Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there a chapter on what happens when they "lose" the mindspace? When the mindspace is united in recognising them as the enemy, the oppressor, the jailer, the thief? When the crowd turns and looks at them, scales fallen, and either laughs or frowns? what then mindcontrollers?

Vapourface 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is a vision of hell on earth. Adults perpetuating a life of degradation on the next generation. Too ignorant to even understand what they are doing, too impoverished to dream of something better, and if they were, too incoherent to explain it. Tragic and depressing.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

Came at the same time... a bad one? was there a nut-ball?

Vapourface 2 points ago +3 / -1

Israel is a stolen name, they don't own it, they stole it. It doesn't even apply to them. They stole it for it's heritage and gravitas but find themselves in a bind. The stolen heritage demands they destroy Israel's hated enemy - them. So they rage against this, trying to bind their blind enemy, the true Israel, and in their machinations, become ensnared themselves, and face destruction all the same, by the innocent lamb itself.

It's a cosmic scale joke, and if they know we get it, that shame alone will finish them off. Oh yes, there will be much gnashing of teeth.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm slim myself and I love telling people "The more fat I eat, the thinner I get" of course it's utterly demoralising that they don't believe it. The other prong of this is eliminating sugars - replace with fats, preferably saturated.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

People throw out correlation with that glib phrase, and they should, but it works in reverse too. If something is constant and then a new problem arises, it cannot be that thing no matter what a study says. (The old study was just a correlation)

We have eaten meat since forever. Heart disease became a thing after meat eating was thousands of years old. Therefore yes there is a correlation but what about before the problem arose? it disqualifies the correlation absolutely.

My standpoint is ALL disease is poisoning of some form, or nutritional deficiency (often the same thing, you lack a nutrient needed to process a poison)

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like a high school recess on the last day before summer and another three weeks school is announced - total bedlam, shrieking and shouting. Not very civilised.

Vapourface 5 points ago +6 / -1

Options: Lindsey got some kind of deal - Trump will not publicly disavow him as terms of deal.

Trump deliberately confusing the enemy into thinking LG has some usefulness, whereas he is forced to work for the enemy

Just another display of how Trump is all powerful, except when we know different, then we ignore him and boo (vax/budlight)

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was in a restaurant recently and after the meal the server tells me "We've decided to go cashless" handing me the machine with the tipping options

"Oh you've decided to cashless have you? well then, you can go tipless" pressed NO

I left a fiver on the table anyway - just to prove the point, they DO accept cash (not that the brainlet server would get the point)

Now I always carry cash because I want this to happen again, after a meal is eaten, they will have a problem not me. My plan is to lay down more than enough cash and smile (and not give in).

An update on the legal position would be interesting. (EDIT: regardless, I would enjoy that day in court)

Vapourface 9 points ago +9 / -0

I had an amusing thought about Trump and his mega $300million fine he has to pay: Perhaps just for optics, he borrows the money as a partial mortgage against Mar-a-Lago?

He doesn't need to, but the whole situation is about him inflating property values to get loans, so, he should "do it again" to pay the fine... hehe that would be top-trolling.

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good descriptor. While marking the paperstock somehow is certainly possible the fact that he says "QFS Blockchain encryption" and claims it uniquely identifies each ballot? and is trackable? that is non-credible as a claim. QFS is a claimed future financial system and used by loads of scammers. It is clearly disinfo. But maybe not all of it, I think genuine ballots can be determined but definitely not tracked individually, I dont see how that tech could even exist. Mentioning blockchain and encryption is alarm bells, because neither seems necessary for the central claim anyway! So it's bullshit I would say, but I still say the fraud is easily proven by other means.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

(Perhaps) Ballot paper comes from a certain facility like banknotes, specific recipe. Or, "Watermarking" was included in the paperstock used, but as a military SAP using a different tech than standard visible watermarking. I remember hearing talk of microscopic identifiers - smart dust. This could just go into the paper process without much difficulty and kept secret, then read enmasse remotely, like super tiny RFID that causes a reaction to a probing signal and allows the quantities to be estimated - set that against the vote totals and you know for sure. You might even know for sure there were many many fakes purely on the amount of approved paper that was manufactured, being inconsistent with the total number of votes..

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

The trouble with "helicopter money" is it frightens the horses - people figure out everything is in meltdown when the government is forced to throw currency out of helicopters to stimulate economic demand. So they come up with alternatives.

It's economic stimulus.

Vapourface 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ive posted this elsewhere and got flak saying it was fake, I have it in my meme folder named "fake letter GCHQ" now as a result so would like to know either way. Cannot remember the criticism, but it seemed credible critique.

but there is this: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/apr/13/british-spies-first-to-spot-trump-team-links-russia - First to "spot" something they made up.

hannigan quit over some pedo thing: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/feb/24/ex-gchq-head-robert-hannigan-quit-paedophile-priest-edmund-higgins-reference

but tried to hide it: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/10/watchdog-says-it-was-misled-over-reason-for-gchq-boss-resignation

Q foreshadowed it in post 3327

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0


Once you understand this, AND THEN SPEND YEARS SHOUTING INTO THE VOID, then MY TOTAL CONTEMPT for the media is easier to understand too. Sheesh, once I understand indeed. Whoooo man oh yeah.

Vapourface 7 points ago +7 / -0

I remember back when they pulled that "Novichok" poisoning falseflag/fake op with the Skripals (4 March 2018 - peak Q - he posted a boom that day)

The Skripals have now disappeared. On 7 June 2020, The Sunday Times reported that Sergei and his daughter had been settled in New Zealand under new identities.

Anyway, Boris trying to bolster the anti-Rus climate said Porton Down had confirmed to him the poison was Russian "he claimed Porton Down had been “absolutely categorical” in its verdict.." (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-novichok-russia-porton-down-misled-public-jeremy-corbyn-foreign-office-tweet-a8288816.html)

Except Porton Down denied they had confirmed it (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/salisbury-poisoning-russia-novichok-nerve-agent-porton-down-proof-evidence-mod-latest-a8286761.html) despite Boris saying in a TV interview he was told by them it was Russian.

Boris is a shameless liar, who has been caught in the lie several times, so I welcome him being investigated, but if blatant lies about poisoning can slide off him, maybe keeping needless wars going slides off too?.

One day, his number will be up.

Vapourface 10 points ago +10 / -0

It would be great to be there and whisper "Gitmo soon" then claim ignorance as he start haymaker swinging for you as he gets hauled off...

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I NEED 911 to be mainstream accepted as a false flag, since it basically ruined my life. Seeing it, KNOWING it to be a false flag from the first week, and not being able to forget it, I have often spoken about it to incredulous people. They reject it, they reject you. It is crime of the century, and the hardest part doing it all again with covid/vax.

There must be a reckoning so I can be rehabilitated, and live a confident life again. The damage has been tremendous.

Vapourface 9 points ago +9 / -0

MiriAF is very on point. Extremely cynical yes, but actually a critical thinker without any compromise.

I havent read this yet but I say either the King plans to abdicate and needs a reason or he will be "cured" with an experimental vaccine - thus laundering the idea of using experimental mRNA products. Anyway, it will be years before he dies, and it will not be cancer- afterall they have cures for that already, one suspects

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