Theres no coincidences, I 100% believe the Gamestop saga is part of Q's plan. Its woken up millions more to media manipulation and big tech censorship, as well as paving the way to income redistribution from pedophile billionaires back to us.
im right there with you, the similarities to Q and MAGA are so apparent its fascinating, many of them are just learning for the first time that the news is fake. Also learning how manipulated our reality really is and that those in public office do not actually serve us in any way. It definitely feels like an op running in conjunction with Q.
Q also said: "Shall we play a game?"
"Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming"
I'm in both GME and AMC, but AMC is the far better value, especially if you got in late to the game, like me. Both will squeeze, but I personally believe AMC will squeeze more, as the spring is still winding. GME became partially unsprung back in Jan when it ran up. Come join the apes on /r/amcstock
Regardless, both of them will be the downfall of the stock market, and put an end to the corrupt fiat currency system known as the Federal Reserve.
Lastly, plug for buying silver/gold and join apes on /r/WallStreetSilver :)
I am on reddit in both superstonk and amcstock. They will both squeeze like crazy. I believe opposite to you, I suspect GME will squeeze after AMC, and will be breathtaking because of the much smaller number of shares outstanding. The January stoppage (I was a holder during that of both of them) - I believe was stopped by whitehats for two reasons: 1. to bring attention to the situation to a larger audience, and 2. to keep the entire economy from a melt down. Since then, the new regs have been being put into place to corral the damage so that it won't wreck the entire global economy.
These squeezes are being completely manipulated by both sides, but it is being controlled by our side. Whichever one goes first, a lot of us are going to be very well paid, as it is designed to do. I see the same type of white hat steering the sentiment over there on Reddit, as I do over here. Gentle nudges to steer the crowd a certain way. To show restraint and maturity, and benevolence, etc.
I am also an owner of a nice little cache of physical silver, bought and bartered long ago at mostly below $10 an ounce. I have been investing for 37 years now, and these squeezes are the opportunity I have always dreamed of. (Thank you Pentagon and President Trump!) I am normally very conservative - but when I saw what was going on, and did a ton of research - and pinched myself twice - I went all in on the 2 companies. My only hope now is one squeezes before the other, and I can roll the gains from one into the other for a larger position. I plan on helping family, helping the good people in my life - friends and a couple honest struggling people I know. Also, I want to see a fund started to put Trump on Mt. Rushmore. I have a feeling that soon, everyone will know he has earned it.
As Trump said in his inaugural address, His administration will return the power to the people (similar to power to the players). And Power in the western world is MONEY. I think that this money we will get is all the money pilfered and stolen from the little people for decades and generations. I think it is going to surprise even the most optimistic of us, when it comes to share price.
I expect some political drama/theater when it comes time to being paid, something that shows whose side Biden is on (not ours), but that the timing of all of this is such that Trump will be made to look great somehow, and that Biden will be shown to be crooked to people who think otherwise. I am 100% confident we will all be paid, and that all of this will work out wonderfully.
Yeah, I think we can debate semantics on GME/AMC, but we're all on the same team - just wish the Superstonk folks would be a bit more receptive (to AMC and the part of the Great Awakening movement they can see). But I do think the purpose is to wreak the global economy, so the new "sound money" system can come into play, as well as transferring wealth back to the people - like you mentioned in Trump's wonderful inaugural address. The people who cash out and become millionaires are going to be far more generous than the 1% who currently hold all of the wealth.
Glad you're in all the "alt-investing" commodities that are tied to this movement. It's just another way to get people to wake up and get them receptive to redpills. Agreed on the drama - again, another way to get people to wake up. I'd bet half my AMC that we won't be paying any taxes for 2021 - unconstitutional to begin with and income tax came with the Fed (I know it's diff than capital gains). But, we'll see in due time. "America's best days are yet to come"
I agree wholeheartedly. At the end of the day, whichever one moons bigger or better is a moot point. And yes, the "rivalry" between GME and AMC apes is silly, and I personally think is primarily fake, and driven by shills. They love the divide and conquer strategy.
As you point out, many, many many of us have money into both squeezes - so why would we squabble when any novice can see we are all fighting the same Short Hedgies.
The best hopium for this is really simple: Shorts must cover. That's it.
They have shorted these companies well in excess of 100%, and are paying tens of millions a day to hold. That is unsustainable. They get weaker, and it costs us nothing to hold. They, sooner or later, must cover their short positions. Shorts Must Cover.
So if a person put $500 on GME, what will happen? Will they make millions off of that? It sounds hard to believe, like a typical get rich quick scheme. And if turning $500 into a million dollars overnight requires crashing the dollar, doesn’t it seem like they will do something to stop that? Couldn’t they just say that all GME stock is null and void and doesn’t have to be paid out? Sure people would say that is a violation of their contract and point to some numbers on an app, but wouldn’t these elites just laugh and ignore us? Wouldn’t social media classify those claims as dangerous misinformation and ban them? Wouldn’t the courts just throw out any lawsuit by saying it is “moot”?
Also, people say put your $500 on AMC to make millions, but then other people say AMC is owned by China and that would just help China. And like GME, why wouldn’t AMC just renege on those contracts? Doesn’t this whole squeeze require legal contracts to be fulfilled, and aren’t we already red-pilled enough to know that legal contracts are no longer considered valid when the globalists deem them invalid?
Couldn’t they just say that all GME stock is null and void and doesn’t have to be paid out?
No. The issue is the debt leading to bankruptcy of all these pedos is due. They owe the debt because of counterfeiting stock. Bankruptcy is the least dangerous option for them. If they try to get out of paying by excusing counterfeiting, they risk much greater punishment. It isn't just a few stocks they are also counterfeiting treasury bonds. Ghats economic terrorism punishable by execution by firing squad.
But say they somehow let you on TV to say that. They would just say that is wrong, crazy, and it’s been deboonked. Then you would be banned on social media and your bank accounts would be cancelled. And anyone who said the same thing would get the same treatment. Then the corporate media would broadcast messages 24/7 that everything the elites did to forge stock wasn’t actually forgery but (some PC newspeak to make it sound like a good thing) and actually it was YOU who was committing illegal activity by buying GME. And that is why the GME stock contracts are all null and void. Because it was YOU who cheated.
Like I might be wrong and somehow the elites will be exposed and have to pay you a million dollars for your $500 investment, but it just doesn’t seem believable to me. It doesn’t matter what “the law” says or what the “contracts” say or what the “app” says. They just rewrite all that to mean whatever they want it to.
