Disagree. It is not the apocalypse even for them. They are giving into fear porn.
They didn't even lose everything they own in a flood or fire! All they have to do is change jobs! Who hasn't had to do that a few times? HA!
They can do it. They are still indulging in self-pity, in the denial anger etc stages. If they don't think they are capable of getting a different job, they were NOT capable of being decent federal employees!
They worked for US! And they have been getting paid, according to their own estimation now, much more than they were worth!
Not to mention that they're getting a free flippin' ride for the entire summer and into fall. I get it, though. Losing an easy paycheck would suck.
Federal employees outlast presidents by miles, too. Change is hard, no matter where it comes from. I have a theory, too:
The financial world is about to get a massive shake-up that will benefit humanity, and that's why there's never any mention (that I've seen) about the economic impact of multiple tens of thousands of people suddenly out of work..
and will have to teach themselves how to fish, instead of being handed a paycheck and generous retirement with the expectation of food, housing, benefits and spending money FOR LIFE! FAR more than the taxpayers could ever expect!
Yup, and also they have to realize their college studies in political science, social studies, everything even medical are based on textbooks by the Rothschild, Rockefellers, and that's why they're indoctrinated to this point.. mind filled with garbage and no critical thinking to see they have been lied to, no moral compass to see what the swamp did with USAID and corruption is wrong. These people have to start from ground up again with an empty glass
It may be painful in the beginning but liberating and healthier in all aspects in the long run.
I agree with you on the financial shake up. I don’t have anything to back it up, it just seems like something that has been hinted at for awhile. Something people aren’t expecting that will be in the positive.
I'm not defending the situation at all. But I don't think there are half a million jobs in the DC area for these people to take. Especially not at the salaries they are making. It's going to break the economy in DC in so many ways. Restarting for these people is not going to be that easy. They should have taken the buy out.
I agree with you on that last point -- many folks SHOULD have opted for the deferred resignation offers, but there were SOOO many naysayers (esp the fed gov't unions) engaging in fear porn and "Don't trust President Musk!" propaganda, that many were scared off.
In the end, only about 3-4% of the entire fed gov't workforce opted to take the DR offer...thought I read in recent weeks that the White House was hoping to get numbers in the 10-20% range with that offer.
Regardless, now the cuts/RIFs begin in earnest...they already have this week. And to your point, I know at least a couple people who now wish they'd jumped on that DR offer.
I think that's a great suggestion, too. Trump and team are absolutely determined to weed out the deadwood in fed gov't employment. And as a fed gov't employee myself...I 110% support my president with that initiative.
I’m from DC and still have a lot of friends who work for Gov there. Everyone is secure with their jobs from what I can tell, most of them are at the Pentagon. Will know more next weekend after FBI friend visits.
We live here. We don't have the connections any more because, well, we're old. We do know a lot of retirees but they know my politics and I don't think they'll approach me with complaints. (Grin)
I'm still in DoD, at least until currently planned retirement of March 2026. I'm hearing of a lot of probationary folks being let go across many non-DoD agencies this past week. Not much of any news about or within DoD...YET. But all DoD agencies were put on notice beginning of this past week to come up with a downsizing/RIF plan within 30 days, and though my particular agency's HR dept has been notoriously silent this past week...I think more news/details is a'coming soon on that topic.
TY, fren -- truly appreciate that. I didn't take the deferred resignation offer (though I personally think it was a gracious one), and I'm in a good "spot" right now to sit and wait and see what happens over the next 6-12 months.
I actually think there's a very good chance that my organization has a good chance of not only being hit with RIFs...but also being closed down for good, with its mission/function redistributed to the other organizations that it serves. And that would mean severance pay for me, probably a better deal than the DR offer that just ended.
But that's just a gut feeling, and we'll see what happens. :) I do want to say for the record that fed gov't employment has been GREAT to me over the years...and in return, I've always tried to turn in my best performance. While there are a lot of bad apples...there are also a lot of GOOD, performing, caring fed gov't employees out there who I sincerely hope make the cut(s).
Are you GS or contractor? My GS friends in DOD don't seem worried. Most are 15s or SES/SIS. Most are within a few years of retirement - double dippers.
