Fauci: We Will Require Coronavirus Vaccine Booster Shots ‘Within a Year’
? These people are sick! ?
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We will REQUIRE vaccine booster shots?
It's going to be a requirement for what, exactly? Require implies some enforcement means... or some reward / punishment.
Also... who is this "WE"?
Dude, the CDC announcement about masks last week said “permission to stop using them now offers an incentive to the many millions who are still holding out on vaccination” I was like, permission from Whom exactly?
It's funny because since they lifted the masks for the vaccinated, the people who are unvaccinated aren't wearing masks and the people who are vaccinated are wearing masks ?
Too funny! They are just wearing mask because it makes them feel superior somehow.
Masks are woketard virtue signalling. Effectively, they are wearing a sign that says "I'm an idiot, and here's the PROOF!".
You see someone like that, and you know to stay away from them... not waste any time getting to know them, etc. It's very helpful... damn considerate of them, really.
I saw a dating thing of a woman who said she wouldn’t date anyone who took their mask off because they got the vaccine. Like that wasn’t hardcore enough and she’s hardcore, going above and beyond. Good riddance lol
A good friend today just asked, "But is the CDC going to let us do that?" I can't even.
Get new friends, immediately.
They need to update the human v2.0 to 2.1. Then the mark of the beast next.
This is literally true.
They have been programming the masses with the belief that you need to have the latest software versions at all times, especially when it comes to operating systems and antivirus software.
They've been making people believe that they are in serious danger of being hacked or infected if they use older versions and that using older versions actually poses a serious threat to everyone else as well.
This was training for the "vaccine" certificate human control grid they're attempting to install right now.
Patent # (WO2020060606)
Funny that he believes he will still hold that position in a year.
Which really makes you wonder the motive...
I decided no to the shot to much unknown and unresearched about the shot. If I get covid 99.9 survival rate possible detriment to long term health unknown.
Require is this sense means to stay at the same level of (fake) protection over time. He is saying that if one got the two jabs, that for the vaccine to remain effective, would require those people to get a booster.
I read ( no link. Sorry. ) that these booster shots will be required because their own immune system will be wrecked. They will be dependent on the shot.
They have a chance to recover if they avoid the booster from what I have read. But over time yes if they become too reliant you are stuck on boosters for life.
Evil business strategy but most sheep can't see it.
Pine needle tea, wasn't it? For the spike proteins I believe.
Pine needle tea. Super high in vitamin C and great immunity booster. Old bushcraft cure.
That’s easy for me, I live in Georgia, we’re covered in pine trees (and kudzu ?)
Before you go picking, it needs to be a specific kind of pine needle. Some are bad.
I’ll research it and store it in the brain for possible future use
I know. That kudzu is horrible
Kudzu is very medicinal as well.
Interesting! Well we certainly have plenty to go around!
Flush system with vit c
IIRC it was not exactly an antidote to a poison, but just a poison you became so dependent on that you would die from withdrawal.
Victory is life
Of course testing people for immunity isn't profitable like vaccines.
Off topic a bit, but please give me a 3 sentence explanation of why adults get shingles if they had the chicken pox as a kid (no vaccinations for either). Why didn't I have immunity? (Don't like shingles.)
I'd love an explanation to this also.
"First one's free!" as the dealers used to say.
Like an oil change?
So basically people are becoming like the dominion foot soldiers in DS9?
The Jem'Hadar. Man, I haven't watched DS9 in 20 years, but I still remember that.
I remember one episode where they tried to civilize one that was raised by the Federation. And they couldn't do it. He was too violent and they sent him back to his own kind. They domesticated a Borg but couldn't domesticate a Jem-Hadar.
The Borg started as individuals and with the implants removed or disabled the original personality reasserts itself. Jem-Hadar and the Weyoun clones were genetically engineered to be deathly loyal to the changelings so no amount of nuture could override their nature.
