Probably true that full audits are already completed in most states.
When Arizona results are released, and then in October results from the 4 largest counties in Texas also show massive Democrat voter fraud... other states will have no choice but to conduct audits (or release the results already known).
Most people don't understand what an audit actually is, and so will 100% believe the "Biden confirmed" spin the media is currently doing. They think the audit is a recount and was going to confirm Biden or Trump.
Of course the audit will reiterate the Biden vote count because it was NEVER about rejecting bad votes and recounting. It was about counting the votes, tallying bad votes, and reporting on those. Or you know an audit: where one tallies the bad records and reports them. The results of that audit are going to return that enough votes are "bad" to cover Biden's lead many times over. But what it will NOT do is say that Biden's votes are bad. It will just call a hard number of bad votes, and leave it at that. Which is apparently what is coming out.
The audit cannot flip the election, the audit will call the validity of the election into complete doubt with proof. If a massive number of certified votes are bad, certification is called into doubt. At this point it becomes legally impossible to determine a winner. Its not going to say Trump won, its going to say "we thus have no idea who won because the data is bad."
IMO what this audit and others is about is convincing the folks running Continuance of Government operations that yes indeed the election is bad and they have to do something. If its going to go down, these people were about to do the most drastic act in US history, and so really wanted to be sure. Wouldn't you?
Sadly due to the Media's spin its likely to be a much messier operation and far more likely to result in a real war. The public will not be swayed from the division its already taken. Which also what the enemy wants: they are trying to bully the CoG into standing down and letting the Globalist-socialists keep their conquered USA and puppet Biden by trying to make the Patriots face the prospect of a no-win scenario where everybody loses in a bloody, bloody civil war and non-stop riots if the Patriots don't comply.
IMO there is serious doubt if even 1 in 10 people would actually do a damn thing to defend Biden. Twitter is all shills and bots, and social media is no effort nor risk. HOw many of these "Will fight for Biden" freaks actually show up? It will be what it always will have been Patriots vs Mercenaries hired by the globalists. Antifa and BLM was both run by merc hired out of ISIS FARC and other radical groups by the globalists.
I mean did you ever possibly underestimate how evil these people are?
My thoughts have been in a similar vein. They don't necessarily need to get Trump back in (that can come later), they only need to prove that Biden cheated. The trigger for the military to step in overtly, I believe, will be whatever he and/or his handlers do in response.
Use the Kool-Aid analogy. If everything were to go as planned, you'd be able to pour yourself a nice glass of refreshing Kool-Aid. Some folks like theirs too sweet, others like theirs not so sweet. Either way we could come up with a reasonable compromise.
The Dims flooded theirs with mostly water and no Kool-Aid. and trying to sell it to us at 10x the price. The only thing we need to show today is that the clown in chief isn't duly elected and most of us can tell that without even tasting the so called ' Kool-Aid' in the pitcher.
ThNks for that friend, this is the first comment I have read bringing the realities to light of our current situation.
But I will say it again & again, I will fight & die or live thru more time of hardship if it means my children can live in a world of peace & rid of these sick fucks.
I don’t doubt there is a real possibility for war but like you said, it won’t be the pansies for Biden. It will be mercenaries bought and labeled the UN, NATO & China.
Melbourne is a good litmus to see how the globalists tactics.
I’m more inclined to see Melbourne and the country generally as the Chinese flexing their muscle to the globalists because of the debt payments deadlines coming next week.......
We must remember that the current globalists are in an alliance with Chyna and others to achieve mutual goals.....
That alliance is coming under a lot of strain as the globalists try to hold off the financial crash that will shortly come by reacting to events.... this has significantly effected Chynas financial situation especially within their own borders.....
It’s amazing to watch this play out..... to see how desperate Chyna now are.... so desperate they are trading in all their ‘influences’ in Australia and the deep infiltration within the political arena including within governments federal and state....
I remember reading a Military Times article around election time (before I think), that talked about what units were deployed and that more with cyber capabilities were being deployed at the time.
I never forgot that so many NG units were deployed and that they did not come home immediately. But damn, they kept their activities close to the vest for almost a year. Not a peep. Just wow.
I was in the Air Force and have had a clearance almost my entire life at this point. I know the majority will never leak. But there are always bad actors who could spoil the ambush.
But think about knowing that you as a young soldier know that the wrong person became President and cannot say a word. I would be put to the test to keep that secret!
I was TDY in Panama during Nicaragua/Contra etc. First thing was an OSI briefing about OPSEC and basically told that the USSR was right-off the coast listening to EVERYTHING and for everyone to keep our lips zipped. A day later our Comm shop troop, an E-5 told his wife on the phone our launch schedule!!! It wasn't even an hour later that guy was physically dragged outta wasn't pretty. Went to the beach a few days later and a ship absolutely COVERED with dishes and antennas was slowly sailing about 1000 yards off the coast, and an A-7D launched from Howard belching smoke a few hundred feet above same ship. Quite a show...but yeah there's always people that can't keep their lips zipped and I gotta give these current troops credit.
