Aussies can still push back without having their government literally murder them in the street since they still have the internet. You ever even HEAR about Myanmar before this year? I guarantee you everyone being in the dark about that country is intentional: easy to farm children for their nefarious deeds from a country most of the first world populace doesn't even really know exists!
It doesn't help that Myanmar used to be called Burma. If you haven't heard of either you likely didn't study much geography. Unfortunately that is the case with many people.
Well that may be true, but public school doesn't really educate a lot, and even if it DID teach me about Burma, chances are 30+ years after high school I wouldn't even remember any of it.
The only thing I had ever heard about Myanmar up to this year was the story about how corrupt and brutal there military was and how great Aung San Suu Kyi was. I think that may have been back in the day on Current TV, Al Gores propaganda channel
At times it feels like the white hats are using project mockingbird to get things done. I could see it but was ok with it because the white hats were unwinding things. However, jesus this could go bad in the wrong hands. Or had been in the wrong hands. I still don't like it being weaponize and used on the people.
You can still access it using the browser in incognito mode, e.g. install FireFox app on you mobile - each session is incognito. Twitter word if someone sends you the link. You don't have to login there anymore.
Yea there was a thread a about this a few days ago. How was it renewed? I mean an EO by definition must be signed by the Chief Executive. Ostensibly that is Biden. Is there a copy of the new EO?.
Wait a sec. EO 13848 was signed Sept 12, 2018. It was renewed Sept 10, 2020 by PDJT for 1 year.
An EO signed by Trump, on,11/1120 thru 11/11/21 concerns CCP involvement. The link to view that EO gives an error 404 at the White House website.
9/321 Biden signed EO 14041, but I can't find a record of a renewed EO 13848
Now I’m really confused!!!!! Why in the world would Biden extend this? Certainly his handlers would not want this. Are we to believe that the white hats are controlling Biden right now? What’s going on!?!
a). White hats controlling the White House website, possibly controling Biden too, or not fully controlling Biden but controlling part of the administration in some special mode.
b). Biden planning to use it to prepare and clean up the next elections.
They're Rhode Islanders. It's a one-party state. Everybody is a registered Democrat there. The Democrat Primaries are the only statewide elections that matter.
Maybe the cabal is going to use it against jan 6th people? The cabal would not want to get rid of an EO that gives government power. Don't be short sighted. It's not as clear as you think 🤔
So, are you saying that no Jews are good? What about what God says in the bible about Israel being his chosen? I’m beyond confused…..🤷♂️ Please help me understand
So, another question;
Does having alot of jewish bloodlines make one part of one of or more than one of the tribes of Israel and therefore part of God’s chosen, or does my being a born again Christian make all that irrelevant since I got saved ling before I studied genealogy and learned anything about it?
Bible is pretty clear that God blessed Abraham’s offspring and also that whoever believes in Christ will be saved. If you want to turn everything God deems good upside down then who better to attack than Jews? They are blessed by God and as a result have power, wealth, and intelligence but no longer have a relationship with God... The same is true of Europeans and Christians who have brought the light of Christianity to the world but no longer follow God. Again they have wealth, power, and intelligence that can be used to steal, kill, and destroy because they no longer follow God. In war you attack the strongholds, occupy them, and then turn them against your enemy.
There is all of mankind, Hebrews, Israel, and Judah (Jews). They are subsets. So many people don't understand that real Jews are a small percentage of the Israelites.
Israel in the Bible was a people. Israel today is a country in the middle east that may or may not contain some Israelites and some Jews. But most of the people in the country of Israel are not of Semitic ancestry, as proved by random DNA tests.
So Israel in the Bible is not connected to the people who call themselves Jews. The Bible referred to them as the "synagogue of Satan."
Ashkenazi Jews are supposedly descended from Ashkenaz, a descendant of Japheth (the white Europeans eventually), although I've read somewhere that they were really descended from Togarmah, a brother of Ashkenaz. I haven't been down that rabbit hole yet.
Jews ceased being God’s Chosen when God was crucified, when the earth shook and the curtain in the temple was rent in two. How can a people who REJECT GOD THE SON be His Chosen? The One, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is His Chosen People. Amen, alleluia!
