Wow western media is cancer!
"this agreement marks the first step in a series of converging and unprecedented threats to Latin American and U.S. security. "
"Beyond the danger of Russian bases and forces in Latin America"
"We should also be skeptical that Russia is actively helping Nicaragua pursue counter-drug activities. Both Presidents Trump and now Biden have officially proclaimed Nicaragua to be a major drug producing or drug transit state."
Hahahahaha projecting much??? Biden mad that the Russians might cut off his cash cow
Wow I didn't know about the frog statue that's wild! I don't mind the doomers and I think it's important they are allowed to post. I'm a free speech purist - if they are wrong then they will be shot down by popular opinion. When we censor here we are EXACTLY like the leftists we hate
Hannity is either a black hat or a complete idiot - maybe both! Sauce:
We're you absent on "humility" day? Anyway, let's say your friend bought Bitcoin on a day like today when it was down bigly, then sold it all on a day it was up bigly. He would have made money and your crazy ass wouldn't have. So maybe you are crazy.
The more the MSM reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees at this the better for humanity it is