The problem is with branding and lies from media and academia. The Earth has actually been warming for thousands of years (since glaciers covered most of North America). We’re still technically in an ice age and will be for some time. Of course, the people have been brainwashed to think that global warming is (1) manmade, and (2) a singular event.
We would also get all those factories back and have a tiny southern border to protect and prosecute and execute the cartels. The current migration waves are mostly coming from further south and globally anyways.
That is much more likely the reason than some dumbass attempt to manipulate temperature averages.
Folks should remember, Trump doesn't buy the climate change hoax. He even told them when they kept probing, "it'll get colder". A lot of the climate BS will end when the EPA is canned, and I believe Trump will can the EPA pretty quickly once he takes office again. They were just put in place to destroy the nation's energy sector, and throttle the production of food in country.
The actual climatologists say the earth will begin a cooling cycle in 2030. This is largely why the UN and the globalists had 2030 marked as when they needed all their plans completed by. Once the climate starts to drop in temperature the world will know they were lied to but it would have been too late...
From an engineering standpoint, the amount of extra heat generated from making everything "green" goes against all engineering principles when you look at the overall effect. Locomotives for example have to work harder and at higher temperatures, this inherently often causing more warming. Some have been know to help set brush on fire when it is too close to the tracks.
I just learned that they are called rare earth elements, or REEs
I did some research and learned that Greenland actually has some successful mining operations underway, typically in the parts that are not under 2000 to 3,000 m of ice, so that's only 20% of Greenland, typically in the coastal areas. The big yield? Ruby's, interestingly enough.
Something I just connected though that makes sense is that Trump is making moves against China with his Panama canal comments, talking about how control over the canal must stay with Panama instead of being given to China. China is also reportedly sniffing around Greenland as well looking for mining opportunities so there is that.
Those mines are huge, ugly scars on the earth. I'm not against progress, but look at what happened in North Carolina. A huge mine worth billions, right where that whole town was wiped off the map, and why the government refused to go in.
We need semiconductors and China is refusing to play ball. Greenland is a good source for these minerals that China isn't letting us have. If we want to be able to be self reliant we need to be able to make our own chips.
He didn't say it was for resources though. I'm paraphrasing, but he said it was needed for national defense and protecting freedom. It has to be more than just a few minerals or economic policies. There has to be something strategic about it.
Good info. Seems to be an important base. But we have bases in England and Germany, and Trump hasn't talked about taking those places. (Not yet, anyway.)
I was thinking that, maybe like Panama and the Canal, they've been charging us exorbitant fees which might justify buying it instead of renting.
Greenland has been off my geopolitical radar since forever ... I'm sure Thule figures in it, but I guess how much it figures, and what other reasons there are will come out in time.
Greenland is larger than Alaska and it's resources are basically untouched. I do not believe Trump wants to "OWN" Greenland but I do believe he is working towards a deal which would allow the USA to develope it's resources for the betterment of both the USA and Denmark. Always ask for more than you want then when you settle for less the other party sees it as a win even though you got what you really wanted in the first place. (Think Panama Canal)
Oh, that's a very interesting. I wonder if the boring machines could periodically run down through the ice or something to keep them true. Interesting answer.
WTH are you talking about? Yeah the glaciers flow. They can make their way across Greenland over time, hit the ocean, and start dropping in making icebergs. That's how it works.. However the ice is almost 2 miles thick and mot "plastic".
Can't we just say, 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 to the UN & these faggity ass NGOs once and for all??? No American voted for or wants ANY of them!
Global warming is bs...even if it's actually getting warmer due to sun activity. Besides, King Snausages, Klaus and Gore, need I say more?
Does this mean it's going to be covered in casinos like Cuba (like Godfather II) ???
Besides weapons and cached frozen food, what else do you think is there? Oil? Minerals? Think we'll drill/mine it? Trump's not going to buy something and just do nothing...there must be some money to be made from it...
Greenland. What if there are more hidden resources than we can imagine under that massive sheet of ice, that’s near the size of Antarctica? This is what I’m wondering.
Why are we even speculating on what this means? I think Mr. Schwartz is shitposting, and I sincerely doubt that Trump gives a rat's ass about average temperature offsets.
I can only imagine when the world is made right, how all these hoaxes will seem to people who are thought facts about our existence! We will look like a superstitious bunch that believed everything the snake oil salesmen told us! History repeats itself! We looked back at some of our ancestors the same way!