Go to Reddit and sin up, go to r/Superstonk and read their DD. It’s in depth and discusses your point and EVERYTHING ELSE. It’s really quite astonishing why your scenario will not play out that way. You will be amazed and rush to get your shares in place. It’s really a cheap gamble at around the current share price of $175 +/- If you wait, you’ll be paying way more for a share. You owe it to yourself to check it out, just in case friend
#1. Don't invest if you don't want to. I am not a financial advisor and no one should ever take candy OR advice from strangers.
#2. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything.
#3. What is about to happen is not a once-in-a-lifetime is a one time only, ever event. Never to be repeated.
#4 AMC did have a 49% stake of it owned by the Chinese conglomerate called the Wanda Group. They have since sold off ALL of their stake except for 10,000 shares - the current value of 10,000 shares is around $125,000.
#5 Watch and see what happens. I, an internet stranger, won't try to educate another complete stranger on the workings of the stock market to a complete novice. I will make a prediction however... this is going to be a dramatic and unbelievable windfall for a lot of people.
OK, looking into it more, it appears $500 would only pay out a couple thousand. So yeah it’s a way to make some money but it’s not like $500 is going to turn people into millionaires.
I fully encourage you to believe whatever you wish, We will all watch and see together.
I do find it impressive that you had 50 minutes between your first comment on the investment and the second comment where you have "looked into it" and have determined in that time period how the stock will perform.
You are a fast studier. I spent about 100 hours over a 7 week period looking into all the pro's and cons before I bought in. (This was between December 2020 and January 2021) Well Done on your lightning fast research! ?
Where'd you come up with that math? Honest people that have done lots of due dillegence on this say the possibilities are very difficult to determine but and that nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
Wait... the whole point of short squeezing Game Stop was not to make money. It was to fuck over hedge funds and enlighten people to the corruption involved. If you buy AMC to get rich, then you are entirely missing the point.
Shorting a stock has nothing to do with the company. I.e, AMC can’t renege on a contract that it is not involved in. The contracts are between 2 groups, which can be individuals, hedge funds, etc. it is basically an insurance contract.
Unfortunately, the national debt is too high for there ever to be any money coming back to the people, unless there is some way to cancel the national debt, and I don't know how that could be done. If all the wealth of the top 1000 people in the U.S. was liquidated, it would just be a drop in the bucket of the national debt, and how many of those 1000 people are decent, honest, Americans who earned the wealth (or whose family earned it)? Not all wealthy people are evil and part of the cabal, so don't fall for the leftist "all wealthy people are evil" mindset.
Not all wealthy people are evil and part of the cabal, so don't fall for the leftist "all wealthy people are evil" mindset.
I never said this, and anyone who would say it has no idea what they are saying.
The funny part of all the nay-sayers is, once this happens - and it will happen, bookmark this to razz me if it doesn't - once this happen, people will say to the folks who invested "YOU are LUCKY!". Lol.
We are not lucky. We have been persistent, brave, studious, tenacious, determined, and we took the risk. I have personally ridden my investment (so far) up to $483 a share, down to $39 a share, held on, and we are now at about $178 a share. That is not luck. That is confidence in our research. That is being knowledgeable about the situation, and how overleveraged the Hedge funds are. They are facing bankruptcy and prison, and are fighting like hell - all in vain.
Watch as how several large, well-known banks and investment firms go into bankruptcy over this, just as the 150 year old Lehman Brothers did in 2008.
The thing is getting my wife to agree to it. We cashed out at $7 a share long before these squeezes hit, so earned ourselves a nice $500 bucks but our shit was on Robinhood, right now we're just hunkering down saving what we can and getting precious metals when possible to hedge against the coming collapse of the dollar.
Yeah, I hear you. PMs are great so if you do nothing else, continue to purchase as much as your budget allows. As far as AMC squeeze, if you need ammunition, I'd recommend taking a look at this video, from Trey's Trades channel, who specializes in AMC Due Diligence:
Also, if nothing else, get the hell out of Robinhood ASAP. They are owned by Citadel, one of the two major hedge funds who is shorting GME/AMC - they're definitely going to go down with the ship....and you don't want a ticket on that lifeboat. Especially if you have other stocks with them.
I'm right there with you too. It seems borderline conspiratorial to think DFV may be involved in the Q plan, but if they had a smart way to bankrupt corrupt bastards, this is definitely a good way to go about it.
I have a sneaky feeling DFV is a huge patriot and somehow became part of the plan.
The Apes on SuperStonk are even aware of the concept of "comms" from Ryan Cohen and company, but they still resist learning about Q?
They're already doing Q and don't even realize it. It's hilarious how far along they are while being willfully in denial about it. It's a great little forum over there.
Everything over at /r/superstonk stinks of Q like bad. They are doing deep dives into RCs tweets trying to decode them the same way we would with a Q drop. Its amazing. This cannot be coincidence.
I actually believe this is how most things will unravel. I don’t think many will look back and say “oh yep, that Q guy was right about all of this”
It willl be personal experiences, decisions, etc that will push for real change over time. But all of these things are already written on the wall. But many will deny it not even be aware.
The funny thing is that many of them are very concerned about being compared to Q nutters, after all the theory behind GME is very well researched, while Q is just a loony conspiracy theory with no proofs of being real
Yeah, because I was addressing someone else and you jumped into the conversation.
It was also you that called names first, and then try to jump on some moral high horse by calling out ad hominems.
LOL take a picture of this... Because when you smarten up and realize you've been duped by a religion most of your life, you'll better understand my perspectives and they'll make sense to you. So far, you've been nothing but wrong... Which is common for people that believe Kangaroos and Koalas are actually epic swimmers.
All sorts of people that don't adhere to your belief system agree rape is bad... And we didn't get that from your book.
Besides, your god didn't think it was worth mentioning in his 10 commandments in which he prioritizes his feelings over the wellbeing of others... Like, mentioned that his name shouldn't be taken in vain... But no mention of rape in any of the other 9. LOL
AvidAthiest would be the perfect name for a WhiteHat PSYOPS Soldier to use as cover to enter Reddit and carefully seed the discussion with messages of the GreatAwakening.
“Muh god” fundamentalist bullshit is a big part of what makes it difficult for those on the left to be willing to side with or even consider siding with us.
Respect their path - maybe gods will for them is to live their entire life not knowing god. It’s so beyond any of us to question such a thing. The only opposition that deserve judgement from any of us who believe in god are the true satanist luciferian types who effectively believe in god but denounce god.
