I have no doubt that Julia is Madeleine. The episode I just posted shows a photoshop analysis whereby they drift the right eye from the toddler Maddy picture to Julia age 14 or something and there are several markers that match.
This latest episode shows some of her new 'relatives' may have been involved as well, namely her current grandfather, uncle and aunt (who is AWOL). Those people showed up near the site a few days later. Also in that episode was a recent phone call to the FBI, where she spotted a picture of her 'grandfather' on the most wanted list in the UISA.
The investigating Portugese detective wrote a book about Maddie and stated that that Maddies blood was found in a wardrobe, far to much of it for a 6 year old to lose and still live.
The book is not for sale anywhere, and the detective is keeping quiet these days.
I agree. I think there are too many 'important' people involved.
Every route of investigation she has gone down has been shut down mysteriously. She has managed to 'match her DNA' (after studying up on it) with the McCanns, but cannot get it done 'officially', as the McCanns won't participate, for example. So, to try and get the DNA test over the line, Atwood & co started a petition which garnered 20 000 signaures, and then 'disappeared' off the net.
As soon as the FBA agent on the phone heard that she thought that she is Madeleine, he got off the line as fast as he could. I can just about hear the red-alarm sounding.
• I'm open to knowing the truth regarding:
• UFOs.
• Who is the head of deep state and the other higher ups.
• I'd like our money back that they stole and laundered...
• Confirmation of whether or not we went to the moon.
• Where is Osama bin laden or whatever his real name is?
• When will we meet JFK Jr?
• What did the notes say to the traitors at Bush Sr's funeral?
• Did Joe Biden ever serve as President?
• Did barry ever legally serve as President?
• Is there an underground rail network and bases/cities
• Are there beings from other worlds among us?
• Did non-humans abduct citizens of the earth and what was done with them (Majestic 12)
• Are HAARP, Project Blue Beam, Project looking Glass and DEWs being used against us?
my guess is ~90% are experimental aircraft of ours, ~8% are somebody else's stealth aircraft ~1% are weather balloons, private experimental aircraft (hobbyists and the like), etc. and maybe ~1% are "who the hell knows!?!"/aliens.
I'd say that's a very accurate breakdown based on my experience.
Of course, it's that last ~1% that matters, especially given that we've now had multiple pentagon employees testify to Congress that we have materials, craft & biologics from NHI's.
EXACTLY! No matter how disturbing this stuff is, people need to know. The time for playing soft with buried secrets is way past. Start with the JFK stuff bc people (even sheeple) have been marinating on that for a long time now and IMO believe it could've been anyone, including an inside job. Then pull the "If you think that's spicy, get a load of this!"
I'm theorizing that Trump invited Zuck to the inauguration event because he is going to disclose what FB was about. It started as a darpa project called lifelog.
I wonder where truth on all the chem trail spraying will come out of - MAHA? Pentagon? Same with 5G, weather manipulation and DEWS. We have been attacked upon and lied to on so many fronts for so long.
Yeah, I don't know. While I'm anxious to not only get it all out, but get it remedied, it also needs to maintain a drip, drip, drip.
Too much too fast will be too much for too many.
Psychedelics and psychiatrists standing by lol
Just popped to mind, Q drop about this will not be for everyone, as in more than just TDS libtards, but also perhaps people that can't mentally handle it all?
I know a lot of these at my church, they will not be able to handle horrific disclosures at all, they are lovely people but could go stark raving mad when they hear about frazzledrip and whats underneath the Smithsonian.
he could throw a bone to the more reasonable on the left (not always an oxymoron, just mostly) and release anything related to katrina while he's at it...
"Ask not what your country can do for you -
ask what you can do for your country'
"The seventeen most inspiring words in 20th century American history were spoken by John F. Kennedy, around mid-day, on January 20, 1961, in Washington, D.C. The occasion was his presidential inauguration, and came as he was concluding his inaugural address. He had just declared that the torch had been passed to a new generation of Americans –
“born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage” – and pledged to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” Soon after, he spoke the seventeen words:
And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
I'm hoping GEOTUS is using this information release as a means of setting the table for much broader, sweeping reforms of the CIA.