My eldest son lives in DC. He just got his dream job at the State Dept working on projects in the Mekong region, he has apart always had a passion for SE Asia. He married a beautiful highly educated Thai woman while teaching overseas. I could not attend their wedding because I refused to take the jab my son pleaded with me to do so but I wouldn't capitulate. Since the pandemic my son has accused me of wearing a tin foil hat as I silently watch everything that I ever said to him come true. He was furloughed rom his job at the state department 3 weeks ago he's not allowed to collect any sort of unemployment and he loses his medical insurance during this time. My heart goes out to him, He doesn't see all the corruption because he's in the midst of it. Asking for prayers for my son, Kevin and his wife.
Prayers for Kevin and his wife. Many unintended consequences will play out. This "process" has put a wedge in many families; mine too. I pray God heals our families.
I'm really glad you didn't cave in and take the jab. This I think is the real test for mankind. If they love the world more than God they'd take the jab. Your conviction needs to be strong so as not to be blown around by the wind.
He pleaded with me to take the J&J, he had tears in his eyes. I could not travel to Thailand for his wedding 😔
I told him that I would give him a kidney but I would not take the jab for anyone. I do not regret my decision but it was a heart breaking one to make
I get your pain. I pleaded with our oldest son in 2021 (when he was still in the Army) not to take the J&J shot, to the point of tears myself. He felt he had no choice BUT to take it as an officer; I told him he ALWAYS has a choice. I cried about it a few times after that as well...but at this point, he's an adult, and I couldn't and can't tell him what to do. All I can do is pray he'll be okay over time. Worst part of all? He just GOT OUT of the Army. UGGHHHH.
Not only a test but it also imho, used for the population reduction. Igg3-Igg4. Same battles with friends and family. I have stopped trying to convince anyone a long while back. Poeple have made their choices and now that the facts continue to come out in the purebloods favor, they have no choice but to either own up to it, or bury their head in the sand. I have buried too many friends and family. I am still dealing within close friends who now have rare cancers or other issues that started right after the injection cycles.
I just found out my 40 yr old cousin got stage 1 Lung cancer, found out after he was hospitalized for chronic Pneumonia after traveling to Japan in December where chronic Pneumonia was running rampant..I didn't know pneumonia is contagious. He was jabbed, not boosted, to obtain the proof of vacc to travel for work. He agreed vacc is no good and decided to do it anyway thinking he was young and took a chance. 4 years later he's in this state, it's really sad. I'm telling him to take ivermectin, HCQ, and Fenben..hopefully it'll just go away next time he does a check up. They say for some the side effects appear 4-5 years later.
Thank You and right back at you. It's devastating to see the results. There is a reason why the vaxxed always end up getting covid everytime it comes thru. Their immune systems are imprinted and since their bodies continue to produce the spikes, the weakened immunity can stand up to things it resisted prior, let alone stuff in the vax like sv40. Cancer, neuro and heart issues are thru the roof, so are excess deaths. It just blows my mine that some on that side still try to deny it. I stopped evangelizing it a few years ago. Folks made up their minds. I plant seed along the way and if they come and ask, I am happy to help them along.
You are correct on IVM HCQ and Fenben. I am trying to get my buddy who has blood cancer to try Fenben, sent him all the info, but, he's being treated by a large cancer group and is doing OK, so time will tell. Agree on the 5 year. They also put out a lot of saline shots and different levels of vax (howbadismybatch.com) if people did the boosters, it would continue to build in their system and the plausible deniability to the vax.
I pray for them, I do, but this was wrong from the get go, the level of push, the coercion, propaganda and world wide push. Then add the "killing fields" of the local hospitals, I will never look at humanity the same, never.
My son is an expert on SE Asia. He worked so hard to get his dream job. When he was an undergrad he declared that one day he would work in the state department on humanitarian infrastructure projects in SE Asia. He finally made his dream come true only to have it crushed. Of course he blames Trump, he still in denial regarding the level of corruption in the swamp.
My heart goes out to him. I know a bunch of good hard working idealistic young people in his position and I agree for the most part they want to do well and have worked hard but just can't even begin to imagine the corruption. These hard working young people are the window dressing the DS uses to hide the rot and it's a shame that many of them (who were never involved in the corruption) will have to now go through this painful identify/career crises.
I don't blame the rank and file for what happened with our government. The bloat was used to hide the upper echelon's theft. The rank and file were just working a job like the rest of us. The one fact that I do hold against them is that many are Democrats, and Democrats should have woken up long ago.
Well, what is that saying, something like when good men do nothing...
If they saw corruption they should have spoken out, and chances are they saw it being committed by their boss or higher up and said nothing. However, I do understand your statement and for the most part it may be correct. But when you said many are Democrats and should have woken up long ago-they are the ones I am speaking about who probably knew and did nothing. Go along to get along and get yearly raises-life is good!