Hope you can get him pointing in the right direction Fren.
Making bank off a stock pop won't matter much if you no longer have a country under your feet. I have to remind myself of this often when I get too excited.
How do you know he doesn't know and isn't just outright saying it?
Here is anither based comment of his:
While I'm at it—let me just take this moment on my fucking soapbox to make one simple, salient point clear.
This movement is magnitudes larger than this singular example of corruption that is being exposed—if you're unaware or unitiated, this is a thread that is woven into the fabric of the society engineered by globalist corporatism that we all belong to.
You are fighting a singular battle in a war that has been waged for generations. The system they've designed is multi-faceted and exceptionally complex with the specific intention of being so fucking confusing and convoluted that the average dipshit in society assumes its authority due to its complexity.
The reality is they muddy the waters to make them seem deep. These fucking twats aren't moral or righteous authority—they are the original gangsters—the fucking mob 2.0. They only know conquer—they only understand by any means necessary. They will rape and pillage to get their way and fabricate whatever is required to continue their onslaught toward greater enrichment and empowerment.
So, if you've chosen to play this game and the team you've picked is that of the masses—then understand you're fighting fucking evil incarnate. Because these assholes are the parasitic class that feeds on the exploitation of the world—these are the monsters that are directly and indirectly responsible for the crimes against humanity that have went on unchecked for generations.
Realize that the advances of events that've granted this class greater and greater authority since the inception of the United States Declaration of Independence has been a running clock on when they would cross the line toward dominating the global public at large.
We were warned by Adams, Jefferson, Madison, & the boys that this era would eventually come—that the ideals and principles that America symbolized would eventually be weakened over time by lending institutions and monied corporations. That these corporate interests alongside the banking cartel would, at some point, undo what the American Revolution made way for.
Now, we find ourselves locked firmly in this ongoing war, in this very precarious position. Master manipulators armed to the teeth with incredible tools of persuasion and influence shaping the very nature of reality moment by moment. The only fucking question you need to ask yourself is if the person or entity attempting to persuade you seeks power over you or does it believe in & respect your individual liberty?
If you like being a slave to the system and a cuck for the corporate powers that be, then you're on the wrong fucking side of this equation. If you need to control people or feel like your "group" or "community" needs to act a certain way for you to feel comfortable, then you need to grab a seat with the empty suit political puppets that do the dirty work for the Corporatocracy, because you'll fit right in.
Now, if you think all of that is exactly the fucking problem with the world, then by god, I've got a tribe of chimps to introduce you to. This is bigger than any of us could ever imagine, so keep your head on a swivel and be ready to make your move at a moments notice, because when you get this close to a boss in the game, shit tends to get really fucking crazy.
“AvidAthiest” is in the process of discovering the truth of his divine creation and purpose. I am so happy for him!
I had a youth pastor who regularly prophesied that our generation (millennials) would be the generation to bring in the greatest revival the world has ever seen. He prophesied about nothing else, save one strange incident that I will detail in the next paragraph. I believed him then, but I couldn’t see the path through the distractions and the morass of evil in society.
It’s a bit of a strange story to people who are only exposed to Christianity but don’t understand it, but this pastor ran punk concerts around the Denver area and in 1999, he got on stage and prophesied that someone in the audience was about to kill some people and there was time to repent. He was going to talk about something else that night but instead he shared the gospel and the message of forgiveness unknowingly to Eric Harris a few days before Eric and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people (in hindsight- WOW at the number) at Columbine High School.
In the end times there will be (maybe right now) prophets and false prophets, and the only way to evaluate them is by their fruit. This was good fruit.
It’s a long-winded way of saying yes- the world will wake up and if you want to truly understand the movie and discover your heart, ask Jesus to be your friend and find out what it means to be a friend of God. You don’t even have to make some deep commitment, just try living a life of unconditional love and unconditional respect and unconditional forgiveness for just a few days and the truth of your existence will start snapping into place.
Any idea what will unfold this week that will shake many from their slumber? I assume this is market related and possibly a lot of upside to the WSB campaign. Anyone have more fidelity on this?
I'm thinking we should have launch by no later than 6/8 when the shareholder meeting / vote is but as soon as this week.
Just buy some GME and not on Robinhood.
You can buy GME on apps like this:
WEBULL - Start your investment journey With 2 free stocks. Open an account and get a free stock! Deposit and get another free stock!
I always felt like moving away from Fiat currency to crypto currency would bring power back to the people. Elon’s tweets in late 2020 and early 2021 about Dogecoin sparked my interest in crypto. I think it’s a long play, but I do believe that it’s a way of removing the central banking families and replacing them with the people. I’m not convinced it still can’t be manipulated, as we have seen massive peaks and valleys Just look at CCP China whining about their crypto market and trying to gain control, these people think they run the world. But overall, the awakening is not just financial, it’s about power, control over thinking... much more...
I also think the same. Coins such as NANO (no fees, instant transfers, no mining, decentralized) and Monero (decentralized and fully private) interest me. Problem is, I don’t see our current government ever allowing any of them to fully thrive. And Bitcoin is ass because 50-80% of all Bitcoin is owned by like 0.06% of wallets. Therefore whales/hedgies can manipulate the price of Bitcoin at their will. So I’m not sure what to think anymore...
I agree with you, I think Bitcoin has a lot of similarities to current stocks that can be manipulated, however with that said, for every person that got rich with it there are 10 people who want to follow suit, thus replenishing the equity in the overall market now worth we’ll over 1 Trillion.
I like DOGE, VTHO, SHIB, ELON, TEL, NANO, MATIC, VET, RUNE, XCH, XLM, TRX, XRP. In my opinion, these will all EXPONENTIALLY grow.
I am not giving financial advice whatsoever, but as I told my spouse, we say good bye to this money and let it ride the rollercoaster, high ups and downs, and wait to cash out some of it in 4-5 years when it’s worth (hopefully) 10 X.. or more!
Every year more people buy in, and every year of course, if the world economy recovers back stronger from Covid then It will drive another crypto boom. It will be cyclical like any other market - real estate, stock market etc.
Also, people ask will it go away? Nope. Once wallstreet has sunk their greedy teeth into, it will find a way to continue- they have opened crypto trading desks for crying out loud- it’s not going away despite China’s best efforts to force CCP-preservation policies that are anti-citizen and anti-freedom.
Crypto represents freedom. It represents sticking it to the man. And by man I mean wealthy banking families/cabal that run the world at the top of the pyramid?. Let’s get rich while shifting the financial structure!
