I'm almost certain Antifa is being run by people in the government. They went through great lengths to expose proud boys and these other groups but we have absolutely nothing from Antifa. Thats a sign that Antifa is being protected. I imagine it's HQ is in Portland or Seattle.
When do we get to see Eric Coomer's door kicked in? I can not wait for that beetch to get what is coming. He is an arrogant antifag POS who needs to testify
You aren't required to get 1099's as a contractor making under $600 from an entity.
This is why there are networks of many NGOs, all funded by the same source.
Each NGO could coordinate to pay you $500 or whatever the amount might be. If it was 20 of them, you just made $10k and there's no paper trail showing it as income. They are leaked out over time to make it less obvious. The amounts and sources probably vary throughout the payment network, too.
This is essentially a form of structured payments. It would be a crime if it was detected. Somebody from the IRS likely knows the parameters set to flag these types of situations, so the payments get structured in a way that automated systems will not detect.
I pray so. The conversation here doesn't sound like they intend on shutting it down. It seems like they want to empower it and make it more efficient. How they dismantled the DOEdu that's what we need for IRS.
Disburse funds, not disperse as in water droplets. I know, they did it wrong on the original instructions. Maybe once the DEA is shut down people will start learning these things again.
Irs has me convinced i shouldnt file any longer. Good news the administrative court system that does thebhearings on tax issues has been found unconstitutional and the DOj is getting rid of them. Only magistrate courts that can board juries will be allowed. Taxpayers in the jury instead of a corrupt judge making a ruling on his own will help. Google what an administrative court does it is a very good thing they are being dismantled.
This is old news. People were talking about this in 2020. David Donnelly was the treasurer and co founder for friends of democracy which was a soros funded ngo. Nothing has or will happen, but we can always hope.
She weaponized the IRS against conservative groups not giving them tax exemp status and during her Congressional hearing she took the fifth about a hundred times during questioning!
Yeah, fuck paying these cocksuckers another dime ever again
Conveniently, April 15 is right around the corner
This one is going to hurt worse than all the others combined, knowing what we now know
We're funding our own enslavement
Yeah, can tr7mp cancel tax season in the next week or 2 lol
God willing, Trump will abolish that illegal agency.
Along with the ATF.
Let's hope.
The IRS must be the wasps nest of financial crime. Follow the money. Where theres money the vultures will gather.
Wasps nest? Good description.
The IRS has always been a terrorist organization though
they use violence to achieve political ends
Both are.
Whelp...guess we have no other choice but to shut them both down...
I'm almost certain Antifa is being run by people in the government. They went through great lengths to expose proud boys and these other groups but we have absolutely nothing from Antifa. Thats a sign that Antifa is being protected. I imagine it's HQ is in Portland or Seattle.
Pepe Farms remembers when all the Democrat politicians were saying that Antifa doesn't really exist.
When do we get to see Eric Coomer's door kicked in? I can not wait for that beetch to get what is coming. He is an arrogant antifag POS who needs to testify
I don't know that one. I am just wondering right now who coordinate between Antifa and Infernal Revenue Service?
Lois Lerner enters the chat
I'm thinking its the FBI, and whoever sends them their welfare checks.
Ofuckinbama's involved for sure but at not this at this low level dealing with the dregs of society
Well, Obama used to be a community organizer and would rile people up. He may be involved at this level, but like you, I doubt it.
I am thinking Obummer is involved also.
So, USAID-NGO/IRS-Antifa. Sound about right? Calling the suck, by the way.
LOL. Correct.
This info should be brought up the chain to Kash Patel and Pam Bondi.
LOL they already knew it before we did
Trump too
Probably why he wants to end the IRS
So why havent they done shit about it?? Havent even mentioned it.
Think they know.
The truth of what is shared in the OP video is scarier than any fiction created by the left about Trump and Musk.
Antifa and IRS are working together.
The good news is, if we know this, guess who also knows it, plus ten times more.
We now have the PERFECT excuse for Trump to make the IRS no longer exist.
Sure hope to hear it soon.
You aren't required to get 1099's as a contractor making under $600 from an entity.
This is why there are networks of many NGOs, all funded by the same source.
Each NGO could coordinate to pay you $500 or whatever the amount might be. If it was 20 of them, you just made $10k and there's no paper trail showing it as income. They are leaked out over time to make it less obvious. The amounts and sources probably vary throughout the payment network, too.
This is essentially a form of structured payments. It would be a crime if it was detected. Somebody from the IRS likely knows the parameters set to flag these types of situations, so the payments get structured in a way that automated systems will not detect.
Oh I understand what you are saying. Wow.
There's an old saying "just follow the money"! Following the $$ will always lead us to the truth. It's true today more than ever.
Even in my 20, I was saying that.
Disappointed. We need to end the IRS not empower it.
I think we are doing it.
I pray so. The conversation here doesn't sound like they intend on shutting it down. It seems like they want to empower it and make it more efficient. How they dismantled the DOEdu that's what we need for IRS.
I thought IRS will turn out to be ERS
true but the agency is toxic
Both are.
Yeah, why is he pimping the IRS instead of ERS?
I think once the tariffs are in place and Trump can prove we don't need the income tax, the IRS is gone.
Pray we do.
Disburse funds, not disperse as in water droplets. I know, they did it wrong on the original instructions. Maybe once the DEA is shut down people will start learning these things again.
It's time to just go to a flat tax.
ONE Federal income tax rate, 15%. No exceptions.
Absolutely no need for IRS after that. No tax forms, no refunds, no itemizing, no discounts... just flat tax. No need to hire a tax preparer.
We can abolish the entire federal IRS within that year if this is announced. :>)
I would love it.
A match made in hell.
You got it.
Irs has me convinced i shouldnt file any longer. Good news the administrative court system that does thebhearings on tax issues has been found unconstitutional and the DOj is getting rid of them. Only magistrate courts that can board juries will be allowed. Taxpayers in the jury instead of a corrupt judge making a ruling on his own will help. Google what an administrative court does it is a very good thing they are being dismantled.
I hope I don't have to go file. Maybe next year? Can I skip this year too?
Who owns the NGOs?
USAID or Federal Reserve?
This is old news. People were talking about this in 2020. David Donnelly was the treasurer and co founder for friends of democracy which was a soros funded ngo. Nothing has or will happen, but we can always hope.
Oh. I was still brain-dead then. LOL
Remember Lois Learner targeting conservatives? NADA happened to her!
Don't know the name but I am not surprised.
She weaponized the IRS against conservative groups not giving them tax exemp status and during her Congressional hearing she took the fifth about a hundred times during questioning!
I want to know who. LOL
wonder how many Fed.gov employees even file?
Great question.