I spoke out about a supervisor who was abusing their position to get the Government to pay for their travel to maintain an affair out of state. Unfortunately, I was a young, naive, Federal employee and didn't realize that one person CAN'T do anything about corruption they witness. (the person's supervisor was willing to accept that it was legitimate travel; what I didn't realize at the time is that if they had called the person out on this, they would have been held accountable for authorizing the travel) I ended up paying for that mistake by having my GS level frozen until I left the government, got a PhD, and went back to work in a different Federal location. The person I tried to get held accountable for the fraud later became head of a Federal agency!
it demonstrates that Lucifer does have dominion over the world. those who love their sin get promoted- by others who love their sin. this is the reason Christians get frozen out of jobs- ESPECIALLY federal jobs. Trump had to sign an executive order to reverse the persecution of Christians in government.
I’m right there with you. How many times have there been disasters, crashes and recessions that absolutely devastate the general public while the DC bubble remain insulated?
How many shitty regulations and treasonous back door deals were made to fuck steel mills and autoworkers and farmers all across the country while the elites told us to “tighten our belts” and “learn to code” etc.
Fuck them, they deserve all of this and more. I want them broke, bankrupt and crushed. I want them to be forced to switch careers from high powered “consultants” to bus drivers and security guards, the way they forced so many normal people to do with their illegal vaccine mandate bullshit. I want them to have to work 3 jobs at ridiculous hours for absolutely bullshit pay just to have enough money to be able to keep working. I want THEM to have to leave food on the grocery store shelf because they can’t afford it. I want them to watch their privately tutored kids have to go into the public school meat grinder. I want them to feel what it all feels like.
Half my children have severe TDS. They blame me for electing President Trump. I told them I was not responsible for Trump's election but the past 12 out of 16 years under Obama Biden and the corruption, bad border policy, lawfare and overall poor leadership re-elected our hero and GOAT President Donald J. Trump. Tough Love.
Two of our four children have pretty severe TDS, and another has moderate TDS. I hope they all wake up, but I'm afraid as long as CNN, MSNBC, and the like, are allowed to continue their lies, they will remain in TDS status.
My entire immediate family is based. We were the black sheep. The homeschooling family. The extended family were all TDS, boosted, and some of the TDS millennials are trying to start careers in DC with their indoctrinated degrees. TBD.
That switch seems to happen a lot, but it's rare that someone who grew up conservative, and stayed conservative through their early twenties, will switch. I grew up in a liberal household and didn't wake up until I was 30.
I currently have a public sector job, first time. I have $750,000 worth of management above me that don't do anything, AND they are looking for one more. It's fluff. Unions are terrible for productivity too I finally learned first hand. I always disagreed with it, but not I see it for myself. I get weird looks when I'm the only one not showing up to union meetings and votes. It's retarded
Did they not realize they're part of the swamp and there's a legit reason for their immense TDS, it's called self preservation , even when the whole country is burning down they will only care about themselves.
👀😂 Uncle Fester l wasn’t expecting the dick pick when I hovered over that word “and hit Look Up.” Thank you for making me a continuous learner and putting a smile on my Irish Mug! (On my apple iPhone)
If more than a handful of office workers thought this way, "return to office" mandates would've failed massively. Corporations didn't seem to run into any difficulties, and neither did Trump.
You're partly right. Because we were put on forced telework from 2020 onward in my DoD agency, a handful of colleagues I know DID move out of the DMV. We were repeatedly warned in that time period NOT to move farther away, because inevitably we'd be called back in. We were called back for a "partial" return to office a couple years ago, where we had to show up at work one day a week for "enhanced collaboration," which was ridiculous because nobody was ever there on the same day. Of course, this week, we ALL had to be back every day of the week and will be going forward now. Those who moved out of the area have some very tough choices to make immediately...or be fired from their positions.
FWIW...unpopular opinion, but shit-canning ALL telework in the federal gov't is counterproductive. I've been in federal government for almost a quarter century, working 17 of those years on a partial TW schedule, and the past 5 on near full time TW. For almost all of those years, I received an "exceeds expectations" end of year rating...so did most of my colleagues. The whole "only 6% of the fed gov't workforce physically reports to work" is pure BULLSHIT, in an even bigger set of bullshit stats, perpetrated and promoted by Joni Ernst and a bunch of other RINOs.