Stop self-loathing and stop perpetuating a satanic lie. The Jews DENY Christ as the Messiah! THEY CEASE TO BE GOD’S CHOSEN. >>>Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me."
[John 14:6 DR]<<<
Eeeeh!!!! Wrong answer!! Jesus said any who believe in him will not be lost.
God also says to Israel, you will once again be my people and I will he your God
They will be His People when they convert to Christ. “No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” “Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.” It takes far more than just believing and professing. :)
Jesus the Son of God (1/3 of Trinity) was crucified. Any who choose To repent of sins and come to the cross are saved, not one particular denomination.
yep.... Alexandra (the channel I linked above) goes through her logic...the whole "dark to light" thing. We are all assuming that light=good but what if, following her logic, it's really just the first beast vs the 2nd (evil vs bad rather than evil vs good)? I mean....what does Lucifer mean? What does Illuminati mean? It all has to do with light. Another good point she makes is that "they" ALWAYS have both sides figured out and in play. I just think we all need to be very very careful with this.
I don’t trust the NESARA stuff either. Also the way it is pitched has always felt weird to me. Like it’s this total overhaul of the banks and people are already all-in? And then they start talking about cancelling debt? One-world currency seems just about as dangerous as one-world government to me. And I think Bitcoin has a similar problem. Decentralized means disconnected from your nation and we are supposed to be nationalists, not promoting international one-world currency. At the same time I do realize why people are wanting to work around fiat and the Federal Reserve.
Yeah I am all for the downfall of the fed and fiat, but not at the expense of what is potentially the mark of the beast.
We (the logical thinkers) are the productive members of society. We work hard and expect to be paid fairly for that work, but don't tend to expect something for nothing. I just don't see how wanting/expecting "free money" would make us any different than the commies wanting their Bernie/AOC handouts.
If NESARA does come to pass I will be last in line and likely sneaking toward the exit. Don't take that money.
THAT MONEY is our money. It’s been stolen from we the people over centuries. We have been enslaved and stolen from. Money is just a symbol of energy. That energy will be returned to us.
NESARA has too much in common with "The Great Reset" and "Build Back Better."
No one has ever shown any proof of the existence of NESARA. It's always some secret congressional bill that was never recorded anywhere with no physical copies. It's always espoused on the internet by woo-woo people who talk about a lot of other stuff that's provably bogus.
We aren't replacing God with Nesara, we are ridding ourselves of the evil control. It's our job not to relinquish it back to them.
Evil will not be destroyed until after Christ return, but we should aspire to the tenets of nesara. The author of this lends caution, fine, iys biblical to forgive debt and not to incur it. Our system weaponized money to enslave us. The author of the article explains issues we alreadybdeal with. Of course it won't be perfect because people are involved. But it should happen.
Well if debt free equals rich then fine. But I'll remind you, Trumpnsaid they took trillions from us and im gonna get it back for you. By my calculations I should auve about 3 million to my name for my life's work. Where is it?
Dude, imagine a system where we don't have a satanic cabal running some freaking fiat BS currency, and where taxes begin to fade away because the whole national debt travesty would be gone (wouldn't ever be possible to be just a kill switch to taxes, but they would fade away with time).
A system where you can live comfortably with just 1 income and dedicate most of your life for self-improvement.
That sounds like a "best to come" situation to me, no need for some nonsensical quantum what's it's or whatever, just a solid currency based on gold/silver/other natural resources
Kill the Fed and the IRS would be pretty nice. Having federal income taxes that were collected unconstitutionally being refunded would be sublime. A debt jubilee where usurious and illegal charges are rectified.
Gold and silver backed dollars will do incredible things to the prices of gold and silver.. These are just a few of the things that could well constitute "The best is yet to come..
In my view NESARA might be designed to mislead "stupid conspiracy theorists" and make them to take more debt in hope of debt forgiveness so the deep state can control more people through debt.
Hmm... That or Biden will get a reduced sentencing for aiding loyal Patriots. Half the time though I believe we have two Biden's and one is wearing a mask of some sorts. And the second Biden is the original...
