The only man in history who did a forensic investigation of the alleged gas chambers was Fred Leuchter. He is the only man in history who was approved by both Canadian and German courts as a valid gas chamber expert, with authority to testify in court on the subject of Nazi gas chambers.
This was the report he created at the conclusion of his investigation:
The Nuremberg Trials were not justice: those Germans literally pleaded guilty under duress of death with guns to their head and most pleaded guilty to crimes that were later proven never happened such as the gas chamber at Auschwitz or Jewish soap (debunked) and Jewish lampshades (debunked).
Japs were in camps too. The Germans just happend to be blockaded off and starved out in a loosing war after America came in. Fuck all jewery. I won't ever stand for it. Hate me if you will I will die defending my people.
Germans had two types of prisoners in their prison camps: members of the Jewish German communist Party (KPD) (this is the group that created Antifa in 1930) who declared a Holy War against German Christians and attempted a failed coup in 1933. Members who were found guilty of treason for participating in this coup attempt were sentenced to serve time in prison. There were so many people involved (mostly Jewish communist but not exclusively) that Germany was forced to construct prison camps.
The second type of prisoners were prisoners of war captured during WW2 (1939-1945).
I have no idea how many of these prisoners were mistreated, but I've lost track of how many claims have been debunked as lies: Jews were turned into bars of soap and lampshades and nipple-wallets or that the Nazis had robotic terminator rail-carts or the color of the flames from the burned Jews would vary based on their bloodline or there were dancing buckets of Jewish blood or Nazis used Jewish babies for skeet shooting or Jews had their hands swapped by Nazi surgeons or Jews were tortured by masturbation machines or Jews had their heads shrunk or the Nazis turned entire lakes into acid pools to burn up escaping Jewish prisoners or Jews were killed using skull cracking pedal powered machines, etc.
One million Jewish prisoners and ten million German civilians starved to death after the war ended, between 1945 and 1947, (mostly) because of punishing ALLIED SANCTIONS.
This irrefutable tragedy is referred to by historians as "Eisenhower's Holocaust".
The centerpiece of every holocaust museum and documentary are photos of starved prisoners taken two years after the war ended in 1947.
Haven't you ever wondered why, in those photos, German guards are burying starved prisoners in burial pits when they allegedly had massive crematorium infrastructure onsite?
Why are misrepresented photos from 1947 the Jew's best "real" evidence that Jews were gassed and burned 1938-1945? Apart from that, all we have are an ocean of stories and almost all of those stories have been proven to be lies.
We are told to "remember the six million" every 30 seconds, but why do you think liberal academics, Hollywood and the History Channel have NEVER said a peep about "remembering the one million" who died during Eisenhower's Holocaust?
On a 100% complete different subject, did you hear that the official COVID holocaust hoax death-toll is expected to reach six million by 2022?
Thanks. I'm unsure if this post is designed to get people banned, however this is a research community and a truther community and I felt obligated to share my research because our history deserves to be respected.
I couldn't agree more. It's the #1 taboo subject, as I'm sure you know. Way up the ladder of disbelief. It's a massive cognitive dissonance generator to say the least - fight or flight always ensues...
Yessir - you could probably add Canada to the list too. This is the #1 thing I bring up when gently discussing the subject, always in the form of a question of course. "Why do you suppose you can be thrown into prison in 18 different countries for simply asking questions?"....
I believe COVID if designed to acclimatize people to living in fear, feeling broken and poor and desperate and submitting to government mandates while also destroying the economy of the entire human race in preparation for the New World Order's Great Reset.
Q showed us in post #135 - #138 that 191 of 195 of the world's central banks are owned or controlled by Jews, not including the World Bank and the IMF which is also controlled by Jews.
It's clear the Great Reset will benefit only one tribe and everyone will become slaves. To know who is in control, it's as easy as following the money.
If there were only two types of prisoners, why were gypsies, homosexuals and boslsheviks given their own symbols, just as the Jews were given the yellow stqr?