I agree that not all workers should be back at an office. My SO worked a Government job and worked from home for 25 years. There isn't even an office close to go to. SO would travel to DC or VA once or twice a year, but otherwise was very productive at home. Plus on call 24/7
My sister has a job where she works with government housing. Not for the government but close to it. She called me crying because she thinks it's the end of her career.
Her boyfriend works for the government and is set to retire in 3 years. They don't think he will make it to retirement. Some of his government time was Army.
Welcome to the real world. In this world you can get fired for doing nothing. Here, your worth is measured in your ability to add value to a product or service that customers pay for. Unlike your previous employer that hired 10 of you to do the job of one, your next employer will hire you if you can do the job of 10. If your previous employer paid you the hourly equivalent of $50 and you spent a lot of time doing things other than work, your new employer will pay you an hourly equivalent if $30 to really work and little else.
Here's something that irritates the doodah out of me. I don't think they should have received big fat juicy severance packages along with their pink slips. If I owned a business, and my employees were embezzling funds or stealing me blind, I would file charges against them, not pay them to leave my company and send them away with lots of cash and prizes. There is no end of the world apocalypse for them at all. They are all just simply going on a nice long vacation while the rest of us continue to work our tails off waiting for "our ship to come in someday". Sorry, not sorry. No pity for them at all.
their lives have been paid for by corruption - by child abduction, rape and murder - by drug running and overdose deaths, by perpetual war, by the destruction of anyone who dared to stand against the machine they supported. don't tell me they had no idea. fuck them all.
they'll get no sympathy from me. They' have to turn to God if they want grace. He's got loads of it.
We've been on the receiving end of the that machine's aggressions for ages. I have zero sympathy for those are support, a useful idiot or the ones dedicated to that agenda. I hope that they feel that pain and fear, like we did during the mandates or those who were screwed over by fema, let alone the thousands of other incidents, like the targeting of conservatives or white, etc.
They need to crush all of it and start over, cherry picking out the key pieces. Move everything out of DC.
P.S. The above comment is more in context with deep state / agenda driven roles within the machine. There are plenty of rank and file who do their jobs and do right for the citizens of this country. My comment above is not aimed at them and I hope that they shine thru during the rank stacking exercises that are in full effect. Gov jobs use to be low pay but a great pension. Then it turned into the choice gig you wanted to land, paying far more than most private party gigs with pension benefits. Anyone working for the government knows of the bloat and staffing levels in some parts are ridiculous. The election was on rightsizing our government, for once in my lifetime, it's getting done. Now to drive more innovations within the systems that drive these agencies....
McDonald's is hiring , they are desperate for help starting at $14.50 per hour. https://jobs.mchire.com/
The money they are being given will run out pretty quickly when the $3,900 per month. Source: wtop.com
“They” are having difficulty reconciling who & what they thought of themselves cloaked in the Zeitgeist, and what they have actually been revealed to be; which is polar opposite of how the National spirit, Volkgeist now sees them.
Disagree. It is not the apocalypse even for them. They are giving into fear porn.
They didn't even lose everything they own in a flood or fire! All they have to do is change jobs! Who hasn't had to do that a few times? HA!
They can do it. They are still indulging in self-pity, in the denial anger etc stages. If they don't think they are capable of getting a different job, they were NOT capable of being decent federal employees!
They worked for US! And they have been getting paid, according to their own estimation now, much more than they were worth!
Not to mention that they're getting a free flippin' ride for the entire summer and into fall. I get it, though. Losing an easy paycheck would suck.
Federal employees outlast presidents by miles, too. Change is hard, no matter where it comes from. I have a theory, too:
The financial world is about to get a massive shake-up that will benefit humanity, and that's why there's never any mention (that I've seen) about the economic impact of multiple tens of thousands of people suddenly out of work..
and will have to teach themselves how to fish, instead of being handed a paycheck and generous retirement with the expectation of food, housing, benefits and spending money FOR LIFE! FAR more than the taxpayers could ever expect!
Yup, and also they have to realize their college studies in political science, social studies, everything even medical are based on textbooks by the Rothschild, Rockefellers, and that's why they're indoctrinated to this point.. mind filled with garbage and no critical thinking to see they have been lied to, no moral compass to see what the swamp did with USAID and corruption is wrong. These people have to start from ground up again with an empty glass It may be painful in the beginning but liberating and healthier in all aspects in the long run.
I agree with you on the financial shake up. I don’t have anything to back it up, it just seems like something that has been hinted at for awhile. Something people aren’t expecting that will be in the positive.