Yeah, thats the way I read it to. One even mwntions many states that were being checked. I dont know how true this is or how it would be able to be kept quiet for so long. Or if it was just recounts and not forensic audits.
I have doubts on ANYTHING COMING FROM GEORGENEWS....that website when it started was found to be on a bunch of HACKERS SERVER...they got burned to the ground not long after GEORGENEW started up. They found them through their IP which was no small feat, but they did find them there and soon as the fire hit they were off line. So I tend to believe these folks are bad actors of some sorts, not to mention they constantly promote Biden on that Channel more than Trump anymore. It started off as a Trump thing to try to get people to like them and believe they were with Trump, I would never trust anything from that channel.
Here is the place the servers were housed....why hide GEORGENEWS there, why pump Biden 24/7 now?
Oh these are pics from George News from 2020! I have been in a toss about George News, and I think perhaps they are actually legit (as in have inside access) after all
Wait so what if the cyber ninjas is the NG or some similar gov entity that or their job on top of the audit was to draw in as many eyes as possible.. i.e the 9 cameras, and the stadium, and Wendy just constantly being loud as fuc* (not a bad thing)
Amen, Patriot.
Probably true that full audits are already completed in most states.
When Arizona results are released, and then in October results from the 4 largest counties in Texas also show massive Democrat voter fraud... other states will have no choice but to conduct audits (or release the results already known).
Oct also has expiration of deadline from Federal Judge for Fulton Co. GA records order.
Here is my thoughts.
Most people don't understand what an audit actually is, and so will 100% believe the "Biden confirmed" spin the media is currently doing. They think the audit is a recount and was going to confirm Biden or Trump.
Of course the audit will reiterate the Biden vote count because it was NEVER about rejecting bad votes and recounting. It was about counting the votes, tallying bad votes, and reporting on those. Or you know an audit: where one tallies the bad records and reports them. The results of that audit are going to return that enough votes are "bad" to cover Biden's lead many times over. But what it will NOT do is say that Biden's votes are bad. It will just call a hard number of bad votes, and leave it at that. Which is apparently what is coming out.
The audit cannot flip the election, the audit will call the validity of the election into complete doubt with proof. If a massive number of certified votes are bad, certification is called into doubt. At this point it becomes legally impossible to determine a winner. Its not going to say Trump won, its going to say "we thus have no idea who won because the data is bad."
IMO what this audit and others is about is convincing the folks running Continuance of Government operations that yes indeed the election is bad and they have to do something. If its going to go down, these people were about to do the most drastic act in US history, and so really wanted to be sure. Wouldn't you?
Sadly due to the Media's spin its likely to be a much messier operation and far more likely to result in a real war. The public will not be swayed from the division its already taken. Which also what the enemy wants: they are trying to bully the CoG into standing down and letting the Globalist-socialists keep their conquered USA and puppet Biden by trying to make the Patriots face the prospect of a no-win scenario where everybody loses in a bloody, bloody civil war and non-stop riots if the Patriots don't comply.
IMO there is serious doubt if even 1 in 10 people would actually do a damn thing to defend Biden. Twitter is all shills and bots, and social media is no effort nor risk. HOw many of these "Will fight for Biden" freaks actually show up? It will be what it always will have been Patriots vs Mercenaries hired by the globalists. Antifa and BLM was both run by merc hired out of ISIS FARC and other radical groups by the globalists.
I mean did you ever possibly underestimate how evil these people are?
My thoughts have been in a similar vein. They don't necessarily need to get Trump back in (that can come later), they only need to prove that Biden cheated. The trigger for the military to step in overtly, I believe, will be whatever he and/or his handlers do in response.
Their "response" is truly concerning.
All of Q's "DEFCON-1" drops have their 4 year deltas this coming January.
Gonna be a long Winter.
And cold.
Use the Kool-Aid analogy. If everything were to go as planned, you'd be able to pour yourself a nice glass of refreshing Kool-Aid. Some folks like theirs too sweet, others like theirs not so sweet. Either way we could come up with a reasonable compromise.
The Dims flooded theirs with mostly water and no Kool-Aid. and trying to sell it to us at 10x the price. The only thing we need to show today is that the clown in chief isn't duly elected and most of us can tell that without even tasting the so called ' Kool-Aid' in the pitcher.
Weird analogy. I like weird analogies. Thanks! 😁
The left is like Jim Jones and poisoned the Kool aid.
Nicely stated, patriot.
ThNks for that friend, this is the first comment I have read bringing the realities to light of our current situation.
But I will say it again & again, I will fight & die or live thru more time of hardship if it means my children can live in a world of peace & rid of these sick fucks.
I don’t doubt there is a real possibility for war but like you said, it won’t be the pansies for Biden. It will be mercenaries bought and labeled the UN, NATO & China.
Melbourne is a good litmus to see how the globalists tactics.
Bring-ON those blue helmets I say. My new scope is sighted-in 👍🏼
Code blue Code blue!
I’m more inclined to see Melbourne and the country generally as the Chinese flexing their muscle to the globalists because of the debt payments deadlines coming next week.......
We must remember that the current globalists are in an alliance with Chyna and others to achieve mutual goals.....