The Nazis had a wide range of symbols to identify prisoners as drug addicts, alcoholics, traitors, homosexuals, etc. for a wide range of reasons to help the guards know who they were dealing with.
Gays were considered to have a high rate of STDs because they did, so they were identified for the safety of the doctors, dentists and prison guards.
It's a similar and less politically correct system to our modern prison uniforms where orange represents "violent or unruly" behavior, blue for nonviolent "low threat", green for "suicidal" etc.
They just seem to be prison system tattoos. It would be interesting to know if those numbers were unique for every prisoner across Germany or only unique within each prison because it might explain why it's difficult to find tattoos with numbers much greater than 1,000,000... however I haven't spent any time researching that beyond looking at hundreds of the tattoos.
Keep in mind, too, that International Jewry (that's what they called themselves) declared WAR on Germany in 1933. That made the Jews in Germany "enemy combatants."
Not all Jews were sent to prisons. Some were in the German army. But the ones who were sent to prisons were suspected of being enemy combatants, generally in the form of communist infiltrators attempting to overthrow Germany.
Why are the ones in the USA called "interment camps?"
Why the use of the word "camps" at all?
Were they camps? Not really.
They were prisons.
That word more accurately describes what they really were, and opens the discussion as to why certain people were sent there -- whether it was morally right or wrong.
I was recently watching the trials (History channel had a series with clips of original trial with English translation) - and one thing that stuck me was that those trials were pretty sham.
Goering managed to trigger the American prosecutor so badly with just one little sentence that no amount of spin could redeem him. They glorified the British prosecutor, but all he did was just keep repeating his claims (that Goering knew about Hitlers plan to genocide) but never actually managed to trap Goering even once.
The point is, at this time we can't afford tribunals like that. It has to be more than just show. It has to be full of real evidence and needs to stand up to even 200 years of scrutiny. I believe we are there, makes even more sense why we are being put through all this. The trials will have rock solid direct proof, not just some emails and inferences.
The national socialists were socialists. Socialists are always evil.
The German socialists wanted to socialize national industries, and give more power to the government. They had no respect for national borders and wanted a united Europe. They were the enemies of liberty.
Everything they stood for (more government power, no respect for national borders, etc) goes against the things or movement stand for (less government power, more freedom, respect for national borders).
I used to think that, too. But truth is more nuanced than that. Your version is a simplton's version, because you have not looked beyond the labels.
By the time Hitler and the people who agreed with him were in a position to do something, the Jews had already infiltrated the German government, the courts, the media, and the universities (sound familiar?).
It was the Nazi's belief that they could not rely on the ideals of classic liberalism of free speech and pursuasion to vote the communists out of their positions of infiltration. They knew the bloody history of the communist Jews in Russia.
So, they took a different tactic. They chose an authoritarian tactic. You and I might judge that as immoral from the comfort of our armchairs, but right or wrong, that's how they saw it and that's why they did it.
This was a much different approach to "socialism" than we saw in the USSR then or in Venezuela today.
In theory, socialism is bad. But in reality, if the communists have already infiltrated to the point that elections don't matter and laws don't matter, what do you do? Wait for the militiary to come to the rescue? Germany was not allowed a military post-WW1. Hitler ignored that once he came to power, and built a dominant German military up from nothing.
But you have to be smarter about the big picture of things to understand it. You don't have to agree with it, but you should at least understand it from their perspective.
This nternational tribunal of Nuremberg was not a tribunal (exempted from bringing evidence, torture of certain key witnesses), it was not international (victors judging the vanquished) and these conclusions are false: for example the Germans were there condemned for the murder of Katyn committed in reality by Russians who were judges and party.
This alleged tribunal is at the origin of the death of the Western civilization at the cost of iniquity and lies
Oh, btw they started Nov 20, even though they ended Oct 1st. I remember Pompeo had tweeted last year on Nov 20 about the trials. I am assuming thats when it will line up this year too.
