How refreshing to listen to such a cool young person and know that he is working with Elon. I've always said that our students are our greatest resource and need our support.
Amen! Can't wait for people to start respecting God again once these demon overlords are destroyed (for a time at least).
No more "Man upstairs", "Jesus is my bro", etc. if Moses was told to take off his sandals for around the burning bush was holy ground, and if Nebuchadnezzar's revelation is that the Earth belongs to the Most High God and He gives the kingdoms of the Earth to whomever He wishes and if the voice of God makes the Israelites so scared that they begged Moses to just tell them what God says; then the Joel Osteen private jet coffee club rock band laser show group who say they believe in God need to come to a stark realization that although God has done everything for us, God is far above us and deserves the reverence and respect we would give one such as a king and one such as Donald Trump multiplied by the infinite amount of grace He has shown us.
When I was in my late teens, I adopted "oh my goodness" as a stock phrase. It felt really 'lame', like from my parent's era, and you know, to teenagers, parents almost always seem lame.
But it stuck with me. I like the emotional impact that an OMG can have, but in my mind, it's always Oh My Goodness.
God's name, in whatever form, isn't something to take or use lightly, or flippantly.
Meh, I wasted my potential masking to fit in, get married, and have kids. Don't worry, I still sperg out for 20 minutes at a time on the current global political system/international banking system/white genocide/etc. with my kids, so I'm not a total loss.
That first word: Those letters said SPQR which is: Senatus Populusque Romanus - an emblematic phrase referring to the government of the Roman Republic.
So that jives with 79AD (Pompeii eruption) or before that. Nice find.
And the Romans were obsessed with the color purple, because the dye was a commodity that people invested in.
And for extra Life of Brian stuff, some lovely Latin grammar for autists:
Romanes Eunt Domus EXPLAINED | Monty Python's Life of Brian • Fun with Latin -
Rome had the system, the Jews threw such a hissy fit that they ended up killing Christ, and then killing the Jews some 30 years later. Funny how history repeats itself.
Well now I want to know what the "Grand Prize" distilled from the writings!
What did it say???
Better not be some purple nurple joke!
The scrolls contain a discussion of pleasure, likely from the work of Epicurean poet and philosopher Philodemus of Gadara.
The scrolls discuss whether the availability of goods like food affects pleasure.
The scrolls include the Greek word πορφύραc, which translates to "purple dye" or "clothes of purple".
Exactly 👍 I’m not sure how old that video is, and now that he’s working with doge and with Elon he may be a little bit older. Still seems like a bright young man with a positive future. I’m happy to see he’s on the right side of history. His work, and the work of many others will be bringing us into the Great Awakening.
I've seen this article twice now which claims this person is working for DOGE but in both articles there was no mention of this person working for DOGE. Do we have sauce that explicitly says he is working for DOGE someplace?
Tried to find the article, but you have to have an account to read anything from wired. Apparently it was such a big deal. Maybe the story was taken down but here’s a little sauce.
"Autist" can just be a term to describe someone who can be hyper-focused on something, usually along with high intelligence, unlike the average person, who is not that.
It is not always used to describe someone with a severe disorder.
i guess it's boomerang time. if they did hurt these kids with the vaxx's, and now they are being used against them, it's pure justice.
but then again i've mentioned these people being vaxxed injured and i've been told it's all BS. it's just now, since the internet that we are finding out these people exist. more libtard logic imo.
i think these autistic kids were harmed from the childhood vaccines, not the covid ones. this is what Kennedy is also fighting against all the extra vaccines kids are getting today.
autists are folks who either are, or have been diagnosed, as standing somewhere on the autism spectrum, and who can use their abilities in special ways. For example, an autistic savant.
Not all kids with autism are autists, and certain autism as a condition has been around a long time. I don't think it's especially been definitively established that the vaxes are what started autism. But they have certain accelerated and increase the occurrence of autism.
There are people who are on the spectrum, who have a hyper focus and skills above the normal "NPC". They are brilliant, savant like abilities. Sorry that you want to look down (not used as a pun) on these people, this is more of a celebratory term of respect. You comment above that they are "crippled" by their "curse". It's sad that you refer to people like that. I have a dear friend that is on the spectrum, he works for NASA and hold a degree from MIT. I also have friend who have children trisomy 21. Add to that the part where people are fuck by the vax, I have personally buried several.
Special abilities are more common in autism than in other groups, with one study1 finding that a third of autistic adults showed superior skills in one or more areas by parental report and on psychometric tests. Some well‐documented skills are as astounding as any in fiction, such as the renowned artist S. Wiltshire's ability to draw in beautiful detail the cityscape of Tokyo from memory after a single 20 min helicopter ride over the city.
Special skills typically fall into a narrow range of areas. A recent study2 suggested that more than 70% of autistic children and adults had a special isolated skill in memory (52% of the sample), visuo‐spatial abilities (32%), calculation, drawing or music (about 17% for each area).
I've known a few really smart people. They know things and understand things they couldn't possibly know or understand. I don't know how they do it. They're just different and I hate it. Haha 😄 They don't seem to need age or experience.
