What if the reason they made tinfoil hats a meme way back when is because they knew they were going to one day be able to inject microchips in us and use the air waves to control us, but the tinfoil hat blocks the waves.
They had to demonize it because it would foil their plans!
I don’t even trip on that. Many of us on GA came from PW. It only brings more awareness to GA. Very much like the old Reddit posts trashing TD brought users to TD. Main reason I don’t visit PW as much is their doomer attitudes and racist posts
yeah - it’s sad to see td as a shell of what it once was. there is definitely a strain of smooth-brain’d “dem joos made it rain on my birfday” - but it’s mostly trolls, shills, glowies, and pedes who, having been lied to by the media about pretty much everything in the trump era, fall prey to various revisionist delusions (“hitler was the good guy”)
I believe these changes are going to happen no matter if they're here or not. Focus on the victory, not the flies buzzing around trying to distract. If you find yourself getting demoralized, go do something fun. Go for a bike ride, or a swim or a long walk or play a game, do something different.
Not true. My little dog, who I’m convinced is a leftist because he always tries to take my big dog’s food when he isn’t looking, thinks I’m the best thing ever.
The shilling campaign against Q has been so effective that even most of 4chan (where it all began) think Q is a LARP while having almost no understanding of who/what it is. Can't expect people on PW to know any better.
To summarize the shills and doomers: (who may be correct for all I know)
“Computer experts”, which I am not, are saying this is a nothing burger because of the nature of this “bios” function being a fundamental part of all computers I guess. Kind of like a technical loophole.
Dominion would be able to say this is never switched to “on” for network capabilities and all computers have this embedded into the code or something.
But that seems pretty shilly.
It’s true we’ve all known the machines are connected to the internet for like 8 months now, but we need evidence. This LOOKS like evidence to lay-people but can it be used?
If codemonkey has a whistleblower and the keys to the system and can show it was connected to the internet, that is all huge IMO. These machines aren’t supposed to have that capability at all.
I hope I don’t regret it but I trust codemonkey. This isn’t the big reveal but it’s a part of it, that’s for sure.
I'm a bit rusty when it comes to a BIOS, but I dont think those options would show at all of there was no network card or built-in network card. Either way, he asked the question and got the confirmation that he could turn them on, which means there is a network card either built in or installed and could connect to a network, which they said it could not in testimony.
Idk what the Cloud Desktop option is, maybe that's a bigger reveal? Is there more video to be released later?
It has been pointed out and I will say it again: all of the information hasn't been dropped. This is just a show of hand. Why? Don't know.
Speculation: it may have something to do with the plan. Like a final warning to admit your crimes and cut a deal before we go balls to the wall and hang you from a tree.
Well, BIOS is fundamental. It's basically the low level operating system that allows the main OS to communicate with the computer hardware, controlling things like clock speeds, memory frequencies, processor virtualization, where the OS boots from, even how fast the fans move.
Some computer hardware does support remote boot over the network (controlled through BIOS) and of course, multiple system images (much similar to when you run both windows and OS X on a Mac.)
It's certainly possible there was another OS on there that could read and write to the disks that were used by the primary voting software.
I run my own server. It hasn't been plugged into a monitor, keyboard, or mouse in years. It's plugged into a power cord, and an Ethernet cord, that's it. Everything is controlled remotely - read, write, and delete files. All that's required is an ethernet connection. I have about 1/10000000th of the budget and knowledge of the people that deployed the voting systems.
It's mostly shills saying "This won't amount to anything" "PXE doesn't work like that" "I'm a system admin for nintendo like my uncle before me and we say it doesn't work like that."
What do you mean "but"?
Dude, GA is a guest on our dom's great platform. We're all frens here.
PW has trashed GA prettttty dang hard. Bygones, but let’s be honest - most of them think we’re nuts.
Are you trying to say I'm not nuts?!?!?!? ;)
Ton foil hats are perfectly acceptable!
What if the reason they made tinfoil hats a meme way back when is because they knew they were going to one day be able to inject microchips in us and use the air waves to control us, but the tinfoil hat blocks the waves.
They had to demonize it because it would foil their plans!
Foil their plans, kek.
The precipice just has to be every non conspiracy theorist putting on a tin foil hat, right? How could that not be it?
The shot takes the place of the microchip.
No master how you identify, we all know that you're clearly batty. Speaking as an unbiased and dedicated nuttiness expert.
Personally I identify as a bat shit nut case.
A few dollars short of eccentric.
I don’t even trip on that. Many of us on GA came from PW. It only brings more awareness to GA. Very much like the old Reddit posts trashing TD brought users to TD. Main reason I don’t visit PW as much is their doomer attitudes and racist posts
What in the... the Updoot count on PW is just... wow!
I like our updoot count here better though, I can't count anything beyond 3 digits. I am but a humble herbal remedy after all.
Yeah I came here after getting mocked for supporting Trumps return this year. Like wtf are you guys even here for
some are likely shills, and some are probably blackpilled after Jun 6th and pissed the revol didn't happen.
So THIS ☝🏼 Their mods are either overworked, don’t care or shills themselves IMO. It’s still a decent place to lurk and bolt.