But whatever happens it will be heck of a story for the History books that's for sure!
He always looks diff and it iiiiiiiss freaky. Cant stop thinking there are imposters even though i then feel ridiculous for thinking that lol. But none of them look like original biden to me at all. Plus, his ears keep changing!
I don't know why you're being down voted. His actions are so ridiculous and over the top it's almost as of they're being scripted for the biggest response possible...
Biden “Waking the tards up”, as you put it, by being a useful idiot is much different than being hailed as a patriot of generations. Which is what I am talking about.
flat earth crowd is idiots brainwashed by CIA to spread bullshit and take away wind in our sails. Ignore them if they are that dumb. Also ignore them if they think there is aother world inside the earth. Just larping shills that use themselves to point out how dumb any movement is by tieing them to it.
Have you shut off the tv yet? Let me fill you in on what is really happening in the world. The battle against the Satanic Pedophile Cabal is almost over. GCR and Nesara are being implemented worldwide. The countries most affected by the cabal are in line to receive freedom first. Afghanistan is under Taliban control and have cycled away from satanic Jew dollars. Any news you hear about how bad the Taliban are killing people is false. They are killing CIA paid terrorists (ISIS). A feat that we should applaud (picrel). Myanmar was the First Nation. A country that has had its children enslaved and sold for decades was finally freed and natural law has returned to its borders. Still believe the tv? Brazil's government is being exposed as America Lite in real time with president Bolsanaro as its country's savior. You're being fed covid distractions by operation mockingbird to hide all of this. Devolution has been confirmed here with the renewal of Trumps EO against Foreign Election Interference. Biden didn't announce it nor would he ever want to renew it. Wake up now while there's still time to acclimate to change. It's going to be very difficult if your mind can only accept a hammer to the head to wake up.
I don't care what this says. The Taliban are evil. They are beating women outside of the schools just for learning. Their religious laws are not compatible with a free minded society.
I have to admit that I can almost wrap my head around it. They had MAGA hats in the background a few times and it almost seemed like a message. I’m wondering if they are dealing with ISIS false flagging them possibly leading to their own factions causing trouble due to lack of communication. It would be hard to grasp for me to be honest, but I’m prepared for crazy revelations.
The Biden installation is pure fiction! If you sign this EO and than you see under your eyes nothing will happen .... believe me you will not going around so confident playing golf. Remember he was painted as a racist xenophobic fascist ignorant ... for years worldwide. You can't do this to yourself and your family in exchange of nothing. Is a big plan and it is slow like a tsunami....
Myanmar may be free, but they are also free to persecute the church. At least that is the news I've heard through missionary channels. Same with the Taliban. Anyone who thinks the church will be more free there with them in control is kidding themselves. I'm not making any arguments about whether this is true or not, but some of the results still bother me.
honestly seeing anything that says "almost over" or "soon" or any words like that just pisses me off. I don't doubt we will win this in the end but stop fucking putting timing related words on it. it just discourages people when stuff doesnt happen "soon". bc lets be real, this shit isnt ending for a few more years IF that and they were saying "soon" 3+ years ago. people need to focus on the here and now and the small things that bring us joy. focusing on a moving timeline will inevitably lead to upset. go do a puzzle, pray for our country, and enjoy the small simple moments with loved ones.
Everything happening is lunacy speak we were told our whole lives Russia bad Russia Russia Russia I now feel Putin is an ally in this he hates pedophiles we have 400000 kids go missing every year Russia 0 he has openly called nwo satanic lots of opposite world going on Taliban burning poppy fields cutting off cia dark monies
The Trump EO being renewed has to be the biggest clue we have had this year. There is no way the cabal had anything to do with that.
Got a link?
What about Australia?
Aussies can still push back without having their government literally murder them in the street since they still have the internet. You ever even HEAR about Myanmar before this year? I guarantee you everyone being in the dark about that country is intentional: easy to farm children for their nefarious deeds from a country most of the first world populace doesn't even really know exists!
It doesn't help that Myanmar used to be called Burma. If you haven't heard of either you likely didn't study much geography. Unfortunately that is the case with many people.
