Anyone thinking this "Delta Variant" will eventually be branded as COVID-21 so the fear porn cycle can start again?
?? Theory ??
Or maybe not this variant but the next one that "inevitably" will come around September....
I’m nicknaming it the Retard Variant
The Biden Variant?
Very fitting. For the unvaccinated it has a lower mortality rate than regular covid. It affects the retards at 6x the rate of non retards.
Fauxi Variant
The “vaccine” is the variant. May 2 2021:
absolutely...the vaccine is making all these variants, and Fauci and CHYNA, the Vatican, the international Jew Bankers et al are the ones who created this and the variants. DEATH PENALTY DEATH PENALTY DEATH PENALTY!!!!
The 'vaccine' is causing the variants. The Market Ticker website has covered in detail how vaccinating accelerates the mutation of viruses, putting the vaccinated at greater risk from future mutations.
That’s the spin, yes.
Historically vaccine reactions are spun as variants and mutations to encourage more Vaccinations. The variants and the mutations are made up fear factors utilizing side effects from the bioweapon injection to perpetuate atrocities like the rest of their plandemic.
Here is some information for those interested in a deeper dive
The fear porn cycle will never happen again.
I'm upvoting without even knowing why, out of sheer thirst for optimism and hopium :)
I agree with you.... They get one shot at a stunt like that.... Failed miserably
I dunno. They are already trying to fear monger in Michigan local news
It already is.
For the time being I am able to fend off the vaccination for now despite the pleas from friends and family members. But one thing worries me. When the next virus (i.e. bioweapon) appears, who will be its actual target? The vaccinated, or the unvaccinated?
Regardless, it'll be inevitable that when people start dropping, the unvaccinated will be solely to blame. Although I'm kind of prepared for it, it sucks that this is something I have to think about.
I don't need anyone else's grief when Round #2 comes.
That's why I'll lie about being vaxed and act just as worried as they are. ?
Keep up your immune system, lots of Vitamin C (liposomal) and get a good multi-vitamin (also liposomal ... absorbs much better and more bioavailable).
End of the day, we can't worry about this/that, keep healthy and stay strong fren!
And vitamin D. Get plenty of sun, or take supplements in the winter.
this is why i dream of having a little homestead and being self reliant, haha
If you look at all the side effects and people who catch COVID after vaccination, I’m guessing the vaccinated will probably be the target, seeing as how the vaccine isn’t reliable enough to protect recipients.
Delta Variant = DV = D5?
Good catch!
Funny that while some DS asshats are blabbering about the latest variant, at the exact same time, others are starting to admit that there are 10 times more flu cases than there are for the chinese virus (magically, the flu is back).
They are starting to splinter and contradict themselves... I think some of them know what is going to happen to them in the near future and are trying to cover their own asses.
^This and also there appears to be other messaging being inserted - or being instructed to be inserted (Jon Stewart on lab leak, WHO on not vaxing kids, for example) - that cumulatively will help to change narrative. If we are winning the info war, other wins will surely follow. Many more high profile public statements and defections are also needed.
They'd love to, although I think they cried "wolf" too much with covid19. People may not buy into it.
LOL it's not going to work. People are fed up - even the Libtards.
See the 3-min video from AmericasFrontlineDoctors linked here: calling bullshit on the "delta variant" They call it a "Political Scarient" lol
Yup, exactly. I have a feeling we will see the first cases of "COVID-21" in November of 2021.
And it will affect covid-19 vaxxed people much worse. And they will try to blame it on people who didn't get vaxxed.
I don’t want Fauxitis!!!
Lol...Plantar Fauxitis. He's such a little wart.
All these variants are BS. Completely fabricated in order to keep the masses in a constant state of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. There are no variants.
"b-but the vaccine better protects us!" "unvaccinated people are super spreaders!" "Vaccinated people are still in danger thanks to the unvaccinated!!"
NOTHING. MAKES. ANY. SENSE. WHICH ONE IS IT? On the extreme case, every time an uncontacted person from say, a remote tribe comes into contact with the rest of the world, do we panic? No. In fact, that person is likely to die due to having no immunity. There are NUMEROUS instances of this happening, including a family in the Soviet Union who was isolated for 40 years and ended up succumbing to illness due to being isolated for so long. This is basic science, all thrown out the window in just 1 year. Fauci is the new village Witch Doctor. Anything he says, goes, even if he isn't consistent with what he says. People are still stuck in their old ways of thinking from 5000 years ago. Not much has changed and they refuse to evolve and adapt to modern thinking and enlightenment.
fear porn needs some lube after all
Maybe the flu is making a comeback because they have to explain the huge number of deaths later this year. It won't be good if many of the vaxed end up dying of Covid (proving the vax doesn't work and was a scam).
