SHILL THEME OF THE DAY: OVERHYPED. Oh, really? Will their synthetic narrative take hold? Maybe we should all go home, hey? LOL, how about NO, shills! WE HAVE IT ALL. 🇺🇸
🧠 These people are stupid!

I'm almost jealous of those wielding the ban hammer. Shills are everywhere this past few weeks
The mod team will all get incredible large ridiculous stuffed animals after this. It's like playing Whack-A-Mole at the state fair!
Mmmm, corndogs and funnel caaaakes...
I'm glad there are newbie handshakes to find the shills
The thing is, there are plenty of seasoned accounts now. They learned their way around the handshake pretty quickly. You'll see comments made by shills that look very innocuous or even supportive. And then they start and people look at their post history and think they're having a bad day. No, they're shills finally showing who they are.
We got great mods and handshakes. Granted, not 100% perfect, nothing is.
This board is still light years ahead of Redhit and Twatter.
Oh it's fine here - but if the regulars didn't keep an eye on this crap it would be way worse than it is. Offloading concerfags and doomers was a biggie.
TDW was a goner with those.
I'd pick the stuffed Pepe, for sure.
Haha it is worst than whackamole its like the version I played at Dave and busters with my son where they come up super fast and you can't hit the red ones. (red is commie, makes me think they are trying to subtly propagandize me via whackamole, kek)
I'll put in $10 for life sized pepes for the mod team if you start a fund
The shill horde was definitely here yesterday.
We all saw the unusual number of handshake accounts. There were also a ton of sleeper accounts activated to spout doomer propaganda. Established accounts with enough history to lose the handshake, but which I had never seen before.
Yeah, I've been suspicious about it since sharing a post this past weekend and getting names I don't recognize asking to have me deported and demanding I take down the post as I didn't fact check it. (I'm bad about not doing it if it's a funny meme.)
Yup. You can always spot them when you scroll through their history and they got from super active in the past two days to their last post being 3 months ago. They posted just enough to get rid of the handshake then left the shill account dormant until needed.
As someone who has a good grasp of the obvious, even I can spot them now. Thanks shills for outing yourselves so well.
Did someone say sleeper account?
To be honest I have no clue how I got that pepe but I love it. Does that mean you had a post stickied or reached a certain post marker?
Found one. Kick rocks, douche bag.
The shill was nuked so hard it deleted it’s filthy comment. For the comment stated “Shills, or realists?”.
Get nuked commie.
That wasn't hard. Kek!
"realists" is a crock of shit label to dress up some peoples pathological negativity. "Realists" do not have some special insight into reality that the rest of us here don't have. You're just glass half empty negative nancy cunts with exactly 0 fighting spirit.
Jesus loves you, shill.
Fearists. FTFY
The whole "mike is a pay-triot" meme the shills tried to push yesterday was soooo low effort.
Or how they couldn't even bother changing their pre-planned narrative of "NOTHINGBURGER!" when something actually did happen. Do they train these shills only with coloring books?
They've always had a pretty limited script. Nothingburgering and concern-fagging....throwing out the LARP moniker faded away pretty quickly because it never worked in the face of all of the evidence to the contrary. Then the endless arguments from people claiming to be "IT experts"...that's a biggie right now.
This is big news, the raid, the setup, the exposure, SoS is in deep shit. All connections are obvious. It needs exposure. Fuck the shills.
Yup. It is clearly more evidence of wrong doing with regards to the election. In general, people need to realize that there is already more than enough evidence to do a full audit and threaten a recall of the election - the problem is the government doesnt want to check itself.
This is an uphill battle, not because the 'evidence' isnt on our side, but really because all of our institutions do not give a flying fuck. They exist for themselves, not the public trust.
It may seems like nothing to those who haven’t been paying attention too. We know Codemonkeyz announced that he had a whistleblower from dominion and it was legit. He showed just a small sample. This ties in with that. That and the fact her office was raided and by who. Who funded the Colorado SoS is big too. Not to mention the clerk also stated she found a lot of irregularities she couldn’t not un see. It’s the top of an iceberg. I’m willing to bet they also knew this was coming and was prepared.
so when is something going to happen as a result
My deport button is wearing out!!
No problem, fren. We'll requisition you a new one.
I swear in my 40 years on this planet these doomer shills are the most pathetic by far i have ever seen with my own eyes. I assume they are mostly bots because i cant imagine how an actual real human would make it long enough IRL to be here posting.
Many are CCP operatives in the 50-cent army.
You can often tell from the imperfect grasp of English and over-reliance on our lingo (fren, DS, etc).
Pretty sad when the CCP has to pay their army. We gladly do it for free....dom!
The sad part is they think those that have organically ended up at GWA Can somehow be demoralized by somebody saying some black pill shit on the Internet. They have no concept of this is my homeland and I will never quit I will never bend and I will never break no matter what they say.
Yes, it is sad. They've never experienced a country that is worth dying for.
Good morning, Catsfive. Glad to see you on the job bright and early!
You, as well. Let's goooo, patriots! Great to see all the HIGH ENERGY today!
Yep we saw one who's been a regular here spouting some sus shit last night all of a sudden.