Well that may be true, but public school doesn't really educate a lot, and even if it DID teach me about Burma, chances are 30+ years after high school I wouldn't even remember any of it.
The only thing I had ever heard about Myanmar up to this year was the story about how corrupt and brutal there military was and how great Aung San Suu Kyi was. I think that may have been back in the day on Current TV, Al Gores propaganda channel
That and the last Rambo movie
Fren.. this just put the spaced-out tyrannical Biden administration into a new light for me.
Holy smokes it IS a movie!
The bible does indicate, in Revelation especially
Makes sense to me. The White Hat version of predictive programming.
At times it feels like the white hats are using project mockingbird to get things done. I could see it but was ok with it because the white hats were unwinding things. However, jesus this could go bad in the wrong hands. Or had been in the wrong hands. I still don't like it being weaponize and used on the people.
How is Trump Jr a narrator of the play? He just reposts other people's memes
I’m blocked from twitter. Links or images would be good.
You can still access it using the browser in incognito mode, e.g. install FireFox app on you mobile - each session is incognito. Twitter word if someone sends you the link. You don't have to login there anymore.
Yea there was a thread a about this a few days ago. How was it renewed? I mean an EO by definition must be signed by the Chief Executive. Ostensibly that is Biden. Is there a copy of the new EO?.
Wait a sec. EO 13848 was signed Sept 12, 2018. It was renewed Sept 10, 2020 by PDJT for 1 year.
An EO signed by Trump, on,11/1120 thru 11/11/21 concerns CCP involvement. The link to view that EO gives an error 404 at the White House website.
9/321 Biden signed EO 14041, but I can't find a record of a renewed EO 13848
TY. So Biden did extend it for a year!
Wow. Didn't expect to see Biden under that one!
Now I’m really confused!!!!! Why in the world would Biden extend this? Certainly his handlers would not want this. Are we to believe that the white hats are controlling Biden right now? What’s going on!?!
It can be explained in may ways:
a). White hats controlling the White House website, possibly controling Biden too, or not fully controlling Biden but controlling part of the administration in some special mode.
b). Biden planning to use it to prepare and clean up the next elections.
For me bigger than that is flynns brother in charge of troops that will engage China.
That appointment t happened after Biden was supposedly president.
Well, Mike Flynn was a registered Democrat, not sure about the brother(s), so this should be interesting!
Flynn and Trump were both dems at some point in the past.
They're Rhode Islanders. It's a one-party state. Everybody is a registered Democrat there. The Democrat Primaries are the only statewide elections that matter.
Gotta admin... that was a pretty big shot in the arm... without the metallic particles or spike proteins... so that's a plus!!!
Maybe the cabal is going to use it against jan 6th people? The cabal would not want to get rid of an EO that gives government power. Don't be short sighted. It's not as clear as you think 🤔
So nothing is what it seems... Question everything...
Be careful walking back through history... take it slow and one step at a time.
It is one thing to wake up to what is happening today.
Waking up to the past is one big Hash House Harriers fun run... without the fun.
Don't fear to do it.
Just take it slow.
Like WW2....
Who the actual enemies were, and who the actual good guys were?
Jews, communists, and bankers were the enemies, and they won. The soldiers and civilians were the good guys, and they lost.
Patton was right
Operation paperclip began the infiltration vs invasion Q mentions.
So, are you saying that no Jews are good? What about what God says in the bible about Israel being his chosen? I’m beyond confused…..🤷♂️ Please help me understand
So, another question; Does having alot of jewish bloodlines make one part of one of or more than one of the tribes of Israel and therefore part of God’s chosen, or does my being a born again Christian make all that irrelevant since I got saved ling before I studied genealogy and learned anything about it?
Bible is pretty clear that God blessed Abraham’s offspring and also that whoever believes in Christ will be saved. If you want to turn everything God deems good upside down then who better to attack than Jews? They are blessed by God and as a result have power, wealth, and intelligence but no longer have a relationship with God... The same is true of Europeans and Christians who have brought the light of Christianity to the world but no longer follow God. Again they have wealth, power, and intelligence that can be used to steal, kill, and destroy because they no longer follow God. In war you attack the strongholds, occupy them, and then turn them against your enemy.
