I Have a Question...Why the fuck would you want to live in a Country that you hate and despise...If You're an Immigrant and legal then what's the problem ?
People really are dumb MF'rs....
This is also more confusing given the massive support Trump got from the legitimate Latino vote base.
These “protesters” are the dregs of society and will never offer anything of value anywhere. Their disgraceful and disrespectful behaviour here clearly demonstrates that.
They might be dumb, yes, but you are overlooking the real issue.
They hate America and want to "take it back" because they think it SHOULD belong to Mexico.
Of course, bring up the point that Mexico once belonged to Spain, and their head will explode. LOL
But make no mistake: They HATE America and anyone not Hispanic. They just usually hide it. But they do feel it underneath, which is all the more reason to send them back to be with their own people.
A good point, they resent the modernisation, cohesive high trust society built by Americans, when all they can achieve is corruption and crime due mainly to lazy acceptance of the general population.
Millions of Texans are just waiting for the call for help - including the Hispanic citizens and legal immigrants. I'm pretty sure that (if given the authority) we could stop this quickly.
I don’t get it either. I’m an immigrant and I LOVE America - even more so than my native country (Denmark). I have always loved America and always will. It’s the land of my dreams and Americans are the greatest people in the world. If you don’t love our country then why come here? I guess they just loved the freebies…
Exactly. Immigrants can be great - they are an important part of America. Sad part is, they probably know more about the history and workings of this country than natural-born citizens, mostly due to the bullshit education system we have. Illegal immigrants (invaders) on the other hand must go.
I remember going to my grandmother's house all the time when I was young, and for a while my great grandmother was still alive living there as well. I used to go up to her room and look at things like her framed document she got when she processed through Ellis Island (from Ireland). I thought that was so cool. Unfortunately I was too young to know that I should ask her about what she went through - similar to how so many people regret not talking to WW2 soldiers before they died. It's sad.
BTW - I use "gimmedats" instead of "freebies". It more properly captures their attitudes (and future voting records) on the stuff they get from us.
Yup end all immigration. Doesn’t matter if they are Mexicans or East Indian. They will never identify with America as a group.
When you bring in too much of any group they don’t assimilate. I see this in Seattle all the time. It doesn’t feel like America anymore. Just large groups of people who just stay with their own.
This country was built by whites and blacks. This country should be catering towards whites, blacks and Natives not foreigners under the psyop of “muh nation of immigrants”.
Obviously people who are already legal citizens can stay but the amount of new people coming into this country needs to be severely limited to near zero.
I like the near zero idea for sure! Halt immigration until the mess gets fixed. Then, if/when we start it back up, we go back to the way it was pre 1965. And part of this “immigration” clean up needs to go beyond deportations. Integration into the US needs to start immediately with no more catering to Hispanics and Muslims. Michigan and Minnesota, we’re looking at you and your very large Muslim communities.
This!!! ☝🏻 Integration stopped being required of anyone living here and we have been reaping the division for decades. We live in America, we shouldn’t have to “press 1 for English”. As an American, when I visit other countries, I NEVER expect the citizens to speak English and I plan accordingly.
I work in the medical field and I’ve been seeing the same Spanish speaking patients for YEARS and they still insist on having an interpreter. To contrast that, I have a sweet Russian patient who couldn’t speak English at all the first time I saw him, fast forward about 3-5 years, I moved clinics and he had to come to us due to scheduling restraints at other places, and imagine my surprise when he came with no interpreter and was able to carry on a conversation with me better than most of my Spanish speaking patients who’ve lived here for 10+ years.
To clarify, I’m pretty sure when I say “Spanish speaking”, the majority of those people are Hispanic. Most of my Latino patients don’t need an interpreter and neither to the rest of my foreign patients. Some of my Asian patients struggle but they rarely ask for an interpreter.
