Our President is at work as we speak. He is gathering the Patriots at his arena events and running the nation through meetings at Mar-A-Lago. Don't FUD on Donald J. Trump. Look to your own plans and prepare for The Storm, shill.
Is that a "liberal woke term" or is that an attempt at reverse psychology?
Is that supposed to stop people from asking themselves "What If"?
There may be another scenario... maybe not.
I never "put all my eggs in one basket" so to speak...
It is good to know that you seem to have the inside scoop on what is happening at Mar-A-Largo.
Not being what you call a "shill" but truly wanting to be educated... Can you tell all of us here on what it is Trump is doing that you say is termed "running the nation"?
If he is "running this nation" why are millions of people about to lose their jobs due to the fake administration's mandate?
Please do enlighten us as to why this fake administration after 10 months, is still occupying our white house?
I do agree with you.. It is always best to remember that when all is said and done, everyone will need to make their own plans and prepare for the storm...
I encourage you to research the list of visitors who have been to Mar-A-Lago seeking GEOTUS' wisdom. The contours of President Trump's plans are beginning to emerge. I claim no special knowledge, only that I do as Q admonished and research for myself.
If you seek, with your sowing of doubt here, to convince me that The Plan does not allow for bad things to happen, I will not be suckered into that perspective. We have seen things turn out differently from what we desired (e.g. stolen election) but we have not seen the hopes and promises of Q and others vanquished. Quite to the contrary, the temporary Xiden administration has revealed more and more of the enemy's plans. It has turned more and more hearts to the Patriots and our cause.
I scent, in your sarcasm and impatience for results, the presence of a shill. Your tale is one of millions in danger without hope. Among the true Patriots, the story is one of willing sacrifice in the face of adversity, and the enduring war we wage to end the influence of the Cabal on our nation.
As a shill, you may wish to note a certain phrase very carefully in your reports and make sure your superiors know it: "Nothing. Can. Stop. What. Is. Coming."
It looks fake to me. Theory: alliance has already executed everyone in the shadows. Why not? Then use the disclosed notoriety of the elite to destroy the puppets still in the spot light. They obviously need to wipe out the top, but if some people never existed in the public sphere why waste too much time judiciously doing so if the are just a ghost. And I’m not talking about Soros, I mean those truly in the shadows. Cut the head off, and slowly expose all of the front men.
Gitmo guards, I'm an adult now, I don't usually ask for gifts for Christmas anymore, but if you could be my Santa and recreate this photo with these demons in their jumpsuits after they arrive... it would bring such joy to the world.
And if, by some chance, you can't get around to it before they are hung/shot, same request but just do it Weekend At Bernie's style.
Evil Pelosi lied UNDER OATH:
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
Is he wearing a bullet proof vest?! 🤔🤔🤔 If you're in custody and a high level asset wouldn't that be a good reason... Unless he just wears it for safety? I have so many questions!
Unless you are wearing Level III+ or IV hard steel / ceramic plates, pretty much any rifle - even "just" an AR15 - will punch clean thru soft body armor.
Also; just took a closer look; you are right; there does seem to be an oddly symmetrical shape on his front right, you can kind of see a vertical outline and then extends across his abdomen to his left, kind of like it would if he was wearing soft armor....
Alex is a shorty, he wouldn't be towering like that, and all the heads are shopped. Now what narrative would a phony picture like this serve? We don't need the confirmation of our belief that they are in cahoots.
This may be a white hat optic to confuse the evil minions into NOT running for cover... "Everything is under control... do not panic!" ...while they are getting rounded up.
How is my opinion "spreading fake news?" It's an opinion. And it is confined to one comment thread in a series. And I don't see you making this remark to all the other people with the same opinion. Why are you picking on me?
I did reply to several others in the thread.
I didn't mean to be a jerk, sorry.
It's just not that hard to visit alex soros's twitter to verify before claiming this is fake....
I did not say the tweet was fake, but that the picture looked photoshopped. That's an opinion and I'm not getting into that argument more. I don't have twitter to check. As I understand it, though, anyone who has access to a twitter account can post a tweet, or a timer will send it, and many a tweet posted here has been met with skepticism. For instance, Obama's Mother's Day tweet to Michelle, and Michelle's sad birthday tweet. The fact that the tweet was sent on his account does not, by itself, prove he sent it or that the picture is what it seems to be. What was the place and occasion for these three to be hanging out between efforts to destroy civilization? Seems notable to me that they would be advertising it.
