Considering Sen. Paul's exposure of the Fauci records today,I could easily see him being arrested very soon, and thinking of his world wide recognition, he fits the criteria pretty dang well! Thoughts?
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Please let the first arrest be Fauci or Gates. Maybe the first arrest will be plural, and they all go down at once. DJT is the CANNON!
Fauci or Gates feel like the ones that would do the most immediate good but yeah let's start rounding these Masons up.
Dirty luciferians.
Ahead of schedule and under budget!
Gates current manifestation is a body double and has been for some time. Fauci is the 1980s mosquitoes will give you aides guy. The fact anyone is giving these guys credit is proof we live in a simulation. Wake up peeps!
I think you need to distinguish the rank and file from the 33rd degree shitbags.
Most Masons don't have a clue about any of this stuff. 2/3 of the ones I know just go along to the lodge for an evening away from the missus and a drink/food night. The other 1/3 seem to be keen on the charitable aspects.
If there are globalists amongst the ones I know then they hide it really well. Apparently all discussion around politics/religion is a 'no-no' in the lodge.
However, if it does turn out Freemasonry is a recruiting ground for Lucifarianism the higher up you go, then I will be first in the queue to tear the whole thing down.
98% fund kiddy diddlers lawyers. That's why I left catholic church.
I would say a lot more than 2% are the dirt bags... You can't get away with molesting children for the last 70 years and have it all covered up with only 2 percent being bad. Also, have you ever been to a Catholic funeral? We are non denominational Christians and went to a Catholic family members funeral and it was so creepy. There was so much chanting and weird things happening, so much up and down and all these traditional weird things that the people just do like its a normal thing... from an outside perspective I felt uneasy and uncomfortable the whole time and couldn't wait to get out of there. My kids even asked what was going on because it was so weird...
I never understood how "great people doing good things" as you say could or would join the masons. I mean do they not do the slightest bit of research or fact finding about the organization? Their own books and literature are full of creepy ass shit so how do they not know? Don't they have to read and study said books and literature as part of being masons? I'm not trying to attack anyone but it has never made sense to me.
Fauci being arrested would align with Candace Owens’ recent tweet mentioning he should be in federal prison.
is candace Q lol
:: slap ::
Serious question, just who exactly is going to arrest him?
FBI? <giggle>
DoJ? <rofl>
There is no one in any position of law enforcement that is not controlled by deep state progressive commies.
Its fun to think about, but it's not happening with Xiden in charge.
Can the military arrest someone? Sorry but how? Fascinating is a civilian they can't detain him
Yes, but we would have to assume the US is under Martial Law (which I believe we are). In this instance military is in control, Fauci would fall under a military tribunal... for crimes against humanity.
Exactly. Not to mention, if they do have him on funding China for some kind of attempted gain of function (I still don't think it actually worked...) 'enemy combatant' status.
Expose Fauci, Gates, Biden, China, Iran... connect it all to the election... the impeachments... RussiaGate... the Mockingbird Media. Whew. People would snap.
Agreed! Rand Paul pressed him under oath and he lied through his teeth!
Nothing new.
There are a lot of stupid people even here that are stuck in a past reality. They dont understand that EVERYTHING has changed and old paradigms no longer hold water.
I mean, if the military hasn't done anything tribunal-wise thus far, do you think maybe, just maybe they are complicit in these crimes against humanity? Because look into the past wars and tell me that our military actually cares about crimes against humanity. Most of our military innovation stems from the fact that we ingested the best nazi and japanese scientists. Do you think the military industrial complex, that put most of these psychopaths in power, is suddenly going to start arresting their own?
Thank you all
If he is identified as an enemy combatant or committed treasonous acts during time of war or emergency I believe they can.
Read chapter 11.3 and 11.4 of the law of war manual
true, until they stop taking orders.
We are still waiting.
You mean they're waiting
take orders from WHO?
Kinda like you?
Possibly the United States Marshals Service.
This may be our last best hope.
He would be perfectly safe in Ohio.
Haha —or just over the border in PA.?
Could another country? His work hurt all citizens around the globe
Uh no. This isnt another country's fight its ours. I wouldnt be ok with that because what kind of precedent would that set going forward?
