Straight to his face.
We actually have a really great relationship. The rest of the office is totally brainwashed about vaccines and other leftist bullshit, so I'm the only one who is openly refusing to get vaccinated. He came to my desk to tell me about how Walgreens is offering vaccines to basically anyone and I said "that's great news for people who want the vaccine." He asked me would I really not get it? "Nope." Why? "Because I don't like it, I don't think it's necessary, it's an experimental injection and not even technically a vaccine, I believe in my immune system and I don't like how it's been socially engineered and forced upon the public. I don't like it."
He was silent.
I continued with "and so if you decide vaccines are mandatory, I'll be working from home." He said, "well, if vaccination was mandatory and you refused, you'd have to find another job." I said, "yep."
"You'd find another job?"
"Yes, I would." I was on my way to deliver something to one of my interns on the other side of the office, so that's where the conversation ended.
Its law
When has law ever mattered to these people?
Sadly, you are 100% on point. Lawlessness is increasingly becoming the norm.
Laws only matter if we have honest and impartial judiciary to enforce them. Which we don’t have in either side of the pond sadly
Refusing any drug for any reason should be every person's right.
It is. Not only under Natural Law and Constitutional Law, but just as importantly under the Nuremberg Code since this is 100% NOT a vaccine but an mRNA experiment.
For your reading pleasure:
We outnumber them and have to stop playing by their game.
Same here. Only time I have worn it is when helping my mother shop, to avoid confrontation that would stress her out.
It's really terrible though. People outside walking or jogging with them, driving with them, people crossing the street to avoid coming near you, even though you could easily just step to one side of the sidewalk
So stupid.
Correct and not even sure it should be labeled a "vaccine". Not any or small dose of covid is in the injection..
It’s only branded as a “new kind of vaccine.” It is synthetically engineered mRNA. It’s a medical experiment branded as standard of care.
It's false advertisement.
Putting it mildly...
If its a right to work state then they may possibly have recourse but In my state FL, which is not a right to work state, they can fire you for any reason or none at all. Its possible some kind if discrimination could be pursued but ill guess we'll have to wait and see how that moves forward.
Well said!
During the next year, as more of your fellow employees call in sick due to compromised immune systems... he may come to value your good health.
Keep in mind the expected liberal backlash later this year though.
Since the Covid "vaccines" don't actually prevent people from getting or transmitting Covid... and in fact they will become breeders of new strains of Covid that are immune to the "vaccine"... YOU will be blamed.
Even though you have a healthy immune system, have not had Covid and were not involved at all... they will have to blame someone (not themselves obviously) for their failing health. People that didn't get "vaccinated" would be better off not advertising that fact. Keep it low key.
The new strains of Covid will hit these mNRA "vaccinated" people hard. Nobody will want to admit that the "vaccine" is the problem... so they will latch on to anything else they can blame instead. Don't be that guy.
Uncle got the shot, died 3 drums later. Sister I law nurse got both, now she is having fainting spells and other symptoms.
Yeah, fuck all that noise. Do you remember which version of the "vax" they happened to take? I hear the most problems are from the mRNA variety.
How long is a drum? Condolences for your loss. I feel like this is an update and they weren’t that bad to start with, an I remembering that right? Have you posted about them before?
severe symptoms including death seem to be averaging 10 to 14 days after the jab.
Were are you pulling those stats from? (Accounting for the inaccuracy of government data sources) I haven’t found them willing to admit deaths even directly after.
Mother and step father got the shot. Both pretty much okay.
Recovery was a whore though. Do not recommend.
Be sure to sue them.
Is your boss a Freemason?
I don't think they'll actually make it mandatory. No, he's not.
They can't. Not this one. Not yet.
Right on it’s a slow chip away to full demoralization. They won’t pull the wool off so easily.
Right now they are making it "mandatory" via social pressure from places of business; either work or where you want to go. It's a workaround to get something in place that likely would cause outright revolt if it became law.
Tell them you are allergic to propyline glycol. They won’t give you the vaccine if you had an allergic reaction to a vaccine before. It’s an ADA violation to try to force you at that point.
and then vape in front of him.
he won't make the connection, guaranteed.
Yes most small businesses (ie the businesses that do not employ lawyers) are generally afraid of employer practices litigation.
Is it that obvious if they are? What's the give away if they are?
Also I only know so much about the Freemasons. I know they are everywhere... I mean I live about a block away from one of their meeting places.