Evil Mother Fuckers
u/#Correct Hanging or Firing Squad for the SCUM BAGS
Time to take em out Trump!
This he definitely could!
Picture of them together may mean they're about to go down together - soon.
That's my hunch.
Many are losing patience with the waiting game.... where you at Trump?
Hopefully, you are planning some jobs and living arrangements for the multitudes that are about to become jobless and homeless...
Any plans to relay to the masses Trump?
Our President is at work as we speak. He is gathering the Patriots at his arena events and running the nation through meetings at Mar-A-Lago. Don't FUD on Donald J. Trump. Look to your own plans and prepare for The Storm, shill.
Is that a "liberal woke term" or is that an attempt at reverse psychology?
Is that supposed to stop people from asking themselves "What If"?
There may be another scenario... maybe not.
I never "put all my eggs in one basket" so to speak...
It is good to know that you seem to have the inside scoop on what is happening at Mar-A-Largo.
Not being what you call a "shill" but truly wanting to be educated... Can you tell all of us here on what it is Trump is doing that you say is termed "running the nation"?
If he is "running this nation" why are millions of people about to lose their jobs due to the fake administration's mandate?
Please do enlighten us as to why this fake administration after 10 months, is still occupying our white house?
I do agree with you.. It is always best to remember that when all is said and done, everyone will need to make their own plans and prepare for the storm...
One man can't do it all...
"What If"?
I encourage you to research the list of visitors who have been to Mar-A-Lago seeking GEOTUS' wisdom. The contours of President Trump's plans are beginning to emerge. I claim no special knowledge, only that I do as Q admonished and research for myself.
If you seek, with your sowing of doubt here, to convince me that The Plan does not allow for bad things to happen, I will not be suckered into that perspective. We have seen things turn out differently from what we desired (e.g. stolen election) but we have not seen the hopes and promises of Q and others vanquished. Quite to the contrary, the temporary Xiden administration has revealed more and more of the enemy's plans. It has turned more and more hearts to the Patriots and our cause.
I scent, in your sarcasm and impatience for results, the presence of a shill. Your tale is one of millions in danger without hope. Among the true Patriots, the story is one of willing sacrifice in the face of adversity, and the enduring war we wage to end the influence of the Cabal on our nation.
As a shill, you may wish to note a certain phrase very carefully in your reports and make sure your superiors know it: "Nothing. Can. Stop. What. Is. Coming."
Looks like cut & paste photoshop to me.
Question: For the son of a Billionaire... have they never heard of an ironing board for removing wrinkles from shirts?
Yep, thought that too. Heads pasted onto bodies. Maybe that's the message- heads separated from bodies.
He threw that shirt on for the picture right after "Shunting" together.
("Shunting" is from the movie "Society" from 1989... it's very gross & NSFW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcfav-5kArM)
Feel like I saw this back in my younger, addicted-to-video-nasties-and-criterion-collection "unawake" phase, but don't remember it at all.
Heading on over to the old downloader now for a refresher. Updoot for adding to my "research" into my current "these people are sick" phase of life.
Surprising amount of overlap in the research phases.
It looks fake to me. Theory: alliance has already executed everyone in the shadows. Why not? Then use the disclosed notoriety of the elite to destroy the puppets still in the spot light. They obviously need to wipe out the top, but if some people never existed in the public sphere why waste too much time judiciously doing so if the are just a ghost. And I’m not talking about Soros, I mean those truly in the shadows. Cut the head off, and slowly expose all of the front men.
I was noticing that the shadows don't seem consistent. Alex's shadow on the neck is towards his right, while Pelosi's is to her left.
Yeah - I believe this whole tweet is fake, but it connects Drunk Nancy with Ballsack Eyes & Evil Spawn together for the normies.
Setting the stage….
Try again:
HOW are Soros and Pelosi still alive? Aren't they 200 years older than Moses?
They some how managed to hang on by clinging to the outside of Noah’s ark.
Fetus smoothies
Geh, please don't put it that way, that makes me want to vomit and also causes extreme depression.
In GOD we trust and no one else. Disgusting people.
