I don't think this comment has been updooted enough.... When the MSM is fully pushing the views of the 5% and making it feel like the 51%, I bristle and resist...
I’ll be of use to you when ever you need me, so you don’t have to look to “nutz” haha once it comes down to it Anon. Let me be your brunt when ready. 😉
Fellow Bay Area anon reporting in. I'm the only anon in my large, extended, Catholic family.
The biggest challenge will be the red pills about the Vatican and coming to terms about the abuses of the RCC. The Satanic ritual abuse of Children red pill is going to be the hardest to swallow for many during the Great awakening.
omg. omg. HUGS! I too am the only anon in a large Catholic family. I'm the "weird" one ....
I KNOW what you mean about the Vatican.
I've long said "Begone Bergoglio" and I throw in Bugnini and Vat II for good measure. Well, truthfully, I cannot say that out loud.
I've been digging into CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN for almost a decade ... and, as you say, that > red pill is going to be the hardest to swallow for many during the Great awakening.
God Bless you!
My constant prayer: Sweet Jesus, we trust in you. Help us save the children. Help us revive your Church. Take us by the hand, lead us guide us in ways best to serve you.
I’m not interested in closet friends and I wish I had friends at all (strangers) but unfortunately my level of patriotism is nauseous to most people. Even my red right wing friends from the Midwest find me tooo patriotic. I find that wild since im from SoCal
exactly x 1000^ would be lost without you guys🐸 what we're going through is strange, but explains So much. most of the 'drama' in my life stems from liberals, didn't realize that before.
Same here. I'll likely never meet anyone here in real life, but almost feel like this place is home :-). Most of my friends in real life seem to want nothing to do with me. I really couldn't care less anymore ... My "hang out and watch sportsball bullshit" days have long since come and gone.
Yeah my mother. She literally thinks Elon is a demon posing as human. She hates Trump and any Republican no matter what.
She believes, and somewhat for good reasons based on conservative rhetoric of the past, that Trump is going to cut her social security. I've tried to explain he isn't for it, and if it did happen there'd be a major uproar over it.
I can't talk to her about anything except the weather and gassing up her car for her. For real.
OP, my dear Fren, you may be known as "Joy's One Daughter," but I feel like you are "My Sister", and I am all fresh out of sisters, because of these past 5 years...
The reality is that some of us have awaken and can see the deception! I continue to pray, while they sleep! Most people are not bad, the narrative has them! Our job is not to judge them but to bring them into the fold as they awaken! I can see how many can feel that it's a waste of your time to try to wake them up! Peace is the ultimate prize! People believe the world, they are presented with! Saving our humanity should be our goal! Liberating the majority from a prison they can't percieve!
It's so frustrating.
The world could be better in very short order if the normies would get a clue, yet they stubbornly prefer ignorance.
It's been years.
FFS normies out there, stop holding us back, do some thinking, do some research.
Ok end of rant.
It is frustrating and I've felt like this so often. However finding my family of anons helps immensely. Rant away fren...🤗
When 4-6% feels more like 46%.
I don't think this comment has been updooted enough.... When the MSM is fully pushing the views of the 5% and making it feel like the 51%, I bristle and resist...
The biggest threat to humanity is the gullible NPC's.
Way worse than the cabal.
My mind goes through the very same rant several times a day.
Took the Israelites 40 years just for the decision to be made “none of these people cut it.”
Hopefully, we do better.
How many of us are involved in our government at some level yet? It can’t be handed over if there’s no one there to hand it to.
Don’t think I’m in on it yet. I’m not, but I am trying to prepare to be of use elsewhere.
I’ll be of use to you when ever you need me, so you don’t have to look to “nutz” haha once it comes down to it Anon. Let me be your brunt when ready. 😉
No kidding, my mother in law is now not talking to me. I can’t decide if it’s a punishment or a gift. lol
Kek...hard enough when it's friends but heartbreaking when it's family..
Both things can be true at the same time...
Covid was the "purge". We had most of our family/ friends alienate us. Shit sucks but when they act like that, was anything really lost?
Exact what's been going on in my life.
Here in the Bay Area of Commifornia, the battle rages hot and heavy. EVIL vs. Good.
Bless you fren! You express it perfectly because I know God brought us here for a reason!