I cant imagine being in a foreign country, needing the type of medical care my patients require, and not being able to speak the language to communicate about life and death decisions. It boggles the mind and the arrogance of our Hispanic patients is infuriating. A lot of them can speak and understand enough to get by but they refuse to do so and get annoyed when you don’t speak Spanish. What the heck!!? Lol
Because of the bennies man, because of the bennies. Even those working have a higher standard of living in our country. They work, often get paid under the table, don't pay taxes yet get ALL the benefits of citizens. Their kids get free education, they have enjoyed all the same rights as citizens up until now, and many do get money from the state. What's not to love? Maybe they hate the USA because they think it's stupid. And it has been!
A massed enemy is always a more efficient target that disbursed. You can concentrate forces. Looks like a good time to throw a net over the who bunch to me.
Or ICE could host a giant protest of Trump's deportation plan, wait till the show up in droves, and arrest them.
Illegal invaders? In mass public groupings? Fucking pepper them with flashbangs and gas grenades until they're doing the crappie flop then toss them over the wall.
Santa Barbara is a wealthy middle to upper class area. All these immigrants protesting are probably working there illegally. Round them all up and give the jobs to the many unemployed Californians or welfare/EBT recipients. ICE should make sure to raid Solvang as well - the little Danish tourist town - 9 out of 10 will be illegals working. I used to like visiting that place but getting Danish food prepared by Mexicans doesn’t give one the culinary experience and quality you should come to expect.
I live 30 minutes south of Santa Barbara. It’s not they type of place where they generally have “protests” because it’s very wealthy and upscale, home prices are high, and most of their “servant class” have to commute to the town from miles away. There would be no place in town for immigrants to live. They are super liberal but they like their peaceful little town. I am starting to believe these “illegal immigrant anti-ICE protests” are ALL STAGED FOR PHOTO OPS.
Optics is a big player as we are still in the midst of information warfare. The Trump administration is holding fast to their promise to take out the worst first. It’s almost like the other side is trying to poke the bear to get a reaction. I’m wondering if these protest are being staged in an effort to try to get ICE to move in on the crowds of just “regular working illegals” so the media can run with that narrative. In a few months they will all be gone and it won’t matter in the end who left first. These people have been given notice to evict themselves off our property/country. If they dont leave on their own they will be removed by force one day or the next. If I was an illegal I would be living in a state of paranoia and get myself the hell out of here before I have to FAFO myself.
Hundred percent. I would ignore these protests and carry on deporting criminal illegal aliens, working with countries to get them to cooperate repatriating their citizens and working to secure the border. Those have to be the priorities for now.
I know someone in that area who is illegal and he loves our country and has a child with my cousin. I wish he came legally but I love that he at least appreciates what the Us gave him.
I hope he leaves on his own accord so he can apply for legal citizenship and come back some day. It is heartbreaking but we know why this all has to happen. Prayers for all the families and for the safety of our people enforcing the laws of our land. 🙏😇
They fly the flag of the country they love. They are not here to become Americans, they are here to invade our country & overwhelm our system so they can take over.
A gold mine for rounding up illegals. Tom said he wants safety first when it comes to the process so, I doubt we’ll see any operations to “gather” here. But man, would be nice to see. A group that size would get violent most likely. Still tho, ICE agents foaming at the mouth watching this, lol.
I Have a Question...Why the fuck would you want to live in a Country that you hate and despise...If You're an Immigrant and legal then what's the problem ? People really are dumb MF'rs....
This is also more confusing given the massive support Trump got from the legitimate Latino vote base.
These “protesters” are the dregs of society and will never offer anything of value anywhere. Their disgraceful and disrespectful behaviour here clearly demonstrates that.
They might be dumb, yes, but you are overlooking the real issue.
They hate America and want to "take it back" because they think it SHOULD belong to Mexico.
Of course, bring up the point that Mexico once belonged to Spain, and their head will explode. LOL
But make no mistake: They HATE America and anyone not Hispanic. They just usually hide it. But they do feel it underneath, which is all the more reason to send them back to be with their own people.
A good point, they resent the modernisation, cohesive high trust society built by Americans, when all they can achieve is corruption and crime due mainly to lazy acceptance of the general population.