So do I. I think the Thule base is actually a lot more enormous than most of us realize. 28 floor DUMB, who the fuck knows. Lots of heavy surveillance equipment, probably a submarine underground storage/maintenance... you know... Bond Villan level shit. But I suspect they want to ramp that up even more, with the supersonic missiles from the ChiComs and the Russians, etc. And I also suspect there is a lot I do not suspect.
Could be that there really is a cataclysm on the way, nothing can stop it, and world leaders are jockeying for position. I mean earth altering cataclysm. It seems Greenland and Canada may have good positions post cataclysm so we want them.
Global warming doesn't exist tho
The problem is with branding and lies from media and academia. The Earth has actually been warming for thousands of years (since glaciers covered most of North America). We’re still technically in an ice age and will be for some time. Of course, the people have been brainwashed to think that global warming is (1) manmade, and (2) a singular event.
And worst of all, that they should give up their personal property rights to "fix it"
I know. But I woke up this morning thinking of the inevitable ‘You’re an idiot’ from my elitist NPR loving relatives at Christmas. Sigh.
Woosh. Right over your head.
Trump doesn't do 'random' and he doesn't steal
Therefore, we simply do not yet know.
Perhaps it was already ours but was stollen from U.S.
Perhaps he won it in a bet. We will know soon.
I am super excited about travelling around the new U.S. States asap!!
Stollen. I see what you did there.
I was hoping to visit the 54th state called the Northwest Territiories...
Canadas 10 provinces can be 51-60. Mexicos 32 can be 61-92, Panama 93, and Greenland 94. Now taking applications for 95-100 :)
That's gonna be quite a starry flag
If we add Mexico, all the Mexican illegals will become citizens.
We would also get all those factories back and have a tiny southern border to protect and prosecute and execute the cartels. The current migration waves are mostly coming from further south and globally anyways.
Yeah I don't want any of these people and they don't want us.
You're funny
Major kek.
Wait until he reduces the carbon footprint by deporting 80 million illegals.
Wait until Elon annexes Mars.
Global warming is hoax, it's a scheme to push global communism on us.
It's for the Rare Earth Minerals.
That is much more likely the reason than some dumbass attempt to manipulate temperature averages.
Folks should remember, Trump doesn't buy the climate change hoax. He even told them when they kept probing, "it'll get colder". A lot of the climate BS will end when the EPA is canned, and I believe Trump will can the EPA pretty quickly once he takes office again. They were just put in place to destroy the nation's energy sector, and throttle the production of food in country.
The actual climatologists say the earth will begin a cooling cycle in 2030. This is largely why the UN and the globalists had 2030 marked as when they needed all their plans completed by. Once the climate starts to drop in temperature the world will know they were lied to but it would have been too late...
I saw a post this morning on X whining about how all the 'scientists' are afraid what Trump is going to do to science.
Those whiners are the paid liars of the cabal, and they should be worried. Trump will push the real science and real scientists.
From an engineering standpoint, the amount of extra heat generated from making everything "green" goes against all engineering principles when you look at the overall effect. Locomotives for example have to work harder and at higher temperatures, this inherently often causing more warming. Some have been know to help set brush on fire when it is too close to the tracks.
I just learned that they are called rare earth elements, or REEs
I did some research and learned that Greenland actually has some successful mining operations underway, typically in the parts that are not under 2000 to 3,000 m of ice, so that's only 20% of Greenland, typically in the coastal areas. The big yield? Ruby's, interestingly enough.
Something I just connected though that makes sense is that Trump is making moves against China with his Panama canal comments, talking about how control over the canal must stay with Panama instead of being given to China. China is also reportedly sniffing around Greenland as well looking for mining opportunities so there is that.
Every government has bad guys
I hear Greenland has some underground nuclear facility
We have Tule AFB there
Those mines are huge, ugly scars on the earth. I'm not against progress, but look at what happened in North Carolina. A huge mine worth billions, right where that whole town was wiped off the map, and why the government refused to go in.
I believe Greenland has a very small population and most of it is uninhabitable. Perhaps it will be a wonderful place to extract rare Earth materials.
We need semiconductors and China is refusing to play ball. Greenland is a good source for these minerals that China isn't letting us have. If we want to be able to be self reliant we need to be able to make our own chips.
We need to be able to and should be building chips here on American soil. Some competition for AMD and Intel would help keep prices down too.
He didn't say it was for resources though. I'm paraphrasing, but he said it was needed for national defense and protecting freedom. It has to be more than just a few minerals or economic policies. There has to be something strategic about it.
