When they call you into the office to have that "talk," turn on your camera and start recording video. even if you don't get faces in the shot, the audio is better than nothing.
McDonald's are all independently owned, so I would find it hard to believe that the McDonald's corporation, which requires the franchises to purchase EVERYTHING from them, including napkins (one franchise lost their franchise because they were buying non-McDonald's napkins!), could mandate "vaccine" requirements of the franchises (but it may fall under some fine print in their franchise agreement).
The thing about franchises is they're meant to be a cookie cutter business, not a place to cut corners or innovate. Sure it sucks to have your supplier be a monopoly, but you also have their support and vested interest in your success. If your store sucks, it reflects badly on the franchise. If every franchise goes off script and uses different stuff then you dilute your branding which hopefully is successful. It's like a sports team doing their own plays ignoring the coach.
Now, management and policies.. sure they could vary absolutely, and I can definitely see different stores having "unofficial" but enforced policies not shared with corporate.
Companies have a very unique way of dealing with managers who sidestep corporate policy and instill their own
1). Lawsuit filed
2). Manager fired without benefits, without warning, and without legal support
3). Manager is held PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for all legal repercussions and pays his own legal fees. Generally he loess everything. House, savings. Everything
4). Message to other managers is clear, follow corporate policy and you have backup and job security.
That’s how things are handled in the big corporate world. Any loose cannon they find is immediately terminated. That simply does not fly
Then they can claim slander and file a law suit and make her get a lawyer. Lowe's could literally drown her in debt without even going to court because they will soak her then drop the suit.
Free speech is still susceptible to lawsuit. Lowe's didn't make any law saying she couldn't say what she did, but, they can still claim damage as a result of her claim.
She could very well be one of the many people taking up the offer to get paid (behind the scenes) for promoting getting vaccinated on social media.
We are going to start seeing fake vax numbers. They want us to think the number of vaccinated are MUCH higher than they actually are to trick us with fake peer pressure. Hold the line brothers and sisters. Do not submit.
I dont wear a mask anywhere anymore, so that doesnt mean a lot.
But you're seriously discounting this report's veracity? Really? That sounds outside of the realm of realistic expectations that they would bend over and fuck anyone hurting their bottom line with whatever disqualifier they can manage?
I did. I had employees straight up ignore me when I tried to buy paint because they were given the okay from the manager to dismiss people who were not wearing masks. It was a location my husband used to work at and he asked an old coworker why I got such awful service. I ended up going to a local hardware store. Paid a little more but it was worth it. Lowe’s is a shitty company.
Not true. I am offering $1000 signing bonuses if you can make it 90 days. and paying 20/hour for unskilled labor. Of the 7 people Ive hired only 1 has made it past 30 days.
Most are 20 to 30. The 30+ usually have experience. At 30 to 40 they tend to bounce from contractor to contractor lying about their abilities to get more money. But us old timers know the game.
The one kid that has stuck is 23 and when he hired in he barely knew what end of a hammer to use. He will get every opportunity to grow into the job because the effort is there. The other six wanted a paycheck but didnt want to work for it. I tend to pile the work on them and force them to sink or swim.
The best hire Ive made in the last two years is a 23 year old girl. Tall slight thing. Works her tail off. Took a year but now shes become a valuable member of the crew. Her main problem is strength and stamina but I use her to her strengths and she is thriving.
Its a hard line of work. You are out in the hot sun for 12 hours a day and 8 on most Saturdays. But its rewarding too. You can see the end product on every job and when it looks sweet there is a lot of praise to go around and maybe a little extra cash at the end of a week when we do a couple cash homeowner jobs. They make good money when they become journeymen. My top guys make 100k plus. And in the winter you get 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for 2 months. But if your smart with your cash in the summer when your working a gazillion hours that 2 weeks off with 762 dollars of unemployment allows you to spend some time with the wife and kids. I do snow removal too and those that want it can work for 15 dollars cash all winter to supplement.
