dailymail.co.uk - The subpoena was revealed in a court filing made by lawyers for the families of the five children seeking modifications to an order of protection in order to prevent the release of the records. AR-15 maker Remington subpoenas report cards and disciplinary records of five kids killed in Sandy Hook massacre: Families which sued now-bankrupt company say they have no idea why it wants the documents The subpoena was revealed in a court filing made on Thursday by lawyers for the families of the five children Remington also subpoenaed for the employment files of four educators who were killed during the horrific massacre, who are included in the lawsuit The families are seeking modifications to an order of protection in order to prevent the release of the records The nine families lost loved ones when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut in 2012 The wrongful death suit was filed against Remington on December 15, 2014 The case, which claims Remington recklessly marketed its Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle, will go to trial this month
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You’ll never guess where the key responding officer was from.
Racine, Wisconsin
He was then promoted to chief in neighboring Danbury.
SMOKING GUN right there.
Big info, fren!
For anyone asking for the “sauce” about this connection, here it is -
Why are compromised pedophiles, criminals and corrupt minorities recruited and promoted to positions of power? Why are Racine and Milwaukee the two worst communites for black Americans with the highest incarceration rate in the world? Why is there an extreme child sex offender and infant mortality rate in the area?
Why did they kneel in Racine with the Antifa and BLM protestors in 2020?
Why did LeBron James partner with Racine’s Caron Butler for More than a Vote?
Models are used in one community and implement in their partner communities. Racine is the primary model for many such programs and the meeting hub of the global elite for generations.
Corrupt societies and organizations including Rotary and Freemasonry are part of the recruitment network. Rotary and Freemasonry are close partners, with the main founder of Rotary from Racine. Gates, Fauci and Rotary are all in alliance with Racine and Cornell and the network of secret, closed and open societies, corporations, institutions and foundations.
Microsoft President Brad Smith is the key advisor who grew up in Racine. Why did SCJ and Rotary get so upset when their connections to the Clinton Foundation were exposed? What company benefited most from Zika? Why did the Mason Lab program in Racine shut down so quickly when exposed? It was directly connected with Cornell, the Sphinx Head Society, Rotary and Joe Biden’s rigged Billion Dollar Referendum in Racine.
The real secrets of the global agenda connect back to the “root” - Racine. Slavery never ended in Racine with Joshua Glover and the Underground Railroad. It evolved.
Shine the light on Racine and The Truth will be clear for all to know.
This is SO comprehensive. Awesome post, fren! Racine is incredible. ALL the stuff we are talking about on here is HAPPENING there. You don't have to be Washington D.C. to be part of the war between light and darkness!
The real global hub in America is not New York, LA, Philly or DC - it is under the radar in Racine, Wisconsin - the once great Invention Capital of the World and model industrious city. Their main meeting location over recent generations is Wingspread. Racine is the model for the 4th industrial revolution, Brookings’ “How We Rise”, smart cities, Agenda 21 and 2030, and the real agenda beyond. All of the global elite know about Racine, and they know about the ancient history of the area including Aztalan. Racine is the Root they cannot allow to be exposed.
So true! You speak eloquently about this and I would like to encourage you to WRITE A BOOK about it! There's so much more that needs to be said and it looks like you have a very insider perspective.
Many of America's "second" cities are hotbeds like this. New Orleans, Cincinnati, Spokane, Helena, Salt Lake City, Tallahassee--there are many things that receive a "trial run" in these places before the Cabal moves them into "full production" if you will.
Thank you. We must all work together to expose the Root, reveal their agenda and model communities, and Share The Truth.
Racine is the Root they cannot allow to be exposed, or everyone will understand how the agenda is applied to every state and every community. It is highly compartmentalized, and Racine is the weak link that unravels it all.
Do you know of any information pertaining the true nature of Aztlan? Any good places to look? I'm curious of it's potential significance.
What's the significance of this? Sorry if it's basic shit. Sandy hook happened well before i woke up and I haven't really revisited it since.
