Sort of a rhetorical question, but to now it's been cyber warfare, information warfare, bio-warfare with covid. If this is true, this is getting awfully close to open physical warfare. I'm surprised they are being so obvious.
Which means it's deliberate actions against the American people, allies, and our interests by the supposed leadership of America. We all need to get a handle on what is going on over there and take steps to mitigate it. Otherwise we will be fighting wars for a long time.
Pretty sure the bombing was a legit terrorist act and not some staged nonsense. I think the chaos involved allowed actual terrorists to do the bullshit they do and commit terror crimes. I don't think the Taliban would do this while all the world's eyes are on them. They understand optics and are far more organized than the previous iteration of the Taliban. I could be wrong, but we will see if the Taliban hunts the perps down and publicly makes them pay.
Didn’t we just hear news that Biden was going to mobilize the private airlines to airlift people out few days ago?? Sounds kinda interesting now they’re saying they’ll blow up private planes that try that now.
Assuming white hats are in control, DJT negotiated to have the current Taliban leader to be in charge. Deep state lost control of the army or military so they had to use private industry as a cover go back into Afghanistan.
I forgot who that was, but some “White House military spokesperson” at a recent press release was stuttering so much, it seemed like he was really scared, genuinely. I don’t remember if it was Milley himself, but it definitely sounds like the DS is panicking.
I think this news may be White hat misinformation to make Biden look even worse ....just a thought.
Definitely not at the precipice. Not convinced anymore that there is a precipice with these people. The libtards are still loyal to their church of the MSM.
For me... a long time ago when I realized they weren’t giving people meds that could save them or at the very least not harm them. Oh, and watching loved ones die because they couldn’t get medical treatment bc it was non essential then but fatal later. I hope they ALL pay
well they did open the southern border, bringing in shitload of illegal aliens of all types (terrorists, etc) and spread people throughout the country that are sick with covid that will spread it and kill americans. No different than sending covid sick patients into nursing homes to kill old people.
Re: source. Harold Wren's The Library. He is one of the most reputable (non-Q) researchers out there. I stand by this guy's sources/reputation. Working to corroborate further, but you'll be the first to know more, guys. If this is true, this is some seriously sick shit. I'm absolutely disgusted. 🤢
well yes, how else are they going to validate re-invading Afghanistan? They need horror shows and problems to "prove" to American that the region can never be stable unless the US spends $1-2 trillion a year in the region forever. Its the ultimate Military Industrial Complex war, one that can never be won, and yet be kept rolling indefinitely because nobody else actually wants to get involved either.
See Iraq failed because they organized, and effectively demanded America leave. Iraq 1 failed because their man Blush pulled out which is why they make sure he lost via Ross Perot. And Vietnam failed to become the infinite war because China got involved and was going to push it from a infinitely sustainable regional proxy war, to a full on industrial-war with a major world power.
The people pushing Biden, the NeoLibs, the Globalists, and everybody who profits from the for-profit military arms machine WANT a non-stop infinite war that comes complete with a never ending stream of flag draped coffins coming home, preferably with Red State voters in them.
All while making sure the only people who lose anything in this war are the American taxpayers who pay for everything, but get nothing back in the way of spoils from the war even. The Infinite War is only a drain and depletion of the nation who wages it, to ensure that nation is slowly ground into the helpless poverty to ensure no nation can challege the supreme authority of the super-Rich.
There are no words that are strong enough to describe how disgusting these people are.
They need hostages, they need massacres, they need beheadings... and since your average person won't blink an eye at afghan on afghan violence, they need Americans getting kill to splash all over your TV's.
Could also be why Afghan refugees when they reached the Pakistan border were fired upon by the Pakistani military several people killed they are trying to start this!
Honestly since 2001 I would consider anyone who went there to have a death wish. Since long before 2001 we have had an Air Force and Navy, no need to ever set foot on their soil.
Biden is the Fall Guy in Afghanistan... distracting from the Audits that could challenge their POWER.
