He didn't want to take it, it was for his job. I dont know the details about it ill find out more soon. He pushed it off as long as he could. He is a Patriot. Beleived in the steal, went to one of Trumps rallies last year and was planning on going to one of his upcoming ones. Had a Trump flag, on his house and truck!! He could'nt afford to lose his job as his wife has health issues and they have so much bills. They had already sold their house and moved here in a rental. My heart is broken. I want blood!! Bidens blood!! I cant even grasp this. Such a great man!! He always kept the hope alive. Never mentioned Q to him , he never brought it up. But sometimes in the things he said i had a feeling he was one of us. Please say a prayer for his wife tonight .. RIP my friend. ??
Comments (107)
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Sue that asinine company... experimental drug can not be forced by government or business. Now what is she going to do about those bills....sue for millions that's what. Prayers for you friend and his family
Not just sue them. Let's publicly name them, and their CEO. Make them "popular" so they may never be able to walk the streets again.
This. These companies and the people that run them need to be exposed.
America's Frontline Doctors may be a good source to get legal advice.
Yes, they are!
Yes, I will give her the info for them. They are doing an autopsy. Not sure how they will prove it was the Jab. But we will have better knowledge as to what happened. Expecially with all the deaths that has happened on otherwise healthy people right after the jad. They can't deny that.
Agree. They think they're following science to keep employees healthy. Now their employee is dead because of them. Get woke, kill people. Out his ass. Wonder if the jerk shows up at the funeral? Gates and Fauci are liars and murderers. A day of reckoning is long past due.
My karate dojo is doing the same, despite the “rules”. So as the only unvaxxed everyone will keep working out with masks on because of me. So I get to be private pyle eating the donut while everyone does pushups. Count me out. Been a nice 25 years, the chronic knee and back pain couldn’t stop me, but this will.
What's the name of the company? Let's put them on blast! America's Frontline Doctors has a legal team that his wife might want to reach out to.
I dont know the name, but once his wife gets through the shock I'll talk to her about it. I don't want to put his info out there unless it's okay with her. She may actually do it herself. But yes your right anyone that this has happened to a family member we need to start yelling it from the rooftops... !!!
I dont know the name, but once his wife gets through the shock I'll talk to her about it. I don't want to put his info out there unless it's okay with her. She may actually do it herself. But yes your right anyone that this has happened to a family member we need to start yelling it from the rooftops... !!! I have the link to the lawyers, I'll share that with her also.. thanks for the reminder
I am so sorry to hear this. I pray for God's guidance and strength for all.
My hearts broke for you ..these bastard companies pushing the Vaxx need to be fkn hung ..I’m so sorry fren .. I wish u could somehow put this story on social media ! My God it really hurts when it’s one of our own who dies from this !
I don’t get the can’t afford to lose a job but can afford to lose my life rationale for taking the injection.
It was not only money ,bills his wife has serious health problems and he needed the insurance. I dont know all the details about why he choose to yet. I do know he struggled with the decision for a long time. Yes, now he is not there and no money no insurance. I guess he took a chance on the odds for the love of his wife. Hard to judge unless we walk in his shoes .
Amen to that.
Amen to that.
As someone who lost his wife to cancer, I understand this Patriots dilemma. I'm dead set against the vaccine, but if taking it would ensure my wife was able to continue to receive care and to have her here alittle longer, I probably would have taken it too. No one should have to make that choice with an experimental vaccine. This shit needs to end now. If they have it all, like they say they do, it's time to lift the veil.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. There is no gamble when you take a drug made by people who want you dead.
Yeah there is no one that will cover and even OSHA said they will disregard title 29 for the pandemic...so no one is responsible except for the person that took it.My time w my company maybe up on Jan 1 2022. I will be naming them if i get laid off during that time.
Did you tell him about the vaccine?
I got a question to these morons who dont want to take the vaccine but still does it because of work.
He wasn't a moron. It was a decision he choose for his wife. She needed insurance He knew the risks, he struggled for a while about it. I guess in the end he just prayed he would be okay at least he must have hoped he would not be one of the ones who died immediately. Idk , I wouldn't judge his decision because I do know he did what he thought would be the best he could do . He was also trying to find a different job before it came to this.