This is what this post was supposed to be all about. Drawing a parallel between the teams of the past and the teams of today. Instead, sadly this thread has been hijacked by socialists.
The Germans were fighting communists. The Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians and attempted a failed coup in 1933, were the reason Hitler rose to power... because the German people were terrified the KPD were setting the table to pull the same shit that the Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution did in 1917 when they murdered ten million Christians.
Yesterday and today were important at the Capitol for voting on the infrastructure bill. It's a major deal for the Democrats but Pelosi couldn't get it done.
The rest came here
The only man in history who did a forensic investigation of the alleged gas chambers was Fred Leuchter. He is the only man in history who was approved by both Canadian and German courts as a valid gas chamber expert, with authority to testify in court on the subject of Nazi gas chambers.
This was the report he created at the conclusion of his investigation:
Recent interview:
fucking biggest Psy Op. People still belive it even on here after everything Q has shown us about history of what they do.
My Dad’s name was Fred. Nickname, “Bud”.
The holocaust happened. Stop being an idiot.
im not really convinced. thx /pol/! :)
Cool ad hominem
people like to celebrate when they turn on each other, but forget the whole point is to keep the ones in control safe
75% of them did
Rockefeller was drafting them into the medical field like an NFL draft
The CIA got the rest
Not quite. several went to the Sciences, specifically NASA and defense black projects.
And the NASA guys were controlled byyyyyyyyy? Allen Dulles and Co /w Brown Brothers Haramin
I feel like you should have posted that black bucktoothed dude on the couch saying "Got'im" hahah.
I acquiesce, that is correct.
Ya I kinda lump everything under the CIA. Helps emphasize the evil
Operation Paper Clip. The Nazis didn't lose WW2.
And given excellent jobs
The Nuremberg Trials were not justice: those Germans literally pleaded guilty under duress of death with guns to their head and most pleaded guilty to crimes that were later proven never happened such as the gas chamber at Auschwitz or Jewish soap (debunked) and Jewish lampshades (debunked).
The showers at Auschwitz now literally have an official sign near the entrance, in multiple languages for the tourists, stating they were never used to gas people because that ocean of testimony was proven false. Thousands and thousands of Jews lied, yet Hollywood is still spewing out revisionist Bolshevik fan-fiction pretending that the lies were truth and Anne Frank's diary isn't fantasy written by her father.
Your picture shows the sign that is at Dachau, not Auschwitz. Dachau was not an extermination camp but Auschwitz was.
None of the camps were extermination camps.
The "Big Lie" was the Holocaust itself. You were lied to. I was lied to. We were all lied to.
Japs were in camps too. The Germans just happend to be blockaded off and starved out in a loosing war after America came in. Fuck all jewery. I won't ever stand for it. Hate me if you will I will die defending my people.
The real question is, why were there 1000's upon 1000's of Jews spreading throughout other Countries?
Even in pictures, we have no gas chambers. We had dressed, marked with a star people. That seemingly willingly got on trains.
Hitler was simply deporting their asses and they changed history.
Fuck Jews.
He even had a deal before the war with the Zionists to transport those willing to palastine and liqudate their assetse there. Fuck jews
Dachau also has one of these signs because the ocean of lies about that prison camp were also proven to be false.
Let's not forget a hundred plus counts of testicular trauma to German POWs during interrogation
So did they knowingly kill any number of people? Not even one?
Do you believe segregation for just the fact of being Jewish is okay? Even if nobody got killed, is segregation okay based off of religion?
Please challenge me. No matter if thousands died, did anyone get murdered? 1, 2, 50, is not one single life important?
Germans had two types of prisoners in their prison camps: members of the Jewish German communist Party (KPD) (this is the group that created Antifa in 1930) who declared a Holy War against German Christians and attempted a failed coup in 1933. Members who were found guilty of treason for participating in this coup attempt were sentenced to serve time in prison. There were so many people involved (mostly Jewish communist but not exclusively) that Germany was forced to construct prison camps.