We shall call it: #FauciGate(s)
I like that. Back before Twitter shut me down I was hoping to see #gatesgate too!
people would applaud Gates,
Fauci would be shocking especially for the older people that know of him for the HiV/AIDS work.
I couldnt understand why he got picked for this unless it was to expose him. Knew long ago he sent $$$$ to Wuhan lab for years, even shutting down a cancer research for more $$$.
Guys like this are administrators, they dont treat patients. Better would have been a big city Infectious Disease doctor at Health Dept who actually sees patients, sees trends in infectious diseases and tries therapies
Fauci's been a criminal for a LONG TIME.
He rose through the ranks stealing other people's research and being the medical henchman for the New World Order.
A top virologist, jailed for 5 days can finally speak about Fauci after 5 years of "gag" order.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test and Nobel winner assassinated in 2019. Kary said PCR is the incorrect test for infectious disease and also said: "Fauci doesn't know anything about anything. And I'll say that to his face."
Thanks. Also available on Dr. Judy Mikovits' site At the end of the video, look at Dr. False's body language and eye movements during a speech, he looks down immediately before talking indicates a huge lie is forthcoming. He looks to the left before another sentence which indicates he is about to tell you a fabricated a story. Definitely a prime candidate for the first arrest end subsequent conviction concluded by the death penalty.
Before I found out about Fauci's Fraud, we watched daily the Covid-19 updates. I told my husband he gave me the creeps. He's an assassin and a henchman for the NWO.
They should arrest Fauci, Gates, Swab at the same time and publicly execute them together at the same time. That would be cool.
Excellent video!
Thank you! I like Kary even more now.
Children being jabbed.
That prick has been in charge of well over one trillion dollars during his tenure adjusted for inflation.
What are the results of that spending? AIDS cocktails and piss poor preparation for a pandemic.
I'd love to see an audit of his department.
Did you hear the dogs are gonna cure cancer. The can sniff it.
Expose Fauci ....I thought yesterday..this little turd was working behind the scenes for decades. Hardly anyone knew his name.
Then Trump brings him front and forward to the stage for the final act.
Was the word Shock included in the quotation marks?
Semantics! I'm sure you understood my meaning.
Every time I see someone say "First Arrest that will shock the world"... it's maddening. Everyone hold's Q's words as gospel - when it suits them.
They'll cite "Military is the only way" to refute why you shouldn't act, yet at the same time, perpetually recite "First Arrest to shock the world". It's always some confirmation bias shit too.
It's maddening because this is SUPPOSED to be about truth and research, not confirming a bias or an emotion. It makes me wonder how much other stuff people have got wrong.
Its like "beam me up Scotty". Captain Kirk never said that but for some reason it becomes the way to remember it.
Do ypu mean Blue Anon?
IMO, Yes and no. It spreads misinformation and people have a propensity for confirmation bias when spreading information, so if it's misinformation, it unintentionally muddies the waters.
For example - everyone is getting something wrong and no one says "Hey that's wrong", then they will run unchecked with information, creating a false feedback loop or an echo chamber.
If someone has something wrong, then people NEED to disprove it. There's an ethos here that if you disprove or dispute, you're a shill, a doomer or whatever. We should all be working to ensure only facts make it through, otherwise the signal gets jammed with static.
This deserves its own post. Agree completely
Hillary Clinton has entered the chat.
There’s a shit-ton of contenders out there. Any one of them being arrested would shock the world. They’re getting away with murder, literally.
He deserves to be arrested. Along with Bill Gates. Joey B, Barry O, Mikey O, Mikey P (??? what if he was just playing his role in this, idk), Nancy, Allahu Akbar Omar, many many more.
Man, I had my money on the Queen. Dr. FlimFlam will do just fine I hope it starts soon.
Along with his arrest needs to come a hard stop on all the jabs BEFORE our children are harmed further. Exposing the plan that stopped the world starts with him and Gates being shackled at a military press conference. Let the dominoes fall.
Maxwell may have been the shock ! Maybe not to us but this single woman can bring Nations down not just individuals. When does a bird sing ?
Apparently November 29 2021.
Got a link on Sen Paul’s exposure?