Sandy Hook school “shooting” is highly speculated as a FF made up by the FBI as an event to push gun confiscation. Many think the dead kids and teachers are non existent that’s why they want all the records so they can verify they we’re actually real people who really died and not made for TV.
They weren’t “non-existent” per se,
But what they did was, take a bunch of photos and footage of these supposed victims when they were younger, and then allow the children to “age up” into the role of their older siblings.
Then they rolled out the Sandy Hook “victims” at the Super Bowl, and presented them as their older siblings.
Theres collages of all these kids, showing that they are the exact same kids, just aged a few years.
Apparently kids physically change quite a bit between kindergarten and 2nd grade, which is what they expected to depend on for their black magic show.
How did they get those kids to go along with the story? Were they all just mk ultra zombies?
Excellent question. Havent seen any good answers.
Just thinking out loud, but if the 'family house' is paid for by do-gooders who faked an event (that our family is cooperating with) all for the GOOD of 'gun control' -- why not go along with that narrative? Especially if there's implied trouble to the family if they don't.
well yeah but how are you gonna get kids to play along? They'd be more impulsive/not understand why they had to keep quiet.
i suspect they know that they can't count on kids to keep their mouths shut, so they simply compartmentalize them. the kids don't have a clue whats going on.
if they can customize political campaign propaganda down to the 9-digit zip code, they can customize false flag propaganda down to the same level.
for example, one of the supposed victims of Sandy Hook was from my state, so our local news sources cranked out custom propaganda for the local audience.
might even be cabal's sex slaves groomed or MK'd into this role etc
false memories is an easy enough explanation. Toddlers aren't going to have real memories but if their parents acted like they lost kids they would remember having those older siblings. It would be trivial to implant memories in toddlers like that.
Yep! Remember seeing all of this back when it happened.
But the kids must have "existed" Poor Noah Pozner was blown up and killed in Pakistan a few weeks after being killed at Sandy Hook. How would that even be possible if he hadn't existed???
Photos live a long time.
My intuition says it was a FF! I look forward to the light that's shed on this.
It's likely the start of the unraveling of the official narrative regarding Sandy Hook.
Certain events are well coordinated including the same cover actors. There are many other similar events connected with the Racine and Milwaukee area.
They also coordinate events to target 1A.
What was the “hate speech” event in Racine really about? How was the community event so quickly organized and who was involved?
What is the history of B’nai B’rith in Racine? Who are the Knights of Pythias? What is the Community Interfaith Alliance?
I believe there's a lot of fuckery that comes out of racine. Hopefully someone else has some details
Broward Country in FL is another hot spot.
The real purpose of the Billion Dollar Referendum rigged in Racine, Wisconsin with Joe Biden’s “highly unusual move” for the April 2020 primary election “test” is for models of Community Policing, Community Education and Community Health reform.
Sustainable Racine was the model used to forge the 17 goals of Sustainable Development as the foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030.
The largest donation to Fauci’s Cornell University the very same year that Joe Biden spoke there was from Racine, Wisconsin. Cornell is based in Finger Lakes as seen on Hunter Biden’s back. A Certain Intelligence Agency heavily recruits there with the Sphinx Head Society, and they are all closely connected with the Gates Foundation and Rotary International. The founder of Rotary is from Racine, and Fred Gates got his big break with the Rockefellers after meeting his new wife in Racine. He was the advisor behind much of what is happening today.
The real purpose of the China Medical Board was to eliminate the rise of Christianity in China. The Parousia begins by exposing the Root and model for their real agenda and the Mark of the Beast - Racine, Wisconsin.
Harlow Wilcox is dead.
Who are John Jeffry Louis and the Pilgrims Society?
NPR was also established in Racine.
Why is this stickied? Yes, this isn't a 'fringe conspiracy site' (which means flat earth and chemtards, among other things), but the fact that the FBI is a synthetic domestic terrorism factory is far, far, far from being fringe conspiracy. In fact, one could argue that the Masters waking up to the FBI actually not being the good guys is very much dead centre part of the Great Awakening.
