Fully Vaccinated Grand Rapids couple dies 1 minute apart from COVID-19
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Heartbreaking, They were killed by hospital protocol. And the perps walk free amongst us.
Yup. "Days later, the couple was hospitalized and on ventilators" - they were both murdered, either intentionally or through medical malpractice.
There's just no way this ever comes to light and people are held accountable. "Too big to jail" as there are ways too many people we would have to put in prison.
Here's another takeaway:
So they did everything "right" and died. Hmm.
I'll make damn sure to do everything wrong then and I'll survive much to the chagrin of the deep state evil ones.
Are we sure the family member was actually interviewed and are we sure this is exactly what she said? We all know fake news so wouldn’t they also edit her quotes too?
2 weeks to flatten the curve
2 years
2 vaccines
2 more deaths
2 late for me to care anymore.
We need more of morons lashing out at the sane. Makes perfect sense, don't it? Unreal . . .
Especially as they gaslight us with “I’m so tired of people saying the vaccine prevents Covid, it doesn’t prevent it, it just prevents you from dying from Covid”.
Looks like vaccinated ppl dying to me!
They need to start posting the success stories instead of the fearporn ones.
Remdesivir almost guarantees vent placement and then death.
No almost about it. Remdesivir is a known poison that shuts down the kidneys, which in turn bodily fluids back up in the brain, lungs, and other organs causing the victim to drown in their own fluids. Its why those on ventilators can hardly get a breath....they're fighting their own body....and the fucking Docs know it.
Maybe this is what the FEMA camps are for?
But there's always enough rope & bullets for these criminals so don't worry fren.
Very high risk, both of them. Obesity is a killer. Risks that non-obese people encounter are magnified in the very overweight. Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Much harder to fight off in that risk category.
Not being judgy, but I've worked in healthcare long enough to see up close what happens.
It said they both had severe underlying conditions, I googled their names, looks like she had COPD and he had some sort of lymphatic cancer.
Ugh. No wonder.
Exactly. I was hoping to see what they were treated with. Most likely Remdesivir first, then the ventilators. That's the kiss of death.
....and tell us we are the fools!
their own stupidity helped the hospital protocols.
The upcoming cold & flu season will be heartbreaking.
My family will be staying well away from the "Covid vaccinated".
I'm pregnant and will be delivering on December 31st. No one that has vaccined will approach me or my baby.
My mother in law suggested that everyone be vaxxed to visit me or my baby, I said NO because the vaxx "breakthroughs" are worse than the flu. My husband told his family not to visit us if they got the flu vaxx or CV vaxx. My husband doesn't follow Q, but he is a smart man, he was my red pill when I came to the USA.
Your husband is a good man. Good on you both for making that assertion as well. My brother and his wife are saying the opposite: if we are NOT vaccinated we won’t be able to visit their kids. They both are double vaxxed but having trouble conceiving. They may not be able to reproduce at all
More women are giving birth at home through a midwife. https://truthbasedmedia.com/2021/09/26/extreme-hospital-covid-policies-are-leading-more-pregnant-women-to-choose-a-home-birth/?utm_source=wnd&utm_medium=wnd&utm_campaign=syndicated
My daughter wanted to do that, but guess what, insurance will not pay for in home births. Hospitals are no longer about helping sick, but about making money.
Making, Keeping and maintaining the sick is big business.
It might be helpful to call midwives to find their rates. The article said it is cheaper and a less dangerous environment to go be birth at home.
Most insurance will cover a nurse mid-wife regardless of where the birth occurs (if they "Participate") No hospital bill for the insurance company to reject.
No kidding. I've been practicing to be a hermit most of my life!
Im a hermit in training.
Hermits unite
SW that once on a bumper sticker
Still hermitting after all these years. Other than very close family and one or two friends (all unvaccinated), I don't actually socialize with anyone.
I've been a member of Herman's hermits all my adult life..
She had him drink pool cleaner.
What better way to be a hermit than to have hermit crabs as pets.
I have 2 cats that might have their own ideas about hermit crabs...
No problem. We have hermit crabs, cats, dogs, and a bearded dragon.
Lunch. BTW hermit crabs make awful pets. Someone bought them for my grandchildren. Not a big hit. The kids hated them, my daughter spent rather a lot on their accomodations, and my son in law quietly disposed of them.
Good to know. They're off my list!
Why are all the covid deaths in the hospital? The only disease in history you can only die from in a hospital!