Buy Gamestop stock. A massive short squeeze is all but guaranteed to come at this point which can net you millions, and will absolutely destroy hedge funds that have taken advantage of us plebs for centuries.
No stupid questions hopefully: What is the signal to pull out of the market after buying? Is there something to look for that indicates when is the time to sell off?
I keep reading and reading, but haven’t taken any action out of being somewhat confused by it all and not wanting to risk loss
Not sure if any May 2021 tutorial/newbie threads could be directed my way in the end to try to fully comprehend what’s happening intelligently. Thanks for any help!
Several people doing DD (Due Diligence / Deep Dives) have analyzed the assumed quantity of naked (fake & illegal) shares that have been shorted by the hedge fund managers. The conservative estimate is 140% of the actual 70MM shares are naked shorted. Some say 200 - 400% may be more realistic since since the hedgies often lie about this since the consequences are merely a slap in the hand.
The trading rules stipulate that ALL SHORTS HAVE TO COVER. Therefore, hedgies that borrowed legitimate shares AND the naked / fake ones have to be recuperated from people willing to sell their shares.
Since the hedgies are in deep poop, it will likely take several days for them to find enough people willing to sell at a "reasonable" amount. Keep in mind that the people holding "Hold On for Dear Life (HODL)" will probably sell at least around $1,000,000 a share or possibly 20X that.
This is not financial advice, individual results may vary, object in mirror are closer than they appear, etc, etc.
You'll know. This is a potential infinite squeeze. If the theory is correct a price of $500-$1000 per share will prove that. Once we got those numbers you're looking at potentially $100k to $1 million plus per share
Why my perspective (generally speaking and with these groups of subreddits) about Redditors ? has changed. They may fully wake up to this shitshow before some of our beloved conservative normies. And, I am proud to be one of their “retarded apes” ???
If you don’t veer off into Q or PDJT it can be quite entertaining. Just feel so bad for those who may not be around to enjoy their riches (vaccine delusion)
I have not bought one share in 20 years. Only gold and silver. Now I bought 12 GME, today 5 more. HODL.
Imagine folks just buy one and HODL. Going to the Moon. Please share.
The fact that he used the term 'earthquakes and volcanos to shake the foundations'
is profound.
Because the modern Chrstian takes those terms in the Bible LITERALLY...
Let me tell you, when the Gosples, Revelation, etc all refer to those things (and more), the writers are using the terms EXACTLY THE SAME WAY WE DO NOW.
Its a way of expressing something/s SIGNIFICANT happening, something 'EARTH SHATTERING'
Like in REvelation, theres a verse about a 'Great Millstone tossed into the sea'
Modern Christians (thanks to hal lidsay and tim lahaye, et al) think ER MER GERD ITS A GIANT METEOR THAT GUNNA CAUSE A SOO_NAMI!!!
The 'sea' or any great body of water always describes massive amounts of PEOPLE (a sea of people)
A MILLSTONE is what....?
What was used to GRIND DOWN the WHEAT
The wheat is WHAT?
The GOOD people of the earth.
So one can quite easily surmise that the grindstone is the POWER of the ENEMY, and it was 'thrown into the sea', or GIVEN BACK TO THE PEOPLE. By FORCE.
SO, who is the angel (messenger) that had the power to TAKE the power from the enemy and give it back to the PEOPLE???
Anyone having gone through, or seen the effects of earthquakes will be able to testify to it's efficacy of shaking foundations and waking people up and make them spring into action.
If you care to take a look around Dutchsinse on YT, you will find EQ happen daily all over the globe in quite predictable patterns and force.
And there is a reason for it. Dutch explains it very well and relates it to solar weather, and often uses the analogy of the basin filled with water in which waves are produced. Have a look see. Very illuminating.
We, as humans, have knowledge of the effects of EQ's not because the bible says so, but because these things have occurred during the life span of the aware human race. A simple observation from Nature. And since we have a bias for patterns, three EQ suffice to make an estimated guess. LEt alone a couple of thousand years of recording EQ's. The bible merely uses what is already known, and ties it in with eschatological interpretations.
Of course, if you happen to belief either literally or more metaphysically the biblical interpretations, it is easy to think that everybody has that frame of reference, or has dug up these imageries from the source you so admire.
I browse /r/superstonk because of GME. Lots of redpills all the time. People are waking up in their own way. The Politics doesn't matter just the red pill.
Do some digging into the rise and fall of crypto prices based on government spending packages. There is a strong timing correlation.
My best guess is that much of the “foreign aid” in spending bills now gets laundered through crypto, and when this farce collapses, crypto will be worth the paper it’s printed on. Which is nothing.
Basically for crypto, treat it like a bet at a horse track. If you can afford the bet, enjoy the ride. If not, last week was a great time to get out.
That is because you are looking at it from your own perspective.
Take the name. It is AVID not ADVID. So, how do you read and report back? garbled.
In your view, could an atheist come to the conclusion that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inalienble rights without fully and truly understanding the one and only answer to the God question? Or could this be observed from Nature itself?
How does your short comment evade the spectre of judgement, and close meaningful exchange of viewpoints.
Additionally, on the point of the use of the word: "self described".
What does that mean? Is that of a lower value than say, a recognized theist by .... whom? You will find, when people are coming to their own conclusions, whether they be theist or atheist, or whatever, it is a matter that is far away from any institutional recognition and validation. Or would you say, you received a stamp of approval by some institution and now you are coming out? Is that how it works in your world? Or do you belief, as you should, that the stamp of approval is written in your heart?
If indeed the latter, when cometh the need to use the word self described?
Theres no coincidences, I 100% believe the Gamestop saga is part of Q's plan. Its woken up millions more to media manipulation and big tech censorship, as well as paving the way to income redistribution from pedophile billionaires back to us.
im right there with you, the similarities to Q and MAGA are so apparent its fascinating, many of them are just learning for the first time that the news is fake. Also learning how manipulated our reality really is and that those in public office do not actually serve us in any way. It definitely feels like an op running in conjunction with Q.
It is hilarous. I read superstonk and it feels like I am reading greatawakening back from before it was a .win.
They get sooooo mad though if you try to point out the similarities.
"As Q says: "To Be Blunt, GAME OVER". (Another way to say GameOver? -Game Stop)
Q says: Enjoy the show - which just happens to be AMC's slogan.