Cool project! This young man will do a terrific job. This is exactly the talent we need to ferret out the corruption. Plus, he’s wearing a nice SpaceX tee.
Keep in mind that this video was made months before any of this business with doge. The fact that he has under 10,000 followers, tells me that he’s not the psychological operation that some others have been in the past. I’m in the wait-and-see category. I mean, there could be a kid who’s just smart, but we’ve been duped in the past.
How refreshing to listen to such a cool young person and know that he is working with Elon. I've always said that our students are our greatest resource and need our support.
Yes… The fact that he said “oh my goodness” instead of “oh my gaawwed” means that he’s polite.
I noticed that too. Also means he respects the name of God.
Amen! Can't wait for people to start respecting God again once these demon overlords are destroyed (for a time at least).
No more "Man upstairs", "Jesus is my bro", etc. if Moses was told to take off his sandals for around the burning bush was holy ground, and if Nebuchadnezzar's revelation is that the Earth belongs to the Most High God and He gives the kingdoms of the Earth to whomever He wishes and if the voice of God makes the Israelites so scared that they begged Moses to just tell them what God says; then the Joel Osteen private jet coffee club rock band laser show group who say they believe in God need to come to a stark realization that although God has done everything for us, God is far above us and deserves the reverence and respect we would give one such as a king and one such as Donald Trump multiplied by the infinite amount of grace He has shown us.
When I was in my late teens, I adopted "oh my goodness" as a stock phrase. It felt really 'lame', like from my parent's era, and you know, to teenagers, parents almost always seem lame.
But it stuck with me. I like the emotional impact that an OMG can have, but in my mind, it's always Oh My Goodness.
God's name, in whatever form, isn't something to take or use lightly, or flippantly.
EXACTLY 🙏 which tells me this kid is not only smart, but he’s been raised right. I’m gonna bet on the fact that, his family is Christian.
If he can get through an ancient scroll hidden for centuries under volcanic ash, he can interpret US spending practices.
Maybe... lol
Depends. Did jews intentionally hide the scroll?
Would anyone engage in that kind of effort with a pyrotastic flow coming toward your town at a speed faster than a horse can carry you?
kek. Facepalm. I don't think reboot quite knows what TM Vesuvius is...
Oh I do. My comment was meant to play on the obviousness of "our" spending practices.
Ok, you win today's obscure, cryptic and indecipherable allusions award. Congrats!
Sweet. Thanks. I'm going to make myself a certificate, print it, and hang it in my office. I'll send you a photo.
I shall await with bated breath...
In the meantime, it's been an honor.
btw, I have no idea what you meant, fwiw (in case that wasn't obvious)!
Scarlet retard detected!
Just glad the scroll didn't translate to "Drink your Ovaltine"
Or "2 more weeks"
or, "It's getting hot in here."
Or "the castle of Aaargh"
Isn't that a John McCain quote
..... do you feel that?
Link no workie!
Thank you for sharing that piece. Amazing.
I am glad he is on our side.
Agreed 💯
Which one of you here is this kid 😜
Don’t ask people here to reveal their identities.
hes clearly joking
Like this kid has the time or inclination to waste time posting here.
I know right?
def, we have some great autists on this board and thank the good Lord for them.
Meh, I wasted my potential masking to fit in, get married, and have kids. Don't worry, I still sperg out for 20 minutes at a time on the current global political system/international banking system/white genocide/etc. with my kids, so I'm not a total loss.
No, you appear to be a net-negative helping glowniggers.
Sure. Go have kids.
😂 learn to blend
That first word: Those letters said SPQR which is: Senatus Populusque Romanus - an emblematic phrase referring to the government of the Roman Republic.
So that jives with 79AD (Pompeii eruption) or before that. Nice find.
And the Romans were obsessed with the color purple, because the dye was a commodity that people invested in.
it does seem, all roads lead back to Rome.
How many times a day do you think of Rome?
What have the Romans ever done for us? LOL
And for extra Life of Brian stuff, some lovely Latin grammar for autists: Romanes Eunt Domus EXPLAINED | Monty Python's Life of Brian • Fun with Latin -
whenever i think of Christ being crucified, i think of Romans. i know the Jews were behind it, but the Romans agreed to it.
🎶Always look on the bright side of life🎶🐸
Tbf they tried to talk them out of it.
yes they did, but the Romans did it anyways. it all came down to how are we going to control people if we don't.
Rome had the system, the Jews threw such a hissy fit that they ended up killing Christ, and then killing the Jews some 30 years later. Funny how history repeats itself.
I think of Rome engaged at the Trevi Fountain ⛲💍🌌
Me? All the time.
It's on everything in Rome, down to the Manhole covers in the streets ...
Haha come and to think I actually went to the university of Nebraska
Haha, come to think of it, I actually walked the streets of Pompeii.
Godspeed, my son.
Luke is the new Tom Brady
Definitely the Mikey Musumeci of his sport.
Well now I want to know what the "Grand Prize" distilled from the writings!
What did it say???
Better not be some purple nurple joke!
I’m sure if we dig a little deeper we could find out more about this kid, this was just the first post that I saw. He has a bright future.
I was more interested in the writings...