Yup. I don't recall any report of a person refusing treatment and dying at home peacefully.
It always, "buddy got real sick, confirmed covid case, went to the hospital, and died of kidney or lung failure."
The sad part is that if they had not taken the immune system destroyer genetic therapy 'vax' they probably would still be alive. The idiot daughter then goes on to blame us purebloods as if we are the cause of their death. The idiot cant connect the fact that the parents were both 'protected'. There will be many many many more cased just like this "my fully vaxed parent/child/spouse is dead because of the un-vaxed"
It simply boggles the mind that people are not connecting the dots.....or perhaps they talked their parents into getting the 'vax' and do not want to admit to themselves that they are the cause of their deaths.
This is like that idiot mother that got her son to take the clot shot and he died. The bitch was actually still encouraging people to get the shots.....I would be out for blood if it were my kid (but my kids are staying the hell away from that poison)
Oh and the parents might have been saved if they were kept off the vent and given some ivermentin and zinc. Hospitals kill.
More proof of how thorough the messaging is as she had no inkling of alternate viewpoints or alternate possibilities (i.e., that the jab caused the illness or that the protocol may have been what killed them), only anger at how too many people weren't "taking [the coof and the jab] seriously)
Greed in the medical community has undoubtedly facilitated countless deaths; however, NONE of this utter b-llshit would have been possible without almost complete MSM complicity. The D-S/cabal/globalists planned it but the MSM implemented it for them by brainwashing the minions (including far too many medical "professionals" who may have otherwise questioned it).
The vax is the only product in history whose failure is blamed on those who don't use it.
"Greed in the medical community has undoubtedly facilitated countless deaths"
Thank a hospital administrator for that kind of mentality in hospitals. I'm sure there are woke doctors and nurses playing along, but when the dust of this tragedy settles, I think we'll see that hospital administrators are the same level of scum and filth as those that have corrupted education and media. They've been infecting medicine for as long as they've been infecting our schools and newsrooms.
That's the beauty of the vaccine. It may not prevent you from getting Covid, but it guarantees you a mild case.
Yes it works 100% of the time after fatality
"both had preexisting conditions that made things even more dire."
One minute apart -- sure, they took them off life support!
i absolutely think this story isnt real .... alot of these stories are manipulation pieces to mku simple minded folk
thats what i mean
like someone astute here a few days ago pointed out the gabby petito yellow journalism .... reminds me so much of the kenneka jenkins set up a few years back and boy was i ever suckered then
when you listen to the old crime stories on youtube and you look at the pics
most are inverted couples and you wonder how much in the newpapers was EVER quite was it was portrayed as....
like newsprint was the former tv for mku until tv worked out so much better
and ALL THOSE FASHION MAGRAGS are transgendered .... every cover every model what were they thinking!!
ty so much
this was a fascinating read!!! ;0
Went to a hospital. Nobody dies of covid at home.
They died holding hands in beds that were next to each other (complete with a photograph of the moment)? Yeah, doubt it. Has anyone ever been in such a hospital room where this scenario could take place? As doctors & nurses are rushing to keep them alive? Yeah, sounds like pure BS to me.
That’s the point - there are NO doctors and nurses rushing to keep these people alive. If there were, they’d be giving them Ivermectin. Oh no, the Drs/nurses/hospitals push them over the precipice so they can get their payoff. This is SO evil 👿 we cannot even imagine - but God is going to be exposing just how evil, and exactly where that evil has come from.
I'm gonna go with pure propaganda for $500.00 Alex.... this doesn't pass the smell test of reality....
Maybe it was the Vax?
No! Impossible! You're not even allowed to think such a thing! Much less, be a true journalist and consider it. Nope!
So, she upset with YOU, for questioning the origins of COVID, and the politics of the “vaccine”...
But shes not upset with the vaccine makers, or vaccine pushers, because the vaccine failed miserably?
Someone should ask her to explain her logic.
But, she's likely upset with everyone at this time, but especially the unvaxxed for "making" her parents ill because she believes that if everyone were jabbed (pretty much an impossibility) there'd be no more coof and, therefore, no more coof deaths BECAUSE THAT'S THE "LOGIC" THE MSM PUSHES.
MSM = enemy of humanity
“Once everything the American public believes is false, our disinformation program will be complete”
~ William Casey, CIA boss
It's the same method of deflection they use to insure woke, liberal colleges and universities are never asked why the they've raised tuition into the stratosphere. Everyone is quick to blame everything but themselves and their alma mater for the massive amount of debt people are carrying after they earn their worthless degree.