Q also said: "Shall we play a game?" "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming"
I'm in both GME and AMC, but AMC is the far better value, especially if you got in late to the game, like me. Both will squeeze, but I personally believe AMC will squeeze more, as the spring is still winding. GME became partially unsprung back in Jan when it ran up. Come join the apes on /r/amcstock
Regardless, both of them will be the downfall of the stock market, and put an end to the corrupt fiat currency system known as the Federal Reserve.
Lastly, plug for buying silver/gold and join apes on /r/WallStreetSilver :)
I am on reddit in both superstonk and amcstock. They will both squeeze like crazy. I believe opposite to you, I suspect GME will squeeze after AMC, and will be breathtaking because of the much smaller number of shares outstanding. The January stoppage (I was a holder during that of both of them) - I believe was stopped by whitehats for two reasons: 1. to bring attention to the situation to a larger audience, and 2. to keep the entire economy from a melt down. Since then, the new regs have been being put into place to corral the damage so that it won't wreck the entire global economy.
These squeezes are being completely manipulated by both sides, but it is being controlled by our side. Whichever one goes first, a lot of us are going to be very well paid, as it is designed to do. I see the same type of white hat steering the sentiment over there on Reddit, as I do over here. Gentle nudges to steer the crowd a certain way. To show restraint and maturity, and benevolence, etc.
I am also an owner of a nice little cache of physical silver, bought and bartered long ago at mostly below $10 an ounce. I have been investing for 37 years now, and these squeezes are the opportunity I have always dreamed of. (Thank you Pentagon and President Trump!) I am normally very conservative - but when I saw what was going on, and did a ton of research - and pinched myself twice - I went all in on the 2 companies. My only hope now is one squeezes before the other, and I can roll the gains from one into the other for a larger position. I plan on helping family, helping the good people in my life - friends and a couple honest struggling people I know. Also, I want to see a fund started to put Trump on Mt. Rushmore. I have a feeling that soon, everyone will know he has earned it.
As Trump said in his inaugural address, His administration will return the power to the people (similar to power to the players). And Power in the western world is MONEY. I think that this money we will get is all the money pilfered and stolen from the little people for decades and generations. I think it is going to surprise even the most optimistic of us, when it comes to share price.
I expect some political drama/theater when it comes time to being paid, something that shows whose side Biden is on (not ours), but that the timing of all of this is such that Trump will be made to look great somehow, and that Biden will be shown to be crooked to people who think otherwise. I am 100% confident we will all be paid, and that all of this will work out wonderfully.
As you said - NCSWIC! See you on the moon!
Yeah, I think we can debate semantics on GME/AMC, but we're all on the same team - just wish the Superstonk folks would be a bit more receptive (to AMC and the part of the Great Awakening movement they can see). But I do think the purpose is to wreak the global economy, so the new "sound money" system can come into play, as well as transferring wealth back to the people - like you mentioned in Trump's wonderful inaugural address. The people who cash out and become millionaires are going to be far more generous than the 1% who currently hold all of the wealth.
Glad you're in all the "alt-investing" commodities that are tied to this movement. It's just another way to get people to wake up and get them receptive to redpills. Agreed on the drama - again, another way to get people to wake up. I'd bet half my AMC that we won't be paying any taxes for 2021 - unconstitutional to begin with and income tax came with the Fed (I know it's diff than capital gains). But, we'll see in due time. "America's best days are yet to come"
See you on the moon, fellow ape!
I agree wholeheartedly. At the end of the day, whichever one moons bigger or better is a moot point. And yes, the "rivalry" between GME and AMC apes is silly, and I personally think is primarily fake, and driven by shills. They love the divide and conquer strategy.
As you point out, many, many many of us have money into both squeezes - so why would we squabble when any novice can see we are all fighting the same Short Hedgies.
The best hopium for this is really simple: Shorts must cover. That's it.
They have shorted these companies well in excess of 100%, and are paying tens of millions a day to hold. That is unsustainable. They get weaker, and it costs us nothing to hold. They, sooner or later, must cover their short positions. Shorts Must Cover.
Our patience will be very well rewarded.
So if a person put $500 on GME, what will happen? Will they make millions off of that? It sounds hard to believe, like a typical get rich quick scheme. And if turning $500 into a million dollars overnight requires crashing the dollar, doesn’t it seem like they will do something to stop that? Couldn’t they just say that all GME stock is null and void and doesn’t have to be paid out? Sure people would say that is a violation of their contract and point to some numbers on an app, but wouldn’t these elites just laugh and ignore us? Wouldn’t social media classify those claims as dangerous misinformation and ban them? Wouldn’t the courts just throw out any lawsuit by saying it is “moot”?
Also, people say put your $500 on AMC to make millions, but then other people say AMC is owned by China and that would just help China. And like GME, why wouldn’t AMC just renege on those contracts? Doesn’t this whole squeeze require legal contracts to be fulfilled, and aren’t we already red-pilled enough to know that legal contracts are no longer considered valid when the globalists deem them invalid?
No. The issue is the debt leading to bankruptcy of all these pedos is due. They owe the debt because of counterfeiting stock. Bankruptcy is the least dangerous option for them. If they try to get out of paying by excusing counterfeiting, they risk much greater punishment. It isn't just a few stocks they are also counterfeiting treasury bonds. Ghats economic terrorism punishable by execution by firing squad.
They should pay what they owe.
But say they somehow let you on TV to say that. They would just say that is wrong, crazy, and it’s been deboonked. Then you would be banned on social media and your bank accounts would be cancelled. And anyone who said the same thing would get the same treatment. Then the corporate media would broadcast messages 24/7 that everything the elites did to forge stock wasn’t actually forgery but (some PC newspeak to make it sound like a good thing) and actually it was YOU who was committing illegal activity by buying GME. And that is why the GME stock contracts are all null and void. Because it was YOU who cheated.
Like I might be wrong and somehow the elites will be exposed and have to pay you a million dollars for your $500 investment, but it just doesn’t seem believable to me. It doesn’t matter what “the law” says or what the “contracts” say or what the “app” says. They just rewrite all that to mean whatever they want it to.
Go to Reddit and sin up, go to r/Superstonk and read their DD. It’s in depth and discusses your point and EVERYTHING ELSE. It’s really quite astonishing why your scenario will not play out that way. You will be amazed and rush to get your shares in place. It’s really a cheap gamble at around the current share price of $175 +/- If you wait, you’ll be paying way more for a share. You owe it to yourself to check it out, just in case friend
They are already admitting to the forgery, there is no way out of it. Media doesn't get to spin this, the cats out of the bag.