That alliance is coming under a lot of strain as the globalists try to hold off the financial crash that will shortly come by reacting to events.... this has significantly effected Chynas financial situation especially within their own borders.....
It’s amazing to watch this play out..... to see how desperate Chyna now are.... so desperate they are trading in all their ‘influences’ in Australia and the deep infiltration within the political arena including within governments federal and state....
Godspeed, patriot. It’s because of men and women like you that we will win, and make our country greater than it has ever been.
Keep doing God's work, Brother. WWG1WGA starts with Family.
I would grow a second nut if audits of other states were conducted in secret.
We might have to call you ATLAS_TWO...
That's saved for when I get banned for dooming. I'm hoping its so obvious the autists running the place don't notice.
Lance Armstrong has entered the chat
you… you only have one?!
oh yeah, i think he was going with his prize rooster in hand
Well, I think we can guess where you got your username from now, Big Boy. 👍
I remember reading a Military Times article around election time (before I think), that talked about what units were deployed and that more with cyber capabilities were being deployed at the time.
I never forgot that so many NG units were deployed and that they did not come home immediately. But damn, they kept their activities close to the vest for almost a year. Not a peep. Just wow.
Good guys don't leak. Think about how airtight Durham's SC has been.
I was in the Air Force and have had a clearance almost my entire life at this point. I know the majority will never leak. But there are always bad actors who could spoil the ambush.
But think about knowing that you as a young soldier know that the wrong person became President and cannot say a word. I would be put to the test to keep that secret!
I was TDY in Panama during Nicaragua/Contra etc. First thing was an OSI briefing about OPSEC and basically told that the USSR was right-off the coast listening to EVERYTHING and for everyone to keep our lips zipped. A day later our Comm shop troop, an E-5 told his wife on the phone our launch schedule!!! It wasn't even an hour later that guy was physically dragged outta wasn't pretty. Went to the beach a few days later and a ship absolutely COVERED with dishes and antennas was slowly sailing about 1000 yards off the coast, and an A-7D launched from Howard belching smoke a few hundred feet above same ship. Quite a show...but yeah there's always people that can't keep their lips zipped and I gotta give these current troops credit.
National Guard?
Yes, NG means national guard
Yeah, thats the way I read it to. One even mwntions many states that were being checked. I dont know how true this is or how it would be able to be kept quiet for so long. Or if it was just recounts and not forensic audits.
Lots of questions about this I guess.
I don’t trust the NG to count with their fingers
Every NG that has ever been hired at my work facility is a goof ball. They are some weird MFs.
I don't know. I was just making an observation.
The canvass started in December and we didn't know until recently so hopefully this is the case also !🇺🇸
GeorgeNews ???
What's NG? NationalGuard? Where are the uniforms?
""NG""?? As in the National Guard??
I have doubts on ANYTHING COMING FROM GEORGENEWS....that website when it started was found to be on a bunch of HACKERS SERVER...they got burned to the ground not long after GEORGENEW started up. They found them through their IP which was no small feat, but they did find them there and soon as the fire hit they were off line. So I tend to believe these folks are bad actors of some sorts, not to mention they constantly promote Biden on that Channel more than Trump anymore. It started off as a Trump thing to try to get people to like them and believe they were with Trump, I would never trust anything from that channel. Here is the place the servers were housed....why hide GEORGENEWS there, why pump Biden 24/7 now?
Did you find the actual video? I cant find it on their channel...
Oh these are pics from George News from 2020! I have been in a toss about George News, and I think perhaps they are actually legit (as in have inside access) after all
Looks like B-roll shots you can get from any stock footage site.
I could be wrong, so someone help me if I am, but I don’t see anything that proves NG.
Even the subtitles can easily be doctored.
I want to believe, but I do lots of video work and that’s the feeling I got + the GeorgeNews was the icing on the cake.
Links to videos themselves are in other comments I've left above.
PatelPatriot or @KarmaPatriot?
PatelPatriot IS @KarmaPatriot on Twitter
PatelPatriot's been banned from Twitter and I'm certain he didn't create a new account just to shill for Georgenews...
You can believe what you want, but I DM with him on the regular about detailed Devolution research stuff, soooo.....
Now everyone knows you're a liar if there was ever any doubt.
PatelPatriot has moved to Telegram after being banned from Twitter and has not created another Twitter account.
Anybody on Telegram can confirm you're a lying commie bastard by simply subscribing to the above channel.
How would they have done that back then with nobody noticing. I hope they did
Follow my Replies here in the thread, or click on my UID to see the replies I've left to earlier comments about the saucing vids.
These are just random comments though. Would need some proof that the NG did anything
Wait so what if the cyber ninjas is the NG or some similar gov entity that or their job on top of the audit was to draw in as many eyes as possible.. i.e the 9 cameras, and the stadium, and Wendy just constantly being loud as fuc* (not a bad thing)
lol no. Maricopa country boards and DS would have made a giant song and dance about it when it was happening
I doubt that 70 year old bitch in the bottom right hand picture is NG.
@KarmaPatriot is his Twitter handle.