So is it safe to assume that the Freemasons are not good people? My grandfather wouldn't tell me what he knew, (he joined then quit from what my father told me). I only have found what I did about them from surface of internet searches. (no deep web searches) So I don't know what's truth and what's BS yet.
Considering My Grandfather is dead, I'd say it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
Thank you, You have given me links that my basic searches didn't uncover, even the Knights Templar link was more than I had before, I shall see how deep the rabbit hole goes then... carefully.
Stop in and meet them.
I’m curious. How is a Freemason relevant?
Lot of misinformed crazy people here think they are up to stuff they are not up to.ignore them you cant reason with the crazy.
Listen be smart, tell them you are willing to take the vaccine if they can give you a written letter stating you will not have any side effects from the vaccine and if you do that they will accept full responsibility for any consequences you suffer. Make them refuse ... least try this first. Then you can always quit. Google the exact wording to use.
Uh, it won't matter what liability they accept if you are fucking dead because you won't be around to reap the benefits. I guess if your death directly affects your family members though...
Yes, shift liability to the. Even if you never intend to get the shot.
I had to do that when I was working in NY State. I was supposed to be mandated to take the H1N1 shot back then. It was all over the news about it ... all medical and health (I subcontracted with my County Health dept) were mandated to take this vaccine. I suspect it was a test to see if people would comply.
I had people who overheard me tell my boss I would not be taking the shot I would rather quit my job. Got a call from one of the secretaries in the office who was in her early pregnancy and asked me what to do. She didn't want to lose her job. I told her to hold out until the very end. There was still time to stop it. And well it was stopped eventually.
In the end the Health Commissioner of NY State, Dr. Richard Daines, rescinded his order. (Mostly because he was interviewed by a local radio personality who found out from others that his wife worked for Goldman Sachs and Goldman Sachs was funding the H1N1 vaccine.) But he gives a shortage of the vaccines as his reason. He stopped the interview and two hours later rescinded his order. He was worried he was being targeted as making money from the VAX.
Fast forward to a year later Daines had retired as Heath Commissioner... was found dead on his farm at the age of 60 from a heart attack...
I always wondered if they took him out with their heart attack gun for not following through on that Mandatory H1N1 vaccine in NY.
Very interesting. Btw, here in NYS we've changed our motto from Excelsior to " how low can you go", and Andy's using a diamond drill ...
Let them fire you.
He could potentially sue them if he quits, if it could be proven that the company policy change qualifies as creating a "hostile workplace environment." But that would require some lawfags to set, or exploit a legal precedent.
You say you have a great relationship, and that he's the owner of the business.
However, by saying 'if the vaccine was mandatory and you refused, you'd have to find another job' he has actually already threatened you with the sack for not having the vaccine, since he is the one making that decision for his business.
I’ll put it this way, my preparedness to leave if it is mandated is a real consideration for him that I know he would seriously consider. I’m very valuable to the company.
The interesting thing would be to find out who is advising him.
Many companies are taking the advice of attorneys, and most attorneys out there have NO BALLS when it comes to rocking the "mainstream" boat on anything.
They are advising people to "be on the safe side and force masks, etc." when in fact they are actually advising people to engage in a felony -- conspiracy against rights.
Most attorneys these days are like most doctors these days -- they learn falsehoods in school, and then presume they are smarter than everyone else, while they bend over and do what they are told rather than think for themselves.
They pass on their false indoctrination to the clients and patients. Law schools and med schools are both corrupt in a corrupt system.
If I were in your shoes, and had a good relationship, and though I could ask tough questions (depends on his personality and your relationship, etc.), I would probably ask him where he is getting his poor advice from.
I would ask him if some attorney is advising him on this. Or is it a doctor? Or his wife? Or CNN?
I would also ask him why anyone would be advising him to do harm to his employees by forcing an experimental cocktail, when there is no evidence at all that it is effective or safe.
I would make him THINK before acting.
I get it, and it sounds like you unofficially told him to stick his job up his arse if he tries that stunt. Kudos.
Tell them you will force them to fire you. That will be even more effective.
I'll surely quit mine and so would 70 percent of my team or 48 guys. We even talked about how we would go and start our own company.
Hm, you just gave me an interesting thought. What would happen if a union decided to strike due to a change in company policy regarding the CCP virus vax? Most states do not allow strikers to be fired.