I remember the babies plugged into the borg collective in their cribs, so I'm not sure how many of them had original personalities. Still, making the Jem-Hadar untamable is such a... I want to say UN-PC but maybe that's not right. It's just unusual in that kind fo programming, so I'm glad they had the guts for it.
vaccines are literally bio weapons the idea that they could substitute your immune system as you imply is ludicrous thats like drinking water when youre drowning to get air. youre putting toxic chemicals which cause disease into your body but you claim it as a solution for disease. All vaccines are in reality are toxic chemicals how does that help combat disease? Look at my submitted vaccine maker admits they are designed to kill.
If you want to understand what a flu is (detox)and what the immune system actually is study Aajonus Vonderplanitz. The germ theory of disease is a complete hoax your body is 90-99% bacteria and is always cleaning itself with viruses the Rockefeller medical system lies that bacteria can cause disease and that viruses can somehow leap from one body to another another blatant lie when you study Vonderplanitz which is basic stuff anyone can verify. My submitted has the link where he talks about how viruses cant be contagious. Doctors are either very stupid or lying if they dont know this.
There’s some good stuff about this by Dr Thomas Cowan, the VP of the Weston A. Price Foundation. I have lots of respect for him and his theories.
Why is this little idiot still talking?
He left out, "If WE are still alive."
Stop… you are making me hard
It's gonna be hard for him to require a damn thing from behind bars.
Here’s a good thread on elite vaccine initiatives:
Great shares as usual! Thanks for the continued content.
Edit: ooo Rockefeller’s again. See also Breakthrough post. Rockefeller vaccine 1918 Spanish flu second wave. https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/12iNUs1lju/watch-for-the-term-breakthrough-/
Dastardly bed fellows
You’re welcome :)
Yeah medicine got corrupted about a hundred years ago
:) Godspeed
Agenda 2030 happening before our eyes
Unfortunately it's the normies who have to reach the precipice cause they must find the will to change.
Only thing that could lead to that is an economic implosion.
Or this vax causing irreparable long term harm...hope it doesn’t take that though
A lot of good conservatives aren’t fully awake yet either. My father for instance is a great conservative, still fully believes the official story around 9/11 and other lies. Some conservatives still need to awaken to the evil we’re up against.
Of course, how else can they implement Gates perpetual subscription model?
They gave Basically a "oh youre still alive" shot. They will hand out some "this should finish the job" shots going forward.
Hopefully this fucking cocksucker is gurgling and kicking his feet, under a tree and a rope, "within a year."
Yea,...I'll offer him a double scoop of FUCK OFF
Why is he not in hiding?
Why should he be? We literally have an illegitimate government and absolutely nothing has happened to any of these traitors yet.
Imagine Fauxi saying this in his grovely New York accent
People like Trump makes me love New Yorkers, people like Fauci makes me hate them.
No we won’t.
You will require NOTHING and you’ll LIKE it. ??
Also Fauci: In case the "vaccines" haven't killed or maimed enough of the populace, we want to make sure to do a really thorough job this time.
Who the f is WE? Fraudci can pound sand
WE??? Not shire if you noticed dr falsey nobody is listening to you anymore ???
Someone hang that fucking communist bastard.
"Require?"! Like Hell!!
Moderna already said they're looking to combine the flu and covid shots so people can get them annually. ???
I just read they are starting trials here in the UK for those booster vaccines! U.N.B.E.L.I.E.V.A.B.L.E..... Money making demons. They hate us and think they are better than us, when in reality they are pure demons.
Fauci was accused of genocide 30 years ago
And Why, might you ask?
That is because "your vaccine" destroys your own immune system.
Hopefully this bioterrorist will be dangling soon... Bye bye fraudci you turd-nugget
The fuck we will, no first one so no booster required
This fuck stick damn well better be dead or behind bars within a year, or I will attempt to do it myself.
Like the damn flu? Which people willingly get every damn year?
Yea, the sheep has already been programmed to take ‘booster’ shot every year during flu season.
They don’t even see how this BS is playing out. The rhinovirus flu has been eradicate apparently.
Just when I thought this clown had disappeared.
I don't think so, neither does Rand Paul. Sorry 'Dr' Mengele (oops I mean Fauxi)
A never ending cycle of poisoning the masses