I'm just about done with my 25 yr old son's behavior. I don't know if it's TDS or what, He never hated Trump before but I know several of his friends do. For almost a month now he has refused to speak outright to his dad and I ( he lives with us), and when he looks at us it's almost like he hates us. He is normally a happy man, but it's like something happened over night and he became a totally different person with us. He lost his job several months ago, and has been helping us felll trees and clear land on the property because no one gets a free ride here. But just a little while ago I asked him to blow leaves and he started and worked for about a half hour and then just sat the blower down and walked into the house, refusing to open his door when I knocked on it.
His car died, and we live in a very rural area, so I'm loathe to kick him out, but I can't deal with this much longer. Something is wrong mentally with him but only towards us. His dad is going to talk with him tonight whether he likes it or not and I really don't want to kick him out. He really would have no where to go. I just want my happy son back. Please pray for my family.
Being unemployed is a big problem for a 25 year old man. They do turn surley and they are depressed. I advise you to not give up. Keep praying, keep trying. Kicking him out with no income and no transportation could cause an unmendable rift. To a 25 year old, troubles seem eternal and it is hard to see beyond the hardship.
Dear God, help this family find the courage to speak about what's in their heart and the patience needed to forgive. Enfold them in your love and help them renew their faith so they can find your glorious light.
In the name of Your beloved Son, amen.
What they said ^^^ very well put and I agree 100% as the mom of a 28 year old who almost lost it during the pandemic. LOVE above all, because he feels lost right now. No car, can't see his friends/peers because can't travel out of your remote area. Recipe for depression for sure.
Thank you, fren.
Praying for you, your husband and your son. Hang in there.
Thank you.
I’m keeping you all in my prayers. My brother is having a similar problem with his step kids. It’s hard. God bless you! May God touch your family and repair this. In Jesus’ name we ask this. Amen.
Prayers Up. I had the same thing happen with my son. Fortunately we are dealing with it in prayer and mutual respect. His friends and social media had a lot to do with his attitude as well as his feeling hopeless regarding unemployment. He's employed now, but it's not a high-paying job.
Prayer and letting your son air his feelings may help. He needs to know you and your DH are not judging and will be there for him, but there also needs to be mutual respect and agreeing to disagree during tough times. If not, he needs to leave ...perhaps stay with his TDS friends although that may be unlikely.
Thank you.
You're very welcome. You and your family are in my prayers.
Losing a job and transportation is not easy and one can become unmotivated and despondent. Unsolicitated advise here.Start the coversation you and dad together with him, listen to what he plans to do, let him do most of the talking, dont be afraid of silence or long pauses. Take time to process before making rash decisions, you dont have to decide today. Praying for your family.
Thank you.
Prayers on the way fren.
Thank you.
Prayers for your family. Seems like a lot of people are going through tough times with their adult children and adult grandchildren. In many cases there is no TDS, just an unexplainable animosity on the younger gens part. Something is just not right.
Thank you.
As a young man around your sons age. It sounds like he's hopeless. As a believer I found hope in God, that took time though. I treated my parents similarly a while back. I was angry that I couldn't get a job, couldn't move out, and was being asked of so many things by so many people I just gave up on myself. As some rando who doesn't have all the facts of the situation at hand, from what you have told me, I think he is taking all that responsibility and pressure on to himself and you, in a way threatening to kick him out because he isn't meeting what you want from him just just another failure in his book. I highly recommend asking him how he is handling those things, what you can do to walk along side him (not freee hand out but guidance and a safety net).
Praying now matter the outcome God use it for good in your family.
Thank you.
Ok, an "old" mom here. So, let's see what we know.
Now, what is a parent after our children become adults.... we are information and experience sources. We are the safety nets. He needs an adult right now, not a parent. Think of him as a co-worker, a fellow church goer, or a neighbor who is in need. How would you help him? Try to look at the situation from his view. Now, all of this is based on just the few things you have told us, and granted there may be more to it than this. I wish all of you the best.
I believe this is very sound advice from u/FreedomPatriot also I would make sure all of the guns are locked up if you have any and he doesn't know where the key is located. Praying for God's Perfect Healing for your family. 🙏🤍
Thank you.
Thank you.
Prayers, of course fren, but at age 25 he really needs a wake-up call and an incentive to grow up. My family is dealing with a similar problem with a grand-niece. Her mother died and left her part ownership in her house, where she now lives and does essentially nothing... she's 18 and refuses to go to school, get a job, or do anything except dream about going on American Idol and becoming a millionaire singer-song-writer. Needless to say, here songs are all meaningless drivel, very derivative, sound a lot like Taylor Swift on a bad day... yada yada yada.
She won't grow up until we show her some 'tough love' and that is beginning to happen.
Thank you.
So why did you mention Trump. Has he been saying negative things about Trump? You didnt mention that. If that is the case then his friends have convinced him and he lives in la la land in that case I would throw him out.
However if he is not mentioning Trump and his behavior just changed it could be drugs.
Either way if you husband talks to him and he doesnt tell you whats wrong then its likely drugs. In that case he needs support.
If he starts talking about Trump then in negative terms, kick him out tell him he can come back when he finds where he left his brains.