Being a real Jew means being a member of the tribe of Judah. Some Jewish families can trace their genealogies back that far. Most cannot.
Are all 12 tribes of Judah (Isreal) currently scattered worldwide then?
There is all of mankind, Hebrews, Israel, and Judah (Jews). They are subsets. So many people don't understand that real Jews are a small percentage of the Israelites.
Israel in the Bible was a people. Israel today is a country in the middle east that may or may not contain some Israelites and some Jews. But most of the people in the country of Israel are not of Semitic ancestry, as proved by random DNA tests.
So Israel in the Bible is not connected to the people who call themselves Jews. The Bible referred to them as the "synagogue of Satan."
Ashkenazi Jews are supposedly descended from Ashkenaz, a descendant of Japheth (the white Europeans eventually), although I've read somewhere that they were really descended from Togarmah, a brother of Ashkenaz. I haven't been down that rabbit hole yet.
Jews ceased being God’s Chosen when God was crucified, when the earth shook and the curtain in the temple was rent in two. How can a people who REJECT GOD THE SON be His Chosen? The One, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is His Chosen People. Amen, alleluia!
Read 2 Chronicles 7:14
Stop self-loathing and stop perpetuating a satanic lie. The Jews DENY Christ as the Messiah! THEY CEASE TO BE GOD’S CHOSEN. >>>Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me." [John 14:6 DR]<<<
Eeeeh!!!! Wrong answer!! Jesus said any who believe in him will not be lost.
God also says to Israel, you will once again be my people and I will he your God
They will be His People when they convert to Christ. “No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” “Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.” It takes far more than just believing and professing. :)
Jesus the Son of God (1/3 of Trinity) was crucified. Any who choose To repent of sins and come to the cross are saved, not one particular denomination.
For sure... Always have, always will! Been awake than I ever have before and since 2016 in fact.
Hash House Harriers? Haven’t heard that since I was stationed in Iwakuni.
Is NESARA The Beast system?
I've always had a bad feeling about the whole NESARA thing - even just from a common sense standpoint, something that seems too good to be true.....
From a more sinister standpoint, it (and the QFS system at large) could very well be the 2nd beast.
I stumbled across this channel recently and have started watching from oldest to newest:
Definitely has made me think. Haven't made up my mind yet. Would be very interested to hear others' thoughts.
As in beast if Revelation? Aka antichrist
yep.... Alexandra (the channel I linked above) goes through her logic...the whole "dark to light" thing. We are all assuming that light=good but what if, following her logic, it's really just the first beast vs the 2nd (evil vs bad rather than evil vs good)? I mean....what does Lucifer mean? What does Illuminati mean? It all has to do with light. Another good point she makes is that "they" ALWAYS have both sides figured out and in play. I just think we all need to be very very careful with this.
I don’t trust the NESARA stuff either. Also the way it is pitched has always felt weird to me. Like it’s this total overhaul of the banks and people are already all-in? And then they start talking about cancelling debt? One-world currency seems just about as dangerous as one-world government to me. And I think Bitcoin has a similar problem. Decentralized means disconnected from your nation and we are supposed to be nationalists, not promoting international one-world currency. At the same time I do realize why people are wanting to work around fiat and the Federal Reserve.
Yeah I am all for the downfall of the fed and fiat, but not at the expense of what is potentially the mark of the beast.
We (the logical thinkers) are the productive members of society. We work hard and expect to be paid fairly for that work, but don't tend to expect something for nothing. I just don't see how wanting/expecting "free money" would make us any different than the commies wanting their Bernie/AOC handouts.
If NESARA does come to pass I will be last in line and likely sneaking toward the exit. Don't take that money.
THAT MONEY is our money. It’s been stolen from we the people over centuries. We have been enslaved and stolen from. Money is just a symbol of energy. That energy will be returned to us.
NESARA has too much in common with "The Great Reset" and "Build Back Better."