Look for the words "fails to deliver" in financial news. They give it a better name, but that's them reporting forgery. And they are.
#1. Don't invest if you don't want to. I am not a financial advisor and no one should ever take candy OR advice from strangers.
#2. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything.
#3. What is about to happen is not a once-in-a-lifetime is a one time only, ever event. Never to be repeated.
#4 AMC did have a 49% stake of it owned by the Chinese conglomerate called the Wanda Group. They have since sold off ALL of their stake except for 10,000 shares - the current value of 10,000 shares is around $125,000.
#5 Watch and see what happens. I, an internet stranger, won't try to educate another complete stranger on the workings of the stock market to a complete novice. I will make a prediction however... this is going to be a dramatic and unbelievable windfall for a lot of people.
OK, looking into it more, it appears $500 would only pay out a couple thousand. So yeah it’s a way to make some money but it’s not like $500 is going to turn people into millionaires.
I fully encourage you to believe whatever you wish, We will all watch and see together.
I do find it impressive that you had 50 minutes between your first comment on the investment and the second comment where you have "looked into it" and have determined in that time period how the stock will perform.
You are a fast studier. I spent about 100 hours over a 7 week period looking into all the pro's and cons before I bought in. (This was between December 2020 and January 2021) Well Done on your lightning fast research! ?
Where'd you come up with that math? Honest people that have done lots of due dillegence on this say the possibilities are very difficult to determine but and that nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
buddy do some research and do the math... 1 stock = 20 million USD come back after like 30 mins of due diligence on superstonk or amcstock
Wait... the whole point of short squeezing Game Stop was not to make money. It was to fuck over hedge funds and enlighten people to the corruption involved. If you buy AMC to get rich, then you are entirely missing the point.
Shorting a stock has nothing to do with the company. I.e, AMC can’t renege on a contract that it is not involved in. The contracts are between 2 groups, which can be individuals, hedge funds, etc. it is basically an insurance contract.
Unfortunately, the national debt is too high for there ever to be any money coming back to the people, unless there is some way to cancel the national debt, and I don't know how that could be done. If all the wealth of the top 1000 people in the U.S. was liquidated, it would just be a drop in the bucket of the national debt, and how many of those 1000 people are decent, honest, Americans who earned the wealth (or whose family earned it)? Not all wealthy people are evil and part of the cabal, so don't fall for the leftist "all wealthy people are evil" mindset.
I never said this, and anyone who would say it has no idea what they are saying.
The funny part of all the nay-sayers is, once this happens - and it will happen, bookmark this to razz me if it doesn't - once this happen, people will say to the folks who invested "YOU are LUCKY!". Lol.
We are not lucky. We have been persistent, brave, studious, tenacious, determined, and we took the risk. I have personally ridden my investment (so far) up to $483 a share, down to $39 a share, held on, and we are now at about $178 a share. That is not luck. That is confidence in our research. That is being knowledgeable about the situation, and how overleveraged the Hedge funds are. They are facing bankruptcy and prison, and are fighting like hell - all in vain.
Watch as how several large, well-known banks and investment firms go into bankruptcy over this, just as the 150 year old Lehman Brothers did in 2008.
I wish I had stayed on AMC back when I had 100 shares purchased at the low end last year around $2.50 a share
Hey man, still relatively cheap to buy back in. Currently around 13.50. You'll be kicking yourself a year from now. Every share counts!
The thing is getting my wife to agree to it. We cashed out at $7 a share long before these squeezes hit, so earned ourselves a nice $500 bucks but our shit was on Robinhood, right now we're just hunkering down saving what we can and getting precious metals when possible to hedge against the coming collapse of the dollar.
Yeah, I hear you. PMs are great so if you do nothing else, continue to purchase as much as your budget allows. As far as AMC squeeze, if you need ammunition, I'd recommend taking a look at this video, from Trey's Trades channel, who specializes in AMC Due Diligence:
Also, if nothing else, get the hell out of Robinhood ASAP. They are owned by Citadel, one of the two major hedge funds who is shorting GME/AMC - they're definitely going to go down with the ship....and you don't want a ticket on that lifeboat. Especially if you have other stocks with them.
Thats mostly why we dont invest with them anymore, and cleared out all our funds from them.
Check out $Idex ideanomics fellas. 20$+ev stock worth 2.7 right now
Incorrect. See this comment by Blurpy:
Where did you find that "enjoy the show" is AMC's slogan? I can't find that one.
I'm right there with you too. It seems borderline conspiratorial to think DFV may be involved in the Q plan, but if they had a smart way to bankrupt corrupt bastards, this is definitely a good way to go about it.
I have a sneaky feeling DFV is a huge patriot and somehow became part of the plan.
The Apes on SuperStonk are even aware of the concept of "comms" from Ryan Cohen and company, but they still resist learning about Q?
They're already doing Q and don't even realize it. It's hilarious how far along they are while being willfully in denial about it. It's a great little forum over there.
Everything over at /r/superstonk stinks of Q like bad. They are doing deep dives into RCs tweets trying to decode them the same way we would with a Q drop. Its amazing. This cannot be coincidence.
whitehats whitehats everywhere
I actually believe this is how most things will unravel. I don’t think many will look back and say “oh yep, that Q guy was right about all of this”
It willl be personal experiences, decisions, etc that will push for real change over time. But all of these things are already written on the wall. But many will deny it not even be aware.
No dates! Ape no hurt ape! Ape together strong!
Does seem familiar...
The funny thing is that many of them are very concerned about being compared to Q nutters, after all the theory behind GME is very well researched, while Q is just a loony conspiracy theory with no proofs of being real
His username is AvidAtheist he may have a rude awakening of his own
"There is no God" - Stephen Hawking - Sept. 26, 2014
"There is no Stephen Hawking" - God - March 14, 2018
Was that supposed to be a coherent argument or point?
If we would publicly execute rapists.... like the Bible instructs us to then we wouldn't have that problem.
If you reject God then you can't even say rape is objectively wrong dumbass.
So you're saying you don't rape kids because your sky daddy would get upset with you?
That's a great moral compass.
You don't know anything about my worldview.
You're the only one talking about "blasphemed" between the two of us.
I'm talking about doing what the bible says and execute rapists and pedos. If we were obedient to God's commands then we wouldn't have that problem.
God isn't sitting idly by not doing anything, He's told us EXACTLY what to do and waiting for us to listen and obey.
Again, Ii you reject God then you can't even say rape is objectively wrong dumbass.
Yeah, because I was addressing someone else and you jumped into the conversation.