Understandable and so sad
Prayers to your friend. A lot of people on here are really quick to judge and are full of advice but they're not the ones living in your friend's shoes. It's always so easy to point and say what someone should have done, but sometimes life isn't always that simple. I'm sorry for what ended up happening; sounds like we lost another good soldier (in the modern-day culture war, that is).
Hearts are waxing cold, for sure! Empathy is in short supply nowadays, unfortunately.
I guess the end isn't for everyone. This is 21st century Darwinism. Survival of the smartest.
Saline shot.
Shut up idiot. The post explained he needed to for his family.
And no - the vaccine doesn’t instantly kill everyone.
I know I can die every time I get on my motorbike.
You’re the dunce. He didn’t want to take it - and he was on the verge of losing his home and his wife and had medical bills - and couldn’t afford to lose his job.
Some of us will saw off our own arm if it meant protecting our own family. Sacrifice ourselves our health and sometimes that entails taking risks. Snowflakes will bitch and moan about what people should do - but some men used to sacrifice their own lungs in a coal mine to put food on the table for their families. You’re a sub species of the lefts snowflake generation.
Taking the fucking shot - isn’t instantaneous death... but he was co-erced taking something he didn’t want to. Still - for him and his given circumstances- he had to do that and be able to take a risk in order to provide.
But still - your comment is so fucking obnoxious.
I’d rather you fuck off from this forum, and go in a fucking corner - if you’re going to mock the death of good people and people just like us on this forum.
You’re not part of us or the great awakening or anything... you’re just a clown with a big mouth.
Well said!
well now he's lost his life and his wife is fucked.
Blame Fauci and the Deep State. They invented both virus and vaccine.
Sorry to hear this ?? Prayers for his family ??
I love Judy .did u see plandemic ? Thank you for posting this can’t wait to hear her
Fauci stole Dr Mikovits research findings on AIDS and claimed it for himself. To get it, he had her jailed for 5 days without charges and subject to 5 year gag order.
He slaughtered his way to the top.
I love it when people bring this up. I don't even like the LGBT agenda..but Fauci and the gays in the 80s was genocide plain and simple
Thank you fren , can’t wait to see him taken down , I hope when they are leading him away he’s forced to apologize to Judy and she gets whatever finances she’s lost
I hope Fauci & Gates are the first to be arrested and publicly executed.
Me too ! I have always said I hope they are the first and that they are shackled together walking hand and hand to the gallows.. let’s hope my Fren ...do you really think they will execute anyone ? I mean They should be, but I’m thinking most of America will think it’s too barbaric ..not me , they killed millions they should have a public execution ..I know I sound horrible but ..I don’t care lol
Judy has her own website: https://drjudyamikovits.com/ And, yes she is brilliant!
Thank you love her and never checked out her site I will now
Am I doing something wrong ..I clicked on your link but it was Brannon talking to some other woman ?
sister in law is a teacher she's 6 months pregnant, we kept telling her not to get the vaxx.
she claims she didn't get it but every other teacher has gotten it recently. both her parents got the second shot last week, this past week she miscarried.
not sure how related the miscarriage is to everyone getting the vaxx but seems like it is due to other stories.
I'm sure she got the vaxx though cause peer pressure. she just wont admit it to my wife or me.
Really I'm sick of this, i know more people get fucked up over this vaxx than actually sick
Unfortunately where pregnancy is related, being bear vaccinated people of enough to care a miscarriage. Condolences to the little one. The mother may not have actually got the vaccine.
Apr 22 2021: “Nurse warns -- stay away from vaxxed people” https://www.bitchute.com/video/uNpRqMROrZQB/ Her web page with reports of bruising, allergic type reactions, women having unusual heavy bleeding with clotting, just from being in contact with the vaxxed -- http://www.truthunmasked.org/p/stay-away.html
The Vax attacks the spike protein that is also found in umbilical cords. Hence miscarriages and infertility in women going forward.
It doesnt just killed people with clotting, it makes women infertile.
Hard to believe shills are in denial that the vax is killing people in record numbers...they are literally promoting genocide
Aside from her grief, his wife is going to need money for her continuing care. She is going to have to sue the company for unlawfully requiring him to take an experimental fake vaccine. Make sure she knows she has that right. It's an absolute shame and I am just sorry he didn't know he could fight it. May God give comfort to all his family and friends and guide them in their next steps and always.
