Well, then, Madam, what nutritional plan would work for you to get you to a healthy body weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure? What diet does work for you? Enlighten us what the black woman diet is, please.
Diets are not racist but truly good diets are kind of cost prohibitive
The real issue is you can seed, nut, legume your way to protein macros cheap but amino acid chains are incomplete and therefore it is kind of pointless
Then when you get to micro nutrients, you have to spend the money. The truly nutrient dense food is more expensive. Kale vs lettuce, zucchini vs cucumbers. High quality fruits, olive oil vs seed oils, etc
Also, the cultural factor. If you are from certain cultures food has a very important place in social functions and traditions. So a one size fits all diet does not fit everybody
Sorry but is not so, no pun intended, black and white.
I'm of the opinion that if we look at healthy people living in West Africa where most African-Americans have ethnic ancestry, we can find very clear examples of healthy, nutrient-complete diet options that are well within her budget, even in an American grocery store. I don't care how racist this woman is, there's still no excuse. There is "black people" food that solves her problem.
I have visited East Africa and from a bus seen the whitest and widest smiles ever in rural people that probably were too poor for modern dentistry. People are bent over, tending to their green vegetables and have goats and chickens.
All that sista needs to do is push away from the table. It's not the white woman's diet, it's her incessant need to fill her mouth with carbs. She's just looking for a reason to be relevant in this world and the folks she was talking to, ......well they looked like zombies who would react to anything a radical tossed their way. That lady couldn't survive one day on a white woman's diet. She'd starve.
Obesity is a fatal addiction. I half wonder if its promoted as "healthy" because its a slow addictive suicide that reduces population and increases corporate profits in the middle through multiplied food and medical expense - especially if it comes with a monthly diabetes insurance bill.
We are fighting against food scientists that figured out a way to hit our dopamine receptors the right way, it was designed to be addictive . So you're right about it being a fatal addiction. These predigested/processed foods ingredients need to be looked into.
I can simplify a lot of it. Sugar and salt. Both of those ingredients are the primary drivers of the effect you're talking about. The other ingredients people tend to fixate on are often red herrings in this discussion. If you dig in depth, they have long track records of use and few if any reports of any harm being attributed to them. Lots of conspiracies, not a lot of hard scientific data. But with sugar and salt, the data on triggering the reward centers of the brain is crystal clear - and we all know it. We can taste the difference, which is why companies market test their food to include it, and why we, as consumers eagerly buy it.
Moi tired of the “angry black woman say no wrong” thing. It’s old, tired, and annoying. Got something to say? Say it and leave out the theatrics. Just sayin (as they say).
Oh, you just said it. I remember in Portland, I was friend with some of them and went to their house. They do lots of fried chicken. They would coat it with flour and deep fry.
Good grief, just eliminate the processed crap from your diet, up your pure protein and natural fats, and you’ll be amazed how easily you shed the pounds.
When you are rounder than you are tall, maybe it’s time for a diet.
I would say so.
Taller laying down than they are standing up
That's so racist!/s
But da diet don't work fuh you da same. /SMDH
Well, then, Madam, what nutritional plan would work for you to get you to a healthy body weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure? What diet does work for you? Enlighten us what the black woman diet is, please.
Here’s yur sign…
If that woman dragged a stick behind her, she would look like a Q
That’s funny
Howls. Insane but true.
Diets are not racist but truly good diets are kind of cost prohibitive
The real issue is you can seed, nut, legume your way to protein macros cheap but amino acid chains are incomplete and therefore it is kind of pointless
Then when you get to micro nutrients, you have to spend the money. The truly nutrient dense food is more expensive. Kale vs lettuce, zucchini vs cucumbers. High quality fruits, olive oil vs seed oils, etc
Also, the cultural factor. If you are from certain cultures food has a very important place in social functions and traditions. So a one size fits all diet does not fit everybody
Sorry but is not so, no pun intended, black and white.
Diets don't work from what I can see. Too many people don't have the will power. You have to go for lifestyle change completely.
I'm of the opinion that if we look at healthy people living in West Africa where most African-Americans have ethnic ancestry, we can find very clear examples of healthy, nutrient-complete diet options that are well within her budget, even in an American grocery store. I don't care how racist this woman is, there's still no excuse. There is "black people" food that solves her problem.
I have visited East Africa and from a bus seen the whitest and widest smiles ever in rural people that probably were too poor for modern dentistry. People are bent over, tending to their green vegetables and have goats and chickens.
All that sista needs to do is push away from the table. It's not the white woman's diet, it's her incessant need to fill her mouth with carbs. She's just looking for a reason to be relevant in this world and the folks she was talking to, ......well they looked like zombies who would react to anything a radical tossed their way. That lady couldn't survive one day on a white woman's diet. She'd starve.
Aah, sad. She is just so unhealthy.