The second type of prisoners were prisoners of war captured during WW2 (1939-1945).
I have no idea how many of these prisoners were mistreated, but I've lost track of how many claims have been debunked as lies: Jews were turned into bars of soap and lampshades and nipple-wallets or that the Nazis had robotic terminator rail-carts or the color of the flames from the burned Jews would vary based on their bloodline or there were dancing buckets of Jewish blood or Nazis used Jewish babies for skeet shooting or Jews had their hands swapped by Nazi surgeons or Jews were tortured by masturbation machines or Jews had their heads shrunk or the Nazis turned entire lakes into acid pools to burn up escaping Jewish prisoners or Jews were killed using skull cracking pedal powered machines, etc.
One million Jewish prisoners and ten million German civilians starved to death after the war ended, between 1945 and 1947, (mostly) because of punishing ALLIED SANCTIONS.
This irrefutable tragedy is referred to by historians as "Eisenhower's Holocaust".
The centerpiece of every holocaust museum and documentary are photos of starved prisoners taken two years after the war ended in 1947.
Haven't you ever wondered why, in those photos, German guards are burying starved prisoners in burial pits when they allegedly had massive crematorium infrastructure onsite?
Why are misrepresented photos from 1947 the Jew's best "real" evidence that Jews were gassed and burned 1938-1945? Apart from that, all we have are an ocean of stories and almost all of those stories have been proven to be lies.
We are told to "remember the six million" every 30 seconds, but why do you think liberal academics, Hollywood and the History Channel have NEVER said a peep about "remembering the one million" who died during Eisenhower's Holocaust?
On a 100% complete different subject, did you hear that the official COVID holocaust hoax death-toll is expected to reach six million by 2022?
Great post Montok. Hard truths for most to even entertain.
Thanks. I'm unsure if this post is designed to get people banned, however this is a research community and a truther community and I felt obligated to share my research because our history deserves to be respected.
I couldn't agree more. It's the #1 taboo subject, as I'm sure you know. Way up the ladder of disbelief. It's a massive cognitive dissonance generator to say the least - fight or flight always ensues...
Truth never needs censorship to protect it.
Yessir - you could probably add Canada to the list too. This is the #1 thing I bring up when gently discussing the subject, always in the form of a question of course. "Why do you suppose you can be thrown into prison in 18 different countries for simply asking questions?"....
It is the #1 subject that actually holds back americans remember Q said israel will be last.
When something is 'Taboo' I question it even more.
Wise decision!
I will do research and get back to you in a couple days. Let me do some critical thinking on this.
I agree with you about the covid-hoax. What is the underlying purpose for this hoax, in your opinion?
I believe COVID if designed to acclimatize people to living in fear, feeling broken and poor and desperate and submitting to government mandates while also destroying the economy of the entire human race in preparation for the New World Order's Great Reset.
Q showed us in post #135 - #138 that 191 of 195 of the world's central banks are owned or controlled by Jews, not including the World Bank and the IMF which is also controlled by Jews.
It's clear the Great Reset will benefit only one tribe and everyone will become slaves. To know who is in control, it's as easy as following the money.
They want to eliminate the middle class and American values.
That's why big corporations are doing fine, poor people are getting gov't checks, but small businesses are being destroyed.
It's why the fundamental American value that such a thing as "natural rights" exists is being vilified and they are trying to destroy the concept.
Start here and watch in sections if you must - life changing historical documentary they want banned
I couldn’t believe it was so bad...
Mentok coming thru with real History again. I salute you, sir...all of this is 100% on point.
If there were only two types of prisoners, why were gypsies, homosexuals and boslsheviks given their own symbols, just as the Jews were given the yellow stqr?
The Nazis had a wide range of symbols to identify prisoners as drug addicts, alcoholics, traitors, homosexuals, etc. for a wide range of reasons to help the guards know who they were dealing with.
Gays were considered to have a high rate of STDs because they did, so they were identified for the safety of the doctors, dentists and prison guards.