Exactly. If we're secure in our beliefs, then we have nothing to be concerned with especially their personal opinions.
yeah - it’s sad to see td as a shell of what it once was. there is definitely a strain of smooth-brain’d “dem joos made it rain on my birfday” - but it’s mostly trolls, shills, glowies, and pedes who, having been lied to by the media about pretty much everything in the trump era, fall prey to various revisionist delusions (“hitler was the good guy”)
A lot of us are over here now. It'll get better once all this covert stuff is over with and we can all go back to posting memes.
i am so ready for the glorious return of the donald - and all the spicy memes that will follow.
i know you’re right, and a lot of us are here - we need to hold the line and not let the infiltrators continue to demoralize
yep I want thedonald back, not patriot whatever.
I believe these changes are going to happen no matter if they're here or not. Focus on the victory, not the flies buzzing around trying to distract. If you find yourself getting demoralized, go do something fun. Go for a bike ride, or a swim or a long walk or play a game, do something different.
Let's be honest here. Everyone thinks we're nuts except us.
Not true. My little dog, who I’m convinced is a leftist because he always tries to take my big dog’s food when he isn’t looking, thinks I’m the best thing ever.
I was referring to humans. Dogs are too smart to be fooled by any of this. ;-)
And somehow all of the crazy ones keep getting the spoiler alerts right before everyone.
Well, I think most of the Christians on GA haven't done their due diligence in studying other religious texts, but I can still get down with y'all.
Part of The Awakening is a multi-faceted BIG PICTURE and you’d be surprised how many here “get it”. GA aint just a trite name.
The choice to know....
I don't see the context that invited your subtle bash.
You mean you haven’t seen the constant fundamentalist Christian hard on for J dawg?
Does the sunlight burn, pede?
The shilling campaign against Q has been so effective that even most of 4chan (where it all began) think Q is a LARP while having almost no understanding of who/what it is. Can't expect people on PW to know any better.
And the OP is banned here. Funny how the world works isn't it.
and the $0.50 shills are flooding the comments in that thread. Over the target (:
To summarize the shills and doomers: (who may be correct for all I know)
“Computer experts”, which I am not, are saying this is a nothing burger because of the nature of this “bios” function being a fundamental part of all computers I guess. Kind of like a technical loophole.
Dominion would be able to say this is never switched to “on” for network capabilities and all computers have this embedded into the code or something.
But that seems pretty shilly.
It’s true we’ve all known the machines are connected to the internet for like 8 months now, but we need evidence. This LOOKS like evidence to lay-people but can it be used?
If codemonkey has a whistleblower and the keys to the system and can show it was connected to the internet, that is all huge IMO. These machines aren’t supposed to have that capability at all.
I hope I don’t regret it but I trust codemonkey. This isn’t the big reveal but it’s a part of it, that’s for sure.
The chat call with Dominion’s Douche in Command...he seemed cornered and concerned IMO.
I'm a bit rusty when it comes to a BIOS, but I dont think those options would show at all of there was no network card or built-in network card. Either way, he asked the question and got the confirmation that he could turn them on, which means there is a network card either built in or installed and could connect to a network, which they said it could not in testimony.
Idk what the Cloud Desktop option is, maybe that's a bigger reveal? Is there more video to be released later?
I am thinking someone should define "air gapped", which is what Dominion and Elections Officials claim.
It has been pointed out and I will say it again: all of the information hasn't been dropped. This is just a show of hand. Why? Don't know.
Speculation: it may have something to do with the plan. Like a final warning to admit your crimes and cut a deal before we go balls to the wall and hang you from a tree.
Well, BIOS is fundamental. It's basically the low level operating system that allows the main OS to communicate with the computer hardware, controlling things like clock speeds, memory frequencies, processor virtualization, where the OS boots from, even how fast the fans move.
Some computer hardware does support remote boot over the network (controlled through BIOS) and of course, multiple system images (much similar to when you run both windows and OS X on a Mac.)
It's certainly possible there was another OS on there that could read and write to the disks that were used by the primary voting software.
I run my own server. It hasn't been plugged into a monitor, keyboard, or mouse in years. It's plugged into a power cord, and an Ethernet cord, that's it. Everything is controlled remotely - read, write, and delete files. All that's required is an ethernet connection. I have about 1/10000000th of the budget and knowledge of the people that deployed the voting systems.
It's mostly shills saying "This won't amount to anything" "PXE doesn't work like that" "I'm a system admin for nintendo like my uncle before me and we say it doesn't work like that."
Thanks for sharing catsfive. Great post.
Those guys at PW are doomy.
Yes, thank you u/catsfive! Spreading this around to everyone! 👏
It's about to get spicy.
Did he drop his 1:17 video ?
That's a great window to keep open for sharing with people. Thanks!
Wow. Thank you. Thank you for everything y’all do on .win
We still love them “ he aint heavy , he’s my brother
Nice! Thanks for sharing!
Whats funny about PW is that we have a 600 page PDFs full of proofs and they just say its still a conspiracy/psyop
If he's worth a sticky, perhaps unbanning is the right choice?
I just got unbanned, thanks for the comment!
Thanks u/King Cat!! 💰
An aside, but in Dr. Shiva's latest filing, the number 17 appears in there too.