Gaetz child sex trafficking: YES, I am FOR investigating and exposing. Because I'm AGAINST the cabal, AGAINST child sex trafficking, and IN FAVOR OF PROTECTING CHILDREN! I don't give "famous" people a pass only because they claim to be a conservative, sorry. EXPOSE ALL OF IT! No favors!
Comments (165)
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If you believe the MSM about Gaetz, you're lost.
I agree. And I think Major Patriot summed it up perfectly, based on what is actually known at this point.
"I don't know what the deal is on the Matt Gaetz thing. But I do know the same people trying to destroy him right now told me Russian Hookers went to the bathroom on Donald Trump's hotel bed." –Major Patriot
I wouldn't let Matt Gaetz babysit my kids through.
Do you consider Gaetz himself MSM?
Just noticing:
In the Tucker interview Gaetz says that there are "no pictures of me with underage prostitutes". Nobody had said that before. Why did he bring it up at all? Reminds me to: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
Sounds like he was alluding to Hunter Biden.
Who drew ZERO investigations.
Where is your arm flapping over that?
Sorry, if you claim that I'm silent on the Hunter crimes, then you know nothing about me.
and I don't care to
how about you stick to the subject of you jumping all over Gaetz ?
Will the investigation lead to an event like a Trump Impeachment, because that is how the FBI works these days.
MILITARY TRIBUNALS is the only way, remember?
I don't care about any (corrupt) investigation! A care about the Q goal of exposing the deep state, the cabal and sex crimes on children. And Q NEVER protected famous persons only because of their names.
cares about "Q goal of exposing the deepstate"
still believes the MSM, despite ll that Q has said
Again, I don't care about the MSM at all. I look at the raw evidence itself. In this case Gaetz own words.
HTF can you be a Q follower and trust claims about Gaetz? He's been one of the most loyal supporters of Trump and never pushed against him. If the guy was a pedo he'd have been taking a stand on the opposing Trump long ago because he KNOWS Trump is moving BIGLY against human traffickers.
You really need to improve your math.
If I were Gaetz lawyers I would not be happy with what he's said so far. Rules 1 and 2 is that you don't add unnecessary detail to the public record because it helps add to the narrative and may make you sound guilty. It's a indirect form of self-incrimination, aka shooting yourself in the foot. As a lawyer he should know better.
That being said I have no clue if he's guilty or not. It could be deep state dezinformatsiya as he claimed. Would not surprise me since Gaetz was so high profile (especially against the intel community). If that is the case we'll see drip..., drip..., drip of fabricated leaks via the FBINYTimes.
On the other hand, it looks like the government has a lot of evidence against his buddy, and it looks like the investigation has been going on for a while (from Aug 2020):
So innocent unless proven guilty. I've seen no proof outside of innuendo coming from Gaetz' own mouth about what we are about to hear (I assume) about some former lady friend of Gaetz (who may or may not have been underage).
If he's actually a pedo then feels bad man.
sometimes people take a stance against the crime they are committing, in order to throw people off the track.
we shouldn't trust the claims outright, nor should we insist he's innocent without doing any research
And if his best defense is "I'm not as bad as Hunter Biden", then he's toast.
again... save your ire for Hunter Biden, buddy.
Why are you parroting the MSM newest Alinski-esque attack on a Trump ally?
Oh, and he's from Florida, too.
Ok, so child sex trafficking by Hunter Biden is bad, by Gaetz is good???
I don't trust ANYTHING by the MSM.
But I watched what Gaetz said himself on Tucker Carlson!
What the interview yourself and tell me again that you think he is completely innocent.
You're an idiot to still be watching Fox. That's why you are confounded. Turn the boob tube off.
I just watched the interview. Tucker seemed to be the one who made that an awkward interview, IMO.
I don’t know what to do about Gaetz. I’ll wait for evidence.
But I’m far more inclined to distrust NYT and this whole conveniently-timed accusation, than I am to immediately consider Gaetz guilty... ESPECIALLY in context of what Gaetz has said about being against the Cabal and for saving children.
Or swallows well...
hmmm... pictures of Matt with underaged prostitutes could be one of the things threatened against him by his blackmailer. MY problem is, he will not get a fair "inveestigation" by our currupt justice department and fbi. they are ALL corrupt. every person who works for the justice department is criminal in my opinion. they cover for each others corruption.
On which side are you?
Q and the children, or the cabal?
The establishment politicians or Trump?
You have to decide!
Looked to me like Gaetz is pushing the FBI and DOJ to release what they have so they can put this thing to bed... I agree with that!