Yeah, uhh, that's not the case in my area. At all.
Everyone is hiring, no one is applying, and places are shutting down for lack of workers.
And fuck Lowe's. Another big box franchise that puts out corporate tweets to protect the brand, the stores are run the way the stores want to be run with just enough plausible deniability to allow them to run "their" stores. It's the same song and dance for a multitude of corporate franchises right now. Walmarts etc.
So I gotta say I find it amusing that our side talks shit about raising minimum wages but now we're talking shit about a big box retailer's (pretty average) pay to employees, and acting like only illegals would work for it.
Ignoring all the people who are out of a job and can't make money unless they live in a state that's literally paying them to sit on their ass.
Falling wages and rising cost of living is a fatal problem to our sovereignty, economy, future, and our way of life. Minimum wage is like putting lipstick on a pig and thinking it has a shot at winning the miss america pagent.
Housing market is and has been fucked for a good while, it's all out of whack. You might be able to afford all the lemon peppa tendies you want, but the things that really matter? Land, shelter, and energy? All of that shit is fucked.
Not to mention trying to start a business these days.
Id be curious about the rise_alien person previous tweet to see where they align, strategies and attitude in general to see if this is something she would lie for because some people that are on the tight side still use left sided antics and strategies to try and win
Lowes doesn't even enforce their own employee mask mandate (they require it for employees but many of them are wearing it pulled down or not at all). I have a hard time believing this ESPECIALLY since the poster then said that this was what made all the unvaccinated suddenly change their mind (which is pure BS).
Just say you got the flu. What can they do? My fav line is: I'm gagging with puking, fever, coughing and falling all over the place, etc. Want me to come it and get ya'll sick? Stay away!
At least they made a reply. I wonder if a manager at a particular store was threatening the above situation but corporate wasn’t the one to have that policy. It could be ammunition against the rouge lefty manager if they ever decided to fire an employee over COVID status!
This sounds like BS to me. While they may be trying to coerce employees into getting the vax, any memorialization of a policy like this in writing, would lead to an instant lawsuit.
It's like a whole bunch of you folk have never worked in a big box store before.
This policy would absolutely never be written down anywhere, it would just be the policy. Management tells one person, it spreads.
I'd cock an eye over in that particular store's chain of command and sleep who sits up there. Sure, there's GM's and corporate checklist box checkers, but more often than not, so long as the branding is good and right, the Big Dogs of that store get to run their store.
Lowes and similar BB stores are not franchised. They have to follow policy as set by corporate. Sure, they may have some latitude when it comes to creating/enforcing (minor) policies, but that does not exonerate corporate, or set-up a hold harmless situation for illegal policy enforcement, and corporate will still be liable. Yes, the tweet is brand protection, but Lowe's corporate in Charlotte will be liable for what is done in Boise as much as Atlanta.
Nuremberg… that’s all the reason you need. Although, if you are fired due to not getting the vax, you can sue the heck out of Lowe’s. The potential problem I’m seeing is getting a new job afterwards. Listen: this shot is NOT worth it! It is intended to cull the people and has absolutely NOTHING to do with COViD. When you go to take the “test” for COViD, ask them if they know the pcr test has been deemed useless and is being replaced January 1st, 2022 because the “test” cannot differentiate between COViD and the flu. When going up against these evil sob’s bring as much factual information as you can to show them you are in the know and will not be lied to/cheated! God speed and strength! Fight, fight, fight Patriot!!
Coercion. I would tell Lowe’s to go to hell. I will do so by not doing business with them. Support your local hardware store. Save a business. I trust the worker more than the CEO. The big businesses all lie for profit and to avoid legal action. The worker doesn’t stand a chance. It is all about profit, not about workers. All about wokeism.
If you tell them you have cold/flu like symptoms they would force you to get tested before being allowed to come back to work. And that's if they are legally allowed to ask. Even if you have those type of symptoms, LIE! Tell them you threw your back out playing softball.
