Can we do the same thing to Israel as well please?
Yes NPR is fucked. However Elon's companies have received $20billion in public funding since 2008. Which he has used to pay himself and hire thousands of H1Bs. He's bringing this up to deflect from the fact that he is trying to bring in millions more Jeets into the US to take American jobs.
Yes hoping that POTUS and white hats drain the swamp before 2024. But if not it will 100% be a repeat of 2020.
Very sorry for your loss however I think it was a mistake to take your dad off life support. Your dad was still alive and it should be God and only God's decision to let him pass on. You may have been misled by your doctor - given what's been happening we know most doctors no longer care about the lives of their patients (see vaccinations/abortions/masks). Praying for you and your dad.
This proves in my mind that China is run by white hats. They are the first country to accurately record coof cases and deaths (zero). They are signalling to the world that it's a hoax. Could be a huge redpill that starts waking people up soon.
I think the deaths in China right now are due to the military draining the swamp.
People really need to stop going to hospitals. All of us know people who have been killed by doctors. We don't trust globohomo pharma so why should we trust hospitals? They are no better.
We should instead eat clean exercise and pray regularly. God gave us all immune systems amd I believe in Him over corrupt doctors.
Could also be white hats arresting child traffickers. Hope more arrests are coming soon.
I'm sorry but this exact entitled attitude is what OP is talking about. No one is owed anything. You've got college debt? Guess what no one forced you to go to college! You're not making enough in your job? Improve your skills and start interviewing! What happened to personal responsibility? Are you a liberal on the wrong site go back to /r/politics.
Not everyone is going to survive what is coming and with that attitude you probably won't either.
Can we deport Rishi and Obama both back to Africa?
DeSantis has always been a DeepState puppet
Thanks for sharing these stories love it! But be careful getting too close to triple / quadruple vaxxed drones. Vax shedding is real!
Democrats would say it's a FaLsE fLaG /s around 40 seconds into this video for Kamala body double.
Okay??? You don't think DS have disappeared and replaced people before like Hillary? Considering how Biden has been avoiding the public recently and his unnatural speech and movement patterns.
Put one and one together
Yes possible that Pelosi and Biden have already been killed by Trump and replaced by body doubles. There was a picture showing how the shapes of their nose/ears have changed recently
Pelosi and Biden are the existential threat. There are white hats in China working to dismantle the global NWO. I support anyone in China aiming to take out Pelosi
I personally disagree. This looks like socialist propaganda from mainstream media. Probably written by a 400lb unemployed basement-dwelling Redditor.
There are many corrupt satanist billionaires but there are also white hat billionaires who we should support like Elon Musk, Trump, Putin.
Thanks will definitely check it out!
Not sure about Bannon but Cucker Carlson is controlled opposition! His job is to do anything to take our eyes off the illegitimate election
Is Bannon a WH?
Fuck Mike Pence!
This has been non stop front page of CNN, WaPo, Fox News etc for weeks. And everyone knows whenever MSM report something the opposite is most likely true. Why are we sharing and upvoting MSM talking points?
We should be looking into the possibility that the cops are hired crisis actors and they were ordered to wait outside the classroom.
Yes exactly. Anyone with a double digit IQ could see that J6 was a glowie psyop. Patriots are smart enough to stay away. It was 100% antifa or FBI and obviously Soros bailed most of them out but they still need to prosecute some unlucky pawns to sell the MSM narrative.
I'm not convinced India and China are the enemy. They are on Russia's side helping expose the biolabs in Ukraine. Could it be our white hats tricking Biden into sending the oil to Russia's allies? Treason would be sending oil to deep state countries like Canada or New Zealand
What about people with the Israel flag in their profile?