Yes but don't be fake news about it bro
Don't begin post titles with "GAETZ CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING" like you've determined, as judge and jury, that Gaetz in fact did child sex trafficking, and now it's just a matter of "investigating and exposing" that which you've already established as having occurred.
? if this is all you’ve got you’re fooked
Ask your boss David Brock for a better script cuz this one’s weak
I heard something simple and significant- Gaetz named the extortionist, outside of protected Congress speech, in an arena where he's subject to libel/slander laws. He can't do that safely unless he's already got the evidence.
The DS clearly were losing their latest attempt (remember they tried something with his adopted son), and threw the wrap-up smear to the NYT and Huffington to try and get ahead of their operative being outed.
We already know Tucker's a shill, controlled oppo. We also now know that OP is too.
Lots of reports on this one, and while op may be jumping the gun re: Gaetz accusations, the general sentiment of holding the guilty accountable regardless of their status is a valid one.
My advice to op is to wait and see before rushing to judgement.
This seems like it could be a classic Trump-style move to get the left to take a hard stance on a subject before rolling out the real accusations against them.
is there a legit way I can down vote this post dominion style?
lots of reports then remove the post. It is against the grain of the community and the OP is questionably retarded. We need unity, not paid shills who post catchy titles getting upvoted
DOJ also determined that Gaetz colluded with Russia... film at 11:00 /s
Which film are you referring to?
you are actually retarded, ty. makes me feel better knowing you posted this topic but can't rub two braincells together.
xir can rub two brain cells together. xir just needs a second one to go with his.
you're not from around here, are you?
Must be a FNG from the New York Times. Hahaha
LMFAO you just proved that you're an MSM shill. You guys are fucking morons.
Kentucky Fried Movie... Film at 11:00 was a reoccurring theme throughout the movie... probably before your time
Give it time to simmer. I get where you are coming from but I this case there are many odd coincidences and the fbi are evil. Note the “unnamed sources” and the ambiguous language
exactly. FBI went after Flynn. Does OP hate flynn too?
We'll see what happens!
I have the feeling that he is one of the worse.
I really don't get how people are immediately defending him only because he calls himself "conservative". What about bush? Is he also immune against any child sex trafficking "allegations" because he is bush?? No, thanks.
What you really dont get is you are parroting the MSM like their claims against him are fact. Guilty before proven innocent... when he doesnt have the visual evidence against him all over the internet like Joe or Hunter or other members of cabal
What? You're going to tell us the media are suddenly the arbiters of truth against the pedos? Top kek!
If you don't see this as the obvious smear campaign that it is you are not as smart as you seem to think you are, or chose a bad time to flip your trap(shill) card over. Probably both. ??
Read my other posts.
Look at the raw evidence! Look at his own words!
I really don't understand why people here are claiming of trusting in the plan, and then jump the fence when they don't like what the evidence is showing up.
Q is not for lighthearted people who only want to see what the like seeing. It's about the truth!
what evidence you fucking idiot, you only have what people said.
I dont get how you keep trying to imply his guilt with out actual proof. who are you, really?
I believe him..
The reason I believe him is because it is too obvious at this point.. they have hated Gaetz forever if they had this info on him and they would if it exists, why would they wait till this very moment to release it?
Why not release it when they found out about it? If they wanted to destroy him, this would have been the way to do it especially when he was one of the main catalysts for exposing Obamanation-gate..
To convenient..
Also, the truth is much much much stranger than fiction..
They call us conspiracy theorists (they are) because the truth is so horrific and outlandish they cannot believe it..
First, as written in another comment: In the Tucker interview he obviously lies by omission and evading a valid queston.
Second, the investigation started UNDER TRUMP!
Some have problems that "the truth is so horrific and outlandish" that it may even involve Gaetz.
You can believe what you like but we know where rushing to judgement gets the libtards..
Let me know how that works out for you..
I just look at the evidence. The original evidence like his own words in the Tucker interview.
So what did he say exactly that made you jump to this conclusion?
I don’t watch tucker Carlson..
I went and read the articles that have been published..
Might want to go and read those.. the story is much more involved than what can be discussed in 5 minutes..
Don't trust media articles. Especially don't trust MSM articles!
Go to the original source! Watch the interview!
And you will see.
Post sauce or get lost.
Quit acting like he incriminated himself, case closed, let's decide on his method of execution.
This thread is proof that the empty can makes the most noise
And I have read many truths about many people.
Nope, I’m not buying this one.. like I said too convenient.. I’ll wait till all the evidence is released and presented and I don’t think he lied by “omission” as you say..
What did he omit?
The same people who accused President Trump of not paying his taxes and many other lies they have told are the same people who dropped this “breaking story”...
