Your question makes me wonder about this Q post and what is meant by [access] closed. At the time and even now, many of us assumed Q was talking only about human trafficking but is there another meaning here?
So flagrant and indefensible, that it directly proves 100% of what we believe our elites do here.
including for bacha bazi - a practice combining sexual slavery and child prostitution, through which wealthy men use harems of young boys for social and sexual entertainment.
The difference - in Afghanistan, like other third world shitholes, it’s all just ‘part of the plan.’
I think this came to Afghanistan with Alexander, or it's even older than that.
Having said that, yes, 1. Taliban stopped it, as you say, and 2. Globohomo was more than willing to enable and promote it, and is now again today, as you also said. Because they are human demons.
Obviously not something us Pepes have much control over. But there was certainly something strange about the high % of Haitians at the Texas border. Praying that the white hats are in control. If anyone's done a good dig on that lately, I'd be interested.
Let's not get too excited because Sudan is disgusting: the pedophilia of child brides is considered normal and their national pastime is executing Christians and mutilating the genitals of little girls.
If there's one thing the Arab Spring taught us, it's Muslims love raping children and sharia law more than freedom.
I love it when the MSM contradicts itself in just 2 lines. A coup is another force or government which has different laws. It doesn't "arrest" the previous govt since if it really was a new coup it hasn't been around long enough to come up with laws that were broken. They would just be taking prisoners of war. They fact that MSM says arrest leads one to believe that the 1st govt was illegitimate and this is no 'coup' but the real govt of the people
South Sudan was primarily Christian, the north taken by muslims. North would send their muslim assholes down to kill the south sudanese for years and years. This prompted a child let exodus to christian ethiopia. These children were called The lost boys of Sudan. Lots of documentaries on that, but mostly hide the fact it was a jihad. Sad story, i have a few friends whos parents were part of this.
Your question makes me wonder about this Q post and what is meant by [access] closed. At the time and even now, many of us assumed Q was talking only about human trafficking but is there another meaning here?
I always assumed it means access to assets and information. Needing DS officials out first.
Cabal control.
Where do you think the elites source most of their “ingredients” today? Not fifth Avenue.
I have noticed I have not gotten Amber alerts in awhile. Has anyone else noticed this?
Sample Afghanistan.
So flagrant and indefensible, that it directly proves 100% of what we believe our elites do here.
The difference - in Afghanistan, like other third world shitholes, it’s all just ‘part of the plan.’
I find it hard to believe that parents really do this willingly. Yes, there might be one or 2 but must parents would die for their children
Unless they have no conscience. Or they themselves were born into this and thus know nothing else.
I think this came to Afghanistan with Alexander, or it's even older than that.
Having said that, yes, 1. Taliban stopped it, as you say, and 2. Globohomo was more than willing to enable and promote it, and is now again today, as you also said. Because they are human demons.
I thought it was a lot more than only 500k kids annually that go missing....
Yep, that is the # I remember reading.......
Unthinkable...... As the father of 2....un-fucking-thinkable.......
The plan God put on my heart for Camp Yesu would end all of that
Don’t forget… the collapse of these shit hole countries are vital… where do you think all these black hat faggoty cia sites are???
the headline may seem an inconseQuential incident at the surface level, but breadcrumbs say nothing is a coincidence. good catch, fren!
shithole northern Africa is corrupt af
I’m wondering if Haiti’s back OPEN?
Obviously not something us Pepes have much control over. But there was certainly something strange about the high % of Haitians at the Texas border. Praying that the white hats are in control. If anyone's done a good dig on that lately, I'd be interested.
Watch the NGO’s. Wasn’t there another earthquake there couple weeks ago? Guard your children Haitians!!!
Let's not get too excited because Sudan is disgusting: the pedophilia of child brides is considered normal and their national pastime is executing Christians and mutilating the genitals of little girls.
If there's one thing the Arab Spring taught us, it's Muslims love raping children and sharia law more than freedom.
Maybe it's the ports. My thoughts are that it was a safe and reliable harbor for child procurement. And hopefully that is now changed with the coup.
Not part of the Rothchilds banking system.
Good thinking
guess Mediterranean was for more than food
Its because Islam is the black cube society. They all satanist.
Agreed and yet, Muslims aren't the most exiled people in human history.
Yup, Islam is the least of our worries compared to them!
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Thank you.
Another domino falls.
I hate when the military takes over a country and arrests the criminal civilian govt.
US SpecOps guarantee
Operation World Storm (made up title)
Neat-O. Can we have ours now?
A military coup, you say....
Agree with everyone else; US NEXT!!!!!
It was supposed to be AMERICA FIRST!!!!!
Fuck youtube but here's a video posted an hour ago by dune coons Al Jazeera
another one
I love it when the MSM contradicts itself in just 2 lines. A coup is another force or government which has different laws. It doesn't "arrest" the previous govt since if it really was a new coup it hasn't been around long enough to come up with laws that were broken. They would just be taking prisoners of war. They fact that MSM says arrest leads one to believe that the 1st govt was illegitimate and this is no 'coup' but the real govt of the people
Ah Sudan, home of the best named village in the world. Um dafuq.
South Sudan was primarily Christian, the north taken by muslims. North would send their muslim assholes down to kill the south sudanese for years and years. This prompted a child let exodus to christian ethiopia. These children were called The lost boys of Sudan. Lots of documentaries on that, but mostly hide the fact it was a jihad. Sad story, i have a few friends whos parents were part of this.
One can dream :-)
Still waiting for an actual arrest here in the USA. not happening