It’s actually EMS, q drop 720. Pardon my copy/paste:
Do people believe all recent resignations, plane crashes, plane re_routes, EMS/EBS activations, blackouts, etc are simply a coincidence?
Why did Sessions [at the beginning] emphasize investigations/proceedings are kept confidential?
Think magic.
What you see …….
Do you really believe nothing is being done?
Re_read past crumbs.
Who has the power?
Why was this emphasized in the beginning?
You have more than you know.
EMS. Elon Musk Starlink.
HBD says emergency management systems and I can understand that might be the correct conclusion, however, the drop says EMS/ EBS, a slash mark, not a comma. Emergency Management Systems and Emergency Broadcast Systems are two different facets of an emergency situation. IMO the slash is being used as “aka”. That’s just my opinion. Could be totally wrong.
you must always remember to think magic.
Americans have enough lifetime gratitude riches to spend lavishly on peoole they feel sad about. Guilty complexes are a luxury. Even the poor have it to spend here.
WAIT…. The Presidential Trump text forced to every phone….. Bypasses communications blackout….. Didn’t Q mention a safeguard against comms going down safeguarded by black eye or perhaps another post?
Ie when shtf we won’t be denied the receiving of information and something like Trump will be communicating directly with us?
There's an old black guy watching over the grid system, he's been on it since joining the army in 93, even though he's a civilian he's trusted. Just eats Cheetos and watches movies while in the control room.
From best
Elon Musk earned two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Pennsylvania but dropped out of a Stanford University Ph.D. program.
Today Musk’s estimated net worth is $173.4 billion, making him the world’s second richest.
Musk recruits students from competitive universities for Tesla, SpaceX, and other ventures.
Not saying this is it at all, but I know that acronym stands for energy management system when related to saving energy for building management. Start/stop of HVAC systems, scheduling of lights and appliances etc.
Trump activated the Presidential Emergency Alert System (PEAS) on all mobiles years back. If you look at your phone, you can see this is a feature that cannot be turned off. This will be where we get the message from, at a minimum.
Hmmm. I just had to look in my phone and it now says National Alert. It must have changed during one of their forced updates they push through every so often.
I went into "settings" and searched, "emergency" and "Wireless Emergency Alerts" came up with a bunch of options show. One is an alert for "Extreme threats"; extreme threats to life and property. Seems like a reasonable one :)
I run Android, and the new National Alert is at the very top where the older Presidential Alert was, and it's a feature that is blacked out and cannot be turned off. If my memory serves correct, this popped up during COVID in 2020.
The smartest leaders with naturally strong messages must take contol of the media and crush any opposition messaging. This is obvious to those that follow Jesus.
There's a popular concept around here that there will be a (still-future) specific edge-of-your-seat, nail-biting event called "The Precipice" (possibly involving a nuclear scare and/or something else of that level of extremeness) which will cause a large number of people to suddenly change for the better.
However, if you look at the Q drops that this idea is based on, none of them spell out such a specific event, and I believe they point toward something different.
There are the only 4 Q drops to mention the word "precipice."
The first one (drop 2254, from 2018) said we were already at the Precipice due to the Swamp fighting back. It's possible that at this point the "Precipice" was still hidden; ie, most people couldn't see yet that were were there. Only the most observant could see it.
The second one (drop 4407, from 2020) described the Precipice as a "moment of destruction", but A: the previous drop from 2018 already said we were already at the Precipice, and the past few years (as of 2024) could all accurately be described as being, or at least feeling like, a moment of destruction.
It's also important that drop 4407 also linked to a page about the Minneapolis City Council considering disbanding the police. The implication of this is that the "moment of destruction" wasn't a specific incident like a nuclear scare, but the ongoing destruction of the American system (law and order, etc).
The third one (drop 4641, also from 2020) defines the "change" in "the will to change" as "to participate."
This implies that many of the people who change due to the Precipice are those who are already awake, but due to laziness, preoccupation with other matters in their lives, or fear of being ostracized by those still asleep, did not participate in our political situation in any meaningful way.
The fourth one (drop 4685, from 2020) defines "will" as "strength" and "change" as "break the system of control [be free]". It also mentions that Joe Biden was "leading across the board" due to rigged polls and other aspects of the system of control, and mentions that "For many you cannot tell them the truth. You must show them."