Computer chips are vital to national defense.
I think having an unencumbered supply of Rare Earth Elements needed for computers, batteries, etc does fall in the category of national defense.
It's already strategic and we've used it to fly over the north pole into Russia 🇷🇺
But really, ... why? Is it possible we've already been renting it for military bases for years?
Yes, the United States has a military base on Greenland: Thule Air Base.
Good info. Seems to be an important base. But we have bases in England and Germany, and Trump hasn't talked about taking those places. (Not yet, anyway.)
I was thinking that, maybe like Panama and the Canal, they've been charging us exorbitant fees which might justify buying it instead of renting.
Greenland has been off my geopolitical radar since forever ... I'm sure Thule figures in it, but I guess how much it figures, and what other reasons there are will come out in time.
If the US acquires Greenland then we get a choke hold on the Northwest Passage
Correct. Especially since China is attempting to get a polar silk road going
Greenland is larger than Alaska and it's resources are basically untouched. I do not believe Trump wants to "OWN" Greenland but I do believe he is working towards a deal which would allow the USA to develope it's resources for the betterment of both the USA and Denmark. Always ask for more than you want then when you settle for less the other party sees it as a win even though you got what you really wanted in the first place. (Think Panama Canal)
Gee - if only we knew someone that could absolutely help with that...
Oh, that's a very interesting. I wonder if the boring machines could periodically run down through the ice or something to keep them true. Interesting answer.
WTH are you talking about? Yeah the glaciers flow. They can make their way across Greenland over time, hit the ocean, and start dropping in making icebergs. That's how it works.. However the ice is almost 2 miles thick and mot "plastic".
Here's how/why glaciers flow.
Why can't we just move it closer to the equator and wait for the ice to melt?
Good joke!
To be serious: Trump isn’t going to offset anything. He will call the BS and tell people to no longer care about it.
lol Trump could careless about global warming bull Shiza. Nor is he going to play their game.
Can't we just say, 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 to the UN & these faggity ass NGOs once and for all??? No American voted for or wants ANY of them!
Global warming is bs...even if it's actually getting warmer due to sun activity. Besides, King Snausages, Klaus and Gore, need I say more?
Does this mean it's going to be covered in casinos like Cuba (like Godfather II) ???
Besides weapons and cached frozen food, what else do you think is there? Oil? Minerals? Think we'll drill/mine it? Trump's not going to buy something and just do nothing...there must be some money to be made from it...
Greenland. What if there are more hidden resources than we can imagine under that massive sheet of ice, that’s near the size of Antarctica? This is what I’m wondering.
This is a good on-point article:
Why are we even speculating on what this means? I think Mr. Schwartz is shitposting, and I sincerely doubt that Trump gives a rat's ass about average temperature offsets.
I can only imagine when the world is made right, how all these hoaxes will seem to people who are thought facts about our existence! We will look like a superstitious bunch that believed everything the snake oil salesmen told us! History repeats itself! We looked back at some of our ancestors the same way!
Interesting and fun angle. I don't think Trump gives two shits about this though.
Greenland is about submarines, hypersonic missiles, forward loading of surveillance and perhaps troops... and probably BTC mining.
So do I. I think the Thule base is actually a lot more enormous than most of us realize. 28 floor DUMB, who the fuck knows. Lots of heavy surveillance equipment, probably a submarine underground storage/maintenance... you know... Bond Villan level shit. But I suspect they want to ramp that up even more, with the supersonic missiles from the ChiComs and the Russians, etc. And I also suspect there is a lot I do not suspect.
We've had that base for decades. Quite a lot is possible, in decades.
I think Mr spacerobot doesn't understand that when something is underground you can't see it
"Loook at the satellite photos, dummkopf!!!"
Let's move on...
That long-winded son of a bitch
I think our purported super space engineer should work on his reading comprehension.
GOD is in control of the climate. It's his planet and he created it. If the Earth's temperature was to rise, he would stop it.
Somebody actually gave me a minus point for saying that? You don't think GOD is in control of the climate?
Ummm... The earth has been way harder than this in the past, this is actually a pretty cool period
And we are at the cusp of not having enough carbon dioxide
Did you mean to say hotter?
Could be that there really is a cataclysm on the way, nothing can stop it, and world leaders are jockeying for position. I mean earth altering cataclysm. It seems Greenland and Canada may have good positions post cataclysm so we want them.