, this isn't a 'fringe conspiracy site' (which means flat earth and chemtards, among other things),
This tells me you're partly awakened anyway. We'll have to be patient with you. Eventually you will know enough to be embarrassed by this.
I'm willing to wait, and I'll be waiting a LONG time
Honestly, sandy hook was weird. You can’t say anything because the counter argument is “the children!!!! Bigggot!!”. I don’t want to ever touch it.
But asking for records and trying to block the release of them? Wow
Lol, chemtards, I used to follow a chemtrail site many years ago that explained chemtrails, how they created a environment for parasites and cancers and pushed Ivermectin as a cure. It was quickly pushed off the web. Silly chemtards.
Wasn't there a report by an expert who researched and found people in Newtown had all their mortgages paid off on the same day which is extremely odd and noteworthy? I never saw a follow up that verified that as being true and whether those people had any connection with the school or shooting.
Lol you’re equating chem trails to flat earth? Oh boy
Both based on a major leap...
The gov't did experiments --> SOMETHING --> The sky over my house is covered with contrails
Stratospheric aerosol injections are admitted to be real by every government....And can be seen over "my" house... what's the leap?
any normal person would say, "here's my kids report cards, now what do you have to claim he never existed"? "oh, and here's me in a video with my kid at the park"
i love how cnn showed law enforcement running into the shooting....at St Lima's (think i have name correct) down the street. it's the Truman Show folks
So easy to see through this bee ess.
I'm starting to believe my friend from Connecticut who said there isn't even an actual town of Sandy Hook that he ever heard of.
I don’t know... I often believe the one person who shows up in these types of threads who knew people who died in Sandy Hook... they always show up.
There isn't. Sandy Hook was supposedly a school in Newtown, CT (which does exist).
Although I think the school had been shuttered for quite some time before the "shooting" happened...
Dear, God. So Sandy Hook ISN'T a real city? I always thought that guy might be wrong. But I guess it goes to show you how far the feds will go to false flag by changing the name of a whole town to create a fictional place for a fictional mass shooting. There are no limits to the Enemy. Thank you for being vigilant and educating me.
Now imagine the hit when you realize you have been lied about WW2 and the holohoax.
I’ve told you a million times...
“6 million jews” is a figure of speech that achieved meme status long before the holohoax.
What?? I haven't heard about that. There was no World War 2???
No, there was a war. We were just lied to about what it was fought over and what actually occurred in Germany
Oh, okay lol I thought that WW2 was going to be fake, too! But I guess my grandpa served so he wouldn't be part of a Cabal plan or say it wasn't real, so it makes sense that WW2 happened. But I guess it wasn't because of Hitler or him invading France or anything, is what your saying
I know right?. If the cabal can just rename an entire city, they can create whatever reality they wish. Yesterday it's Newtown, today it's Sandy Hook, tomorrow it's Bidenville. Effed up, dewd.
Istanbul was Constantinople,
Now its Istanbul, not Constantinople
Even Old New York, was once New Amsterdam,
That's awesome, dewd. I love They Might Be Giants.
Why’d they change it? I can’t say. Guess the cabal liked it better that way… KEK! I had to! 🐸
There is a Sandy Hook in Newton Ct.
Yes. You sound doubtful, but I would say that it has been well established here.
I believe that Sandy Hook was the name of the elementary school; New Town was where it was located.
Why would you simply accept as fact that a town doesn’t exist without even looking into it more?!? Just saying the amount of misinformation, taking anything someone tells you as fact makes you just as bad as libs.
Why did they sue Alex Jones for saying this and win for. Jones’ defense was that no reasonable person would take what he said as fact, that he was a “personality” for entertainment. He lost. That’s not a conspiracy, it’s fact.
Blindly following is for them, not us. Right???
WHOA. Handshake shill! Why do you even bother? People with information and research step in to educate each other and you just come in and say everyone is a blind follower? Uhhhh do you think we don't know your a shill who says libs are bad but lashes out in blind fury against the Patriots? You need to do better, dude. You are bad at even being a shill.
