If she wants to protect herself she should tell everything she knows about everything now, so there is no more incentive to terrorize or kill her or somebody she loves.
She'll have to throw away all her food with rubber gloves, or else she is going to come down with something that looks a lot like covid so they can get her in the hospital on a vent.
The CIA killed Bob Marley by mailing him a pair of new cowboy boots. He tried them on and one of his feet was scratched by a small piece of metal. He died from that scratch.
A firearm would keep a doctor from treating you at all, which could save her life given that they seem desperate to put you on shit that causes organ failure, then on a ventilator so you can die on it.
It is a question of priority. Your revenge murder will be a back-burner thing, when there are so many people who can actually do you damage unless silenced today.
The fact that they haven't killed her, but are trying to scare her means that they are hoping to shut her up.
The FBI and CIA can't afford to hire talented domestic terrorists these days... so they are using regular staff members. You can't expect to get quality terrorism from regular FBI office staff.
No I finally realized why they suck so bad. One of Trumps last moves before he "left" was removing all military support to the CIA. I am betting they used to get the real military badasses to do their dirty work and lied about what it was for and now that they don't have that they can't even steal a cat without f******* up
That cat had alterior motives, he wanted to see what the food and litter was like on the other side. He should be back shortly... that is unless he likes Larry's food and litter more.
I don't know why, but your response gave me the giggles! I have a mental picture of a cat wrapped around a person's head with it's claws buried into the back of the nick with a death grip, while the person is frantically trying to pull the cat away from his face without any luck.
If she was a 'no fucks given' caller out of the evils before, she will only be exponentially more so now. I hope she has friends and people she trusts near-by who are armed that can rally around her.
Because pedophiles are the one group that absolutely can't stand being parted from addiction and exposed for their crimes. They despite the people who try to reveal them and take away their candy.
Pedos are like cockroaches. Where there is one, there are more hiding. They group together in order to protect their trade and feel "normal". If the victims tries to run to another adult for justice they'll likely just run into another pedo.
They hate Rose because she called them out for sick POS they are. Pedos never regards what they do as a "crime". Most will claim "That 9 year old seduced me."
Rose calling them out hurts their deep delusion that they aren't that bad. That they're really just like you and I, but with a little bit of a kink.
I'd take anything she says with a grain of salt, she tweeted this when Trump was president:
"Dear #Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us. #Soleimani"
She likes a drink? After listening to her I'm sure she self medicated herself with booze on the reg.
It's normal for those who are struggling with what has happened to them.
I'm only loosely following her story, but man! what a rollercoaster.
It seems like over the last few months she's really come out against the democrats specifically, really gunning for them.
Awesome to see it, I hope she gets the help she deserves.
I guess I'm wired backwards, I only like to drink when I'm not stressed and already having a good time. Drinking while stressed has only made me feel worse and I don't even finish the drink.
Did you watch her interview with Tucker Carlson? In my opinion, she seems very genuine. Remember, she was actually raped by scumbag Weinstine. Her life was pretty rough for several years. I think she wants to stay in the "spotlight" to encourage true rape victims to have hope and all is not lost. She is a little nutty but in the most fun way. She is living her best life. Just a thought.
I wouldn't say you are wrong, I can't be 100% sure what her motives are. I just happened to catch the interview the other day and found it to be interesting and enlightening. She grew up in a cult. Thank you.
If you're a washed up entertainment personality who wants to stay in the limelight, a better strategy is to come out shilling for lefty causes like BLM or global warming, or covid vaccines.
Did she say “who’s cloning my phone?” I take that to mean someone has cloned her SIM card and can act as her online, receive all her texts, entire digital identity. Not difficult to do. Just pay off a customer service rep at her wireless provider. The fact that she’s alive and still poking at them means to me that she’s protected.
If she wants to protect herself she should tell everything she knows about everything now, so there is no more incentive to terrorize or kill her or somebody she loves.
Three words.
I was devastated to hear about her suicide next week.
exactly. These kinds of people will happily yeet you from existence to protect their secrets.
WINS the Internets today!!!!
Golf Clap
Something tells me she's pretty protected. Not many females would stand there like that, in that situation. She's packing for sure.
She'll have to throw away all her food with rubber gloves, or else she is going to come down with something that looks a lot like covid so they can get her in the hospital on a vent.
A firearm won't help her with that.
More than that. Every tactile surface in the house could be covered with a surface active agent like DMSO mixed with any number of toxins.
The CIA killed Bob Marley by mailing him a pair of new cowboy boots. He tried them on and one of his feet was scratched by a small piece of metal. He died from that scratch.
I totally believe that. Couple of years ago I would not have. Anyone who could interfere with their plans to sow discord and hate had to go.
He had melanoma.
Sorry… it was sneakers and the gift was handed to him.
This has been debunked many times. It was originally posted to YourNewsWire and the guy who ran that site even said he was sure it was bullshit.
wait what, how can a needle be cancerous?
A firearm would keep a doctor from treating you at all, which could save her life given that they seem desperate to put you on shit that causes organ failure, then on a ventilator so you can die on it.
And a deadman's switch.
Great point!
Although it didnt help kappy or epstein lol
This makes it seem like they don't enjoy vengeful killing just for the sake of killing. They do.
It is a question of priority. Your revenge murder will be a back-burner thing, when there are so many people who can actually do you damage unless silenced today.
The fact that they haven't killed her, but are trying to scare her means that they are hoping to shut her up.
It's our fault.
The FBI and CIA can't afford to hire talented domestic terrorists these days... so they are using regular staff members. You can't expect to get quality terrorism from regular FBI office staff.
Correct!!! They are too busy at swinger parties and beating their wives….
Also dressing like ambercrombie and fitch faggots while attending false flag rallies…!!!!