It was also you that called names first, and then try to jump on some moral high horse by calling out ad hominems.
LOL take a picture of this... Because when you smarten up and realize you've been duped by a religion most of your life, you'll better understand my perspectives and they'll make sense to you. So far, you've been nothing but wrong... Which is common for people that believe Kangaroos and Koalas are actually epic swimmers.
All sorts of people that don't adhere to your belief system agree rape is bad... And we didn't get that from your book.
Besides, your god didn't think it was worth mentioning in his 10 commandments in which he prioritizes his feelings over the wellbeing of others... Like, mentioned that his name shouldn't be taken in vain... But no mention of rape in any of the other 9. LOL
Why is he so insecure?
Lol, couldnˋt help.
bahahaha ???????
My first thought, exactly.
AvidAthiest would be the perfect name for a WhiteHat PSYOPS Soldier to use as cover to enter Reddit and carefully seed the discussion with messages of the GreatAwakening.
How did Q prove a spirit world to you?
“Muh god” fundamentalist bullshit is a big part of what makes it difficult for those on the left to be willing to side with or even consider siding with us.
Respect their path - maybe gods will for them is to live their entire life not knowing god. It’s so beyond any of us to question such a thing. The only opposition that deserve judgement from any of us who believe in god are the true satanist luciferian types who effectively believe in god but denounce god.
Everyone else is just tryin to get by.
Doubt it.
I wonder if they even realize what Trump was/is all about?
Most people do not realize. But soon they will.
He’s almost reached his final form. Trump Unleashed
"The events of the coming week" - and how would this random datefag know anything? I'm tired of these false prophets.
Maybe check tradingview: calender on GME.
This stuff kind of parallels the sentiment of anons. I have a buddy who doesn't care about maga anymore but is convinced amc will hit 100k
Hope you can get him pointing in the right direction Fren.
Making bank off a stock pop won't matter much if you no longer have a country under your feet. I have to remind myself of this often when I get too excited.
How do you know he doesn't know and isn't just outright saying it?
Here is anither based comment of his:
"Right here, right now
There is no other place I want to be
Right here, right now
Watching the world wake up from history"
Jesus Jones (1990)
Oh the Irony of their username.
“AvidAthiest” is in the process of discovering the truth of his divine creation and purpose. I am so happy for him!
I had a youth pastor who regularly prophesied that our generation (millennials) would be the generation to bring in the greatest revival the world has ever seen. He prophesied about nothing else, save one strange incident that I will detail in the next paragraph. I believed him then, but I couldn’t see the path through the distractions and the morass of evil in society.
It’s a bit of a strange story to people who are only exposed to Christianity but don’t understand it, but this pastor ran punk concerts around the Denver area and in 1999, he got on stage and prophesied that someone in the audience was about to kill some people and there was time to repent. He was going to talk about something else that night but instead he shared the gospel and the message of forgiveness unknowingly to Eric Harris a few days before Eric and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people (in hindsight- WOW at the number) at Columbine High School.
In the end times there will be (maybe right now) prophets and false prophets, and the only way to evaluate them is by their fruit. This was good fruit.
It’s a long-winded way of saying yes- the world will wake up and if you want to truly understand the movie and discover your heart, ask Jesus to be your friend and find out what it means to be a friend of God. You don’t even have to make some deep commitment, just try living a life of unconditional love and unconditional respect and unconditional forgiveness for just a few days and the truth of your existence will start snapping into place.
Any idea what will unfold this week that will shake many from their slumber? I assume this is market related and possibly a lot of upside to the WSB campaign. Anyone have more fidelity on this?
I'm thinking we should have launch by no later than 6/8 when the shareholder meeting / vote is but as soon as this week.
Just buy some GME and not on Robinhood.
You can buy GME on apps like this: WEBULL - Start your investment journey With 2 free stocks. Open an account and get a free stock! Deposit and get another free stock!
use fidelity, WEBULL is shit as well.
meh. Shorted but nothing on the scale of GME
WeBull is Chinese.
Robinhood is american and look how that worked out.
I always felt like moving away from Fiat currency to crypto currency would bring power back to the people. Elon’s tweets in late 2020 and early 2021 about Dogecoin sparked my interest in crypto. I think it’s a long play, but I do believe that it’s a way of removing the central banking families and replacing them with the people. I’m not convinced it still can’t be manipulated, as we have seen massive peaks and valleys Just look at CCP China whining about their crypto market and trying to gain control, these people think they run the world. But overall, the awakening is not just financial, it’s about power, control over thinking... much more...
I also think the same. Coins such as NANO (no fees, instant transfers, no mining, decentralized) and Monero (decentralized and fully private) interest me. Problem is, I don’t see our current government ever allowing any of them to fully thrive. And Bitcoin is ass because 50-80% of all Bitcoin is owned by like 0.06% of wallets. Therefore whales/hedgies can manipulate the price of Bitcoin at their will. So I’m not sure what to think anymore...
I agree with you, I think Bitcoin has a lot of similarities to current stocks that can be manipulated, however with that said, for every person that got rich with it there are 10 people who want to follow suit, thus replenishing the equity in the overall market now worth we’ll over 1 Trillion.
I like DOGE, VTHO, SHIB, ELON, TEL, NANO, MATIC, VET, RUNE, XCH, XLM, TRX, XRP. In my opinion, these will all EXPONENTIALLY grow.
I am not giving financial advice whatsoever, but as I told my spouse, we say good bye to this money and let it ride the rollercoaster, high ups and downs, and wait to cash out some of it in 4-5 years when it’s worth (hopefully) 10 X.. or more!
Every year more people buy in, and every year of course, if the world economy recovers back stronger from Covid then It will drive another crypto boom. It will be cyclical like any other market - real estate, stock market etc.
Also, people ask will it go away? Nope. Once wallstreet has sunk their greedy teeth into, it will find a way to continue- they have opened crypto trading desks for crying out loud- it’s not going away despite China’s best efforts to force CCP-preservation policies that are anti-citizen and anti-freedom.
Crypto represents freedom. It represents sticking it to the man. And by man I mean wealthy banking families/cabal that run the world at the top of the pyramid?. Let’s get rich while shifting the financial structure!
A thought/question: Is AvidAtheist one of us on reddit? Is he dropping red pills and they don't even get it? ???
No date on this post - no link. I don't like this - it's a picture.
Do you think you are in the fish bowl???
Buy $AMC ... that is all
How are you preparing? Serious question.