"All they have to do is change jobs!"
I'm not defending the situation at all. But I don't think there are half a million jobs in the DC area for these people to take. Especially not at the salaries they are making. It's going to break the economy in DC in so many ways. Restarting for these people is not going to be that easy. They should have taken the buy out.
Some people crossed the Atlantic in sailing ships to get a better job.
DC is an expensive, congested place to live. Steamy hot and humid in summer, no one can drive in rain or snow.
The only reason they DO live there is because of the government jobs!
I agree with you on that last point -- many folks SHOULD have opted for the deferred resignation offers, but there were SOOO many naysayers (esp the fed gov't unions) engaging in fear porn and "Don't trust President Musk!" propaganda, that many were scared off.
In the end, only about 3-4% of the entire fed gov't workforce opted to take the DR offer...thought I read in recent weeks that the White House was hoping to get numbers in the 10-20% range with that offer.
Regardless, now the cuts/RIFs begin in earnest...they already have this week. And to your point, I know at least a couple people who now wish they'd jumped on that DR offer.
They should do another round, at a lower number and less attractive terms… give more people a chance to get out now that the writing is on the wall.
I think that's a great suggestion, too. Trump and team are absolutely determined to weed out the deadwood in fed gov't employment. And as a fed gov't employee myself...I 110% support my president with that initiative.
And tell them if they dont take it this time the next offer is no severance and 180 days of COBRA at 10 times the going rate for insurance.
I bet not all of them live in DC. You have federal offices all over the country, plus teleworkers who don't even live near DC.
I am not seeing that. True, I haven't spent a lot of time with the natives of .McLean and Chevy Chase, but life is proceeding.
I’m from DC and still have a lot of friends who work for Gov there. Everyone is secure with their jobs from what I can tell, most of them are at the Pentagon. Will know more next weekend after FBI friend visits.
We live here. We don't have the connections any more because, well, we're old. We do know a lot of retirees but they know my politics and I don't think they'll approach me with complaints. (Grin)
I'm still in DoD, at least until currently planned retirement of March 2026. I'm hearing of a lot of probationary folks being let go across many non-DoD agencies this past week. Not much of any news about or within DoD...YET. But all DoD agencies were put on notice beginning of this past week to come up with a downsizing/RIF plan within 30 days, and though my particular agency's HR dept has been notoriously silent this past week...I think more news/details is a'coming soon on that topic.
1 year to go, good luck.
Of course early retirement ain't bad.
I hope you make it.
TY, fren -- truly appreciate that. I didn't take the deferred resignation offer (though I personally think it was a gracious one), and I'm in a good "spot" right now to sit and wait and see what happens over the next 6-12 months.
I actually think there's a very good chance that my organization has a good chance of not only being hit with RIFs...but also being closed down for good, with its mission/function redistributed to the other organizations that it serves. And that would mean severance pay for me, probably a better deal than the DR offer that just ended.
But that's just a gut feeling, and we'll see what happens. :) I do want to say for the record that fed gov't employment has been GREAT to me over the years...and in return, I've always tried to turn in my best performance. While there are a lot of bad apples...there are also a lot of GOOD, performing, caring fed gov't employees out there who I sincerely hope make the cut(s).
Exciting times
I'm hoping one of our guys doesn't get cut because he's only on his 10th month. We'll see.
Id make a 10 minute powerpoint presentation to prove your worthiness, lol. Sounds like you did your job though. Best of luck brother.
Put it to music..."Hell is Forever" comes to mind.
Are you GS or contractor? My GS friends in DOD don't seem worried. Most are 15s or SES/SIS. Most are within a few years of retirement - double dippers.
My son was furloughed from the state department. He went to work 5 days a week. It's wrong to paint all federal workers with a broad brush.
No we absolutely do NOT want to equate all federal employees with the worst of them!
...and I thought my 'Gender Studies' degree would be my ticket to success. 😒
Reminds me. What ever happened to that Georgetown law student who couldn't afford her birth control pills, so we got Obamacare to help the poor soul?
What do you say to someone that has a master's degree in gender studies?
"Go ahead and supersize that combo for me"
My eldest son lives in DC. He just got his dream job at the State Dept working on projects in the Mekong region, he has apart always had a passion for SE Asia. He married a beautiful highly educated Thai woman while teaching overseas. I could not attend their wedding because I refused to take the jab my son pleaded with me to do so but I wouldn't capitulate. Since the pandemic my son has accused me of wearing a tin foil hat as I silently watch everything that I ever said to him come true. He was furloughed rom his job at the state department 3 weeks ago he's not allowed to collect any sort of unemployment and he loses his medical insurance during this time. My heart goes out to him, He doesn't see all the corruption because he's in the midst of it. Asking for prayers for my son, Kevin and his wife.