Uhhhh, you don't know anything about me, don't tell me who I am or what I feel, but hey, you call me anything you want, fellow Patriot, if lashing out at me helps you better, hey, have at it. I'm so glad that after lurking on this board for months and being afraid of this kind of reaction to what is my opinion that I finally jumped in. I'm sorry if you felt attacked with my "blind fury", really dude? I never said EVERYONE IS A BLIND FOLLOWER, it was made in response to one comment and we are better than that. If you don't agree then how bout downvoting me and ignore my "shilly" posts, that's the point of the setup here, no?
I explained it was a sensitive topic, and I shouldn't have even posted in this thread bc I lost a child 6 years ago and am still GUTTED by it, if anyone tells you it gets easier, don't fucking believe them. If someone asked me to produce my dead child's birth and/or death certificate to help them with a theory that my kid never existed... I WISH it was an elaborate hoax, I'd tell them to fuck the hell off, leave me with the memories I have, how bout that?
To just state something and the next comment just takes it as fact, oh, there's no Newtown? Huh, ok, well there you go, FF!! My point was that kind of "I saw it on facebook so I know it's true" type thing is really alarming to me, sorry you took offense, my point was that is not us.
And now dinner burned.
Show me your child’s school records before you make that claim
Seems like "blind fury" prevails. I'm sorry your dinner burned, shill.
This is absolutely crazy: you burned your supper and had a nuclear meltdown about your personal grief because you didn't pay attention to what you read.
I said I was told that Sandy Hook wasn't a town. Then people pointed out that Sandy Hook is part of Newtown but isn't a town in and of itself. Then I said, Oh, yeah. Sandy Hook isn't a real town.
You went insane and divulged a bunch of personal details and ruined your whole day arguing with something that you agree with because you were so amped up to fight with others and hunt for pity from strangers. Please take a deep breath. Be rational. Pay attention. It's not all about you and your troubles. You're acting like a libtard. I advise you adopt the policy my wife and I have: when she is upset and expressing herself she comes to me as her spiritual covering and head of household for guidance and I will edit her words or show her what she ought to say in logical terms. I similarly advise that you go to your husband before posting any more of these outbursts.
The Port Arthur Australia Mass Shooting was also a fake news story, used to confiscate weapons from the masses.
Port Arthur is very close to Newtown, Australia
Also, there are “Boys Towns” all over the world, and every one of them is a open-air slave market.
Theres a BoysTown in Nebraska, and yes its a child trafficking operation. Its cover story is that its an orphanage, which is convenient if you want children but don’t want to antagonize a mama bear who might expose your operations
This is NOT TRUE. A simple search will find maps, real estate for sale, places to go, etc in Sandy Hook section of Newtown.
There is an actual Sandy Hook school that is still open, call the number, unless that’s fake too. Why, if my kid was killed, would I then have to argue with people and show proof my kid ever existed? Why would I not say, F off, I’m trying to mourn my small child that’s dead. Go see the graves. But to say, those parents should show us proof, that’s just gross, really.
Do we think all school shootings are fake, ffs to make us give up guns? Sandy Hook happened years ago, it’s never a common argument to take away our guns anymore, there’s new school shootings every few months (If not sooner) to (mis)use as a stupid argument that guns and not f’d up kids from f’d up families is the problem.
Sorry, sensitive topic for me, this is ridiculous to keep doing to these parents. “Why don’t they just show report cards and video?” Would YOU do that? Bc I wouldn’t.
Kids are getting killed bc parenting has gone to hell, anti-gun people need to look at the way they raise their kids and help them if they’re mentally struggling. Parents don’t know their own kids.
Why did the demolition crew have to sign NDAs? Wolfgang halbig had many interesting points. You appear foolish being so overconfident. None of us know. Questions should be ok in America.
Basically handshake just did what he accused others of
https://www.bitchute.com/video/aP1sQ50cBo82/ Everyone should watch this
Huge difference between footage of Columbine (everyone fleeing outside) and just the ONE orchestrated "evacuation photo" of kids lined up marching through the parking lot at Sandy Hook.
Because they are all still alive.