It's a heart-warming exchange. It's really satisfying to finally see that weasel squirm.
Check it out on YT, if you don't wanna use YT it might be on Rumble
Yes, but you could have easily found it yourself. I'll help you THIS time, but you need to start doing your own research, or you'll never learn.
Fauci and Gates. I cannot wait!
That would "Shock The World".
Agreed, the shot heard around the world.
I got 20 bux on fauci being the first. Ill accept payment in silver or crypto
Fauci is not wel known outside the US, so no, his arrest would not shock the world. Bill Gates however....
You are incorrect, he is very well known, and his arrest and the ensuing revelations surrounding the entire covihoax would have the entire planet screaming for blood.
Are you being ignorant? I know for a fact he is not well known in my country. How can you even claim me being incorrect if you dont even know the situation in my country. Oh and btw, i live in the EU.
Just because you may not know of him does not mean others don't. The guy has been around for decades and has been in the forefront of many "disease fights". I'm just going to guess here, but I imagine you do not speak for all of the people living under the yoke of the GLOBALISTS better known as the E.U. Sounds to me like you are trying harder to shill than anything else.
Just because you are an idiot who lives in an idiotic country does not mean the rest of the world is just as idiotic. You're just another shill who would rather argue than LOOK at the facts before you. If you disagree, then fine, that's your prerogative. But to sit here and continually argue something that does not actually make a huge difference simply shows just what a shill you are. TaTa Tick Turd!
Fauci or Gates I think.
Fauci, Gates, or Hussein.
I would be happy with either of these three being the first.
If that happens then I can see the shockwaves around the world and their covid scam exposed. I can also see the vaxx takers all whining.
He would be a pretty good candidate, come to think of it.
I hope it's live while he's being interviewed by the Clown News Network or the like. Maybe the View
? This would be shocking. You know there are a few people running for this esteemed position in history. Could there be a top 10? fauci, gates, hrc, bc, biden, harris, bush jr., obamination, chainey... Please fill in your favorite, love to hate, criminal cabal member. We could fill the Golden Globes spot with “Live From Gitmo”, where film would roll showing crimes committed & their being rounded up and then you find out who won a new rope necktie. I’m just spitballing but I think it could be fun.
Let's go his bail - so we can publicly stone this psychotic dweeb.
I honestly think the "First" arrest will be Gates. The setup is there with the mainstream media talking about his connections to a certain man who didn't kill himself.
Gates is known world wide. They love him in Africa for the work he did there.
Seriously I believe Gates is known WW..and his arrest may include involvement in the genetic experiments with Epstein. People focus on his pedo stuff too much, the bigger crime the man was into was eugenics.
I imagine he was into all sorts of genetic experiments, and Gates would be all in with him on that.
Just a guess, but it seems to fit.
Will this arrest and these crimes shock the world?
Because the pedo stuff doesn’t seem to.
Fauci being arrested would indeed shock the normies and make at least some of them question things. One can only hope?
Treason, military court
Hey, I think it would take that to break the covod spell.
Only north America, for the rest of the world I doubt even half know who he is beyond a few of them having heard the name as it's too deep into another countries poitics and most people simply doesn't care.
If they were to haul Bill Gates away kicking and screaming and get it on tape and on the news, that might do the trick...
You need to watch some foreign news services. He is known across the globe. England knows him well. Check out verse two for a short example.
Not enough to shock the world, the worst you would get from the majority is a WTF, the day after it would be little more than what happened yesterday...
Fuckwit is on US TV every day, outside of the US not so much...
The world knows Fauci...CNN broadcasts this lying evil gnome everyday.
Now Fauci is off to save them with lockdowns and vaccines.
However my money is still on Gates. The man who put a computer into every home.
Recently I began to wonder if Steve Jobs was given “AIDS” by the Fauci-Gates tag team.
AF & BG need to be taken straight to military tribunals in GITMO, tried, convicted and executed.
Not sure that would happen following traditional, public arrest.
I have kept trying to understand why on Earth DJT would've kept Fauci on during the plandemic. Maybe this was the reason?
I was recently thinking about this too.
Fingers fucking crossed at this point though.
The faucci ouchy
Can’t happen soon enough.