Elon: Wow, this just gets crazier -🚨 CONSPIRACY THEORY NO MORE...why fraudulent SSN’s were provided to illegals by Dems- 10,000 illegals using the same exact SS # voted in Arizona 2020 presidential elections- Dems don’t want an audit of SS fraud is because they’re scamming off a $1.7 trillion slush
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
The reason why they told Kari Lake to "let" her stolen election "go" for now is because it's way too big, too dangerous for her to face alone, and involving Cartels and drugs & tunnels, and undercover agents. I cannot wait when they rip apart Arizona's entire corrupt system. I have Satanic headquarter, child trafficking, and underground tunnels in my bingo card
I’ve been there a few times over the last few years and I have to tell you you are correct. There’s definitely a presence of evil in the entire area and you can feel it when you’re coming in on the plane I shit you not this is not in my head.
That's interesting, and I believe you. Some places you can just feel something's not right. I wonder if anyone feels this way when in Denver airport where they have all the weird painting, murals, and statues.
Was just going to say that. The demonic horse and the murals are beyond creepy.
Yeah, where is Mr. Ask Me About Racine?
u\Trusthetruth has been MIA for quite sometime now. I hope they're ok.
I have an experience about that to share. When my kiddo was little we were flying through there and he practically tried to climb under my coat as we went through the subway connecting gates. As a little my son was not a brash but he has never been clingy EVER. At first I thought he might be sick from the flight and I went to put him down in the chair to get some crackers from my bag and he grabbed me by the collar locked his toddler legs around me looked me right in the eye and said “Mommy don’t let me go the dead children are hungry “ and looked up and we were under this creepy mural. I was completely freaked. In that dark tunnel waiting area waiting for the train. Thankfully I was a believer at this point because I would have been a nervous wreck for my connection otherwise.
Wow what a story. Children know; they can sense things well even if they don't understand it completely. I've always said that if a child or a pet doesn't like you, it's because they sense something off about you.
This was after a spiritual awakening to the fact evil actually existed but before I fell down the rabbit hole. It was honestly terrifying and I was so scared in part because I thought I was alone seeing all these connections to the big players in the world.
I feel like that when I go to Vegas.
Me too!
It’s pretty crazy how one can fee certain things especially when so prevalent in particular areas. My wife and I felt the same way when we did a camping road trip and started into Telluride, calirado…felt not good. We did a u’e at the second roundabout before even getting to downtown and left it in the rear view.
I felt like forces were trying to attack me the whole time I was there. Every time.
Agreed on Telluride I get that feeling in parts of Kansas too.
Washington DC, especially the subway and Washington monument.
Isn't it portrayed that way in "The Stand"?
No idea.
Obligatory Stephen king is a pedo though.
I get that same Holy Ghost assault at the colosseum in Rome. So much evil and death, gives me the spiritual heebee jeebies
Never been to any of the places mentioned, but I've had a similar experience with nursing homes(possibly this one particular nursing home, more I think about it)...ever since I was a teenager, anytime I walked into one of those places, it was like the despair was a physical presence. I could feel it the minute i crossed the threshold, it was like walking up to a bonfire, one minute nothing, and the next, this feeling of utter hopelessness, crushing down on me.
got so bad that after a while, i refused to go into them...I literally couldn't handle it...
You are so right about some nursing homes. I feel the same.
...if I were hunting psychic parasites, that'd be one of the first places i'd look...
I think this too. I think she has a placeholder position right now, but when everything is exposed, she'll be governor or senator in AZ. And take help take out the cartels.
Don’t forget the mortgage fraud
If Trump and team can fix this fraud in AZ - or at the state level in all of the states - he will have earned his own mountain to have his face carved on. Mt. Trump.
When this is over, the DNC should totally cease to exist, the majority in prison either on death row or serving life sentences, and any members not in prison, barred from any form of government service ever again. Also, safeguards should be established to prevent this from ever happening again.
Unfortunately these corrupt power structures just slink between the parties - Bush, No Name, Romney - all those guys were just as corrupt as the dems. People got disillusioned with Bush and his endless wars and globalism so Obama ping ponged in to "Save us" as a set up.
Trump has cleaned house a lot in the Republican Party but this corruption is something people are going to need to stay constantly vigilant against no matter what party people say they belong to.
Bingo. If there are arrests, it's going to HAVE to have some RINOs, or it'll just look like partisan politics on steroids.
Elon's post - https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1888861771361873966
Post shared by Elon -
Two reasons why fraudulent SSN’s were provided to illegals by Democrats.
A: 10,000 illegals using the same exact Social Security number voted in Arizona 2020 presidential elections.
B: The reason the radical Democrats don’t want an audit of social security fraud is because they’re scamming off a 1.7 trillion dollar slut fund. It’s BEYOND MASSIVE.
He warned us long time ago…
The post by RealRobert also shared one of Elon's previous posts along with that video -
Just learned that the social security database is not de-duplicated, meaning you can have the same SSN many times over, which further enables MASSIVE FRAUD!!