No one has ever shown any proof of the existence of NESARA. It's always some secret congressional bill that was never recorded anywhere with no physical copies. It's always espoused on the internet by woo-woo people who talk about a lot of other stuff that's provably bogus.
So I would ignore it as much as possible.
would be great if that was more analytical than trying to bible it
We aren't replacing God with Nesara, we are ridding ourselves of the evil control. It's our job not to relinquish it back to them.
Evil will not be destroyed until after Christ return, but we should aspire to the tenets of nesara. The author of this lends caution, fine, iys biblical to forgive debt and not to incur it. Our system weaponized money to enslave us. The author of the article explains issues we alreadybdeal with. Of course it won't be perfect because people are involved. But it should happen.
Simy put, if the bank is gone, who do you owe?
u/jager Nesara is just hopium. It basically boils down to "the banks are gonna die and we're all gonna be rich over night because of the new QFS"
They've been saying the same BS for decades now
Well if debt free equals rich then fine. But I'll remind you, Trumpnsaid they took trillions from us and im gonna get it back for you. By my calculations I should auve about 3 million to my name for my life's work. Where is it?
GAMESTOP and AMC and SILVER might help you find it.
What if, just what if it isn't BS?? what if, just what if it is "The best is yet to come" writ large??
I'm tired of hearing that.
Dude, imagine a system where we don't have a satanic cabal running some freaking fiat BS currency, and where taxes begin to fade away because the whole national debt travesty would be gone (wouldn't ever be possible to be just a kill switch to taxes, but they would fade away with time).
A system where you can live comfortably with just 1 income and dedicate most of your life for self-improvement.
That sounds like a "best to come" situation to me, no need for some nonsensical quantum what's it's or whatever, just a solid currency based on gold/silver/other natural resources
Kill the Fed and the IRS would be pretty nice. Having federal income taxes that were collected unconstitutionally being refunded would be sublime. A debt jubilee where usurious and illegal charges are rectified. Gold and silver backed dollars will do incredible things to the prices of gold and silver.. These are just a few of the things that could well constitute "The best is yet to come..
Will those who have stolen from us to get rich be forced to give it back? This is my prayer
In my view NESARA might be designed to mislead "stupid conspiracy theorists" and make them to take more debt in hope of debt forgiveness so the deep state can control more people through debt.
It's difficult to accept now, but eventually you all will see that Biden is on our side, just playing his role
He might even go down as one of the most important Patriots of our era when history looks back on us
Well lets not get ahead of ourselves on that Patriot part of the
Maybe he might be a useful idiot, but nothing more. His moral compass is a weathervane spinning in the wind.
Hmm... That or Biden will get a reduced sentencing for aiding loyal Patriots. Half the time though I believe we have two Biden's and one is wearing a mask of some sorts. And the second Biden is the original...
But whatever happens it will be heck of a story for the History books that's for sure!
The real Biden is gone
All twenty of the "Biden" actors.
He always looks diff and it iiiiiiiss freaky. Cant stop thinking there are imposters even though i then feel ridiculous for thinking that lol. But none of them look like original biden to me at all. Plus, his ears keep changing!
I don't know why you're being down voted. His actions are so ridiculous and over the top it's almost as of they're being scripted for the biggest response possible...
" of the most important Patriots of our era..."
There is literally not one single action in his 40 year crime career to suggest anything of the sort.
Except you know, waking the tards up currently... Which is what we're talking about
Biden “Waking the tards up”, as you put it, by being a useful idiot is much different than being hailed as a patriot of generations. Which is what I am talking about.
Thought I made that clear, but guess not.
Maybe it's just hyperbole?
Doesn't make him a good guy. His comment says he is "on our side".
Bidan is (on our side), but Biden is, in the words of our POTUS, “...He’s shot... half his head is gone...” (23:46)
I've had people try to sell me bridges but that sir could cover the Mediterranean
When someone mentions nesara I go back to sleep since the 'flat earth crowd' always shilling it
flat earth crowd is idiots brainwashed by CIA to spread bullshit and take away wind in our sails. Ignore them if they are that dumb. Also ignore them if they think there is aother world inside the earth. Just larping shills that use themselves to point out how dumb any movement is by tieing them to it.