You meant "Abercrombie & Snitch"
No I finally realized why they suck so bad. One of Trumps last moves before he "left" was removing all military support to the CIA. I am betting they used to get the real military badasses to do their dirty work and lied about what it was for and now that they don't have that they can't even steal a cat without f******* up
Tell that to that prick larry who stole my cat
That cat had alterior motives, he wanted to see what the food and litter was like on the other side. He should be back shortly... that is unless he likes Larry's food and litter more.
I don't know why, but your response gave me the giggles! I have a mental picture of a cat wrapped around a person's head with it's claws buried into the back of the nick with a death grip, while the person is frantically trying to pull the cat away from his face without any luck.
Cat was a ninja in one of his 9 lives
I bet that was something to see!
I love animals. Thank you for sharing your story about your pet.
You nailed it. It's amateur hour.
That's certainly a newly minted phrase: quality terrorists. A keeper, for sure.
they've used up all their 'ammunition'
Wow, they are panicking. Opening trying to kill her?!?
The other day she did say something about Bill Clinton...
Context or not, one thing I do know is this -
If she was a 'no fucks given' caller out of the evils before, she will only be exponentially more so now. I hope she has friends and people she trusts near-by who are armed that can rally around her.
Maybe that's the idea. Bolden her up to fall harder. Of course that wouldn't accomplish much for the enemy
Gonna be honest. This was a warning. If they wanted her dead at this point, she would be dead.
This was a scare tactic to get her back in line, they thought it would work, and didnt want a high profile killing on the books atm (for some reason).
They thought it would work for her or they wouldn't have bothered, but looks like its gonna backfire...bigtime.
Because pedophiles are the one group that absolutely can't stand being parted from addiction and exposed for their crimes. They despite the people who try to reveal them and take away their candy.
Pedos are like cockroaches. Where there is one, there are more hiding. They group together in order to protect their trade and feel "normal". If the victims tries to run to another adult for justice they'll likely just run into another pedo.
They hate Rose because she called them out for sick POS they are. Pedos never regards what they do as a "crime". Most will claim "That 9 year old seduced me."
Rose calling them out hurts their deep delusion that they aren't that bad. That they're really just like you and I, but with a little bit of a kink.
DEW attack coming up while she is driving??
Hope she drives and old car.
I'd take anything she says with a grain of salt, she tweeted this when Trump was president:
I would need a drink after this ordeal, tooz
She likes a drink? After listening to her I'm sure she self medicated herself with booze on the reg.
It's normal for those who are struggling with what has happened to them.
I'm only loosely following her story, but man! what a rollercoaster.
It seems like over the last few months she's really come out against the democrats specifically, really gunning for them.
Awesome to see it, I hope she gets the help she deserves.
Looks like a bottle with literally one drink poured out if any.
If it was me, it wouldn't be just 1 bottle at the door.
I'm not an alcoholic. I'm Australian.
What's wrong with a drink after a stressful time?
I guess I'm wired backwards, I only like to drink when I'm not stressed and already having a good time. Drinking while stressed has only made me feel worse and I don't even finish the drink.
Or a Doobie?
She’s so brave
I will just put it here: Rose McGowan did not kill herself
This looks like one of those swastika's painted on the walls with the pictures conveniently moved before the painting was done
Praying for a covering of protection for her right now.
She should tie a garage pull into a noose, today, now.
fuck that makes me mad, they will send investigators for that but not for actual terrorism
At the risk of being insensitive, Rose McGowan has been working hard to stay visible the last few years. Are we sure this isn't a publicity stunt?
Did you watch her interview with Tucker Carlson? In my opinion, she seems very genuine. Remember, she was actually raped by scumbag Weinstine. Her life was pretty rough for several years. I think she wants to stay in the "spotlight" to encourage true rape victims to have hope and all is not lost. She is a little nutty but in the most fun way. She is living her best life. Just a thought.
I could be wrong. wouldn't be the first time. Wont be the last.
I wouldn't say you are wrong, I can't be 100% sure what her motives are. I just happened to catch the interview the other day and found it to be interesting and enlightening. She grew up in a cult. Thank you.
you mean hollywood?
No, I think the name of the cult that here parents were in was called Children of God. If you have Fox Nation, the interview is on there.
Sorry, lol. Dumb joke.
But I'll look the interview up. I'm sure it's mirrored somewhere.
If I could share it I would. I am not sure how or if I can do it.
If you're a washed up entertainment personality who wants to stay in the limelight, a better strategy is to come out shilling for lefty causes like BLM or global warming, or covid vaccines.
I could be wrong. I'm not saying it's the case.
But you do have the right idea to consider all angles.
I look at the left, that falls for anything that falls in their side's favor, and I try to learn from that mistake.
A decade-long publicity stunt? I doubt it.
Just making sure we're considering the possibility.
Sleep with dogs and pick up fleas.
Not a very secure looking door ... looks like a prop. No lock?
Things are gonna get SPICY in CA. Watch CA.
anyone have more info about operation rose?
She's gonna get Brandy Vaughn-ed.
Did she say “who’s cloning my phone?” I take that to mean someone has cloned her SIM card and can act as her online, receive all her texts, entire digital identity. Not difficult to do. Just pay off a customer service rep at her wireless provider. The fact that she’s alive and still poking at them means to me that she’s protected.
Sounds like she had just polished off the wine that had been in the bottle on the floor :)
If she wants to be taken seriously, she needs to move the alcohol bottle from the floor.
what else is new?
Damn she sounds trashed lol
this is actually creepy af and she's gonna be dead soon. brave girl. hope she hires security and gets a gun...or 5
What a dump
Facebook blocked me from sharing her tweet because it contains harmful content. SMH
how does any public media persona not have a surveillance system
Scare tactics
Here is their confirmation that they are afraid of her and want her to shut up.