We all know Biden is history anyway...just a matter of when. Convenient option and explains why they haven't taken him out before now. All part of their sick plan to destroy America!
They are doing this on purpose. This whole Afghanistan thing is intentional(Of course along with the border, the virus, the lock-downs etc.). You have Obama, Rice, etc. pulling the strings. They are intentionally destroying the country. You could end this situation swiftly with the military and get all of our people and allies out. They've given the Taliban a list of all the US citizens there and the Afghans that have helped us. They are getting these people killed and they are doing it on purpose. It's bullshit and I'm madder than hell!
I attended a meeting today hosted by my County Supervisor. One of the attendees asked the question about how the 1,000 Afghan refugees coming to our city were being vetted to ensure they were American allies, not enemies. Our County Supervisor responded by saying we were not getting 1,000 in our City, but actually between 2 and 3 thousand. She couldn't answer the question about how they were being vetted except to say that they will not arrive in our city until after they have stopped at a military based to complete their screening and have their Visas finalized. When they arrive to our local airports our County Supervisor will then get a call that they are here and our local government will be expected to pick them up, providing them with transportation, housing and skills training so they can assimilate to society.
For those who listen to Monkey Werx it sounds like these refugees are primarily military aged men. He has some interesting if not obvious ideas about what that might mean. But let's pretend for a minute that these people are American allies and not our enemies. What I want to know is: where are American churches in all of this? What is the point of all the faith based organizations and charity groups that exist in our country if these types of situations automatically default to the responsibility of the taxpayer and the state?
Churches and charities are assisting. The question is, for what good?
I received an email from my religious group who are looking for volunteers to go to the military bases receiving Afghani refugees for a 2 to 4 week period. "Responsibilities include welcoming charter flights of evacuees and assisting with their travel to military bases, shepherding cohorts of arrivals through the processing steps, processing and adjustment of status assistance, development and provision of youth and women's activities and cultural orientation, and administrative support." (Here again, what about the men?)
The churches also "helped" at the southern border and that didn't work out too well. The way I see it is they assisted in human trafficking, even if it wasn't the intention.
We in the UK have been enduring this shit for two years straight. Every day 300 migrants turn up in dinghies on the shores of Dover with the French coast guard escorting these fuckers into our water and then we legally under EU Human Rights legislation have to pick them up and bring them to UK. All fighting age males with no women or children and better shoes and phone than i have.
Then we put them up in 4* hotels whilst the vets that fought and maimed themselves for our governments linger and die homeless on the streets.
Have you seen anything on the demographic breakdown, male vs female, children vs adults?
Especially with the cultural divide, I worry about the adult men. The western US society is a tad different from theirs. How is that going to go...
It'll keep going until we unify and make a stand .
Don jr had a post said what's it going to take for America to stand. Or very similar wording.
I saw another on telegram .basically pulling that same idea out of trump statement.
We will have to use our "voice " .
We have to make a stand. IMHO.
There are plenty of jets that can, say leave Moscow on a Bombardier Global 8000, Gulfstream G650ER, or a Falcon 8X & return w/o refueling. A 5600nm r/t. Ask Putin. He would not hesitate to give Xiden a middle finger.
The jets for OP sauced article host was being harassed by xidens state dept to stoprescuing Christians. The jets are being used to rescuing Christians & Americans. Who cares who does it. Like all civilian boats to rescue the Brits at Dunkirk. Just getbit done.
But keep your attn on the audits
So the whole theory about just the CIA being trapped there and it was all a trap for them is wrong. There were probably legit Americans there now trapped.
Was that Trump that asked one of the neighbour countries, for a strip to do a quick refill on his private plane? Not sure his one would classify as 'jet' tho...
Need you ask if Biden and his administration is at war with American citizens? You only need to look at mandates from business, the military, open borders, taxes, shutting down small businesses, shutting down pipelines, crop destruction, higher taxes, the Green New Deal.