Obesity is a fatal addiction. I half wonder if its promoted as "healthy" because its a slow addictive suicide that reduces population and increases corporate profits in the middle through multiplied food and medical expense - especially if it comes with a monthly diabetes insurance bill.
We are fighting against food scientists that figured out a way to hit our dopamine receptors the right way, it was designed to be addictive . So you're right about it being a fatal addiction. These predigested/processed foods ingredients need to be looked into.
I can simplify a lot of it. Sugar and salt. Both of those ingredients are the primary drivers of the effect you're talking about. The other ingredients people tend to fixate on are often red herrings in this discussion. If you dig in depth, they have long track records of use and few if any reports of any harm being attributed to them. Lots of conspiracies, not a lot of hard scientific data. But with sugar and salt, the data on triggering the reward centers of the brain is crystal clear - and we all know it. We can taste the difference, which is why companies market test their food to include it, and why we, as consumers eagerly buy it.
Yes, obesity is a health issue.
When you identify as a member of a victim class. What worth do you have if you are not a victim?
I will her 12 well-cooked, blackened hot dogs to keep her trap occupied for three minutes.
Moi tired of the “angry black woman say no wrong” thing. It’s old, tired, and annoying. Got something to say? Say it and leave out the theatrics. Just sayin (as they say).
Her diet of hate is why she can’t lose wait.
LOL. Correct.
I have a couple of questions I'd like to axe her...
Good answer.
Isn't there a native diet from Africa that would work for them??
Yes there is. It's the same diet that works for every human.
More meat, less carbohydrates, less sugar, one meal a day, and plenty of physical activity.
Well, more eat can help 100%. But when the meat is deep fried in a seed oil and coated with a breading mix it won't help much.
I was going to say more watermelon less fried chicken…basically the same thing…right??
Pretty much lol
Oh maybe? I know they eat bread, salad, lots of vegetables and very little meat. Live there a while.
Moroccan food is excellent.
Perhaps, that and moving more than getting up from the couch for more food when the next tv show comes on.
Her favorite exercise is forklifts
Oh. I understand now. LOL
When you cannot lose weight because you eat like a starving horse, BLAME THAT RACIST DIET!
Fat black chicks make me want to puke so we both have complaints.
Don't eat her fried chicken.
I bet only plump chubby fat people believe this. Anything to escape responsibility for the lack of self control.
Howls. Exactly right.
Personally, all diets are retarded.
I don't do it either.
Retard, all diets are personal.
You have a choice to have a diet or not. That's not racist. That's freedom.
Freedom to be beautiful and healthy, or freedom to be whatever this Lizzo copycat thing is.
Exactly. I love it when some of us choose health and responsibility.
Her way of life indeed is racists.
She is of the fat bottom idiots race.
That is NOT the "fat bottom girls" referenced by the song. js
She made Freddie gay
hahahaha, no indeed. In order not to sully that particular gem: the addition of idiot.
That bitch is not following the diet lol
see food diet. see food and eat it.
Uhmmm hmmmm
St. Francis: Come fast with me, it's gonna take 40 days.
Great idea.
I sense jealousy along with that racism.
I was going to say that too.
Every fat person I've ever seen diet, and gain no ground, sneaks in tons of calories when nobody is looking.
No will power
We all different big mama! what works for one may not work for you.
Your mouth sure works the same as white women's
So shut it
and watch your problems and your flab slowly melt away
Crazy, isn't it?
I got put in FACEBOOK jail for equating obesity to poor health. Years ago but still...
FB is DS so yes, it will do that.
Who knew that black people defy the laws of thermodynamics?
Oh, I see. Calories.
We wuz kangs and fat
Definitely fat.
To a perpetual victim, reality is racist.
You just said it all. Amen.
Put the donut down and go run a lap
This is so funny. No need for satire with this going on.
lol. How
Diet actually don't work. No one has enough will power. I would go for lifestyle change and exercise.
Fried Chikken n Waffle Diet, ftw.
Oh, you just said it. I remember in Portland, I was friend with some of them and went to their house. They do lots of fried chicken. They would coat it with flour and deep fry.
Have you ever seen how they clean chicken?
Some/a lot of them use chlorine bleach, and/or dish soap.
Sorry. I didn't see.
The hundreds of millions of not obese women in Africa disprove her theory. Is pointing that out "racist" too?
Oh you are correct. LOL
Who would of thought the Put The Fork Down diet was racist. Wow. Hope she's just not making excuses so she can eat herself to death.
Definitely doing that.
stop stuffing your face with carbs and exercise & lift weights stop blaming your skin pigmentation for your being obese also, it ain't whiteys fault
brainwashed fool
They haven't learned, the less food they put into their system, the less they will gain. They can't stop talking or eating, one feeds the other.
Good grief, just eliminate the processed crap from your diet, up your pure protein and natural fats, and you’ll be amazed how easily you shed the pounds.
I like your idea mucho better.