This seems to imply that Biden stealing the election and ushering in four years of hardship (which had not yet happened but was about to a few months after that Q drop) was the Precipice going from from a very real but hidden danger that a few highly observant people could see boiling under the surface, to an out-in-the-open clear and obvious threat to the American way of life that would show the public at large that we were at the Precipice, and inspire in them to will to change.
When you put all of this together, the implication is that the period starting sometime around 2018 was one fraught with increasing peril for this country due to the Deep State fighting back and eating away at the very foundations of the American system and way of life, culminating in the increasingly obvious threat of destruction to America from the Biden administration after the 2020 election. This caused millions of Americans to find the will (strength) to change (participate, break the system of control, and be free).
Over the past four years, we have seen a mass awakening and an outpouring of courage and patriotism unlike anything else in our lifetimes, culminating in President Trump winning the 2024 election in a landslide so large as to overcome the (restrained compared to 2020, but still very present) election fraud.
I believe that this was the result of Americans finding the will to change after experiencing the Precipice of the Biden administration, and that in all likelihood, this is what Q was talking about in regard to the Precipice.
On the plus side it could mean not living next to cell towers. On the negative side we should be able to opt out of space beams. Although i think it requires a cell phone to bring it into your vicinity. The problem with Elon is he disregards the effects of emf and magnetic radiation. Perhaps overall, satellite beams are less detrimental than cell towers.
I bought an EM meter when house hunting, because I had fallen for the hype regarding the effects. Because of the R-squared nature of the strength, you would almost have to live right next to a VERY high voltage power line for it to be significant. What I found was, that regular street power lines produced a higher EM signal in houses than what is caused by the high voltage lines.
I'm talking about living under one. I almost bought a very nice townhouse but it had 600v lines running over it. You could hear them hum and they would make a small fluorescent tube glow just from the field effect. Regular power lines don't do that.
Yes, very close to the high-voltage lines is a definite concern. I know someone that used to work along the right-of-ways for high voltage lines and he said it could make your teeth hurt sometimes! If you are close enough to lower voltage power lines, you can get high EM levels. How high the levels need to be for adverse health effects is not known to me, but since the street level lines are close enough to potentially adversely affect people, and there doesn't seem to be a known and obvious and widespread effect, I believe it is probably an insignificant concern.
At the time when I was looking at said townhouse, my company shared space with a team of RF engineers (tower builders). I asked them about the safety of it and they gave me all sorts of technical reasons why it was safe, blah, blah. At the end of their justifications, I asked them "would you buy the townhouse?". All resoundingly said NO.
There is a big difference in the cell tower radiation, and the electromagnetic radiation associated with high-voltage lines.
From ChatGPt:
High-voltage power lines: The radiation from high-voltage power lines is primarily extremely low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation. The frequency of this radiation typically ranges from 30 Hz to 300 Hz, which is well below the range of visible light. This type of radiation is non-ionizing, meaning it does not have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, and is considered low-energy radiation.
5G cellphone towers: 5G towers emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which is part of the microwave range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The frequency of 5G signals can range from around 1 GHz (gigahertz) to 100 GHz, which is much higher than the ELF radiation emitted by power lines. Although still non-ionizing, RF radiation is of higher energy compared to ELF radiation from power lines.
Effects of emf? Yes. I'm worried about that also. I remember Trump (jokingly) mentioned that we would skip 5G and go directly to 6G? My understanding is that some frequencies are more harmful to the human body than others.
In the state of Florida, a law has been passed that allows mobile operators to deploy 5G antennas anywhere without authorization. Palm Beach, place of residence u.a. from billionaire Bill Gates and US President Donald Trump, was exempted. Does Trump know something we don't know?
Our work just got starlink and we feel like total shit there everyday now. Confusion, dream like state, can't think clearly or rememeber anything, eyes heavy all day. We think it's that.
Interesting. So I measured my starlink router for emf and it was high but kind of like any other router.
I then measured my wife's new iphone in use. It was about 500,000 micro watt per meter square. Under 10 is safe. Just keeping an iPhone around is bad news. I guess it all is.
They have a 3 which is more attenuated for 5g but the one I have works for the lower hertz. I believe they just came out with a new product. Great company, easy to use and good bang for the buck.
Yes it all is. But it feels like what's going on at work is completely different than. What i feel from wifi and phones. That would be crazy if Star link was doing something else to us.