Don’t believe everything you read.. it’s deflection and projection on the part of the deep state per usual..
What they accuse others of doing they themselves are guilty of..
Funny how this all ties back to a rival of his that was arrested and just rearrested (bail violation) for actually trafficking children.. gaetz was involved in this investigation.. but sure he’s guilty because fake news says.. ?? have you learned nothing?
It's also curious there seem to never be tapes (but everyone calls for releasing them). They sure would help clear up what's truth vs fake news.
But McGee, an attorney at Beggs & Lane law firm and the former lead attorney for the DOJ's Organized Crime Task Force, said: 'It is completely false. It's a blatant attempt to distract from the fact that he's under investigation for sex trafficking of minors.
He added: 'If there is a tape, play the tape. There is nothing on that tape that is untoward.'
The attorney said Gaetz's father had 'called me and asked to talk to me' and said he would welcome a tape of their conversation being made public. He did not detail what the conversation was about but insisted it was nothing 'untoward' but simply 'a pleasant conversation of a dad concerned about his son and the trouble his son was in'.
So from what I understand, Gaetz was contacted by this attorney or counterparts on or around March 16th demanding a 25 million dollar payment from his family to make these allegations “go away”
According to Matt Gaetz he did not know he was being investigated...
They immediately contacted the FBI and have been working with them in regards to the extortion attempts.
He also said that his dad was wearing a wire per FBI request and the FBI and DOJ have the tapes of these recordings..
Of course he would McGee would deny it.. because it’s not like the FBI/DOJ is corrupt or anything..
But because the FBI and DOJ and the democrats and their operatives are incredibly trustworthy, let’s throw this man under the bus..
They are covering something up or trying to do because this is what they do..
Every time they are on the verge of being caught red handed, they then smear a Republican to take the heat off of themselves..
Like I said, I believe Matt as of now he has given me no reason not too and has been on our side. If there is evidence that he was involved in child trafficking, I’ll be the first one to be on that train..
But once again, we see what jumping to conclusions does..
What ever happened to the capitol riot investigation? Oh that’s right pelosi was involved so the investigation died..
Very well could be smears, I'm curious where the reporting that Gaetz was about to retire came from.
Axios broke that and in about a few hours they interviewed Gaetz where he volunteered a lot more:
Who knows. To me, innocent until proven guilty about the underage thing. It wouldn't surprise me if he got blackmailed from some DOJ. But the whole story is strange either way.
What if this is a vetting process?
Sorry, I was thinking about this... why is this stuff coming out now?
It’s to show who is really on our side and who is not..
Think about it, we can ASSUME Matt Gaetz is a good guy and maybe he is and maybe he is not but now we will know..
Look at Christie noem.. they are trying to go after her and smear her.. I wasn’t to impressed with her answers but I think she is genuine..
We need to know that they have no involvement in any of this and they have our backs.. I’m not sure.. but I just wait and watch and listen because the story changes in hours..
Interested in others thoughts agreeing or disagreeing!!
He didn't answer Tuckers question about when he knew about it.
Obviously because the investigation (already under Trump) predated that extorsion "defense".
I don't believe anything in the media.
I prefer looking at the original information. In this case Gaetz own words.
And there is more to the story and it is an active investigation involving one of his rivals who was actually arrested and is back in prison for exactly what they are accusing him of..
Active investigation.. he also asked them to release the tapes that his dad was wearing because they have been involved in a months long investigation in regards to the gentlemen I mentioned above..
They want it to go away.. they will try to use anything to stop exposure of their rape and torture of children..
The uniparty is involved-repubs and dems..
These are serious allegations and he didn’t even know he was being investigated for this. He was cooperating with an FBI investigation..
Do your research..
I did quite deep research. Right now I am not aware of any information I am missing.
Show us your research. All I see is you throwing out accusations a 911 newsbreak and a Tucker interview. If that is your research you suck. Gaetz has been a staunch supporter of Trump and is quite loud about it. Hes the perfect target for the Dems because he ruffles their feathers. Your deep research should help us see your side but I really dont think you did anything but find a post and a interview that you some how twisted into your belief. What do you have against Gaetz?
Please read my other posts. It doesn't make sense if I have to repeat myself again and again.
That's common when missing information though
I just told you what you are missing..
Watching tucker Carlson who is a questionable journalist himself is not extensive research.. but to each his own..
Good luck!
It's not about Tucker Carlson, but about what Gaetz said himself.
Don't get confused by Tucker, the MSM or whatever people are saying or believing about other people.
Look at the raw evidence and draw your own conclusion!