You also didnt say if he was vaccinated with covid vaccine. If he was it could be a neurological problem caused by the vaccine. I am only mentioning that because you said his friends hate Trump and if they do that makes them democrat and it was mostly democrats who got the vaccine.
Throwing a family member out, esp your son, can have devastating consequences for all and lifelong regret. It should not be the first option and flippantly based on support for Trump.
If he is acting that way because you support Trump then he is listening to his friends and its only a matter of time before he blows a gasket. So who will be there when that Happens. You alone or your husband.
I did say talk to him and find out dont give him the option to not talk. He lives in your house and he should learn respect.
You know when people cant support themselves they become very depressed it could be something that simple.
You know I am 68 years old I have been through a hell of a lot in my life including being sexually abused by my father since I was 5, a suicide in my place and my brother shot to death in 1990.
I do not want to see you go through the hell that I have been through if it can be avoided.
If you hadn't said you age, I would assume you were a dear friend from school that I helped though many struggles.
I worked with lots of at risk youth in my 20s. Many times those teen kids just needed an outside adult who they looked up to to be there as a sounding board & get the parents involved in good communication. Those kids always knew they could call me, any time & I would come get them, but they would always go home once they sobered up to discuss it with their parents. The parents loved having an adult that was willing to help their kid that they just couldn't connect with anymore.
Prayers going out to you u/grtdayn
Thank you.
Thank you.
Praying for God to step in to resolve the situation in the best outcome for all. 🙏 God bless.
Thank you.
Praying for your family. I would not kick him out either, yet. I would set a time to talk to him with your husband and tell him what you are feeling. Explain to him that family is the most important people in your life. Help him see what you see. Hopefully, he opens up and either simply is depressed and you can work through it together, or he does have this TDS hate and lashes out.
Either way you need to have open dialogue, going silent isn't helping anyone. If he is hateful due to politics, I would open his eyes to that. People should be able to have their own opinions, but shouldn't hate a family member for disagreeing.
Thank you.
Praying over your loving family in Christ Jesus' name.
Thank you.
The younger generation feels hopeless right now and has low self esteem. It can feel impossible to make it and many feel like the generations before them had access to so much more wealth and opportunities. it's hard for many not to slip into resentment and despondency. I will say my parents tried tough love and kicked my sister out around 25 when they told her she had to get a better job by enrolling in a trade program or go back to school and she never forgave them because she told me it felt like they abandoned her and didn't want her (it felt like that to her).
It sounds like he needs to find a path that will bring back his happiness and self esteem. Maybe you could see if there is some way to help him start a business?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Instead of blowing leaves next time ask him if he would rather do a leaf bonfire. I think that makes it a little more fun. He should join the army or the peace Corp or merchant marines etc.. expand his horizon.
Isn't 24 the cut off?
28 for marines, 35 for army
Is that new? Lol 35 Jesus
Thank you.
It's probably nothing to do with politic, or at least y'all's. It's his friends more than likely. Lots of people in that age group are NEETs and relish on taking advantage of others and act like they are still 14. When I was 21, I felt embarrassed to still be living with my mom, so at 22 I found the cheapest hole in the wall to rent and took on a stable job and made it work. I'm 35 now and have owned a home for 11 years. I know it's much tougher securing a loan these days, but in my opinion he has two choices:
Get a decent job or an apprenticeship that gets him into a trade, and contribute to the home, or he's going to have to leave.
Adulting is not hard. It's complicated sometimes, and definitely stressful, but the will to succeed isn't born from security, it's from struggle.
Best wishes to you and your family, do what you think is right.
Thank you.
Sounds like he is depressed, is in a slump, and doesn't have any sense of direction, a plan in place to move forward. Ask him what would help him to take some steps forward? Pretty sure, his answer will be 'I don't know'. Tell him you are there to help him navigate his way but you need to know what sparks joy? Take him to the university to explore areas of study. Or, take him to your local Carpenter's union, to explore the trades. Ask if you could pray over him? Also, if he was vaccinated, this is a symptom after the vax. In that case he should try to detox. Each day, he needs to take at least one step in exploring something new that will move him forward. Prayers for you and him, in Jesus name!
Thank you.
Oh, how my heart aches for you. To be so helpless to understand what in the world could cause such. I just prayed and will continue pray for love , through Christ Jesus, to heal your son/family, for peace in dad's talk with him and for your family's reconciliation with forgiveness and a new beginning.
I, too, was shunned by my daughter 5 yrs ago, reasons unknown. Haven't seen my 3 grandsons since then either. They don't even know me. I ask for prayers, as well. I did not mean to hijack your plea, but we're all on this same piece dirt together.
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation and be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12
Thank you.
Hello. I saw this post scrolling through /all and feel compelled to comment. I am a 45 year old single woman. I have 2 kids, a 23 year old son and 18 year old daughter. I have a long career in marketing technology, but have been without work since early '24. I cannot find work and even some of the industry focused companies I have worked for before are closing down too because the market is so bad.
So, I have been unemployed for the first time in my life for over a year now. In December, I finally had to sell my house and move in with my parents. I fight extreme depression everyday and scrounge to find even a touch of hope. It's very bad.