If you have any friends who are in a similar situation, please advise them that the vaccine will kill them especially if they have covid antigens in their bloodstream. There's known research showing that the vaccines can trigger a blood clot for those who have covid antigens in their bloodstream. If they can't avoid the vaccine, at the every least get tested for antigens in the bloodstream and hold off on the vaccine if tested positive.
I still don't recommend the vaccine to anyone, but if anyone says they are forced to, let them know about that. Link:
Start with his boss.
Employer is a good start to get what you want
People aren't as healthy as they think they are. Doctors do some simple tests to bill your insurance company and move on to the next sucker.
Sorry patriot. Rip
Sending thoughts and prayers for his family and friends ??????
This is awful. I will certainly say a prayer.
THIS hit home. They are taking out good people and that's just what they are doing NOW.
What will happen next flu season?
Brothers, sisters, our own families are against us or getting vaxxes and may leave us soon. This isn't a game where we can "I told you so" it.
These deaths won't even be linked (see DMX)
This is straight up warfare and refusing the shot is not enough.
This post fucking hit me where it hurts. Mask bullshit was one thing but this is madness.
While not death stories, there are horror tales on
And they still continue to get the shots.
Hey shill, 65% of the nation isn't getting the shot. Go to work.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to think I was advocating for shots? If a retard fucked a retard, and fucked a retard who fucked a retard, we'd have you.
There are native American stories about the anger and hatred of the people who live on this land bringing the destruction of the people. It has already happened, and it can happen again.
I am furious about this lie that has murdered so many. I want to see these individuals put up in military tribunals & let that justice prevail.
We cannot descend into mob justice, or mob rule. I feel you pain my friend & pray for her. I pray that she will have an abundance of neighbors willing to serve & bless her now that he husband is gone. Please pray for justice to come, though keep in mind every single one of us need mercy because none of us are sinless except Jesus.
I am so sorry to hear another great man has passed into our Lord's arms & hope he is working on this war we have on the other side.
Truly sorry for your loss man.
Prayers friend. Its a war and casualties are being led to their deaths.
You still haven't mentioned the name of the company...
I wonder if over time the evidence and case will be made stronger.
dear god i pray for this man's wife. guide her through this dark time and let the good memories they shared lift her spirit up.
There is no such thing as needed to take the vax.
If you feel that way then you need to re-evaluate your view on life. No job is worth more than your life.
Now there isn't anyone to take care of his wife.
I am so sad to hear this, OP! It's so upsetting that so many people have to suffer or worse yet, lose their lives while this whole "PLAN" has to play out. I will pray for this patriot and his wife.
Heartbreaking, love and prayers for his family and friends. ????
I am taking a screen shot of this. When I can find a mailing address for President Donald Trump I will ask him why he is calling this a "beautiful vaccine."
He should have thought about this harder. Now his wife is properly fucked without him around and she's stuck with the bills.
He should not have sacrificed his health for a job, no matter his situation, because now his family is even worse off. You telling me he couldnt get a job washing dishes and cleaning cars to tide him over as he looks for an equivalent job in his field?
An all too common story. It is heart-breaking. People have to stand up to this medical tyranny. Do NOT take the vax. If fired, launch class action lawsuits.
My daughter is being pressured by her company. She says, "how am I going to pay my bills?" I say, "how are you going to pay your bills when you are dead?"
People always think it won't be them that dies. The truth is that this is one big medical experiment by people that have stated they need to reduce the world population to 500 million people.
I will say a prayer for his wife. Do you think setting up a GiveSendGo account for her would be an option? Maybe ask her when the time is right?
It may depend on where he worked but I'd do everything I could to let every employee know what happened, being coerced or threatened to take the shot by employer and now dead. Several things might result..... 1-class action suit if others experience effects, 2-employees not yet vaxed sue if also threatened. 3-widow might accept negotiation over medical insurance, bills, compensation just to keep quiet 4-sue anyway, shut the business down 5-notify local/national media, protest in front of the business
Are physicians saying his death was caused by the vax or are they in denial? I'm so very sorry for this devastating loss. Prayers for his wife.