WHY HASN'T ANY REPUBLICAN MENTIONED "IMPEACHMENT"? The Dems will mention impeachment with anything Trump did; what does it take for Repubs to bring up the subject?
Uhhh....Is the Biden administration at war with the American citizens?
Sort of a rhetorical question, but to now it's been cyber warfare, information warfare, bio-warfare with covid. If this is true, this is getting awfully close to open physical warfare. I'm surprised they are being so obvious.
Which means it's deliberate actions against the American people, allies, and our interests by the supposed leadership of America. We all need to get a handle on what is going on over there and take steps to mitigate it. Otherwise we will be fighting wars for a long time.
Your right. It's called a coup. We've been overthrown and the enemy is proceeding to kill the people.
This was my first thought. If you were illegitimate and going down anyway, what difference does it make?
It's a show folks. A show.
Yeah, tell that to the families of the 13 dead Marines. F the god damn show & shove the popcorn up your azz!
Pretty sure the bombing was a legit terrorist act and not some staged nonsense. I think the chaos involved allowed actual terrorists to do the bullshit they do and commit terror crimes. I don't think the Taliban would do this while all the world's eyes are on them. They understand optics and are far more organized than the previous iteration of the Taliban. I could be wrong, but we will see if the Taliban hunts the perps down and publicly makes them pay.
Mmmm is Afghan full of American hostages and White Hats freed them with the taliban?
Didn’t we just hear news that Biden was going to mobilize the private airlines to airlift people out few days ago?? Sounds kinda interesting now they’re saying they’ll blow up private planes that try that now.
Assuming white hats are in control, DJT negotiated to have the current Taliban leader to be in charge. Deep state lost control of the army or military so they had to use private industry as a cover go back into Afghanistan.
I forgot who that was, but some “White House military spokesperson” at a recent press release was stuttering so much, it seemed like he was really scared, genuinely. I don’t remember if it was Milley himself, but it definitely sounds like the DS is panicking.
I think this news may be White hat misinformation to make Biden look even worse ....just a thought.
Counter Argument: Democrats are incompetent as fuck
The faces of the Rat Party are incompetent.
Whatever scumbags are behind all of this shit are not. They aren't perfect, but they aren't stupid.
We do know they wanted a war had Cunt won in 2016 ... maybe they're putting pieces in place to make that happen.
Don't forget economic warfare aka inflation.
That too. Not one thing they've done has been for our benefit.
I’d say so never thought we’d have such a disgusting disgraceful waste of skin thinking he’s in charge of anything.
Always Was.
Where is our precipice?
I’d say we are flat out looking at it right straight in the face,
Definitely not at the precipice. Not convinced anymore that there is a precipice with these people. The libtards are still loyal to their church of the MSM.
Yes. They are truly indoctrinated and will never wake up. Just as we could never ignore the truth, they can't see it.
until the economy completely collapses they will never wake up.
Until social media and the news stations are taken down, they will never wake up.
I think the market is going to blow up next month with GME and everything else. This is the calm before the storm. We're there soon at the precipice.
Or say, mandatory experimental arm juice?
I feel like Wyle E. Coyote standing on the air past the edge of the cliff and the Road Runner is pointing down.
I've been wondering where the line is between 'light casualties' and 'acceptable losses'.
For me... a long time ago when I realized they weren’t giving people meds that could save them or at the very least not harm them. Oh, and watching loved ones die because they couldn’t get medical treatment bc it was non essential then but fatal later. I hope they ALL pay
Whenever Trump stops shilling vaccines.
well they did open the southern border, bringing in shitload of illegal aliens of all types (terrorists, etc) and spread people throughout the country that are sick with covid that will spread it and kill americans. No different than sending covid sick patients into nursing homes to kill old people.
COVID’s as real as Biden admin., masks, Jan.06, Russian Collusion, etc....
All true.