I mean kudos and props to him, but what else would anyone need to actually know about him before it gets creepy? Yanno?
Exactly 👍 I’m not sure how old that video is, and now that he’s working with doge and with Elon he may be a little bit older. Still seems like a bright young man with a positive future. I’m happy to see he’s on the right side of history. His work, and the work of many others will be bringing us into the Great Awakening.
The check was dated 10/12/2023.
I had to look it up and dig a bit...most helpful was believe it or not Google AI assistant...
Seems nobody really gives a shit though, as I've quoted the summary about what was deciphered.
They seem more interested in his vax status like PWin retards...whateva lol
I've seen this article twice now which claims this person is working for DOGE but in both articles there was no mention of this person working for DOGE. Do we have sauce that explicitly says he is working for DOGE someplace?
The original story, but I can’t read it because I don’t have an account
Thank you!
He was doxxed by “Wired”
Sounds like the AG should investigate.
EDIT: That escalated quickly!
Tried to find the article, but you have to have an account to read anything from wired. Apparently it was such a big deal. Maybe the story was taken down but here’s a little sauce.
Thanks fren!
You are on fire MAGA fren!
Thanks fren!
Well, his name was in the list of DOGE people doxxed by some Leftist degenerate. So THEY think he is.
I see pi op Tupac. I suspect it's a misspelling of Tupac psyop.
He's not really dead?
Yeah but is it actually an aut? As in fucked up by the vax? Or is that just a joke?
"Autist" can just be a term to describe someone who can be hyper-focused on something, usually along with high intelligence, unlike the average person, who is not that.
It is not always used to describe someone with a severe disorder.
I thought all auts were vaxxed up wreckage. How come they didn't exist before the vax then?
The ones with severe disorders did exist before, but not nearly as many as now, with all the vaxx garbage.
Did they? Like who?
i guess it's boomerang time. if they did hurt these kids with the vaxx's, and now they are being used against them, it's pure justice.
but then again i've mentioned these people being vaxxed injured and i've been told it's all BS. it's just now, since the internet that we are finding out these people exist. more libtard logic imo.
Not sure I'd trust some vaxxed up freak for anything important though
i think these autistic kids were harmed from the childhood vaccines, not the covid ones. this is what Kennedy is also fighting against all the extra vaccines kids are getting today.
bwahahahaha? Wha?
autists are folks who either are, or have been diagnosed, as standing somewhere on the autism spectrum, and who can use their abilities in special ways. For example, an autistic savant.
Not all kids with autism are autists, and certain autism as a condition has been around a long time. I don't think it's especially been definitively established that the vaxes are what started autism. But they have certain accelerated and increase the occurrence of autism.
Auts are completely crippled by their curse, they don't have special abilities
Term of endearment. It's a compliment and a lifestyle.
That's... horrifyng. It's like calling someone a "cute little Downs"; who, incidentally, are also fucked up by the vax
There are people who are on the spectrum, who have a hyper focus and skills above the normal "NPC". They are brilliant, savant like abilities. Sorry that you want to look down (not used as a pun) on these people, this is more of a celebratory term of respect. You comment above that they are "crippled" by their "curse". It's sad that you refer to people like that. I have a dear friend that is on the spectrum, he works for NASA and hold a degree from MIT. I also have friend who have children trisomy 21. Add to that the part where people are fuck by the vax, I have personally buried several.
Special abilities are more common in autism than in other groups, with one study1 finding that a third of autistic adults showed superior skills in one or more areas by parental report and on psychometric tests. Some well‐documented skills are as astounding as any in fiction, such as the renowned artist S. Wiltshire's ability to draw in beautiful detail the cityscape of Tokyo from memory after a single 20 min helicopter ride over the city.
Special skills typically fall into a narrow range of areas. A recent study2 suggested that more than 70% of autistic children and adults had a special isolated skill in memory (52% of the sample), visuo‐spatial abilities (32%), calculation, drawing or music (about 17% for each area).
We chose to celebrate them and their abilities.
Yeah, I don't know that this kid automatically qualifies as an autist. 100% interpretation by OP.
That kid is gonna help change the world. He already did, but I mean really help change the world.
I've known a few really smart people. They know things and understand things they couldn't possibly know or understand. I don't know how they do it. They're just different and I hate it. Haha 😄 They don't seem to need age or experience.
Don't worry, they hate that they're smarter than you, too. XD
This is what the deep state fears most & wants to wipe out through "diversity".
So your going to unleash AI on governance spending that’s so COOL
So uplifting!! Hope for our future!!!
👏👏👏👏🤩. So excited and proud for that young man and his family!
Cool project! This young man will do a terrific job. This is exactly the talent we need to ferret out the corruption. Plus, he’s wearing a nice SpaceX tee.
Looks like a textbook dark money front-man just like Zuckerberg. I'm not buying this plastic-wrapped bullshit!
Keep in mind that this video was made months before any of this business with doge. The fact that he has under 10,000 followers, tells me that he’s not the psychological operation that some others have been in the past. I’m in the wait-and-see category. I mean, there could be a kid who’s just smart, but we’ve been duped in the past.
An American thats not here on a visa!!! God bless!!!