Prayers for Kevin and his wife. Many unintended consequences will play out. This "process" has put a wedge in many families; mine too. I pray God heals our families.
I'm really glad you didn't cave in and take the jab. This I think is the real test for mankind. If they love the world more than God they'd take the jab. Your conviction needs to be strong so as not to be blown around by the wind.
He pleaded with me to take the J&J, he had tears in his eyes. I could not travel to Thailand for his wedding 😔 I told him that I would give him a kidney but I would not take the jab for anyone. I do not regret my decision but it was a heart breaking one to make
I get your pain. I pleaded with our oldest son in 2021 (when he was still in the Army) not to take the J&J shot, to the point of tears myself. He felt he had no choice BUT to take it as an officer; I told him he ALWAYS has a choice. I cried about it a few times after that as well...but at this point, he's an adult, and I couldn't and can't tell him what to do. All I can do is pray he'll be okay over time. Worst part of all? He just GOT OUT of the Army. UGGHHHH.
I cannot imagine how difficult and painful that was for you. I've prayed for you and your family. Glad you did not give in to the jab
Not only a test but it also imho, used for the population reduction. Igg3-Igg4. Same battles with friends and family. I have stopped trying to convince anyone a long while back. Poeple have made their choices and now that the facts continue to come out in the purebloods favor, they have no choice but to either own up to it, or bury their head in the sand. I have buried too many friends and family. I am still dealing within close friends who now have rare cancers or other issues that started right after the injection cycles.
I'm sorry for your losses.
I just found out my 40 yr old cousin got stage 1 Lung cancer, found out after he was hospitalized for chronic Pneumonia after traveling to Japan in December where chronic Pneumonia was running rampant..I didn't know pneumonia is contagious. He was jabbed, not boosted, to obtain the proof of vacc to travel for work. He agreed vacc is no good and decided to do it anyway thinking he was young and took a chance. 4 years later he's in this state, it's really sad. I'm telling him to take ivermectin, HCQ, and Fenben..hopefully it'll just go away next time he does a check up. They say for some the side effects appear 4-5 years later.
Thank You and right back at you. It's devastating to see the results. There is a reason why the vaxxed always end up getting covid everytime it comes thru. Their immune systems are imprinted and since their bodies continue to produce the spikes, the weakened immunity can stand up to things it resisted prior, let alone stuff in the vax like sv40. Cancer, neuro and heart issues are thru the roof, so are excess deaths. It just blows my mine that some on that side still try to deny it. I stopped evangelizing it a few years ago. Folks made up their minds. I plant seed along the way and if they come and ask, I am happy to help them along.
You are correct on IVM HCQ and Fenben. I am trying to get my buddy who has blood cancer to try Fenben, sent him all the info, but, he's being treated by a large cancer group and is doing OK, so time will tell. Agree on the 5 year. They also put out a lot of saline shots and different levels of vax (howbadismybatch.com) if people did the boosters, it would continue to build in their system and the plausible deniability to the vax.
I pray for them, I do, but this was wrong from the get go, the level of push, the coercion, propaganda and world wide push. Then add the "killing fields" of the local hospitals, I will never look at humanity the same, never.
I agree it was a test: an intelligence test.
My son is an expert on SE Asia. He worked so hard to get his dream job. When he was an undergrad he declared that one day he would work in the state department on humanitarian infrastructure projects in SE Asia. He finally made his dream come true only to have it crushed. Of course he blames Trump, he still in denial regarding the level of corruption in the swamp.
My heart goes out to him. I know a bunch of good hard working idealistic young people in his position and I agree for the most part they want to do well and have worked hard but just can't even begin to imagine the corruption. These hard working young people are the window dressing the DS uses to hide the rot and it's a shame that many of them (who were never involved in the corruption) will have to now go through this painful identify/career crises.
Most of the comments are brutal.
I don't blame the rank and file for what happened with our government. The bloat was used to hide the upper echelon's theft. The rank and file were just working a job like the rest of us. The one fact that I do hold against them is that many are Democrats, and Democrats should have woken up long ago.