Buy Gamestop stock. A massive short squeeze is all but guaranteed to come at this point which can net you millions, and will absolutely destroy hedge funds that have taken advantage of us plebs for centuries.
No stupid questions hopefully: What is the signal to pull out of the market after buying? Is there something to look for that indicates when is the time to sell off?
I keep reading and reading, but haven’t taken any action out of being somewhat confused by it all and not wanting to risk loss
Not sure if any May 2021 tutorial/newbie threads could be directed my way in the end to try to fully comprehend what’s happening intelligently. Thanks for any help!
Several people doing DD (Due Diligence / Deep Dives) have analyzed the assumed quantity of naked (fake & illegal) shares that have been shorted by the hedge fund managers. The conservative estimate is 140% of the actual 70MM shares are naked shorted. Some say 200 - 400% may be more realistic since since the hedgies often lie about this since the consequences are merely a slap in the hand.
The trading rules stipulate that ALL SHORTS HAVE TO COVER. Therefore, hedgies that borrowed legitimate shares AND the naked / fake ones have to be recuperated from people willing to sell their shares.
Since the hedgies are in deep poop, it will likely take several days for them to find enough people willing to sell at a "reasonable" amount. Keep in mind that the people holding "Hold On for Dear Life (HODL)" will probably sell at least around $1,000,000 a share or possibly 20X that.
This is not financial advice, individual results may vary, object in mirror are closer than they appear, etc, etc.
You'll know. This is a potential infinite squeeze. If the theory is correct a price of $500-$1000 per share will prove that. Once we got those numbers you're looking at potentially $100k to $1 million plus per share
wait til 20 million then sell at 20% dip...thank me later
I don't think anyone knows. How are we even sure when tye short contracts expire?
They've expired several times. They just keep re-borrowing from their sister institution or others that have shares.
Why my perspective (generally speaking and with these groups of subreddits) about Redditors ? has changed. They may fully wake up to this shitshow before some of our beloved conservative normies. And, I am proud to be one of their “retarded apes” ???
If you don’t veer off into Q or PDJT it can be quite entertaining. Just feel so bad for those who may not be around to enjoy their riches (vaccine delusion)
Mmmmm, I wonder if the gold and silver paper scam will come out?
Avidatheist= avid a theist.
I have not bought one share in 20 years. Only gold and silver. Now I bought 12 GME, today 5 more. HODL. Imagine folks just buy one and HODL. Going to the Moon. Please share.
The fact that he used the term 'earthquakes and volcanos to shake the foundations'
is profound.
Because the modern Chrstian takes those terms in the Bible LITERALLY...
Let me tell you, when the Gosples, Revelation, etc all refer to those things (and more), the writers are using the terms EXACTLY THE SAME WAY WE DO NOW.
Its a way of expressing something/s SIGNIFICANT happening, something 'EARTH SHATTERING'
Like in REvelation, theres a verse about a 'Great Millstone tossed into the sea'
Modern Christians (thanks to hal lidsay and tim lahaye, et al) think ER MER GERD ITS A GIANT METEOR THAT GUNNA CAUSE A SOO_NAMI!!!
The 'sea' or any great body of water always describes massive amounts of PEOPLE (a sea of people)
A MILLSTONE is what....?
What was used to GRIND DOWN the WHEAT
The wheat is WHAT?
The GOOD people of the earth.
So one can quite easily surmise that the grindstone is the POWER of the ENEMY, and it was 'thrown into the sea', or GIVEN BACK TO THE PEOPLE. By FORCE.
SO, who is the angel (messenger) that had the power to TAKE the power from the enemy and give it back to the PEOPLE???
Not rocket science.
I dunno about that.
Anyone having gone through, or seen the effects of earthquakes will be able to testify to it's efficacy of shaking foundations and waking people up and make them spring into action.
If you care to take a look around Dutchsinse on YT, you will find EQ happen daily all over the globe in quite predictable patterns and force.
And there is a reason for it. Dutch explains it very well and relates it to solar weather, and often uses the analogy of the basin filled with water in which waves are produced. Have a look see. Very illuminating.
We, as humans, have knowledge of the effects of EQ's not because the bible says so, but because these things have occurred during the life span of the aware human race. A simple observation from Nature. And since we have a bias for patterns, three EQ suffice to make an estimated guess. LEt alone a couple of thousand years of recording EQ's. The bible merely uses what is already known, and ties it in with eschatological interpretations.
Of course, if you happen to belief either literally or more metaphysically the biblical interpretations, it is easy to think that everybody has that frame of reference, or has dug up these imageries from the source you so admire.
And yet their username is “AvidAtheist.”
I browse /r/superstonk because of GME. Lots of redpills all the time. People are waking up in their own way. The Politics doesn't matter just the red pill.
What is this APE posting in specific reference too?
This is specifically about market manipulation and how it ties into "everything else"? That in and of itself is rather vague.
Also what knowledge does this person have.
We've all been hearing this kind of message for some time, but this post is a zero on the details.
This gave me goosebumps! KEK
Mmmmmhmmmm.... sitting on waves of GME/AMC + secured and high volume silver + crypto...
My only regret is still having fiat... but, I can't pay bills in silver coins, yet. Only treasonous VP's for now.
Do some digging into the rise and fall of crypto prices based on government spending packages. There is a strong timing correlation.
My best guess is that much of the “foreign aid” in spending bills now gets laundered through crypto, and when this farce collapses, crypto will be worth the paper it’s printed on. Which is nothing.
Basically for crypto, treat it like a bet at a horse track. If you can afford the bet, enjoy the ride. If not, last week was a great time to get out.
I don't think this person, named AdvidAtheist fully and truly understands what they're saying. If they did, they wouldn't be a self described atheist.
That is because you are looking at it from your own perspective.
Take the name. It is AVID not ADVID. So, how do you read and report back? garbled.
In your view, could an atheist come to the conclusion that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inalienble rights without fully and truly understanding the one and only answer to the God question? Or could this be observed from Nature itself?
How does your short comment evade the spectre of judgement, and close meaningful exchange of viewpoints.
Additionally, on the point of the use of the word: "self described". What does that mean? Is that of a lower value than say, a recognized theist by .... whom? You will find, when people are coming to their own conclusions, whether they be theist or atheist, or whatever, it is a matter that is far away from any institutional recognition and validation. Or would you say, you received a stamp of approval by some institution and now you are coming out? Is that how it works in your world? Or do you belief, as you should, that the stamp of approval is written in your heart?
If indeed the latter, when cometh the need to use the word self described?