Is this true? I've got startlink at home and you need a pretty large view of the open sky. Am I going to be able to receive or make a call while in a wooeded area, or indoors or anywhere else without a large view to the open sky? I'm wondering whether there's something in-between the satellite and your cell phone, like a cell tower.
Elon was posting about this the other day when the satellites were launched (13 of them I think). He said nothing extra will be required for your phone to work and it'll work anywhere in the world. Not sure about indoors. Of course your service provider needs to be on board and in the US only T Mobile is on board so far. It'll be up to them when and how they decide to incorporate it.
Think about how a GPS receiver works. Long range, low bandwidth. EBS messages will be cake to recieve. 911 calls available to everyone with 4G LTE phone per federal law. Elon did say that in good conditions, even low res video is possible.
Whether the black hats do it, or the white hats do it.
I think it'll all get shut down. the internet, mainstream television, radio, everything 😮
Star link will broadcast the happenings to the public.
World 🌎 wide.
How do you use this then? Does it work with existing phones? Do cell carriers need to work with SpaceX to provide the service? Or do you need to have a Starlink subscription?
Also known in many areas as EAS: Emergency Alert System. I believe Laws & Orders states we have been under this since President Trump 'left' the Oval Office January 20, 2020. We have been in a soft and silent Martial Law since then. There was a need to be military ready BUT not a need to scare the public.
Our work just got starlink and we feel like total shit there everyday now. Confusion, dream like state, can't think clearly or rememeber anything, eyes heavy all day. We think it's that.
Oh yea. And if they arent shills and just concern trolls, they do so without a shred of insider knowledge and less than 1/100 of a percent of the knowledge Trump has or the actual plan. It frustrates me to no end that some here think they know better than Trump.
Probably in a much more diplomatic manner than I have lol. I got negged pretty hard a couple days ago for expressing my frustrations.
I dont want people to stop researching and bringing concerns to the front but we must do it with a trust of Trump and an understanding that we know jack shit as the starting point.
But many dont. And that makes them sound exactly like a leftist.
A shill for questioning Musk? Q specifically told us to question everything yet when we question certain things we are mocked by the stay at home boomer moms.
I pray Musk is a good man or took a deal but to blindly trust him is insanity.
Is back on the menu boys.
EBS (EMS) Elon Musk Starlink u/#q34
I've said this before: I don't want my safety exhausted - I want it assured.
It means they are using every resource they have to assure the safety of everybody.
It’s actually EMS, q drop 720. Pardon my copy/paste: Do people believe all recent resignations, plane crashes, plane re_routes, EMS/EBS activations, blackouts, etc are simply a coincidence? Why did Sessions [at the beginning] emphasize investigations/proceedings are kept confidential? Think magic. What you see ……. Do you really believe nothing is being done? Re_read past crumbs. Who has the power? Why was this emphasized in the beginning? You have more than you know. Q
What are EMS activations?
EMS. Elon Musk Starlink. HBD says emergency management systems and I can understand that might be the correct conclusion, however, the drop says EMS/ EBS, a slash mark, not a comma. Emergency Management Systems and Emergency Broadcast Systems are two different facets of an emergency situation. IMO the slash is being used as “aka”. That’s just my opinion. Could be totally wrong.
Wow, that gives me hope.
could be 'emergency messaging service'.
Elon Musk Syndrome? kek
maybe Emergency Management System?
you must always remember to think magic. Americans have enough lifetime gratitude riches to spend lavishly on peoole they feel sad about. Guilty complexes are a luxury. Even the poor have it to spend here.
? Magic?
Wizards and warlocks!
mentioned in a Q drop. Think magic.
Do it!! We all float down here!
Yeah no.
Well put! ncswic
Newbie, you’re trying too hard.
Came here to say this
NOW if X will just come out with a cell phone made by X!!! How about one called Xcell-------Keke
I like Starphone better. Spacex designed phone that communicates on the starlink constellation
Me, too. Xcell just makes me think of spreadsheets. No offense to photobuf.
Yeah, branding is tough
Starphone or Starcell..✨🌌
Can't wait!!
Bring back the startac!
phoney McPhone Face!
That's the one I want.
That definitely matches "Elon" naming conventions
You already know that when being serious scares people, they spaz and call it purpose.
Yes! Love it, photobuf!!
+100 updoots for noticing “cell” phone
Funny how we’re being unburdened by what has been by an X, neh?