Good for you. Do not comply.
and Do Not Quit
I love this but for anyone else reading, the absolute best way to go about this with your boss is to simply say you are open to taking it when (and IF) the FDA officially approves it. This way you sound very reasonable in front of ANYONE. I'm saying this as a medfag (I've had to deny it many times already).
Under emergency use, it is ILLEGAL to make mandatory for anyone. They are relying on virtue signaling and guilt tripping right now to get everyone vaccinated and it wont' work.
If you’re able, might be time to find a new doctor. March 4 2021: “5 ways they’re trying to trick you into taking the Covid “vaccine”
Regarding the "resistance is useless" tactic in general- I remember reading Cathy o'brien's book about being an mk ultra slave. She said her captors used that on her all the time. This tactic I think gets overlooked. It's everywhere, it's so ubiquitous it's hard to notice it sometimes.
Sister in law got the vax (even though she already had COVID lol). My brother said she felt much worse from the vax than what she experienced with the actual "virus".
I don't think employers can make the vaccine mandatory until it has FDA approval which is probably 2 years out still. Am i wrong?
It's funny because I have had to get the flu shot annually for my job. I always begrudgingly got the shot, but still ended up getting the flu a few months later anyway because my office is a cesspool of unhealthy, generally gross individuals.
Fast-forward to 2020. All these people in my life (who never got the flu shot annually like myself) are up in arms and cannot believe I don't want to get this shot.
Where were you the last 5, 10, 20 years? By not getting the flu shot, you all were a part of killing grandma! Right? Isn't this how it works according to you???
Fucking dolts.
Either you got the flu from the shot, or you got the flu from other people which means the shot had no effect at all.
You might want to use this set of facts to refuse it for cause in the future.
I should have mentioned I’d always get the flu shot in October. Without fail I’d get the flu sometime in January-February. The shot always made me feel a little shitty the following day, but yeah, it never prevented me from getting the flu during each flu season. It’s a joke.
My boss’s boss at work straight asked me if I got the vaccine. I said “Let’s not have a HIPAA red flag conversation shall we? I can’t ask that question of my staff so I’m going to model the same behavior here.”
She said yea I guess I shouldn’t be asking you personal health related questions and we moved on :-)
For reference, a red flag conversation is the vernacular they use for anything not PC that shouldn’t be discussed at work. Sexist or racist jokes etc.
It’s a great place to work but totally cucked with leftie bullshit. Still, they know they’re not supposed to ask those type of questions.
I told my boss that about wearing a mask. I still have a job here.
This is the exact conversation that I expect to happen between me and my boss.
He's already dropped hints that "anyone not vaccinated is just going to be out of luck".
But, I've been waiting for an excuse to find a better job, and this could be it. And while we're just scraping by right now, I happen to know we may be landing a couple new big clients soon, and if we do, then they will be screwed without me.
I'll just drop these here in case anyone is interested:
enter text
enter text
This might be something to check out,
"If your employer or school is mandating the COVID vaccine, contact ICAN..."
Looked this up for New Zealand: You have the right to not be coerced. You have the right to refuse on any grounds, including the experimental status, and lack of evidence.
Employers should have no say in any matters like this. A company asked if i was hetero today. Clown world and overstepping rights.
Wow, how do you stand working for that kind of individual?
I told my boss I got one which I of course did not but they are too stupid to check.
Make him fire you for refusing the (experimental vaccine), and then claim unemployment. Costs them a lot of money.
I'm with you. Work in education - a staff member asked the principal if they could know who has been vaccinated and who has not. Thank God for HIPPA protections! Think I would have been pilloried by now. I agree, if mandatory I'd walk.
It’s all so moronic I’m speechless. Later, when they’re all squirming I’ll be like...oh well?
Glad you know your rights ❤️
Tell them you’ll take the vaccine if they will be held 100% responsible for any side effects moving forward. Any last time, at full pay, and if you become permanently disable that they would pay for your salary for the rest of your life. And that they could guarantee 100% that anything that affects you because of the vaccine, proven or unproven that they would be held responsible for that. Make them sign a document that says so. The point is, they’re not gonna sign it and they’re not gonna make you do that because I don’t want to be held accountable. They just think everybody sheep thank you for sticking up for yourself, which will allow others to do the same. You are brave patriot and I appreciate you
I’ve heard, ya want to make them for you over it. More room legally and such. Good on ya for standing up for your principles and making it about your choice. Well said. You’re an inspiration.