The declassification of this info could condition / outrage the normies so that they support the President in a dismantling of the CIA. And that process would require major public support to get it done.
There's a lot of great suggestions in this thread for items / subjects that need to be declassified, but sadly we are not the audience for most of this stuff. Again, my hope is that the declassification of these big, much older events is going to generate some serious anger and suspicion by the general public and that will lead to much more modern disclosures of the CIA's criminality.
Can a request be put in for Madeleine McCann?
The Podesta brothers and Lucien Freud..
I have no doubt that Julia is Madeleine. The episode I just posted shows a photoshop analysis whereby they drift the right eye from the toddler Maddy picture to Julia age 14 or something and there are several markers that match.
This latest episode shows some of her new 'relatives' may have been involved as well, namely her current grandfather, uncle and aunt (who is AWOL). Those people showed up near the site a few days later. Also in that episode was a recent phone call to the FBI, where she spotted a picture of her 'grandfather' on the most wanted list in the UISA.
The investigating Portugese detective wrote a book about Maddie and stated that that Maddies blood was found in a wardrobe, far to much of it for a 6 year old to lose and still live.
The book is not for sale anywhere, and the detective is keeping quiet these days.
Won't happen. Too high level. THey killed my friends' biz partner over this issue. IYKYK.
100%. From day 01 of v/Pizzagate.
I agree. I think there are too many 'important' people involved.
Every route of investigation she has gone down has been shut down mysteriously. She has managed to 'match her DNA' (after studying up on it) with the McCanns, but cannot get it done 'officially', as the McCanns won't participate, for example. So, to try and get the DNA test over the line, Atwood & co started a petition which garnered 20 000 signaures, and then 'disappeared' off the net.
As soon as the FBA agent on the phone heard that she thought that she is Madeleine, he got off the line as fast as he could. I can just about hear the red-alarm sounding.
THe story now: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/madeleine-mccann-detective-who-mysteriously-11905888
Original story: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/904410/Detective-Madeleine-McCann-case-dead-Kevin-Halligen
Halligen was former MI-5 and his biz partner (my friend) was former high-level DASD DOD.
Oakley produced the e-fits.
Correct a missing girl and Mi6 get involved and Prince Charles visits. All perfectly normal
• I'm open to knowing the truth regarding: • UFOs. • Who is the head of deep state and the other higher ups. • I'd like our money back that they stole and laundered... • Confirmation of whether or not we went to the moon. • Where is Osama bin laden or whatever his real name is? • When will we meet JFK Jr? • What did the notes say to the traitors at Bush Sr's funeral? • Did Joe Biden ever serve as President? • Did barry ever legally serve as President? • Is there an underground rail network and bases/cities • Are there beings from other worlds among us? • Did non-humans abduct citizens of the earth and what was done with them (Majestic 12) • Are HAARP, Project Blue Beam, Project looking Glass and DEWs being used against us?
my guess is ~90% are experimental aircraft of ours, ~8% are somebody else's stealth aircraft ~1% are weather balloons, private experimental aircraft (hobbyists and the like), etc. and maybe ~1% are "who the hell knows!?!"/aliens.
Elon told Tucker they are our test craft.
that would be my guess as well.
I'd say that's a very accurate breakdown based on my experience.
Of course, it's that last ~1% that matters, especially given that we've now had multiple pentagon employees testify to Congress that we have materials, craft & biologics from NHI's.
to be fair, that could have been jangling keys...
How about Heather O'Rourke?
Clock's ticking, Spielberg...
Some weirdness going on, that's for sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faaiovzrIWc
I hope he adds 9/11 to that list.
And Pizzagate. And Weiner's "insurance" laptop.
"Israel for last", remember?
There's that hair trigger down voter again. How dare you say israel.
<[] <<<
I'd be happier with everything on Sandy Hook and Parkland Florida, for starters.
At some point the 9/11 truth should come out as well. Also Weiner's laptop with Hillary's sins.
It has to otherwise no one is going to wake up and we'll be destined to repeat the past
EXACTLY! No matter how disturbing this stuff is, people need to know. The time for playing soft with buried secrets is way past. Start with the JFK stuff bc people (even sheeple) have been marinating on that for a long time now and IMO believe it could've been anyone, including an inside job. Then pull the "If you think that's spicy, get a load of this!"