Always has been.jpg
Re: source. Harold Wren's The Library. He is one of the most reputable (non-Q) researchers out there. I stand by this guy's sources/reputation. Working to corroborate further, but you'll be the first to know more, guys. If this is true, this is some seriously sick shit. I'm absolutely disgusted. 🤢
wouldn't shock me, but confirmation would be nice...
Yes they are trying to manufacture a crisis.
well yes, how else are they going to validate re-invading Afghanistan? They need horror shows and problems to "prove" to American that the region can never be stable unless the US spends $1-2 trillion a year in the region forever. Its the ultimate Military Industrial Complex war, one that can never be won, and yet be kept rolling indefinitely because nobody else actually wants to get involved either.
See Iraq failed because they organized, and effectively demanded America leave. Iraq 1 failed because their man Blush pulled out which is why they make sure he lost via Ross Perot. And Vietnam failed to become the infinite war because China got involved and was going to push it from a infinitely sustainable regional proxy war, to a full on industrial-war with a major world power.
The people pushing Biden, the NeoLibs, the Globalists, and everybody who profits from the for-profit military arms machine WANT a non-stop infinite war that comes complete with a never ending stream of flag draped coffins coming home, preferably with Red State voters in them.
All while making sure the only people who lose anything in this war are the American taxpayers who pay for everything, but get nothing back in the way of spoils from the war even. The Infinite War is only a drain and depletion of the nation who wages it, to ensure that nation is slowly ground into the helpless poverty to ensure no nation can challege the supreme authority of the super-Rich.
There are no words that are strong enough to describe how disgusting these people are.
Money laundering, child trafficking, drug production, etc......
Glenn Beck said the group he was working with to evacuate Christians was getting all kinds of shit from the State Dept.
Yup. I'm supporting him with what I can.
They need hostages, they need massacres, they need beheadings... and since your average person won't blink an eye at afghan on afghan violence, they need Americans getting kill to splash all over your TV's.
Could also be why Afghan refugees when they reached the Pakistan border were fired upon by the Pakistani military several people killed they are trying to start this!
Honestly since 2001 I would consider anyone who went there to have a death wish. Since long before 2001 we have had an Air Force and Navy, no need to ever set foot on their soil.
How else does one drag out a false flag/news cycle? Hostages.
Precisely and the mockingbird media will run the Afghanistan story non stop 24/7.
Anything to take away from the audits. They don't care if they use our sons and daughters as bullet fodder!
It is very sad but what you say is true.
You mean the audits results that’s definitely coming soon for the past three weeks?
This is worse than that. They seem to WANT the American citizens and allies to be stranded there.
That theory does fit with current observations.
Or hand over billions of dollars in exchange for the hostages, so the money can be washed back to them!
So uh... Biden WANTS Americans to die?
Nobody pays attention to audits, clot shot disaster, etc when there are hourly beheadings of Americans splashed across every screen.
Biden is the Fall Guy in Afghanistan... distracting from the Audits that could challenge their POWER.
We all know Biden is history anyway...just a matter of when. Convenient option and explains why they haven't taken him out before now. All part of their sick plan to destroy America!
Yeah, but will they at least realize it was because of Biden's fumbling or deliberate treason that led to that?
What the actual f**k
They are doing this on purpose. This whole Afghanistan thing is intentional(Of course along with the border, the virus, the lock-downs etc.). You have Obama, Rice, etc. pulling the strings. They are intentionally destroying the country. You could end this situation swiftly with the military and get all of our people and allies out. They've given the Taliban a list of all the US citizens there and the Afghans that have helped us. They are getting these people killed and they are doing it on purpose. It's bullshit and I'm madder than hell!