You see these sleeper accounts show their hand most often on the rising shill tide that floods in when "over the target" events break. Some of the accounts have basically stopped posting when these "tides" are out all together.
They think it helps keep them from standing out. Challenge their statements and ideas in discussion. Be ready for the typical rules for radicals tactics.
Key point of interest: Why would Dominion be present during the raid? If someone robs a house the police don't bring the victim to identify belongings during the raid... they would identify after the fact. Dominion is an "independent provider" so why where they present during the execution of a search warrant/raid?
I was shilled hard last night.. go to username.. nothing but doomer shill comments for everyone lol. When in doubt.. check. They can't sway this pepe!!
Thank you mods for the hard work.
The entire team is active. WWG1WGA
I was half expecting a nothing burger but this was anything but. Excellent video presentation. Showed it to a few people who usually laugh and dismiss everything and while they weren't sold completely there was significantly less laughing and they were generally less dismissive than normal.
Morning fellow pedes... Let's kick more shill ass today shall we? Also may God's peace and protection be upon us all during this battle... I'm ready coach, where do you want me??? ☕☕☕
The few times I listened yesterday were fucking amazing.
Man T_D has a depressing level of shills
I’m happy to give it another couple of days.
These things take time. It's three days. They can call it a nothingburgef on Friday if nothing happens. Heck, I'll be doing that. But we've already seen China fingered, Soros called out, and we might have gotten passwords yesterday. Huge.
All Covid conspiracies aside, do you have something against election integrity and just hate drumph so much that you feel it is okay to win by any means necessary?
Were you going to be lighting that strawman yourself, or let someone else have the torch?
Nothing against election integrity. I just don’t think Mike Lindell has anything to challenge it. Time will tell.
This whole "reasonable skeptic" shit is going to blow up in your face. You'll never be seen as the "reasonable skeptic who waited for the facts to come out", just the retard who didn't see the obvious 2 feet in front of him that half the country minimum was on top of and aware of for months.
We’ll see.
Have you watched Lindell's documentaries on this?
The one with Dr. Frank, had some overlap with Dr. Frank's presentation yesterday. That's one overwhelming piece of evidence for election fraud.
There are others, of course, which don't rely on simply 'the machines'/algorithms.
Please do correct me if I have misunderstood you. It sounded like you are skeptical that election fraud occured in a significant enough magnitude to shift the election. (The other possibility I see from your words is that "sure, it occured, but Mike isn't privy to the data that he says he has in regards to the election machines").
I mean, Time magazine literally admitted that it did...
Did you delete your own comment, or, was it removed?
I read it, and was going to reply when I got a chance. I more or less remember what you had said.
You had said something to the effect of you have watched Lindell's documentaries, that election fraud is a possibility, but, you did not believe it to be the most likely scenario. You believe the more likely scenario is that Trump has fooled a great many of us, and you gave you reasoning for this (in a few paragraphs).
I think that generally captures the gist of your message (without all of the supporting arguments you had made).
Didn't delete anything. I can see all my comments, but if you don't, it either got stealth-deleted by someone with that power (C5 told me this doesn't happen), or it was auto-removed due to the downvotes. Or maybe it was in the logs and I didn't see it.
But yes, that is generally my sentiment. It is not impossible that election fraud occurred, but if you want to convince people to replace the current POTUS, you need pretty bulletproof evidence. I haven't seen that yet.
Are you not watching?
You were expecting arrests during the symposium? Are you stupid?
Fair enough. Glad to see you're at least keeping an open mind. I can respect that.
The shills don’t realize their shilling doesn’t work on us.
The thing to keep in mind is that we already have nerves of steel that can see through the bullshit. Quite frankly there is nothing they can do to wither my resolve.
You’re gonna force them to push out a firmware early. Looking for hilarious bugs I. Their logic!
Whonis the idiot that said Mike looked worried because he overhyped? Do these people have any brains at all? The more people start red pilling the dumber they get. I suppose I'd rheybwere bright people it wouldn't have taken this long.
The amount of information being shared is DEATH TO THE CABAL.
WE have it ALL.
People who are using "overhyped" are low-iq and dont understand the content presented.
Living the whole thing in real time is pretty exciting, whatever happens!
They all say nothingburger too. We dont all talk this way!
I missed that could you please explain?
Damn! I'm so glad I missed it.
LOL, that's not what it said at all.
That was me, and I do that from time to time to weed out the "everything is Jews" tards.
We are saving Israel for LAST.
Baaaaaaannn Haaaaaaaammeerrrrrr!!!! So awesome!
Yep; saw some of this "hype", "overhype" crap yesterday. Bravo mods!!!!!
"Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill and should be banned" is incredibly close to "Everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler and should be banned."
Don't be Reddit. These people just disagree with you, and they're right. Mike is hyping the same shit over three days that was in his hour long video. Of course it's good he's drawing attention to it, but the man is hyping things anyone could see just by looking at the raw data. Nothing more. He has no secret sauce that will walk Trump back into office. Don't expect fireworks at a sparkler stand is all they're saying, and you fucking sperged out at them.
Congratulations, you're all now Reddit.
It was a tad overhyped, but the hype was not for us much to the same tone that "the ending won't be for everyone"