The accuser/blackmailer from the DOJ is the same attorney who represented Levinson vs Iran in the Kish Island incident, which likely revolved around human trafficking. Furthermore, FBI SSA was Flynn's protege and was persecuted by the DOJ (possibly Gaetz's accuser) for her affiliation with Flynn.
I watched Gaetz address this issue head on last night and his testimony seemed credible. Give it the Bongino rule (72 hours), but understand there are a lot of shady characters involved in this story.
First, David McGee is not an accuser/blackmailer. In contrary, Gaetz is trying to blame McGee. And McGee is defending himself and calling for the tapes being released.
David McGee represented the family of Douglas Levinson, who was aducted and killed by Iranians.
Do you seriously want to claim that Gaetz and the Iranians are the good guys, and McGee and Levinson are bad???
No, Gaetz is likely a good guy. McGee is DOJ - that's automatically a big black strike against him. Levinson was CIA and it is unknown what he was doing on Kish Island. McGee's representation of Levinson was purely in the best interests of DOJ and likely Iran. And Iran is a bad actor. Fixed it for ya.
Where to start.
I'll wait for the evidence but I won't hold my breath. It has the same stench as Russian collusion, quid pro quo with Ukraine, no election fraud, Covid19 hoax, January 6th insurrection by Antifa, climate change and all the FF gun shootings. The MSM is out-of-control. Turn off your TV, take off your mask and pray for the day when God puts these evil-doers in their place.
Doesn't Tucker Carlson frequent Comet Ping Pong Pizza? If he does, he could easily be a pedo at worst, or he might be a pedo enabler at best. Any public figure who goes into Comet Ping Pong knowing the tales that surround it, is for all practical purposes endorsing everything that goes on there.
By frequent, I mean isn't he known to patronize that place often enough to be a familiar face there?
I am asking legitimately. I thought I had read that about them. I am disinclined to believe anyone who makes millions working for Manhattan-based cable news networks.
Tucker is a white hat.
At least this is my understanding and what I have seen and heard from him. I didn't see any evidence contradicting that.
Attacking Gaetz but defending the MSM tv host that said he was friends with Hunter when that whole laptop shit came out.
HahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my sides
Tucker was never "friend" with Hunter. Tucker is not perfect, and he is on Fox. But I think his heart is in the right place. He says many things which are right. Including election fraud and yes, including sex trafficking
I thought it had been reported that he was a regular at Comet Ping Pong Pizza. Maybe that is not true. But if it is true, for any reason whatsoever, then I doubt he is to be trusted. Bear in mind, Tucker has gone from one lucrative gig to another in the corporate media. That smells of CIA to me.
Nice sleepper shill account.
Msm reporting on Gaetz case - big RED FLAG.
not even raised my eyebrows ?
The DEMS / (DS) always project their guilt on others. I think they know what is coming and are attempting to "Muddy the waters"
I didn't look up what the MSM and DEMS are saying about Gaetz.
But do you want to suggest that Epstein is innocent because the MSM and DEMS reported negatively about him?
It doesn't matter what the MSM and DEMS say. The raw evidence matters.
Exactly - Evidence does matter. There is a difference of Guilt (Epstein) and Smearing (Gaetz). Gaetz has been a big and audible proponent of Trump, and is someone I am sure that the (DS) wants to shut up. They did the Same to Jim Jordan, about his wrestling days at college.
You mean by being a "friend" of Trump you get a "get out of jail free" card? Would this apply to Epstein, too?
No you do not get a "get out of jail free card" you get smeared and investigated -See Flynn, Manafort, etc, etc, etc
he is a tranny shill, don't feed them.
Thanks "iid" I was wondering about THAT one!
Flynn, Manafort were falsely accused of Russian hoaxes.
Here we are talking about child sex trafficking and people lying about it.
Well yes, Russia Hoaxes, have been confirmed (yesterday's News - and Pedo's and Trafficking, is the New topic
My gut feeling on this is how it will play out is they’ll build up libs excitement of going after GOP pedos, get the ball rolling, then later oops info starts coming out about Democrat pedos, but now it’s too late, public is paying attention.
I think when the great awakening is coming, many more well-known people will be exposed than many here can even imagine.
Found a shill
Argues like a lefty. Young account, definite shill.
McGee also says he wants the tapes to be released.
Watch the Tucker interview! And tell me that his story makes sense! Especially when he evades the question about when he know about it.
If he would be innocent, he would have no reason to evade that question. See my other comment.
And btw, did you see how skeptical Tucker was looking all the time? Yes, he does it often. But not always. He reserves it for special situations like this one. He didn't drop the spell over him yet, but he is prepared doing so at any moment.
Let's let this play out before we freak out...ok?