How about "PhonX", I think people would get hooked on it :)
Who is Phone Xalt?
Xcell is too close to Excel
Too many unique names exist to pick one so close to another tech product IMHO
Yeah, that was the point of it. Steal it from Microsoft! Keke
WAIT…. The Presidential Trump text forced to every phone….. Bypasses communications blackout….. Didn’t Q mention a safeguard against comms going down safeguarded by black eye or perhaps another post?
Ie when shtf we won’t be denied the receiving of information and something like Trump will be communicating directly with us?
This one also mentions an EBS:
Just noticed it says (EMS). Spelling error?
Black eye = Black guy
There's an old black guy watching over the grid system, he's been on it since joining the army in 93, even though he's a civilian he's trusted. Just eats Cheetos and watches movies while in the control room.
Did you know that Trump and Elon are both alumni of Wharton school of the university of Pennsylvania? Weird, huh. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
Didn't Elon drop out of uni?
From best Elon Musk earned two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Pennsylvania but dropped out of a Stanford University Ph.D. program. Today Musk’s estimated net worth is $173.4 billion, making him the world’s second richest. Musk recruits students from competitive universities for Tesla, SpaceX, and other ventures.
who is the richest? I thought it was Elon Musk?
Go look it up newbie
I think it might mean Emergency broadcast system and (emergency management system ) or emergency messaging system.
Thank you for clarifying that for me anon.
Not saying this is it at all, but I know that acronym stands for energy management system when related to saving energy for building management. Start/stop of HVAC systems, scheduling of lights and appliances etc.
They are both the same...
Relevant yes I’m remembering some others as well, I can try poking around.
Trump activated the Presidential Emergency Alert System (PEAS) on all mobiles years back. If you look at your phone, you can see this is a feature that cannot be turned off. This will be where we get the message from, at a minimum.
I searched my phone for "Presidential", "EBS", "PEAS", "Alert" and nothing came up.
Hmmm. I just had to look in my phone and it now says National Alert. It must have changed during one of their forced updates they push through every so often.
I went into "settings" and searched, "emergency" and "Wireless Emergency Alerts" came up with a bunch of options show. One is an alert for "Extreme threats"; extreme threats to life and property. Seems like a reasonable one :)
Do you have Android or iOS?
I run Android, and the new National Alert is at the very top where the older Presidential Alert was, and it's a feature that is blacked out and cannot be turned off. If my memory serves correct, this popped up during COVID in 2020.
The smartest leaders with naturally strong messages must take contol of the media and crush any opposition messaging. This is obvious to those that follow Jesus.
There's a popular concept around here that there will be a (still-future) specific edge-of-your-seat, nail-biting event called "The Precipice" (possibly involving a nuclear scare and/or something else of that level of extremeness) which will cause a large number of people to suddenly change for the better.
However, if you look at the Q drops that this idea is based on, none of them spell out such a specific event, and I believe they point toward something different.
There are the only 4 Q drops to mention the word "precipice."
The first one (drop 2254, from 2018) said we were already at the Precipice due to the Swamp fighting back. It's possible that at this point the "Precipice" was still hidden; ie, most people couldn't see yet that were were there. Only the most observant could see it.
The second one (drop 4407, from 2020) described the Precipice as a "moment of destruction", but A: the previous drop from 2018 already said we were already at the Precipice, and the past few years (as of 2024) could all accurately be described as being, or at least feeling like, a moment of destruction.
It's also important that drop 4407 also linked to a page about the Minneapolis City Council considering disbanding the police. The implication of this is that the "moment of destruction" wasn't a specific incident like a nuclear scare, but the ongoing destruction of the American system (law and order, etc).
The third one (drop 4641, also from 2020) defines the "change" in "the will to change" as "to participate."
This implies that many of the people who change due to the Precipice are those who are already awake, but due to laziness, preoccupation with other matters in their lives, or fear of being ostracized by those still asleep, did not participate in our political situation in any meaningful way.
The fourth one (drop 4685, from 2020) defines "will" as "strength" and "change" as "break the system of control [be free]". It also mentions that Joe Biden was "leading across the board" due to rigged polls and other aspects of the system of control, and mentions that "For many you cannot tell them the truth. You must show them."