Well, what is that saying, something like when good men do nothing... If they saw corruption they should have spoken out, and chances are they saw it being committed by their boss or higher up and said nothing. However, I do understand your statement and for the most part it may be correct. But when you said many are Democrats and should have woken up long ago-they are the ones I am speaking about who probably knew and did nothing. Go along to get along and get yearly raises-life is good!
I spoke out about a supervisor who was abusing their position to get the Government to pay for their travel to maintain an affair out of state. Unfortunately, I was a young, naive, Federal employee and didn't realize that one person CAN'T do anything about corruption they witness. (the person's supervisor was willing to accept that it was legitimate travel; what I didn't realize at the time is that if they had called the person out on this, they would have been held accountable for authorizing the travel) I ended up paying for that mistake by having my GS level frozen until I left the government, got a PhD, and went back to work in a different Federal location. The person I tried to get held accountable for the fraud later became head of a Federal agency!
I am glad it finally worked out for you. As Tim Allen once said as one of his characters in a movie, "Never give up, never surrender."
Too bad, but it goes with what we are all finding out that the person who should have been held accountable became the head of a Federal agency.
it demonstrates that Lucifer does have dominion over the world. those who love their sin get promoted- by others who love their sin. this is the reason Christians get frozen out of jobs- ESPECIALLY federal jobs. Trump had to sign an executive order to reverse the persecution of Christians in government.
Yes, I believe he did this.
Galaxyquest! Good movie for an unplugging evening...
Yes it is.
I have this giant empty bag here in my hand, let me take a look inside, just a sec.
Yep, not one fuck left in there.
I’m right there with you. How many times have there been disasters, crashes and recessions that absolutely devastate the general public while the DC bubble remain insulated?
How many shitty regulations and treasonous back door deals were made to fuck steel mills and autoworkers and farmers all across the country while the elites told us to “tighten our belts” and “learn to code” etc.
Fuck them, they deserve all of this and more. I want them broke, bankrupt and crushed. I want them to be forced to switch careers from high powered “consultants” to bus drivers and security guards, the way they forced so many normal people to do with their illegal vaccine mandate bullshit. I want them to have to work 3 jobs at ridiculous hours for absolutely bullshit pay just to have enough money to be able to keep working. I want THEM to have to leave food on the grocery store shelf because they can’t afford it. I want them to watch their privately tutored kids have to go into the public school meat grinder. I want them to feel what it all feels like.
It’s about fucking time.
in honor of your brilliant deduction... enjoy this happy sing along.
Half my children have severe TDS. They blame me for electing President Trump. I told them I was not responsible for Trump's election but the past 12 out of 16 years under Obama Biden and the corruption, bad border policy, lawfare and overall poor leadership re-elected our hero and GOAT President Donald J. Trump. Tough Love.
Two of our four children have pretty severe TDS, and another has moderate TDS. I hope they all wake up, but I'm afraid as long as CNN, MSNBC, and the like, are allowed to continue their lies, they will remain in TDS status.
My entire immediate family is based. We were the black sheep. The homeschooling family. The extended family were all TDS, boosted, and some of the TDS millennials are trying to start careers in DC with their indoctrinated degrees. TBD.
That switch seems to happen a lot, but it's rare that someone who grew up conservative, and stayed conservative through their early twenties, will switch. I grew up in a liberal household and didn't wake up until I was 30.
I currently have a public sector job, first time. I have $750,000 worth of management above me that don't do anything, AND they are looking for one more. It's fluff. Unions are terrible for productivity too I finally learned first hand. I always disagreed with it, but not I see it for myself. I get weird looks when I'm the only one not showing up to union meetings and votes. It's retarded
Thats what Unions are for. You pay them to make sure you never have to do any work. They should be outlawed.
Did they not realize they're part of the swamp and there's a legit reason for their immense TDS, it's called self preservation , even when the whole country is burning down they will only care about themselves.
The next phase is catalepsy.
I bet you're going to find some incredible memes and related materials for this upcoming Sunday Funnies edition just on this alone!!!????
👀😂 Uncle Fester l wasn’t expecting the dick pick when I hovered over that word “and hit Look Up.” Thank you for making me a continuous learner and putting a smile on my Irish Mug! (On my apple iPhone)
If I had a “work from home DC job I sure as hell wouldn’t be living in DC. I’ll bet a lot of them don’t.
If more than a handful of office workers thought this way, "return to office" mandates would've failed massively. Corporations didn't seem to run into any difficulties, and neither did Trump.
Only unproductive ass kisses need supervision. Productive people don't need a babysitter.
Stop fucking with Productive people. That's downright hateful and Anti American.