Just contacted LOWE'S corporate and let them know that my general contracting business will no longer be spending money at their stores and that I will be contacting every other contractor I know to boycott them.
I had to read through the comments to realize this too. I thought Lowes and Home Depot were pretty conservative and was scratching my head trying to figure out if this person was responding to Lowes or Lowes responding to this person.
This is where being proactive comes into play.
When they call you into the office to have that "talk," turn on your camera and start recording video. even if you don't get faces in the shot, the audio is better than nothing.
Glasses with camera in them
reminds me of a video I watched a long ass time ago...
Anxiety War wears those!
Pen in the breath pocket
This is why I never understood why two-party consent laws for recordings exist.
I suppose there may be arguments for privacy, etc., but overwhelmingly, they seem to favor those doing unsavory shit...
I've seen this as well when I had a girlfriend that worked at McDonald's.
McDonald's are all independently owned, so I would find it hard to believe that the McDonald's corporation, which requires the franchises to purchase EVERYTHING from them, including napkins (one franchise lost their franchise because they were buying non-McDonald's napkins!), could mandate "vaccine" requirements of the franchises (but it may fall under some fine print in their franchise agreement).
The thing about franchises is they're meant to be a cookie cutter business, not a place to cut corners or innovate. Sure it sucks to have your supplier be a monopoly, but you also have their support and vested interest in your success. If your store sucks, it reflects badly on the franchise. If every franchise goes off script and uses different stuff then you dilute your branding which hopefully is successful. It's like a sports team doing their own plays ignoring the coach.
Now, management and policies.. sure they could vary absolutely, and I can definitely see different stores having "unofficial" but enforced policies not shared with corporate.
I wasn't talking about vaccines, I was talking about thi gs corporate does but then says publicly they don't do those things.
Yup, my husband used to work for Lowe’s also and he has said the same thing on multiple occasions.
Companies have a very unique way of dealing with managers who sidestep corporate policy and instill their own
1). Lawsuit filed 2). Manager fired without benefits, without warning, and without legal support 3). Manager is held PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for all legal repercussions and pays his own legal fees. Generally he loess everything. House, savings. Everything 4). Message to other managers is clear, follow corporate policy and you have backup and job security.
That’s how things are handled in the big corporate world. Any loose cannon they find is immediately terminated. That simply does not fly
She claims free speech. See how it works?
Then they can claim slander and file a law suit and make her get a lawyer. Lowe's could literally drown her in debt without even going to court because they will soak her then drop the suit.
Free speech is still susceptible to lawsuit. Lowe's didn't make any law saying she couldn't say what she did, but, they can still claim damage as a result of her claim.
She could very well be one of the many people taking up the offer to get paid (behind the scenes) for promoting getting vaccinated on social media.
We are going to start seeing fake vax numbers. They want us to think the number of vaccinated are MUCH higher than they actually are to trick us with fake peer pressure. Hold the line brothers and sisters. Do not submit.
I think they have already said we are at 70% and that is Bull shit. So you are correct.
never! only jab i get is in my cold dead body
I was thinking the same
I NEVER had a problem going into Lowe's without a mask.
And I'm sure that drag queen tweeting this crap lives a sad existence
I dont wear a mask anywhere anymore, so that doesnt mean a lot.
But you're seriously discounting this report's veracity? Really? That sounds outside of the realm of realistic expectations that they would bend over and fuck anyone hurting their bottom line with whatever disqualifier they can manage?
I did. I had employees straight up ignore me when I tried to buy paint because they were given the okay from the manager to dismiss people who were not wearing masks. It was a location my husband used to work at and he asked an old coworker why I got such awful service. I ended up going to a local hardware store. Paid a little more but it was worth it. Lowe’s is a shitty company.
$10 -$11 bucks an hour ?? Fuck Lowes
Some people would work very hard for that money right now.
