profits or was it the FDA/CDC who authorized the PCR test in an effort to ramp up the fear?
The PCR test was authorized for use under EUA guidelines in July 2020 but then they pulled the PCR test from use in December 2021. If the FDA/CDC knew it was a faulty test, why did they authorize its use for a full year?
Kary Mullis invented the PCR test and said it wasn’t designed to detect infectious diseases. This is why they killed him, I mean, he died soon after claiming the PCR test should not be used.
If the puppet masters wanted to use the PCR data to ramp up the fear which was then posted on CNN and then used the fear to push the vaccinations, wouldn't it make sense that the medical system across the country was used by the deepstate to create the results it was looking for? If you dangle a carrot on a stick in front of a horse, you can make the horse go where you want.
Fauci and the NHI was the people who authorized Remdesivir to treat covid infections. He knew this drug failed clinical trials and caused kidney failure. However, Fauci was one of the people who invented Remdesivir, and he wanted a payout long after it was pulled from the market.
The Evil woks in broad daylight, they don't care if they are exposed. If one of their minions fall, they have enough money and influence to buy another minion and the evil continues.
And they danced
I hope everything comes to light soon and a full picture of Covid from the research and gain of function to lab leak or purposeful release develops. Then the coordinated effort between government, big pharma, the medical establishment, media, mass inoculation, shut downs and who became essential and non-essential, who got paid, what was known but hidden, etc. Then, justice must be served and those who suffered loss or injury of loved ones, loss of jobs and businesses, etc. must be compensated. These were crimes against humanity and those responsible must be held responsible and punished.
The Hippocratic Oath is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards. The oath is the earliest expression of medical ethics in the Western world, establishing several principles of medical ethics which remain of paramount significance today.
Hippocratic Oath
—Translation by W.H.S. Jones
I am picturing every one of them making scolding, condescending and self righteous naive statements against me.
Hospitals world wide, a lot of innocent medics and nurses are going to be slaughtered along with the guilty. Torn apart limb from limb.
I don't think there will ever be a reckoning for that...
Because: "It will shatter people's trust in health care"
Just like the 2020 elections.
I think it's possible that if this were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there would be spontaneous Death Squads.
Yep. I can verify this.
Crimes against humanity.
Let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream -- Amos 5:24
Where’s the sauce???