You're partly right. Because we were put on forced telework from 2020 onward in my DoD agency, a handful of colleagues I know DID move out of the DMV. We were repeatedly warned in that time period NOT to move farther away, because inevitably we'd be called back in. We were called back for a "partial" return to office a couple years ago, where we had to show up at work one day a week for "enhanced collaboration," which was ridiculous because nobody was ever there on the same day. Of course, this week, we ALL had to be back every day of the week and will be going forward now. Those who moved out of the area have some very tough choices to make immediately...or be fired from their positions.
FWIW...unpopular opinion, but shit-canning ALL telework in the federal gov't is counterproductive. I've been in federal government for almost a quarter century, working 17 of those years on a partial TW schedule, and the past 5 on near full time TW. For almost all of those years, I received an "exceeds expectations" end of year rating...so did most of my colleagues. The whole "only 6% of the fed gov't workforce physically reports to work" is pure BULLSHIT, in an even bigger set of bullshit stats, perpetrated and promoted by Joni Ernst and a bunch of other RINOs.
agreed. Especially since fuel prices are higher than covid days. Fix that problem first.
I agree that not all workers should be back at an office. My SO worked a Government job and worked from home for 25 years. There isn't even an office close to go to. SO would travel to DC or VA once or twice a year, but otherwise was very productive at home. Plus on call 24/7
Btw it’s a whole thread. I recommend clicking through and reading the whole thing.
My sister has a job where she works with government housing. Not for the government but close to it. She called me crying because she thinks it's the end of her career.
Her boyfriend works for the government and is set to retire in 3 years. They don't think he will make it to retirement. Some of his government time was Army.
They live in a bubble and that bubble has burst.
Why? Trump's campaign started in 2015 on the base of drawing the swamp. They have 10 yrs to prepare
Welcome to the real world. In this world you can get fired for doing nothing. Here, your worth is measured in your ability to add value to a product or service that customers pay for. Unlike your previous employer that hired 10 of you to do the job of one, your next employer will hire you if you can do the job of 10. If your previous employer paid you the hourly equivalent of $50 and you spent a lot of time doing things other than work, your new employer will pay you an hourly equivalent if $30 to really work and little else.
Here's something that irritates the doodah out of me. I don't think they should have received big fat juicy severance packages along with their pink slips. If I owned a business, and my employees were embezzling funds or stealing me blind, I would file charges against them, not pay them to leave my company and send them away with lots of cash and prizes. There is no end of the world apocalypse for them at all. They are all just simply going on a nice long vacation while the rest of us continue to work our tails off waiting for "our ship to come in someday". Sorry, not sorry. No pity for them at all.
I live here and you can literally not go out without hearing someone complain about it. Everyone is freaking out
Oh no they have to work in person. Oh no they have to work.
their lives have been paid for by corruption - by child abduction, rape and murder - by drug running and overdose deaths, by perpetual war, by the destruction of anyone who dared to stand against the machine they supported. don't tell me they had no idea. fuck them all.
they'll get no sympathy from me. They' have to turn to God if they want grace. He's got loads of it.
We've been on the receiving end of the that machine's aggressions for ages. I have zero sympathy for those are support, a useful idiot or the ones dedicated to that agenda. I hope that they feel that pain and fear, like we did during the mandates or those who were screwed over by fema, let alone the thousands of other incidents, like the targeting of conservatives or white, etc.
They need to crush all of it and start over, cherry picking out the key pieces. Move everything out of DC.
P.S. The above comment is more in context with deep state / agenda driven roles within the machine. There are plenty of rank and file who do their jobs and do right for the citizens of this country. My comment above is not aimed at them and I hope that they shine thru during the rank stacking exercises that are in full effect. Gov jobs use to be low pay but a great pension. Then it turned into the choice gig you wanted to land, paying far more than most private party gigs with pension benefits. Anyone working for the government knows of the bloat and staffing levels in some parts are ridiculous. The election was on rightsizing our government, for once in my lifetime, it's getting done. Now to drive more innovations within the systems that drive these agencies....
McDonald's is hiring , they are desperate for help starting at $14.50 per hour. https://jobs.mchire.com/ The money they are being given will run out pretty quickly when the $3,900 per month. Source: wtop.com
They transitioned from dogmatic to catatonic.
“They” are having difficulty reconciling who & what they thought of themselves cloaked in the Zeitgeist, and what they have actually been revealed to be; which is polar opposite of how the National spirit, Volkgeist now sees them.