Not true. I am offering $1000 signing bonuses if you can make it 90 days. and paying 20/hour for unskilled labor. Of the 7 people Ive hired only 1 has made it past 30 days.
please be in ga? lol id so work my ass off for u fren
I would work my butt off for you, sorry fren.
Concrete flatwork.
Most are 20 to 30. The 30+ usually have experience. At 30 to 40 they tend to bounce from contractor to contractor lying about their abilities to get more money. But us old timers know the game.
The one kid that has stuck is 23 and when he hired in he barely knew what end of a hammer to use. He will get every opportunity to grow into the job because the effort is there. The other six wanted a paycheck but didnt want to work for it. I tend to pile the work on them and force them to sink or swim.
The best hire Ive made in the last two years is a 23 year old girl. Tall slight thing. Works her tail off. Took a year but now shes become a valuable member of the crew. Her main problem is strength and stamina but I use her to her strengths and she is thriving.
Its a hard line of work. You are out in the hot sun for 12 hours a day and 8 on most Saturdays. But its rewarding too. You can see the end product on every job and when it looks sweet there is a lot of praise to go around and maybe a little extra cash at the end of a week when we do a couple cash homeowner jobs. They make good money when they become journeymen. My top guys make 100k plus. And in the winter you get 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for 2 months. But if your smart with your cash in the summer when your working a gazillion hours that 2 weeks off with 762 dollars of unemployment allows you to spend some time with the wife and kids. I do snow removal too and those that want it can work for 15 dollars cash all winter to supplement.
Yeah, uhh, that's not the case in my area. At all.
Everyone is hiring, no one is applying, and places are shutting down for lack of workers.
And fuck Lowe's. Another big box franchise that puts out corporate tweets to protect the brand, the stores are run the way the stores want to be run with just enough plausible deniability to allow them to run "their" stores. It's the same song and dance for a multitude of corporate franchises right now. Walmarts etc.
Ya , you know who ? Illegals ---- it's a vicious cycle
So I gotta say I find it amusing that our side talks shit about raising minimum wages but now we're talking shit about a big box retailer's (pretty average) pay to employees, and acting like only illegals would work for it.
Ignoring all the people who are out of a job and can't make money unless they live in a state that's literally paying them to sit on their ass.
Falling wages and rising cost of living is a fatal problem to our sovereignty, economy, future, and our way of life. Minimum wage is like putting lipstick on a pig and thinking it has a shot at winning the miss america pagent.
Housing market is and has been fucked for a good while, it's all out of whack. You might be able to afford all the lemon peppa tendies you want, but the things that really matter? Land, shelter, and energy? All of that shit is fucked.
Not to mention trying to start a business these days.
Fren, read the whole pic. Lowes is good.
they lie like a mofo. dont believe anything they just say. watch this oerson post a vid or proof they r doing it in the near future. id bet anything
Id be curious about the rise_alien person previous tweet to see where they align, strategies and attitude in general to see if this is something she would lie for because some people that are on the tight side still use left sided antics and strategies to try and win
Lowes doesn't even enforce their own employee mask mandate (they require it for employees but many of them are wearing it pulled down or not at all). I have a hard time believing this ESPECIALLY since the poster then said that this was what made all the unvaccinated suddenly change their mind (which is pure BS).
Did you see Lowe’s response at bottom of screenshot?
Lol. Yeah i missed that.
Between the two of these people, Lowes PR is almost certainly the one not lying.
L A W S U I T .
So much better than that nazi camp menards
Same here. Fucking faggots. Treat customers like they are criminals.
Yup. SW missouri menards is the same...
Just say you got the flu. What can they do? My fav line is: I'm gagging with puking, fever, coughing and falling all over the place, etc. Want me to come it and get ya'll sick? Stay away!