This seems to imply that Biden stealing the election and ushering in four years of hardship (which had not yet happened but was about to a few months after that Q drop) was the Precipice going from from a very real but hidden danger that a few highly observant people could see boiling under the surface, to an out-in-the-open clear and obvious threat to the American way of life that would show the public at large that we were at the Precipice, and inspire in them to will to change.
When you put all of this together, the implication is that the period starting sometime around 2018 was one fraught with increasing peril for this country due to the Deep State fighting back and eating away at the very foundations of the American system and way of life, culminating in the increasingly obvious threat of destruction to America from the Biden administration after the 2020 election. This caused millions of Americans to find the will (strength) to change (participate, break the system of control, and be free).
Over the past four years, we have seen a mass awakening and an outpouring of courage and patriotism unlike anything else in our lifetimes, culminating in President Trump winning the 2024 election in a landslide so large as to overcome the (restrained compared to 2020, but still very present) election fraud.
I believe that this was the result of Americans finding the will to change after experiencing the Precipice of the Biden administration, and that in all likelihood, this is what Q was talking about in regard to the Precipice.
This deserves a post of its own. This is a nice dive on the word precipice. Great thoughts to share! Thank you!
On the plus side it could mean not living next to cell towers. On the negative side we should be able to opt out of space beams. Although i think it requires a cell phone to bring it into your vicinity. The problem with Elon is he disregards the effects of emf and magnetic radiation. Perhaps overall, satellite beams are less detrimental than cell towers.
I'll take my chances with RF soup vs. living under high tension lines.
I bought an EM meter when house hunting, because I had fallen for the hype regarding the effects. Because of the R-squared nature of the strength, you would almost have to live right next to a VERY high voltage power line for it to be significant. What I found was, that regular street power lines produced a higher EM signal in houses than what is caused by the high voltage lines.
I'm talking about living under one. I almost bought a very nice townhouse but it had 600v lines running over it. You could hear them hum and they would make a small fluorescent tube glow just from the field effect. Regular power lines don't do that.
Yes, very close to the high-voltage lines is a definite concern. I know someone that used to work along the right-of-ways for high voltage lines and he said it could make your teeth hurt sometimes! If you are close enough to lower voltage power lines, you can get high EM levels. How high the levels need to be for adverse health effects is not known to me, but since the street level lines are close enough to potentially adversely affect people, and there doesn't seem to be a known and obvious and widespread effect, I believe it is probably an insignificant concern.
At the time when I was looking at said townhouse, my company shared space with a team of RF engineers (tower builders). I asked them about the safety of it and they gave me all sorts of technical reasons why it was safe, blah, blah. At the end of their justifications, I asked them "would you buy the townhouse?". All resoundingly said NO.
There is a big difference in the cell tower radiation, and the electromagnetic radiation associated with high-voltage lines.
From ChatGPt:
High-voltage power lines: The radiation from high-voltage power lines is primarily extremely low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation. The frequency of this radiation typically ranges from 30 Hz to 300 Hz, which is well below the range of visible light. This type of radiation is non-ionizing, meaning it does not have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, and is considered low-energy radiation.
5G cellphone towers: 5G towers emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which is part of the microwave range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The frequency of 5G signals can range from around 1 GHz (gigahertz) to 100 GHz, which is much higher than the ELF radiation emitted by power lines. Although still non-ionizing, RF radiation is of higher energy compared to ELF radiation from power lines.
Effects of emf? Yes. I'm worried about that also. I remember Trump (jokingly) mentioned that we would skip 5G and go directly to 6G? My understanding is that some frequencies are more harmful to the human body than others.
In the state of Florida, a law has been passed that allows mobile operators to deploy 5G antennas anywhere without authorization. Palm Beach, place of residence u.a. from billionaire Bill Gates and US President Donald Trump, was exempted. Does Trump know something we don't know?
Our work just got starlink and we feel like total shit there everyday now. Confusion, dream like state, can't think clearly or rememeber anything, eyes heavy all day. We think it's that.
Interesting. So I measured my starlink router for emf and it was high but kind of like any other router.
I then measured my wife's new iphone in use. It was about 500,000 micro watt per meter square. Under 10 is safe. Just keeping an iPhone around is bad news. I guess it all is.
What meter do you have? I want one
Safe and Sound Pro 2.
They have a 3 which is more attenuated for 5g but the one I have works for the lower hertz. I believe they just came out with a new product. Great company, easy to use and good bang for the buck.