Bolsheviks were identified because the Germans were TERRIFIED the Bolsheviks would attempt another Bolshevik Revolution in which Jewish leaders mass murdered ten million Christians in Russia in 1917, only 20 years prior.
It's a similar and less politically correct system to our modern prison uniforms where orange represents "violent or unruly" behavior, blue for nonviolent "low threat", green for "suicidal" etc.
It's a security measure.
Gays and Jews also were raping and murdering German children in Weimar. The penalty for that is death
What do you make of the tattoos?
They just seem to be prison system tattoos. It would be interesting to know if those numbers were unique for every prisoner across Germany or only unique within each prison because it might explain why it's difficult to find tattoos with numbers much greater than 1,000,000... however I haven't spent any time researching that beyond looking at hundreds of the tattoos.
Many people faked those too
Keep in mind, too, that International Jewry (that's what they called themselves) declared WAR on Germany in 1933. That made the Jews in Germany "enemy combatants."
Not all Jews were sent to prisons. Some were in the German army. But the ones who were sent to prisons were suspected of being enemy combatants, generally in the form of communist infiltrators attempting to overthrow Germany.
Just a random thought ...
Why are they called "death camps?"
Why are they called "concentration camps?"
Why are they called "prison camps?"
Why are the ones in the USA called "interment camps?"
Why the use of the word "camps" at all?
Were they camps? Not really.
They were prisons.
That word more accurately describes what they really were, and opens the discussion as to why certain people were sent there -- whether it was morally right or wrong.
They were prisons.
This is such a retarded stance to hold as an argument. Either you’re incredibly young or just a fool who doesn’t understand how to defend a point.
Waaaahhhhhh I’m a jew and you must care about me more than everyone else... please fuck off
what a wonderful 75th birthday present idea for Mr. Tony Mengele of the CDC!
Oy vey! So many mixed metaphors!
Of course, the actual experts in racism and genocide
I was recently watching the trials (History channel had a series with clips of original trial with English translation) - and one thing that stuck me was that those trials were pretty sham.
Goering managed to trigger the American prosecutor so badly with just one little sentence that no amount of spin could redeem him. They glorified the British prosecutor, but all he did was just keep repeating his claims (that Goering knew about Hitlers plan to genocide) but never actually managed to trap Goering even once.
The point is, at this time we can't afford tribunals like that. It has to be more than just show. It has to be full of real evidence and needs to stand up to even 200 years of scrutiny. I believe we are there, makes even more sense why we are being put through all this. The trials will have rock solid direct proof, not just some emails and inferences.
"I was just following orders" - the family doctor that injected your wife
Nuremberg trials were a scam. You can't torture "'confessions" out of people. You manufacture lies that way.
Funny. Some dimwit downvoted the idea that you can't torture confessions out of people.
Nazis were framed
The national socialists were socialists. Socialists are always evil.
The German socialists wanted to socialize national industries, and give more power to the government. They had no respect for national borders and wanted a united Europe. They were the enemies of liberty.
Everything they stood for (more government power, no respect for national borders, etc) goes against the things or movement stand for (less government power, more freedom, respect for national borders).
I used to think that, too. But truth is more nuanced than that. Your version is a simplton's version, because you have not looked beyond the labels.
By the time Hitler and the people who agreed with him were in a position to do something, the Jews had already infiltrated the German government, the courts, the media, and the universities (sound familiar?).
It was the Nazi's belief that they could not rely on the ideals of classic liberalism of free speech and pursuasion to vote the communists out of their positions of infiltration. They knew the bloody history of the communist Jews in Russia.
So, they took a different tactic. They chose an authoritarian tactic. You and I might judge that as immoral from the comfort of our armchairs, but right or wrong, that's how they saw it and that's why they did it.
This was a much different approach to "socialism" than we saw in the USSR then or in Venezuela today.
