kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine if all branches of the current admin and 3-letter agencies were tried for documents fraud...

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

LMAO, I just posted that I see Michael Scott (Steve Carrell)

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL, I see the face of Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) from the office. 🤣🤣 Nice work, though.

Trump is much more carved out than the other four. No president is as carved as Trump. Everybody knows Trump is the most carved, like nothing you've ever seen. It's tremendous!

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

For you, my dear Muskrats on GAW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-FGwDDc-s8

Someone linked to this video on the Twitter thread. I happen to recommend this YT channel frequently, Common Sense Skeptic. He has dozens of videos exposing the reality of Musk that too many do not want to see because they are too busy idolizing him.

kaizen777 4 points ago +4 / -0

And weapons to defend it since many or most around you will not have done the same

kaizen777 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is where you also describe what you DO stock up on. =D Canned food full of crap for a short period of time is infinitely better than going hungry or starvation.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps, but boy am I having a blast with AI on the way out!

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they really wanted to kill Trump, how hard would it be to poison his coffee or something like that? I would think something like that would be much easier to accomplish than this method? Legit question, I really don't know.

kaizen777 5 points ago +5 / -0

What?! You mean the entire deep state hasn't been executed already?!?!?

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are all sorts of sites and videos that go through great effort to expose his history of lies stacked upon lies.
One such channel is "Common Sense Skeptic" on youtube.
He has videos on his channel where he will take Elon interviews line by line and essentially show you how he is ignorant and/or lying and spouting utter nonsense. He holds Elon accountable to his projections and claims which are absolutely wrong the majority of the time.
If you see enough of these interviews and pay attention, you will see why I say Elon is a bumbling idiot. He ain't no rocket scientist/engineer, that's for sure. He doesn't actually run companies. From all of seen on Elon, my takeaway is that he's an actor playing a part. Nothing else makes sense.
He isn't who he claims to be. Most everything he claims about his companies and how they came to be are also lies. Thanks for asking.

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Info I saw shows that Khelif probably IS a woman, child photos show her as a little girl with braids in her hair. She may have an issue with excessive testosterone. Apparently trans is illegal in her country anyway.
She still shouldn't be allowed to fight as this isn't a level playing field due to her genetic disorder that makes her very man-like.

kaizen777 10 points ago +10 / -0

NES is reserved for Nintendo Entertainment System. My brain cannot process that any other way.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another non-event. Zuckerborg would have demolished Muskrat, he actually trains... and is of course cyborg. But of course that didn't happen. Not even Elon would be dumb enough to endure that embarrassment. He's flabby with manboobs and is not athletic.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

losthorizons.com has interesting info for sure I'm far too chicken to do it though. But very interesting! The author of that site has a long history of not paying and teaching others how.

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is golden! There should be a perma-sticky for a thread where everyone can contribute these!

kaizen777 1 point ago +5 / -4

It's amazing to me that people think he actually runs Tesla, SpaceX (lead engineer on top of that!), Neuralink, etc. With all the time he spends on Twitter... just reading and posting alone... Then of course the amount of time he spends doing interviews, travelling for them, podcasts, appearances, etc... Musk is nothing more than an actor, of this I'm sure.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every single prediction with a before X or on X has been wrong so far. Maybe he's already here, just enjoying the show.

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm 99% sure he slipped in "I'm a Christian" but it SOUNDED off, like "not"... but he meant to say "I'm a Christian".. in the context of saying "I love you Christians".

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong. One could analyze proportions (like legs to arms), gait / movement patterns, postural alignment, etc. One COULD prove it. But.. it is obvious to someone with half a brain just from looking at the clips. The only recent videos of Biden I know of are all of Biden boarding an aircraft. And he's much more agile than he's been in many years and had a growth spurt in his 80's.

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you implying that even Big Mike diddled Cackles???

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