Yes it all is. But it feels like what's going on at work is completely different than. What i feel from wifi and phones. That would be crazy if Star link was doing something else to us.
Big Voice…
GIANT VOICE long into the future
Is this true? I've got startlink at home and you need a pretty large view of the open sky. Am I going to be able to receive or make a call while in a wooeded area, or indoors or anywhere else without a large view to the open sky? I'm wondering whether there's something in-between the satellite and your cell phone, like a cell tower.
Was thinking the same. Maybe with the more limited bandwidth of a single call, they need less sky access.
I can sorta see how the cell could receive if outdoors, but can it transmit up to the LEO satellites?
I don't know how it would work indoors.
Elon was posting about this the other day when the satellites were launched (13 of them I think). He said nothing extra will be required for your phone to work and it'll work anywhere in the world. Not sure about indoors. Of course your service provider needs to be on board and in the US only T Mobile is on board so far. It'll be up to them when and how they decide to incorporate it.
Yeah, but that means it's not direct from satellite to you phone, it goes through a cell carrier.
Think about how a GPS receiver works. Long range, low bandwidth. EBS messages will be cake to recieve. 911 calls available to everyone with 4G LTE phone per federal law. Elon did say that in good conditions, even low res video is possible.
Whether the black hats do it, or the white hats do it. I think it'll all get shut down. the internet, mainstream television, radio, everything 😮 Star link will broadcast the happenings to the public. World 🌎 wide.
very convenient safe guard if the black hats wanted to disrupt communications
A phone that turns "ALL OFF" when you power down, is not at all remotely trackable if you choose, I am all in. Otherwise wgaf
That just made my month
Glad to hear it
Well, I will damn!
How do you use this then? Does it work with existing phones? Do cell carriers need to work with SpaceX to provide the service? Or do you need to have a Starlink subscription?
Compatibility: The service is compatible with existing LTE phones without any need for modifications.
Carrier Partnerships: Cellular service providers must have an agreement with SpaceX for this functionality to be available to their customers.
Subscription: No additional Starlink subscription is needed; it's integrated into the mobile service provided by partnered carriers.
How can I like this anymore?
Also known in many areas as EAS: Emergency Alert System. I believe Laws & Orders states we have been under this since President Trump 'left' the Oval Office January 20, 2020. We have been in a soft and silent Martial Law since then. There was a need to be military ready BUT not a need to scare the public.
starlink offering phone service when :D?
Our work just got starlink and we feel like total shit there everyday now. Confusion, dream like state, can't think clearly or rememeber anything, eyes heavy all day. We think it's that.
He spelled enslaved wrong
He buys Twitter calls it "X" and makes brain chips and electric EMF vehicles and Space X. Why all the trust in this connected man?
Lurk moar.
Edit: anyone noticing the shills coming out of the woodwork lately?
Oh yea. And if they arent shills and just concern trolls, they do so without a shred of insider knowledge and less than 1/100 of a percent of the knowledge Trump has or the actual plan. It frustrates me to no end that some here think they know better than Trump.
100%. I've stated a similar message to yours before.
Probably in a much more diplomatic manner than I have lol. I got negged pretty hard a couple days ago for expressing my frustrations.
I dont want people to stop researching and bringing concerns to the front but we must do it with a trust of Trump and an understanding that we know jack shit as the starting point.
But many dont. And that makes them sound exactly like a leftist.
Nah you good. Sometimes we must be critical of our frens. I welcome people to question me as well. We all learn together.
Yep! LTListener and I had an exchange about this yesterday! I "spied" on the mods and saw several have been banned just in the last few days.
A shill for questioning Musk? Q specifically told us to question everything yet when we question certain things we are mocked by the stay at home boomer moms.
I pray Musk is a good man or took a deal but to blindly trust him is insanity.
Hopefully he's under submission to DJT! And he has been flipped.
Is this still a question at this point?
IDK why people are still questioning it. He bought twitter and amplified the patriots voices.
Donated to Trump team.
Endorsed Trump.
Hell, even my fren who disliked Trump voted for him because of Elon
Not to me! What about you? What's your opinion on Musk?
Everyone on this site are elon worshippers. They are blinded.
Either Elon is part of the plan going back 20+ years or everyone is f#cked
Oh, can it.
Something changed our brains at work. We dread going back. It starts into our shift