Not true. Its a village in Newton ct. And there are large condemned gov owned buildings waiting for demolition
Keep in mind they can fabricate a report card in under an hour,
And then when they present the report card, they will call you crazy for thinking its fake.
This might be a set-up to discredit SH skeptics
They showed these things in court with Alex Jones.
"Families which sued now-bankrupt company say they have no idea why it wants the documents"?
That's called collecting all the evidence you claim to have, including evidence related to any potential victim, to properly allow transparency that some may not want. How do you introduce evidence?
A false flag for;
Gun Control push in Congress
Federal Funding Grant money for
a) allowing mentally unstable students to remain in the public school system
b) demolition of existing school to rebuild a new one
c) paybacks to city/local officials and crisis actors who participated in the false flag.
Is this in preparation for another false flag shooting to clog the fake news cycle due to the audits results being released? And as cover for the audit results?
Will we see school shooter drills now that the kids are back in school? Watch and see which schools will be conducting these shooter drills. In Spring of 2019, upstate NY had many shooter drills is a few schools. Let's see if they pick-up where they left off.
Its worth noting that the National Shooting Sports Foundation was within walking distance to the fake shooting site.
Is NSSF controlled opposition? Surely the 2A enthusiasts up the road knew it was a fake shooting, yet as far as i know they have never made a statement calling bullshit.
I remember watching a documentary about Sandy Hook with one of my buddies like 5-6 years ago in college. I haven't watched this in many years so I can't vouch for its accuracy, but for anyone interested to learn more about the strange circumstances surrounding this event I'll leave the bitchute link to the doc below.
From what I remember it was pretty damning, especially the part about the emergency vehicles blocking entrance/exit to the school premises. That and the "paid actors" part of the victims push for gun control laws.
We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook.
Excellent documentary. 2 hours 46 minutes long. Over 10 different people presenting evidence. Lots of facts, links and proofs.
If you have any doubts whatsoever about this "school shooting / gun control" incident, you must see this video.
Thank you for this link! Ive felt SH was a FF for years. Too many ctitical inconsistencies. For me, the biggest one being that the AR15 was left in the trunk (shown by helicopter footage too), then the story claimed all were killed by handguns, followed by the coroner saying everyone was killed close up with an AR15.
A huge giveaway was the "sniper" holding his gun by the magazine with the sling dangling by his feet. You can see a good shot of this around 18:30 in this video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/HKrGqfLOh0Xx/
Crisis actor recruitment pipeline, starts young!
Thank you
hey ANONS... take a close look at this video regarding Sandy Hook being an FBI operation... go to 28:22 and take a close look at the FBI agent on the left....
THEN, to to this Jan 6 "RIOT'
the very same actor is at the capital and the narrator of this video refers to him as "SWAT 1" ... watch the whole video.. you'll see SWAT 1 many times:
15:45 15:56 16:58 19:52
---the very same guy at the Boulder Colorado "shooing... it's the "agent" standing directly in front of the pick-up truck!!! see the photo below!
This is big news!! I remember when it was on tv and I was like ..where are the ambulance where are the stretchers and I swear it was on a loop. Same people going in and out. In and out. Was a very weird situation and I never trusted it right from the start
For anyone interested.
These people are fucking sick.
Yep Sandy Hook was one of the first video's that woke up me up what the government really does... and I'm HIGHLY skeptical of conspiracy stuff, but there are way to many odd occurrences with Sandy hook....
So Biden opened the door for suing gun manufacturers, at least I'm guessing this came to fruition. Two things pique my curiosity, it's seemingly retroactive, and why sue a bankrupt company?
How tf does a name brand gun maker like Remington go bankrupt?
Does anyone have links to Sandy Hook information?
Yeah. I have a list of all the victims of Sandy Hook and their families.
Here is the list:
I agree, but to take it a step farther, the list of all the victims of Sandy Hook are: The American people who were gaslit, traumatized, and manipulated by our lying government agencies and media. Oh, and the children forced to participate in this hoax.