In theory, socialism is bad. But in reality, if the communists have already infiltrated to the point that elections don't matter and laws don't matter, what do you do? Wait for the militiary to come to the rescue? Germany was not allowed a military post-WW1. Hitler ignored that once he came to power, and built a dominant German military up from nothing.
But you have to be smarter about the big picture of things to understand it. You don't have to agree with it, but you should at least understand it from their perspective.
You seem confused.
It worked for them. It wasn’t OUR place to run in and protect the actual Nazi “survivors!”
"war criminals" lol, well when 100% of the tribunal staff judges lawyers etc are jewish I guess that would be the conclusion.
there is a reason why Goering and the lot were photographed laughing hysterically
If the tribunal staff were Jews, wouldn't they have wanted all the Nazis brutally executed?
Its not an if. Hanging is still pretty harsh.
This nternational tribunal of Nuremberg was not a tribunal (exempted from bringing evidence, torture of certain key witnesses), it was not international (victors judging the vanquished) and these conclusions are false: for example the Germans were there condemned for the murder of Katyn committed in reality by Russians who were judges and party.
This alleged tribunal is at the origin of the death of the Western civilization at the cost of iniquity and lies
Glad people are getting it
Wolfy gets it.
We don’t all agree about the “Holocaust”. Didn’t Q say to question everything and that our media lies?
As one should.
They used 12 jamokes as scape goats. Lol
Genital torture says what?
Oh, btw they started Nov 20, even though they ended Oct 1st. I remember Pompeo had tweeted last year on Nov 20 about the trials. I am assuming thats when it will line up this year too.
I'm not much for the date fagging, but 11.3 and 11.4 arrests, followed by 11.20 beginning of public trials would be one hell of a show!
Shut this down Goys,
Obviously they didn’t get all the bad actors. How has Soros slipped through the cracks?
Soros was a boy when he was in germany and he dobbed in jews to save his skin. shows his true demonic nature
The Cabal and their Democratic and Covidian collaborators should meet the same fate.
This is what this post was supposed to be all about. Drawing a parallel between the teams of the past and the teams of today. Instead, sadly this thread has been hijacked by socialists.
Looks like a good amount of people that know that history is a lie, to me.
Seeing communists hanged on live TV? Stop, I can only get so erect.
The Germans were fighting communists. The Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians and attempted a failed coup in 1933, were the reason Hitler rose to power... because the German people were terrified the KPD were setting the table to pull the same shit that the Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution did in 1917 when they murdered ten million Christians.
Hitler identified as a nationalist socialist and this is literally his definition of socialism.
The Germans were literally fighting the globalist New World Order communist bankers such as the Rothschilds.
We don't want to be associated with socialism.
When POTUS returns.... the world will be a different place
So Nov 4th????
I think we're pretty solid on 11.4 being the art of war, not a date
Note, 88 = Heil Hitler (well known skinhead number)
That's one theory, not the only theory.
There is supposedly a crash coming late Oct
Tendies are coming. 🍗🍗🍗
Yeah ten got hanged, and hundreds got top military positions, who do you think won the war?
This thread is likening to reality TV. I’m out.
And then the communist's thrived......
... so many mysterious “survivors” doing it again to the people who save them over and over 🤔
hopefully this happens to fauci and all the rest of the people who are putting us through this hell.
And infiltrated here, CIA/NASA/ and Medical/scientists, etc…
Yesterday and today were important at the Capitol for voting on the infrastructure bill. It's a major deal for the Democrats but Pelosi couldn't get it done.
He was a patriot in his day. You can see it in his face. Otherwise, a badass photo.
That almost looks like a meme, doesn’t it?
They always try to copy us and they can’t.
You out there. A wanted man. [hey, come over for Christmas]
Thé ones they didn’t kill they sent to the USA and most were given jobs in the government.
Some of the MEDIA as well..Complicity and "Misinformation" is guilt as well..heads on spikes
Rookie numbers
What happened to all the coward civilians that let it all happen?
Let what happen?
They are called 'vaccinated' now