I attended a meeting today hosted by my County Supervisor. One of the attendees asked the question about how the 1,000 Afghan refugees coming to our city were being vetted to ensure they were American allies, not enemies. Our County Supervisor responded by saying we were not getting 1,000 in our City, but actually between 2 and 3 thousand. She couldn't answer the question about how they were being vetted except to say that they will not arrive in our city until after they have stopped at a military based to complete their screening and have their Visas finalized. When they arrive to our local airports our County Supervisor will then get a call that they are here and our local government will be expected to pick them up, providing them with transportation, housing and skills training so they can assimilate to society.
For those who listen to Monkey Werx it sounds like these refugees are primarily military aged men. He has some interesting if not obvious ideas about what that might mean. But let's pretend for a minute that these people are American allies and not our enemies. What I want to know is: where are American churches in all of this? What is the point of all the faith based organizations and charity groups that exist in our country if these types of situations automatically default to the responsibility of the taxpayer and the state?
Churches and charities are assisting. The question is, for what good?
I received an email from my religious group who are looking for volunteers to go to the military bases receiving Afghani refugees for a 2 to 4 week period. "Responsibilities include welcoming charter flights of evacuees and assisting with their travel to military bases, shepherding cohorts of arrivals through the processing steps, processing and adjustment of status assistance, development and provision of youth and women's activities and cultural orientation, and administrative support." (Here again, what about the men?)
The churches also "helped" at the southern border and that didn't work out too well. The way I see it is they assisted in human trafficking, even if it wasn't the intention.
We in the UK have been enduring this shit for two years straight. Every day 300 migrants turn up in dinghies on the shores of Dover with the French coast guard escorting these fuckers into our water and then we legally under EU Human Rights legislation have to pick them up and bring them to UK. All fighting age males with no women or children and better shoes and phone than i have.
Then we put them up in 4* hotels whilst the vets that fought and maimed themselves for our governments linger and die homeless on the streets.
Have you seen anything on the demographic breakdown, male vs female, children vs adults? Especially with the cultural divide, I worry about the adult men. The western US society is a tad different from theirs. How is that going to go...
It'll keep going until we unify and make a stand . Don jr had a post said what's it going to take for America to stand. Or very similar wording. I saw another on telegram .basically pulling that same idea out of trump statement. We will have to use our "voice " . We have to make a stand. IMHO.
There are plenty of jets that can, say leave Moscow on a Bombardier Global 8000, Gulfstream G650ER, or a Falcon 8X & return w/o refueling. A 5600nm r/t. Ask Putin. He would not hesitate to give Xiden a middle finger.
If Putin rescues American citizens then I will have lost all faith in every aspect of our government right down to every single enlisted.
The jets for OP sauced article host was being harassed by xidens state dept to stoprescuing Christians. The jets are being used to rescuing Christians & Americans. Who cares who does it. Like all civilian boats to rescue the Brits at Dunkirk. Just getbit done. But keep your attn on the audits
It's a screenshot. Basically a meme.
While I believe this, there is no proof of it.
Anytime we believe shit without proof, we damage the world
Where is our Patriot-filled military in all this?
Maybe they are preventing clowns from escaping.
This screenshot can not be sent via text message WTF LOL
So the whole theory about just the CIA being trapped there and it was all a trap for them is wrong. There were probably legit Americans there now trapped.
It could still be both.
Was that Trump that asked one of the neighbour countries, for a strip to do a quick refill on his private plane? Not sure his one would classify as 'jet' tho...
Need you ask if Biden and his administration is at war with American citizens? You only need to look at mandates from business, the military, open borders, taxes, shutting down small businesses, shutting down pipelines, crop destruction, higher taxes, the Green New Deal.
Well thats more evidence that this is a show.
Sickening and pure evil
perhaps worse then ombummer how pissening.
Good thing they all know Bidan is fucking demented idiot and are not listening to him or his fraudulent administration.
Pure evil.
Big if true!!!!!
It’s not
The current administration will occupy a special level in hell for what they have done to America.
WHY HASN'T ANY REPUBLICAN MENTIONED "IMPEACHMENT"? The Dems will mention impeachment with anything Trump did; what does it take for Repubs to bring up the subject?