The beast system is in full swing now
At least they made a reply. I wonder if a manager at a particular store was threatening the above situation but corporate wasn’t the one to have that policy. It could be ammunition against the rouge lefty manager if they ever decided to fire an employee over COVID status!
This sounds like BS to me. While they may be trying to coerce employees into getting the vax, any memorialization of a policy like this in writing, would lead to an instant lawsuit.
It's like a whole bunch of you folk have never worked in a big box store before.
This policy would absolutely never be written down anywhere, it would just be the policy. Management tells one person, it spreads.
I'd cock an eye over in that particular store's chain of command and sleep who sits up there. Sure, there's GM's and corporate checklist box checkers, but more often than not, so long as the branding is good and right, the Big Dogs of that store get to run their store.
The Lowe's tweet is corporate brand protection.
Lowes and similar BB stores are not franchised. They have to follow policy as set by corporate. Sure, they may have some latitude when it comes to creating/enforcing (minor) policies, but that does not exonerate corporate, or set-up a hold harmless situation for illegal policy enforcement, and corporate will still be liable. Yes, the tweet is brand protection, but Lowe's corporate in Charlotte will be liable for what is done in Boise as much as Atlanta.
Of course. See: plausible deniability.
On paper, everything should be above the board and dress-right-dress across the nation.
In practice, however, that's where we find all sorts of things can be skewed any which way they see fit, within the bounds of plausible deniability.
Did you see Lowe’s response at bottom of screenshot?
I did. I'm saying the post of the mother seems like BS to me.
Nuremberg… that’s all the reason you need. Although, if you are fired due to not getting the vax, you can sue the heck out of Lowe’s. The potential problem I’m seeing is getting a new job afterwards. Listen: this shot is NOT worth it! It is intended to cull the people and has absolutely NOTHING to do with COViD. When you go to take the “test” for COViD, ask them if they know the pcr test has been deemed useless and is being replaced January 1st, 2022 because the “test” cannot differentiate between COViD and the flu. When going up against these evil sob’s bring as much factual information as you can to show them you are in the know and will not be lied to/cheated! God speed and strength! Fight, fight, fight Patriot!!
Yeah, lemme DIE to stock the shelves in a fucking hardware store
That would be a ready made lawsuit. They were wise to immediately publicly debunk that.
“Have you been vaccinated?”
You’ve probably gotten a measles, tetanus, or polio jab at some point, right, so you’d be answering truthfully. :)
Coercion. I would tell Lowe’s to go to hell. I will do so by not doing business with them. Support your local hardware store. Save a business. I trust the worker more than the CEO. The big businesses all lie for profit and to avoid legal action. The worker doesn’t stand a chance. It is all about profit, not about workers. All about wokeism.
Did you see Lowe’s response at bottom of screenshot?
If you tell them you have cold/flu like symptoms they would force you to get tested before being allowed to come back to work. And that's if they are legally allowed to ask. Even if you have those type of symptoms, LIE! Tell them you threw your back out playing softball.
Just contacted LOWE'S corporate and let them know that my general contracting business will no longer be spending money at their stores and that I will be contacting every other contractor I know to boycott them.
Did you see their response at the bottom of the screenshot?
Yes and the employee I spoke with knew exactly what I wa talking about.
50% of the bullshit people post on this board fall under this category - fear mongering, attention whoring, shilling, dooming.
If there is no sauce it's a lie, including comments below
Huh? This is a screencap of a liberal liar pretending that happened to her son and Lowes calling out her bullshit
I had to read through the comments to realize this too. I thought Lowes and Home Depot were pretty conservative and was scratching my head trying to figure out if this person was responding to Lowes or Lowes responding to this person.
Well, Lowes didn't state that they don't terminate employees for not being vaccinated though.
Might have been an oversight, but it's definitely open to interpretation.
Lowes where I am is the only place that never required masks, ever.
Fair enough, good to hear some people still hold to their principles even under duress.
Mostly pretending the "she" part