A guy who went by the name "Barry Soetoro" made a bunch of videos about Sandy Hook, but YouTube took them down. He proved in one of them that David Wheeler, the father of one of the kids, played a double roll on the day of the shooting: grieving father and also a member of the FBI team that showed up. 😇
Was that the guy on video laughing it up seconds before giving a press conference and acting oh so serious?
No, that was a different guy, another suspicious crisis actor.
Robbie Parker, crisis actor
No, that was a different guy, another suspicious crisis actor.
Dang I actually found the video.
Laughing smiling dad of death
Search around for a documentary titled "Dear Wolfgang." It's the best and most concise case I've seen.
there used to be loads but lots has been removed. need to search brighteon.com, bitchute and others like that now because YouTube censored bigly
I used to supply source links when people would ask for source links, but eventually i figured out that the people weren’t asking for links because they were interested in having their minds changed, but rather so they could report/censor etc the best evidence. A lot of times when id go back to look at a an old video i had just linked to the day before, its magically been censored by youtube. So i dont post source links anymore. If people sincerely want to find info, they will find info.
Thats why everyone has gone to YouTube to look up “How to...” videos, without asking to be spoon-fed, but yet when it comes to “How to figure out fake news”, suddenly people play helpless, and ask for spoon feeding. They just waste our time, and make our best sources disappear
To be fair, it can be very hard to find alternative sources, especially when you’ve never heard of a theory before.
There’s some things that I’ve learned about this year and I don’t can’t find where to start, so I can’t learn more.
"opportunity cost". if you are investing your time researching old fake news, then you can't be investing your time researching new fake news.
for example, whats going on with "cyber polygon"?
And "Sandy Hook" is written on a map in the Dark Knight Rises. And there was a completely separate mass shooting at the premiere of the same batman film 6 months earlier. The prop master who may have been responsible for the map died in a car crash 3 months prior.
And now see the road layout of the batman prop map compared to the real school. (the football stadium that got blown up in the movie.)
There were so many Sandy hook videos that I would show just normal people and it would really make them go.... really question what was going on, now they are all gone :/
American hero, Wolfgang Halbig's story needs to be heard. His honest exposing of the Sandy Hook farce should be common knowledge. Maybe one day it will be?https://martyleeds33.com/dear-wolfgang-revisiting-sandy-hook/
Prove they existed AND went to that particular school.
Oh this will be good! PROVE these kids and the "educators" killed existed in the first place! WOOPS!!!!
This are the ones that want your guns BTW
Let's not kid ourselves. If they are forced to provide those documents, they will. We will know they are fake and sheeple will trust them and gun lobby will get even more hate.
There must be something more to this. Any suggestions?
Will they get the documents right though?
It's the cover up that gets them. I'm sure we haven't heard the last on Obama's birth certificate (the one with the photoshop layers).
...aaaand what good did that do? Obama held the office for the full eight years and is still widely considered born US citizen. And if that opinion changed, what would it alter now?
I just don't think the story has ended with Obama. I think he'll be disgraced. I darn well hope so!
Well the damage is done...
What I mean is that all these documents, subpoenas, audits and so on are just way too easy to brush off or just outright fake. They will never change anything. There are two ways about this:
NCSWIC. It's all for entertainment, military and GEOTUS already in command, performing this play for our entertainment. Normies will still never see or believe it until the end
We've been had
They will just get the printer out and create some fraudulent records
Since they only asked for specific ones and not all of them I think that may be what they hope will happen. "Never ask a question you don't know the answer to."
Based Remington.
Wasn’t Sandyhook a active shooter scenario put on by Homeland Security? https://helpingmisguidedvoters.com/totalitarian_state.html
And records for the teachers...yup.....Discovery will be very interesting.....wait and see how fast School Admin "lose" the records....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVLCSqoZYqY - Sandy Hook School shootings- Dr. H. Wayne Carver, Chief Medical Examiner- Full Press Conference
Crisis actor or unwitting stooge force fed a script as part of a FEMA drill?
Yeah, show us the covid molecule you got your science from.
Thos show me shit is gonna open up the truth. Good job gunmakers.