Unfortunately, she's angry at the wrong people.
If she knew the protocol was remdesivir to guarantee kidney failure and drowning while attached to the respirator to ensure a ~$50,000 payout for the hospital, that anger could be directed in the proper manner.
Funny those choosing g safety are the most at risk
I call "fake." The MSM regularly runs stories about "soul mates" dying several minutes apart. Last year, they were dying of COVID, in 2009 it was from Swine Flu and now it's breakthrough COVID. So, these people were on vents next to one another and close enough to be holding hands?
I agree...this story doesn't sound as though it's actually real.
What if it's real in the sense that they're now dead, but perhaps the "covid" in this case was actually "justice" delivered via injection for flipping voluntarily instead of wasting our time money on a bazillion trials for the smaller fish?
V=22, Virus=22, Vax=22="shot"
WWG1WGA = 23 23 17 23 17 (grand jury = 23 and yeah, the 17s are reversed)
Same here. I slept almost a day and a half straight when I had that ... frigging miserable ... yet I lived w/o any jab.
And at the end of the article...they blame the unvaxxed of course.
Because the hordes of healthy people not vaxxed somehow went and infected the fully vaxxed couple on their camping trip and killed them.
Jabbed and on ventilator...probably remdesivir too.
What will it take to wake the sheep up?
Probably only if the MSM were to incriminate the medical community, big pharma and politicians (and themselves - no chance of that, though) with the same scale of 24/7 vile hatred they used to glorify, defend and elevate those institutions/people to god-like status with cult-like followings.
Greed, fear and power = tools of destruction -
D-S/cabal/globalists = masterminds/planners and puppet masters (greed, power)
MSM, medical industrial complex = enemies of humanity / implementers (greed, power, fear)
Sheeple = ignorant accessories (fear)
So murder can even be romantic now..... according to Fox...!!
I'm a judgemental asshole and I'm ok with it. But to me the two don't look like a epitomy of health.
I live in Michigan. A quick search for an obituary turns up nothing, lots of hits on the story though
Truly breaks my heart.
“I’m angry because so many people are like, ‘if I catch COVID, I catch COVID that’s what it is.’ No, it’s not,” said Sarah. “It could be any person; it could be anybody. They did everything right, they did everything to protocol the way it should be done.”
WTF. Grief must be making this person retarded
Well, they did what they were told. Not so sure their lifeless bodies agree that they did everything right, though.
It would have been worse if they weren’t vaccinated
"Think mirror" now we wear masks to protect us from them? I'm kidding of course, but the irony of them being the danger is crazy. Sigh, clown world indeed. God help us
“People don’t take COVID seriously enough . . . they did everything according to the protocol”, the daughter says. She’s angry - WE aren’t taking this seriously enough??! What WE are taking seriously is that the damn vaccines her parents took, following the “protocol”, cost them their lives! And here’s the stupidity again . . . WHY are these people unable to understand their damn, effin’ vax DOESN’T WORK! Even if IT wasn’t what killed them (and it very well could’ve been), it still didn’t keep them from dying from the very thing they tell us it’s supposed to protect us from. This is absolute INSANITY!
That's so sad, they were murdered and the family can't even see it. These places need to be closed
Would have been much worse if they hadn’t been vaxed /s
They didn't just die one minute apart. They were wheeled into a room, hooked up to a morphine drip and euthanized together.
Murdered by the hospital. Doctors and nurses are indirectly responsible. Fauci, CDC, NIH, FDA, and hospital management are all directly culpable for murder.
I will die in my bed before I go to a hospital.
“I’m angry because so many people are like, ‘if I catch COVID, I catch COVID that’s what it is.’ No, it’s not,” said Sarah. “It could be any person; it could be anybody. They did everything right, they did everything to protocol the way it should be done.”
Doesn't look like they did much dieting or exercise.
What amazes me is doctors continue to prescribe shit that kills the bacteria in your gut but most don't tell you to take probiotics to replace that bacteria. Same applies if you take ivermectin. People with poor blood brain barriers suffer the most.
Yeah—I thought that was fishy too.
Yet they caught it, and died. So protocol isn’t up to snuff, is it?
The Covid shot killed their immune system, so they couldn’t fight a cold or the flu. Then the hospital killed them off with ventilators.
Remember in the beginning there was so much success with putting the patient PRONE on the bed? Whatever happened to that management?
Probably psyop story
They shoot horses don't they?