Millions of Texans are just waiting for the call for help - including the Hispanic citizens and legal immigrants. I'm pretty sure that (if given the authority) we could stop this quickly.
Either that or paid well to protest.
I don’t get it either. I’m an immigrant and I LOVE America - even more so than my native country (Denmark). I have always loved America and always will. It’s the land of my dreams and Americans are the greatest people in the world. If you don’t love our country then why come here? I guess they just loved the freebies…
Exactly. Immigrants can be great - they are an important part of America. Sad part is, they probably know more about the history and workings of this country than natural-born citizens, mostly due to the bullshit education system we have. Illegal immigrants (invaders) on the other hand must go.
I remember going to my grandmother's house all the time when I was young, and for a while my great grandmother was still alive living there as well. I used to go up to her room and look at things like her framed document she got when she processed through Ellis Island (from Ireland). I thought that was so cool. Unfortunately I was too young to know that I should ask her about what she went through - similar to how so many people regret not talking to WW2 soldiers before they died. It's sad.
BTW - I use "gimmedats" instead of "freebies". It more properly captures their attitudes (and future voting records) on the stuff they get from us.
That's because America was built by people like you -- Europeans.
You have a connection that the others don't.
Because for the longest time, we put up with Mexicans acting like they were living in Mexierica.
They have no allegiance or loyalty to our country and deserve to gtfo.
Yup end all immigration. Doesn’t matter if they are Mexicans or East Indian. They will never identify with America as a group.
When you bring in too much of any group they don’t assimilate. I see this in Seattle all the time. It doesn’t feel like America anymore. Just large groups of people who just stay with their own.
This country was built by whites and blacks. This country should be catering towards whites, blacks and Natives not foreigners under the psyop of “muh nation of immigrants”.
No, get this: All citizens must be treated equally. Non-citizens, get out if you don't like it!
Obviously people who are already legal citizens can stay but the amount of new people coming into this country needs to be severely limited to near zero.
No more illegals or H1-B abuse.
I like the near zero idea for sure! Halt immigration until the mess gets fixed. Then, if/when we start it back up, we go back to the way it was pre 1965. And part of this “immigration” clean up needs to go beyond deportations. Integration into the US needs to start immediately with no more catering to Hispanics and Muslims. Michigan and Minnesota, we’re looking at you and your very large Muslim communities.
I would suggest that Trump put a tax on all money that is being wired back to Mexico
This!!! ☝🏻 Integration stopped being required of anyone living here and we have been reaping the division for decades. We live in America, we shouldn’t have to “press 1 for English”. As an American, when I visit other countries, I NEVER expect the citizens to speak English and I plan accordingly.
I work in the medical field and I’ve been seeing the same Spanish speaking patients for YEARS and they still insist on having an interpreter. To contrast that, I have a sweet Russian patient who couldn’t speak English at all the first time I saw him, fast forward about 3-5 years, I moved clinics and he had to come to us due to scheduling restraints at other places, and imagine my surprise when he came with no interpreter and was able to carry on a conversation with me better than most of my Spanish speaking patients who’ve lived here for 10+ years.
To clarify, I’m pretty sure when I say “Spanish speaking”, the majority of those people are Hispanic. Most of my Latino patients don’t need an interpreter and neither to the rest of my foreign patients. Some of my Asian patients struggle but they rarely ask for an interpreter.
I cant imagine being in a foreign country, needing the type of medical care my patients require, and not being able to speak the language to communicate about life and death decisions. It boggles the mind and the arrogance of our Hispanic patients is infuriating. A lot of them can speak and understand enough to get by but they refuse to do so and get annoyed when you don’t speak Spanish. What the heck!!? Lol
Because of the bennies man, because of the bennies. Even those working have a higher standard of living in our country. They work, often get paid under the table, don't pay taxes yet get ALL the benefits of citizens. Their kids get free education, they have enjoyed all the same rights as citizens up until now, and many do get money from the state. What's not to love? Maybe they hate the USA because they think it's stupid. And it has been!
Excellent insight.