Your tax dollars are being stolen.
What kind of fund is that? And that number again?
Hey, u/Mr_A, was there ever a more perfect typo? 🤣🤣
Until now I never knew it was possible for an audit to produce such poetry. 🤓
Poetry from an audit,
Who would have thought it?
Sublime 🍻
Of course there's poetry there! How could there not be with Autist Auditors??
God bless every Autist Auditor,
I shall forever be their lauditor!
I cleaned that part up when I did the title of the post, lol
Was wondering about that. Headline readers thank you! 😄
Maybe it's not a typo.
Hahaha, even better!
Wow, you would think it is a simple and necessary piece of code to detect duplicate numbers....how basic in such a system. Elons team will surely detect this.
Unless there are actual consequences, they will just keepkeep on being vote riggers.
Very glad Elon has his eyes on this.
Oh man, Jovan Pulitzer's ego is gonna be RAGING after this one.
But hey, good on him for calling it out back then I guess. I'm finding that a lot of things I first heard whispers of in 2022 are now proving out as being true. NCSWIC
This was the same conference where they create a fire alarm incident isn't it?
Absolutely. Remember watching it live. Good memory, fren!
Yes, Arizona is controlled by very nasty cartels. It's going to take the military to rout them out. I believe Trump has known all along. The time for the clean up will come. And, none too soon!!
and who controls / owns the cartels??? It's the CIA...and who owns the CIA???? That is the root of the wart. Figure that out... Pretty sure we know but refuse to admit it.
Once we have 100% knowledge then you will understand and empathize more with Russia.
We have it all. It’s no coincidence the first thing we did was audit everything
The only way we stop this is if we take over the msm and make transparency the ultimate objective. I can't share this with my sisters because we don't have the same apps. They won't watch a video because it's too long and they don't care. But, they have their heads in the daily news. They believe the propaganda. The msm is what we have to fight first.
Patience is the most difficult of virtues…
At first I was just giddy that they're uncovering all this stuff. But as time goes on, it's just turning to anger. Every day it's some new revelation that just digs their hole deeper. When arrests? When justice?
Anyway, fantastic job Team Trump! Keeping you in my prayers for your continued safety and good health! Burn it all down.
I'm having to work really hard and consciously to deal with the anger. I want to see prosecutions.
I used to work Customer Service for SSA at a call center. When a person would call in their info would pop up on the screen as the call dropped in because they were required to enter their SSN prior to being connected. We always knew where the person was most likely calling from by the first few numbers of their SSN.
Now we were told that there was little possibility of SSA running out of numbers for many, many years when we started to notice that the numbers assigned to border states (CA, AZ, NM, FL) were reaching the top of their assigned numbers and the names were almost always Hispanic.
Then during Obama, (2011 to be exact) we were told that the numbers were no longer going to be assigned by the region/state, they were going to be assigned by Baltimore as they came in, so you no longer knew where the people were from when they applied. You didn’t fool us workers. We knew back then it was to hide the increased number of people entering the country, mainly through the southern border. One of the additional jobs we had was working a report called the IRS mismatch. Whenever an employer reported wages for someone to the IRS the IRS checked the information with SSA. If there was a mismatch between the reported information and the information on file, it would create extra work for SSA. Letters would be sent to the employer to verify the info. 98 out of 100 times the name reported by the employer was Hispanic; however, it was not a Hispanic name in SSA’s records. If the employer responded with the same info he reported earlier (because he was attesting that the info he provided was what he allegedly saw on their SSN Card), then SSA had to search its records to see if there was possibly a match between their name and date of birth to someone already in the system. If so, the correct number would be provided to the IRS. If we couldn’t verify the SSN, then multiple letters would be sent to the person’s known and/or last known address requesting that they verify their info. 99 out of 100 of these letters were not responded to. Another interesting thing we noticed was that many of the Hispanic names what were reported by the IRS to SSA were different from the reported Hispanic names in SSA’s file and the wages being reported were for newborns! In many cases, there were multiple wage reports for the same SSN.
WE knew what was happening then, but to say anything labeled you as a whack job conspiracy theorist
Wow, thanks for sharing that with us LadyMary.
Charges against all these criminals are being filed in 3, 2,... At least I hope very soon.
IMO Trump ad his wonderful team are saving stolen elections for a bit later. They have the money fraud to finish right now.
Still waiting for the public trials and then executions.
Uh oh
Is it totally out of line to say that the Democratic Party isn’t made up of countrymen but of foreign invaders who hate our guts, want us dead, and are actively waging war against us?
Asking for a friend.
The layers of corruption need to be peeled off, in the right order, for the best awakening effect! That is why Kari Lake was not allowed to fight her case! It just wasn't time yet!
The AI era is just beginning. The new system replacing the old, which includes a fresh new look in leadership leading us directly into the NWO plan.
Why is Elon so keyed on discoveries that in some form or fashion would go away if only Digital ID's were implemented? You have to ask yourself this question!