If Gaetz is indeed guilty (which I don't believe for a minute), then he should be treated no differently than anyone else - they should all be tried and punished for hurting our children.
What this looks like to me is the deepstate knowing they're close to being exposed, so they're trying to throw shade on the good guys and projecting their own bad behavior on others...again.
Nothing new here.
Sounds like most people here have already made up their minds.
Geatz has named the individual after him, his father wore a wire in an FBI vs DOJ cage match. (In my opinion, and based on how hard MSM is pushing this) this is extortion of a good man to distract from really, truly guilty bad men and women.
He will be exonerated. Think Flynn set-up.
Okay, so let me get this straight. High profile pedophiles (all lib Dems), with indisputable evidence all over the place... no lookie. But allegations against a conservative require a deep dive? Overlooking the fact the FBI recorded the blackmail play.
We seriously need to clean house and end all of this insanity. Something has got to break it.
This Gaetz shit is more of a setup for future
I believe this was a sting involving a 25 million bribe. He seems to be welcoming all of this.
You trust the FBI to investigate? KEK.
Since you’re light on the facts of the case:
According to Gaetz he and his family ran a counter sting on a $25M extortion scheme, and wore a wire to prove it. He’s saying it’s all on tape and is demanding the FBI release it. He also says the girl wasn’t 17.
Now they hope we'll forget about Cuomo.
Cuomo out would be a huge accomplishment for major changes in our country. Very critical and they a fighting it like hell! Newsom too!
I agree that we need to FAIRLY investigate everyone. If we immediately take sides we are no better then the deep state. Innocent until proven guilty, but that doesn't mean we prejudge.
OP need step back Matt is guilty of nothing. Learn discernment Recognize political theater when you see it. Remember this is a movie. Theres nothing unknown left to Patriots It's just all playing out for normies to consume and wake up. Making the left scream and bitch and say he should be prosecuted blah blah blah...then [their] secrets get exposed and they're nailed w what they clamoured about on the false charge. We ring the bell, and on que they drool. Pavlov's dog.
Do I think he is guilty of what he’s being accused of? Absolutely the fuck not. Is it worth looking into? Probably. I understand your feelings as I too believe every lead should be at least checked out but there’s no way in hell I think this it’s true. Its MSM projecting what they are guilty of onto the good guys. A tale as old as time.
Problem just another accusation out of nowhere without proof. Piglosi is trying to take away house seats illegally through intimidation her specialty. The evil witch
They just poked the bear, now Gaetz is really going to destroy the deep state.
Fuck that pedo fuck, he is done
This is easy. Release the recordings, just like he asked. He is not asking for anything but the truth to be told.
He knows they can't release them, which is why he's asking. Pretty obvious. They prove nothing that he is claiming. Saw him on Tucker. Dude is a pedo. Look at him.
Look at him?
or is it
Yeah, that's worked before. Let's investigate BEFORE judging.
Yeah Ima wait and let that a play out. I pretty much believe nothing for the first 48 hours after a story breaks because usually at the 48 hour mark we start to get the full story. This also helps to avoid the emotional pitfalls and dooming. Seriously the first 48 hours are always emotion and very little factual information. That's every police shooting. Every school shooting. Every hate crime. Pretty much anything you've ever heard about Trump.
I dont #metoo nor do I believe all women simply because they own a vagina.
I think this is just an attack so that we look at him while they (democrats) are doing something else. Gaetz has always supported President Trump. But, let's not forget he does not meet with lobbies, he stated he does not want to beholden to them. I will wait to see if the allegations are proved in court.
The allegations are pretty solid.. but just like Epstein, even if him and Trump were connected to Gaetz at some point does NOT mean he had any idea or was affiliated with that pedo shit. Thtas the entire thing we are fighting against.
Maybe the dems planted him and this was their plot all along to try to tear us down. They're sneaky bastards
Its time to start over. Every State should hold new elections for all seats in congress and replace every single one of them. Throw the baby out with the bath water at this point.
Then have the states remove the fake president and hold a new election.
Im ok with military rule while this is done.
If MSM is right, Gaetz is toast. If MSM is wrong, Gaetz sues and becomes a very wealthy man.
Viewer discretion advised: some viewers may be too stupid for The Show.
Where would Gaetz get 25m?
his daddy founded a company (VITAS) that offered hospice care. He sold it for half a billion dollars to the people who own Roto-Rootor. Not before getting mixed up in a massive medicare fraud lawsuit which was settled out of court. Probably raked in some swamp money in that process.
Thanks, I didn't know that. I recall him on War room saying it cost him $75,000 to get on a committee and I thought, ok, who is sponsoring him. Now that makes sense.