Gitmo guards, I'm an adult now, I don't usually ask for gifts for Christmas anymore, but if you could be my Santa and recreate this photo with these demons in their jumpsuits after they arrive... it would bring such joy to the world.
And if, by some chance, you can't get around to it before they are hung/shot, same request but just do it Weekend At Bernie's style.
Evil Pelosi lied UNDER OATH: "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
That's like seeing Satan's butthole in person.
So they think she is their god...🤮
I'm surprised, you'd think all that evil in one spot would start a black hole, or open up a portal to hell or something.🤔
Ball sack eyes
No masks?!??
What no masks or social distancing? And it’s not even the weekend yet, unless they consider weekends are 4 days long now.
Are they trying to say that Piglosi is the one in charge of Sleepy Joe & SleepAround Harris?
Pelosi wants her adrenochrome back
Ph D in what, booty hole surfing? What kind of ass hat puts their credentials at the end of their social media handle? 🤣
Is he wearing a bullet proof vest?! 🤔🤔🤔 If you're in custody and a high level asset wouldn't that be a good reason... Unless he just wears it for safety? I have so many questions!
It does look like it, but it could also be some kind of lizard person exoskeleton.
Doesn't matter.
Unless you are wearing Level III+ or IV hard steel / ceramic plates, pretty much any rifle - even "just" an AR15 - will punch clean thru soft body armor.
Also; just took a closer look; you are right; there does seem to be an oddly symmetrical shape on his front right, you can kind of see a vertical outline and then extends across his abdomen to his left, kind of like it would if he was wearing soft armor....
Alex is a shorty, he wouldn't be towering like that, and all the heads are shopped. Now what narrative would a phony picture like this serve? We don't need the confirmation of our belief that they are in cahoots.
The movie is for the normies
We read the book
The normies ought to get their tickets refunded for this low effort CGI.
This may be a white hat optic to confuse the evil minions into NOT running for cover... "Everything is under control... do not panic!" ...while they are getting rounded up.
I think it’s fake af, but there is some forced perspective going on. Not sure how tall the old man is either.
please research before you spread fake news. It's 100% real:
How is my opinion "spreading fake news?" It's an opinion. And it is confined to one comment thread in a series. And I don't see you making this remark to all the other people with the same opinion. Why are you picking on me?
I did reply to several others in the thread. I didn't mean to be a jerk, sorry. It's just not that hard to visit alex soros's twitter to verify before claiming this is fake....
I did not say the tweet was fake, but that the picture looked photoshopped. That's an opinion and I'm not getting into that argument more. I don't have twitter to check. As I understand it, though, anyone who has access to a twitter account can post a tweet, or a timer will send it, and many a tweet posted here has been met with skepticism. For instance, Obama's Mother's Day tweet to Michelle, and Michelle's sad birthday tweet. The fact that the tweet was sent on his account does not, by itself, prove he sent it or that the picture is what it seems to be. What was the place and occasion for these three to be hanging out between efforts to destroy civilization? Seems notable to me that they would be advertising it.
"Photoshopped" very clearly implies "Fake"
Anyway; I agree; we're ultimately on the same side; no need to argue any further.
You are right that social media can very easily be faked; telegram in particular has a flood of fake but trying to be legit accounts.
I pretty much never trust anything that any telegram account says, unless I've got multiple, MULTIPLE sources proving it is a legit acct.
As for the place & occasion; just rubbing our faces in it.
None of us will do a fucking thing about any of this, it seems.
Just having a good laugh at our expense because they know that we know about them....
This states it quite well:
Three people that will be hanging from a noose in the future…
Satan hanging out with Belial
Waiting on Soros to pull his collar and proclaim he gets no respect.
You see a pic of three evil MFers; I see three clean headshots.
Mozambique drill, brother. Double tap to the chest, one in the brain jelly.
Say when.
Now they’re just rubbing it in our faces, on purpose to show us that they’re still out there, in power. Not for long!
What a weird thing to say.
Traitor needs to be hung publicly
Of course they replace God with "piglosi" ......slime.
Of Course they would replace God with pelosi the high priestess of the satanic temple
Plenty of trees, just need rope.
Where are the swarms of killer bees when you need them!
Reminding her who the boss is?
I this pic was legit, those trees in the background would be being consumed with the fires of hell