I find myself, sometimes, having irrational thoughts and can get filled with resentment towards those who are not yet effected by this economy. Thankfully, I'm 45 and have been through a lot and can pull myself together with some perspective most of the time. If I were a 25 year old, that would be WAY harder. If I were a guy, I'd likely be way angrier (versus a more feminine internalized sadness). If I were GenZ, I'd probably be more influenced by what people are saying on social media about the economy and the future. It's very dark for them.
I say all this to 1. Maybe give some insight into what it's like to be in the economic pit at the moment and 2. To maybe help you find some more (I'm sure you've already extended a lot) patience. Maybe those 2 things can help your conversations in some way.
I'm rambling. I don't have any answers, but I feel for you and your son.
One last thing...I have a car and regularly go to the park to just sit in my car and get some space away from my parents. I journal or read or just watch YouTube. Things I could do at their house, but it makes a huge difference for my mental health to be out of the house. Maybe it would help him to have some way and somewhere to go on a regular basis.
Sending prayers.
Thank you. Sending prayers your way, Fren.
Maybe help him find a trade, and offer to pay for some training. What interests him? Ask him! Welding? Mechanic? Painting? These aren't things that require a college degree. I have no idea what the cost on learning those things are, or if there's a place close enough to your home that you could drive him in once or twice a week for the training.
I don't know how to advise you but I will certainly pray for you and your son.
Thank you.
Prayers up!!!🙏🙏🙏
Thank you.
Praying for your family.
Thank you.
I pray that God helps and answers your prayers.
My advice is tough love.
No matter the circumstances if my children didn't follow rules they were out. This is my house and my rules.
I am fortunate that with were out of the house to go to college and they both do well and never moved home.
You can't baby children. Who will step up if something happens to you?
Give him rules and tell him under no circumstances that if they ate not followed job or not they are out.
In the Bible Jesus didn't tolerate people who didn't move forward.
John 8:5.
Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”
Thank you.
I am so sorry. God bless you all.
Thank you.
prayers going up friend. satan seeks to destroy the family. prayers of protection around your family to keep the demons out and the Holy Spirit in.
sounds like you and your hubby really need to talk to your son and get to the root of his frustration. maybe open it up enough to talk about his plans and what he wants to do? and tell him you and his dad will back him however you can? but he really needs a plan.
Thank you.
I pray that you will ask him what his goals and ambitions are for his future, when he plans to move out and how you can help him.
Thank you.
There is a lesson he needs to learn here - Gods got this. We moms have a hard time letting our sons go (oh so me included). I had to remind myself to let go and let God. He has this your young man and your prayers for him are the guiding factor. He is dealing with the fact that he isn’t functioning as he knows he should. When my son got in a similar financial pickle I told him to get a job even if it was Walmart-he did. What is your son doing to fix the problem? Anything? Don’t let him off the hook. (Ps has his diet changed? His demeanor changed, has he been exposed to parasites? That will affect demeanor. (Local swimming hole, chickens, raw sushi. I realize I am being off the wall in this one but exposure to parasites will drastically affect brain. Low nutrition aka veganism will effect congnitive function.) How does he feel - if he doesn’t feel himself it can be both loss of nutrition, parasite gets it all or lack of meat needed to function properly? Ask him how he feels.) Mine had been stationed overseas. Once several parasite cleanses had been completed he reverted back to his normal self. Took awhile but it worked. Praying for you and your family.
Thank you.
Lord we lift up this family to you and ask you would help them get clarity and understanding of the situation(s) may the young man find a job soon and may You be Glorified, in Jesus name Amen.
Thank you.
My first thought is that drugs may be involved. Just a possibility.
This feels like the other side of r/QAnonCasualties. On that pathetic subreddit, a lot of people are sharing stories of their "Qanon (parent/friend/brother/sister/co-worker)" being inflicted by "Qanon conspiracy theories", which made them a worse person now, and the "affected" miss their parent/friend/brother/etc and they are looking for advice on what to do/how to solve this.
It's quite possible that your son's friends are influencing him as well as him going online to social media sites, especially Reddit since it's a liberal bot cesspool.
I'd say try to talk to him some more, try to reason with him and find out what prompted this change and all. I agree with kicking him out but I think that should be used as your last resort if you can't get the ball rolling in this.
Good luck and I hope you both come to a resolution soon.
Thank you.
He may be porn addicted too. Happened to me and i began self isolating and being very snappy. Its hard to bring up in convo but maybe try looking for signs or working it in gently in a convo about dating to cheer him up etc.
It's a hard time to be twenty-five. Most of the women that age are completely useless. Visualizing a future has to be difficult at best. Absolutely nothing wrong with families staying together longer than was recently traditional, but it must be amicable and healthy for all involved. I hope your boy finds peace and comes to terms with how fortunate he is to have you. And a home.
Not having a job, independence or transportation is the worst for a man in his mid 20s. Feels like you are stuck in mud.
He needs help but he also can not be so disrespectful towards your generosity.
Praying for all of you. A parent’s tears never go unheeded in Heaven.
Thank you.