Sounds plausible.
Ya, reality is a little loosey goosey now days to use as performance indicators. It's hard to put it all together in real time.
Have you shut off the tv yet? Let me fill you in on what is really happening in the world. The battle against the Satanic Pedophile Cabal is almost over. GCR and Nesara are being implemented worldwide. The countries most affected by the cabal are in line to receive freedom first. Afghanistan is under Taliban control and have cycled away from satanic Jew dollars. Any news you hear about how bad the Taliban are killing people is false. They are killing CIA paid terrorists (ISIS). A feat that we should applaud (picrel). Myanmar was the First Nation. A country that has had its children enslaved and sold for decades was finally freed and natural law has returned to its borders. Still believe the tv? Brazil's government is being exposed as America Lite in real time with president Bolsanaro as its country's savior. You're being fed covid distractions by operation mockingbird to hide all of this. Devolution has been confirmed here with the renewal of Trumps EO against Foreign Election Interference. Biden didn't announce it nor would he ever want to renew it. Wake up now while there's still time to acclimate to change. It's going to be very difficult if your mind can only accept a hammer to the head to wake up.
I don't care what this says. The Taliban are evil. They are beating women outside of the schools just for learning. Their religious laws are not compatible with a free minded society.
Correct. They confiscated guns from the people and are implementing Sharia Law. They are not good guys.
If you looked at what the news said of covid, would you believe how deadly it is?
Apply that logic to this.
What is a JANNIE?
Moderator on the chans.
Btw you're killing it in this thread - saved me some effort on the NESARA Convo up top, thanks.
They remove threads they see as clutter, without monetary compensation.
Nice if true, but highly doubtful.
I disagree with the Taliban being "good guys" but everything else in this post is interesting.
It depends what you mean by "good".
They were the people running the place before our CIA went in and set up a puppet government. That much is true.
I have to admit that I can almost wrap my head around it. They had MAGA hats in the background a few times and it almost seemed like a message. I’m wondering if they are dealing with ISIS false flagging them possibly leading to their own factions causing trouble due to lack of communication. It would be hard to grasp for me to be honest, but I’m prepared for crazy revelations.
I read it up until Nesara.
Soooo america last then?
The paradox inherent in being The Best and The Brightest.
I hate the anti-christ
But Q has never mentioned Nesara
yup, pretty much nailed it.
This is a wet dream…… In the real world folks choising between jabs and feeding their family
The Biden installation is pure fiction! If you sign this EO and than you see under your eyes nothing will happen .... believe me you will not going around so confident playing golf. Remember he was painted as a racist xenophobic fascist ignorant ... for years worldwide. You can't do this to yourself and your family in exchange of nothing. Is a big plan and it is slow like a tsunami....
Myanmar may be free, but they are also free to persecute the church. At least that is the news I've heard through missionary channels. Same with the Taliban. Anyone who thinks the church will be more free there with them in control is kidding themselves. I'm not making any arguments about whether this is true or not, but some of the results still bother me.
I wish the news was read like this on tv.
What or who are Jannies?
honestly seeing anything that says "almost over" or "soon" or any words like that just pisses me off. I don't doubt we will win this in the end but stop fucking putting timing related words on it. it just discourages people when stuff doesnt happen "soon". bc lets be real, this shit isnt ending for a few more years IF that and they were saying "soon" 3+ years ago. people need to focus on the here and now and the small things that bring us joy. focusing on a moving timeline will inevitably lead to upset. go do a puzzle, pray for our country, and enjoy the small simple moments with loved ones.
Pretty much sums up how I feel about it.
I work every fucking day to build foundations to make a better tomorrow no matter what the commie bastards do.
So, do they not take forcefully child brides amd behead innocent people?
Anything that says Taliban good is retarded. They're taking weapons away from citizens no good comes when that happens
Everything happening is lunacy speak we were told our whole lives Russia bad Russia Russia Russia I now feel Putin is an ally in this he hates pedophiles we have 400000 kids go missing every year Russia 0 he has openly called nwo satanic lots of opposite world going on Taliban burning poppy fields cutting off cia dark monies