My parents are open to listening about Q and I want to show them the amount of q proofs that lined up with actual events. Is there a doc that includes the Easter white rabbit and all the other instances that any of you have on hand? Thank you guys!!!
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Very cool 😎
Wow! This should be stickied in the right column. Doing the Lord's work.
Wow thank you so much for this .. ill go through and watch one by one ..I don’t watch RV so this is great , I saved on here, I try to save in email but google erases after a couple months ..I use iPad ..I need to go on desktop and put this in a folder ..I’m not internet savvy so I need to learn how to do this ..or if I lose it ,..I know a fren who I can ask to resend ..thank u again
Please never delete your account & yes mods it would be a good idea to get these types of links sorted out & put in the side bar.
Anyone have the time to take on that project that isn't a mod & just pass them the list of links/work/resources to be added on?
First Proof—>White Rabbit.
My tippy top favorite u/Phishhed44! 🐇💥
Nice!! I love me sum tippy top (anything)! You made my night 💕
Aaawww... take care fren!
Well done u/Quelle! 👏
Just an FYI for those trying to send via Facebook messenger. It is deemed abusive.... ffs
Let’s gooooo anons!!! Let’s drop a Moab of information here and offer the best red pill gourmet available!!
Have you ever visited
I personally have, but OP may have not
This is the one that did it for me. It’s 1 1/2 hours long of some really great proofs. Ultimate Q proofs
Yea this one converted me to a believer also. Irrefutable after I watched this.
Same. I was about 5 minutes in, tops, and was like “no matter what happens in the end, there’s no way Q isn’t real and no way Trump doesn’t communicate with Q”. Too many coincidences making it mathematically impossible for Q and Trump’s connection to be fake. 🤷🏼♀️
YES! I had no idea what Q really was until I watched this video - you should put it on the living room TV for your folks and I bet they will watch it all the way to the end without leaving their seats.
Ha! 17th upvote to TigerGirl12 😊
Great videos!
This is what got me to accept that the proofs are hard to ignore. Hard evidence isn't available and likely won't be until this concludes and they show us the epilogue film. Until then, your parents need to make up their own mind.
In other words, they are teaching us how to win
What is your stance on the holocaust?
Bitchute is 480p max. Here is a Vimeo upload. I think it might be 1080p. Much easier to read the text he shows.
The dude’s original high res YouTube upload was banned.
This is the way. Although older generations probably have no idea what any of it means lol. My parents have no idea what a Twitter is.
Thank you everyone. You guys are honestly the best community to be a part of. You always come through!
Alright, so a really easy one to prove Q knew the President, Durham, Barr, and the entire team.
Drop 3642, a photo of a watch with the time being 1:29 on Dec 2. Drop was at 1:31pm, so this was a live photo that a member of the Q team took themselves. Photo name is IDENconf.PNG (identity confirm, basically Q saying it's a proof ahead of time)
13 days later, several special reports were released. The Inspector General released a report, as did Attorney General Barr, as did Durham. All three released them at exactly 1:29pm.
The Q board went bananas... and then, Q proceeded to shitpost about it, because the entire team absolutely loves us.
One of the greatest days and greatest proofs.
Is the book of q proofs still in the sidebar?
How do you access it from mobile? Or is it even possible?
Click on the magnifying glass (on mobile) scroll down and you should see it under resources
Thank you!
You can also switch your mobile browser to desktop mode in options. I believe if you click to the left of your username in mobile it also pops up.
Thank you!
Well shit that dude's method is way easier than clicking desktop site on the mobile browser lol.
Mrtruthbomb on bitchute has the best and most logically explained videos I have come across. The deep state episode 1 would be a good video to show your parents. He starts out by showing the media being completely unrelaible and then introduces Q. He has a video on just Q proofs too that brings up the tippy top Easter bunny clip you're asking about. His videos are really good.
As far as documents, idk man I might have something saved on this site, nothing about the bunny
These are my personal favorites as far as first videos.
The Plan to Save the World (this should be the absolute first video)
The 2nd American Revolution
Slow and easy has gotten me better results. The golden ticket video is a classic. And how utterly shocked the whole swamp was from 2016. plan to save the world video is a must watch for them.. 🇺🇸👍
I would lead into that with slightly less dark material. The Q Proofs video is a good start because it is fairy light and calm and the narrator has that British accent that so many normies trust.
Also please show them them the video of Bonfire Guy called “Great Awakening”
Yes - I’d start with that and shift to Q.
There was a site, it's now a downloadable zip file.. I haven't looked at it since the site went down. It had some good q proofs.
Definitely the most well put together and least dramatic Q doc I've seen to date. Great for people on the fence
Okay.. I've been involved for over 25 years. I might have some overlap with your parents, or maybe not. The three letter agencies have hated me for over 20 yrs. I have no good information, yet I'm irritating. Perfect. WWG1WGA
Ultimate Q Proofs is amazing:
The Book of Q Proofs
Can't wait for you to come back and give us your testimony! Godspeed!
How old are your parents? I like Scottymar10 videos from Rumble. He often uses drops in his content great music loads of red pilling....I purged my phone due to lack of many memes....
Show them post 2942 about Maricopa county's vote totals. Q posted it in 2018 before anyone suspected or was talking about fraud there.
Majiceyesonly. He has a load of Q proof videos. May be hard for them to follow without remedial reading on Q. It is a bit more advanced. I read the Q posts before watching so it made sense to me. But I could see where if you're not up to date on the postings, the proofs cod be confusing.
I like him too but I think he is way beyond any normie level of comprehension.
No one can give a reason for so many sealed indictments currently sitting in the federal district courts. Before Trump, there were maybe around 1000 sealed indictments over an entire year throughout all districts. Now, there are 289,000 sealed indictments. That's a fact that libs can't rationalize.
Would it be unpopular to just ask them to read the posts, and check out the news of the day at the same time as the posts? Asking for a friend. I'm an Old Anon. Just trying to help. I can't carry the weight of those before me that knew nothing. I knew enough in the 90s to blow this shit wide open. I was subverted and compromised. .. like playdough.... but NCSWIC.
PrayingMedic also had a great video called “QAnon for Beginners” on YouTube that has been censored. Was this backed up to Rumble or Bitchute. I watched that one many times and linked it to many people on T_D back in the day.
Let me know if you find out please I’d love to see it ..I. Not real internet savvy wouldn5 know where to look or how to thank you
I’ve looked for it but Praying Medic doesn’t even seem to have it on his site.
This is good. It’s Mr Truth Bomb. It had the Easter event at the White House in it.
Another good one is the execution of No Name. Even that idiot son of a mailman let the cat out of the bag.
I’ve heard about no name getting executed but when I’ve asked if anyone knew if it was true I didn’t get response other than ..we believe it to be true u really think he was and why was he ...I mean I know he was a traitor but so many are who r walking free and writing books etc ...why no name why was he executed and not others ? What did he do that others haven5 ..look at O demon Killery etc ..I’m not doubting by no means I just love learning and I don’t know the story of no name ..he was sick many say he died of illnesses ..I heard that his daughter said you can5 kill him twice or something and that was supposed to be proof ? Either way he’s dead ..but I’ve always wondered. Thank you
And We Know - Always Good Watching
Shout-out to the one guy who turned off community styling just to downvote this super useful thread. Really making an impact out here.
I cant wait to lower their flag........