Someday I hope to go back to the Bay Area and show my husband all of the beauty I've told him about, just waiting until it's cleaned up. ✨
Bless YOU fren!!
Holding the line here in the Bay Area, NEVER givn up or givn in.
Positive expectations that the absolute stunning beauty of this land and sea will be FREE from the vice-grip of Evil.
Fellow Bay Area anon reporting in. I'm the only anon in my large, extended, Catholic family.
The biggest challenge will be the red pills about the Vatican and coming to terms about the abuses of the RCC. The Satanic ritual abuse of Children red pill is going to be the hardest to swallow for many during the Great awakening.
omg. omg. HUGS! I too am the only anon in a large Catholic family. I'm the "weird" one ....
I KNOW what you mean about the Vatican.
I've long said "Begone Bergoglio" and I throw in Bugnini and Vat II for good measure. Well, truthfully, I cannot say that out loud.
I've been digging into CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN for almost a decade ... and, as you say, that > red pill is going to be the hardest to swallow for many during the Great awakening.
God Bless you! .
My constant prayer: Sweet Jesus, we trust in you. Help us save the children. Help us revive your Church. Take us by the hand, lead us guide us in ways best to serve you. AMEN
God bless you fren.
You should just leave the RCC.
I never did have many closet friends..."not that there is anything wrong with that" Kek!
Tom Cruise is in the closet.
Shhh. We're not supposed to know
Mr Cruise, come out of the closet
I didnt either. When I was a kid there were only scary folks in the closet....and under the bed!] Never look under the bed.
I had to scroll all the way down to here to see the first comment on the closet friends.
I was so close to getting to the end and having the chance to mention it!
For the record, none of you are closet friends to me.
You guys are my closet frens 😀❤️
Never forget (We) were chosen for this...
for a reason
I’m not interested in closet friends and I wish I had friends at all (strangers) but unfortunately my level of patriotism is nauseous to most people. Even my red right wing friends from the Midwest find me tooo patriotic. I find that wild since im from SoCal
exactly x 1000^ would be lost without you guys🐸 what we're going through is strange, but explains So much. most of the 'drama' in my life stems from liberals, didn't realize that before.
Same here. I'll likely never meet anyone here in real life, but almost feel like this place is home :-). Most of my friends in real life seem to want nothing to do with me. I really couldn't care less anymore ... My "hang out and watch sportsball bullshit" days have long since come and gone.
I've had people tell me that they just don't care. They don't want to hear it. They want to pretend everything is normal. Like it was decades ago.
Yeah my mother. She literally thinks Elon is a demon posing as human. She hates Trump and any Republican no matter what. She believes, and somewhat for good reasons based on conservative rhetoric of the past, that Trump is going to cut her social security. I've tried to explain he isn't for it, and if it did happen there'd be a major uproar over it. I can't talk to her about anything except the weather and gassing up her car for her. For real.
I have some closet friends and some closest friends. sometimes hard to tell the difference.
OP, my dear Fren, you may be known as "Joy's One Daughter," but I feel like you are "My Sister", and I am all fresh out of sisters, because of these past 5 years...
Oh how sweet! I am your sister indeed Covfefe! I'm sorry for any heartbreak you've endured these past years but you have a sister in me! 🤗🤍🙏
I realize you meant to write "my closest friends," but the misspelling leads to a more eyebrow-raising interpretation. 8>)
That was the account on X...a great guy!
Everything that we feel we are waiting for to happen....could have already happened.
Unfortunately, we must wait for these people in what seems like a controlled rollout, as their critical thought ability has been hijacked by the MSM.
Even these sheeple must have their moment that we all had a long time ago where we realized we were deceived/cheated/tricked.
At some point, the sheeple who scream the loudest will scream for Trump to save them. And we can all sit back and watch.
Very nice, indeed!
One for the Kekistan Ages.
The reality is that some of us have awaken and can see the deception! I continue to pray, while they sleep! Most people are not bad, the narrative has them! Our job is not to judge them but to bring them into the fold as they awaken! I can see how many can feel that it's a waste of your time to try to wake them up! Peace is the ultimate prize! People believe the world, they are presented with! Saving our humanity should be our goal! Liberating the majority from a prison they can't percieve!
Very wise words Ric! Save the Children and awaken the masses so the world can be free is my goal. 🙏
The Lord be with you, anon!