Weiner's laptop
Seth Rich
etc etc etc
I'm theorizing that Trump invited Zuck to the inauguration event because he is going to disclose what FB was about. It started as a darpa project called lifelog.
Yup I am worried that they’ll puss out cause it’s tttttttoooooo mmmmmuuuuucccccchhhhh for mmmmmmmuuuuuuhhhhhhh normies.
Normies will never change until reality hits them like a baseball bat at full swing. Release all of it fuck normies.
These were the same dumfucks who thought Mitt Romney was a better choice for the Republican nominee than Ron Paul.
and FORCE Madcow and CIA Anderson to report on it.
Agreed, and so much more.
Maybe he'll start with older stuff and work forward to ease people into just how corrupt the US Inc has been.
I wonder where truth on all the chem trail spraying will come out of - MAHA? Pentagon? Same with 5G, weather manipulation and DEWS. We have been attacked upon and lied to on so many fronts for so long.
Yeah, I don't know. While I'm anxious to not only get it all out, but get it remedied, it also needs to maintain a drip, drip, drip.
Too much too fast will be too much for too many.
Psychedelics and psychiatrists standing by lol
Just popped to mind, Q drop about this will not be for everyone, as in more than just TDS libtards, but also perhaps people that can't mentally handle it all?
What if something pushes us over the edge too - then we are really screwed!! Guess we have to keep trusting that damn plan to know when to drip drops!
Trust God, hope for the plan.
I know a lot of these at my church, they will not be able to handle horrific disclosures at all, they are lovely people but could go stark raving mad when they hear about frazzledrip and whats underneath the Smithsonian.
My work will begin then, in earnest.
Indeed, I'm eager to see what all comes out, how deep the rabbit hole goes.
SO much out there, manipulated history, timelines, etc.
Been watching about world fairs the past couple days.
I do feel like there's a general distrust of the government now among the majority of people.
Today is the 5 year delta for drop 3777.
Biden mentioned something about this in is farewell speech
he could throw a bone to the more reasonable on the left (not always an oxymoron, just mostly) and release anything related to katrina while he's at it...
Let's hope the Bushes had their diapers on.
And Israel/Mossad
When was this from?
The rally today.
When are we going to find out about Covid-19 and the death shots?
Can you imagine the PANIC.
He said this before then released a few docs and said he'd released it all. It was really weird and I never understood it.
Release the truth about who the C_A killed, and then maybe release the truth that the CIA didn't get JFK JR?
Can we add Hitlary, Epstein and UFOs?
just a reminder; count the words🐸
"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country'
"The seventeen most inspiring words in 20th century American history were spoken by John F. Kennedy, around mid-day, on January 20, 1961, in Washington, D.C. The occasion was his presidential inauguration, and came as he was concluding his inaugural address. He had just declared that the torch had been passed to a new generation of Americans –
“born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage” – and pledged to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” Soon after, he spoke the seventeen words:
And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
BOOM 🔥🔥🔥
Hope one of these E.Os he Enforces are 11110 or somthing similar to JFKs 11110, TO strip power of the Fed and restore it back to the treasury.
And all other topics of great interest.... hmmmm :)
My namesake was murdered that day…
Bring it…
I'm hoping GEOTUS is using this information release as a means of setting the table for much broader, sweeping reforms of the CIA.
The declassification of this info could condition / outrage the normies so that they support the President in a dismantling of the CIA. And that process would require major public support to get it done.
There's a lot of great suggestions in this thread for items / subjects that need to be declassified, but sadly we are not the audience for most of this stuff. Again, my hope is that the declassification of these big, much older events is going to generate some serious anger and suspicion by the general public and that will lead to much more modern disclosures of the CIA's criminality.
he should have them released first to wikileaks, just to shrink a few sphincters that much tighter...
Thus ties nicely with Flynn's ten day drip drip drip!
Fucking A about time, I’m so tried of being a United States Slave Bitch
david morales ran the hit squad. one of the assassins is still alive and some of the players.
What’s Sam?
This will keep the media busy while he is MAGAmaxxing.