A massed enemy is always a more efficient target that disbursed. You can concentrate forces. Looks like a good time to throw a net over the who bunch to me.
Or ICE could host a giant protest of Trump's deportation plan, wait till the show up in droves, and arrest them.
Yes! Or just scoop them up with bulldozers.
Can you imagine going to any other country in the world, waving the American flag, and claiming you have a right to stay as long as you like?
We cannot deport these arrogant a-holes fast enough.
This "in your face" attitude is not going to cut it anymore.
The citizens by a large majority want illegal aliens deported! GET IT?
And they just happen to have Mexican flags. This is a Soros/NGO paid group.
I noticed this in yesterdays video. Not one American flag anywhere. Im like WTF.
Illegal invaders? In mass public groupings? Fucking pepper them with flashbangs and gas grenades until they're doing the crappie flop then toss them over the wall.
Santa Barbara is a wealthy middle to upper class area. All these immigrants protesting are probably working there illegally. Round them all up and give the jobs to the many unemployed Californians or welfare/EBT recipients. ICE should make sure to raid Solvang as well - the little Danish tourist town - 9 out of 10 will be illegals working. I used to like visiting that place but getting Danish food prepared by Mexicans doesn’t give one the culinary experience and quality you should come to expect.
Well, the useful idiots were told to hit the streets.
Hope they are catching all the pings from their phones so they can find them all.
Great. They're all in one place. Makes it easier to round em up..
College students being indoctrinated fully....
To every one of these people talking shit about President Trump and flying Mexican flags. FUCK YOU!!! Dry with sand. Go back where you came from.
I live 30 minutes south of Santa Barbara. It’s not they type of place where they generally have “protests” because it’s very wealthy and upscale, home prices are high, and most of their “servant class” have to commute to the town from miles away. There would be no place in town for immigrants to live. They are super liberal but they like their peaceful little town. I am starting to believe these “illegal immigrant anti-ICE protests” are ALL STAGED FOR PHOTO OPS.
"Hey ICE! Hey guys! Hey we're over here!!!"
Optics is a big player as we are still in the midst of information warfare. The Trump administration is holding fast to their promise to take out the worst first. It’s almost like the other side is trying to poke the bear to get a reaction. I’m wondering if these protest are being staged in an effort to try to get ICE to move in on the crowds of just “regular working illegals” so the media can run with that narrative. In a few months they will all be gone and it won’t matter in the end who left first. These people have been given notice to evict themselves off our property/country. If they dont leave on their own they will be removed by force one day or the next. If I was an illegal I would be living in a state of paranoia and get myself the hell out of here before I have to FAFO myself.
Hundred percent. I would ignore these protests and carry on deporting criminal illegal aliens, working with countries to get them to cooperate repatriating their citizens and working to secure the border. Those have to be the priorities for now.
I know someone in that area who is illegal and he loves our country and has a child with my cousin. I wish he came legally but I love that he at least appreciates what the Us gave him.
I hope he leaves on his own accord so he can apply for legal citizenship and come back some day. It is heartbreaking but we know why this all has to happen. Prayers for all the families and for the safety of our people enforcing the laws of our land. 🙏😇
PSA: If you love Mexico that much, GTFO and go there!!!!
Hopefully it is SIGN to Mr. Tom Homan to get ICE agents there and start deporting, ASAP!
Arrest them all.
Someone said, “son of a taco”
Don't know why ICE hasn't gone to these protests and round them up.
They fly the flag of the country they love. They are not here to become Americans, they are here to invade our country & overwhelm our system so they can take over.
you're welcome for the WATER, signed DJT.
A gold mine for rounding up illegals. Tom said he wants safety first when it comes to the process so, I doubt we’ll see any operations to “gather” here. But man, would be nice to see. A group that size would get violent most likely. Still tho, ICE agents foaming at the mouth watching this, lol.
I see a Plane trip in there future.
Great way to garner sympathy for your cause. /s
Let them reveal themselves
Oh how convenient of them to gather in one location for ICE.