We will have a really bad flu season instead.
I like this one
I think you are on to something here. If there is a die-off this winter - from adverse vax effects, ADE/pathogenic priming, new bioweapon etc - they need to steer fear away from the vax. How else can they get the boosters in for their various kickbacks and eugenics wet dreams? Perhaps the adverse side effects are novel, not built into the design. So they will need to blame variants, flu, unvaxxed... Governments are just so spent and bereft that this is what governance has become: tinkering with control levers. It is unsustainable. We are on the cusp of either a post-governance or total governance world.
We should have advance warning for the US by watching influenza trends in the Southern Hemisphere over the next few months (flu season there).
Yep. First thought. But if you read the comments, people aren’t falling for it. No one believes Fakey Fauci anymore. I pray the push back from Patriots will steam roll over the sheeple. And besides, Trump will be back by then ???
As a Greek man I'm offended they're using my alphabet to keep this scam going.
Nah, the show is wrapping up - we are coming to the big climax, it seems to me.
From your blurp to God's ears
Hoax 2.0 - the lies continue. Take off your mask or this will NEVER end.
COVID-21 was mentioned in their plan
Yes they were some leaked documents mentioning this (not sure if they were real or fake). Also there was an EU Vaccine passport artwork which mentioned COVID-21. This actually was the reason I am thinking about this. What will become COVID-21?
Fauci just said today that the vaccines are doing well against this variant but it is spreading amongst kids which is why we need to shift focus to those under 18. If this falls flat on its face, next step will be COVID-21 for sure
Yeah the Indian variant scam was all over TikTok with people in the streets of Mumbai proving that it was all lies, so they changed the variant. They going to keep pushing until 70% of the global population is vaccinated, then they'll turn those who are against those who are are not, leaving them with plausible deniability in a way. I think with everything coming to the surface of late, the AZ audits, the mess in Georgia, the lab and then not forgetting the Dong, the world will be awake by July 4
There are no variants. It’s all 100% BS
The cnn variant. ...and guaranteed that lockdowns and masks are going to return. This is all just to remind people of what freedom tasted like so when they take it back the average person goes running in for a vaccination.
The in people that go in for the next vax are going to be people who didn't want to vax. They are going to be really pushy, angry and arrogant to the people who still hold their ground because they will feel like since they didn't want to do but did not only to stop the lockdowns that you better do it to make their effort count.
This set of idiots will be the worst and most idiotic of all the vaxxers
Yes. There are already patents (were already patents for CV21) BEFORE CV19 even hit!!!!!
Maybe the DS is trying to use the variant as leverage- so that the Patriots won’t continue certain avenues of offense. Or, at least they hope it will work that way. I’m sure the white hats have counter moves in place.
Maybe they want a reason to REvaccinate those who already got the first round of jabs stating that the new variant will not be covered by the first round of vaxes..?
Probably. A friend of mine told me they know someone who just passed away and had the delta variant.
Did they know though? Really? I've still only met one person that "had covid"
I know more people that has bad reactions to the jab than "had covid."
he said the guy who had the delta variant had just come back from the Dominican Republic and his whole family as well as another family caught it. He was the only one that passed though. Also, he mentioned to me after the fact that the doctors were performing a surgery on the guy and just stopped mid-way through the surgery because "he was doing so well, we decided to just finish later". Which I've never heard of before in my life. The next day the fellow passed away. Suspish.
Yea that's not how surgery works at all. That doesn't happen.
That's what I said. He insisted that he wasn't getting any better anyway. But I don't think he realizes how severe of a situation it was that the doctors just stopped operating and decided to revisit it another day. That's totally odd.
I thought the same thing.
No. I think people are so sick to death of covid that any other variant will be a hard sell.
It's already done.
It will continue as long as people let it continue. At the rate things are going I doubt it will get to that point.
Magic 8 Ball says: My sources say Yes.
Flu season. It will be interesting to see how many folks that are seriously ill took the vaccination
Nobody’s gonna buy this lockdown crap anymore
They won't get away with it a second time. People will revolt.