Why do I feel like its AOC talking? And yeah, how dare the normal people without "accreditation" (meaning you wont ask uncomfortable questions) think they could have their voices heard??
She’s part of the Rivera’s and other “Cortez” “hispanic/jewish” slave traders in New England. Check the history. People like Geraldo are fake Hispanics too.
When Gov. Inslee came over to Spokane last year, nobody but press was allowed in the building with him. Police were blocking the two entrances. It's because he knew people like me showed up to call him an evil tyrant.
“I’m sorry everyone, we have someone demanding the truth be made public instead of the approved narrative, we’ll have to shut this down.” Who out there still cannot see thru this charade?
When do the people of NZ wake up? I understand there are those with the crabs in the bucket mentality. "I got vaxxed, so you have to too." Does this not make peoples spidey sense tingle? Are people seriously NPCS? Who in their right mind would listen to this horse-face fucking cunt?
Oh man - s/he is desperately clinging to the last shreds of he/r authority s/he has - which hilariously just happens to be the DIScredited presstituts 😂
Someone not part of the officially sanctioned state-run media
All totalitarian dictatorships know they must control the media with an iron fist
Hence state-run media
Here in the US it's on steroids - all major media outlets except one, OAN, are part of the authoritarian state-run media cabal. Members of the dictatorship carefully select them for questions so they can get their narrative just right.
Many, many more free media outlets exist at the minor level. Will any become major after the Great Awakening reset? Time will tell!
the gall of a 'non-accredited member of the media' asking questions the accredited members of the media should have been asking.
Shouldn't a truly free press not require "accreditation"?
Democracy Dies In Darkness
She only allows prevetted questions
Prevetted questions, from perverted journalists only.
They always believe in the 'experts'.
They did shut it down amazingly quick.
Too bad unlike a stick of rhubarb 'she' doesn't appear to have a positive function.
That's a man, baby, and that isn't a stick of rhubarb... 😒
Because, if you aren't prepared correctly, she'll poison you?
angrily flips plate, sending tendies flying
Truth. She's afraid of the truth.
All Satanists hate the truth.
Should be afraid of being shot.
New Zealand's dictator is such an aggressively ugly thing, too. Really really hardcore ugly. Inside and out.
She’s like a year younger than me but looks mid 50s
That is a tranny.
It’s so insulting isn’t it?
It pains me to see these monsters walking free.
Why do I feel like its AOC talking? And yeah, how dare the normal people without "accreditation" (meaning you wont ask uncomfortable questions) think they could have their voices heard??
God forbid an “unaccredited journalist” ask a got damn question.
It's the teeth.
KEK, neighhhhh!!! Neighhhh!!!!! That horse just wanted to go have a piss!
Search this place for jar baby
The two cunts get checks from the same people
Does every country have their own version of AOC now?
It’s because she has a penis.
She has it tucked up so tight that it makes her scrunch up her face.
Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle
Neanderthal phenotype is what it is, nothing to do with intelligence outside that.
She's as Jewish as Pocahontas is native American. "Many, many generations ago" lol she's clearly just lying for votes.
Ripped the video. Thanks.
AOC is also Jewish
If anyone wants.
She’s part of the Rivera’s and other “Cortez” “hispanic/jewish” slave traders in New England. Check the history. People like Geraldo are fake Hispanics too.
Typical. Evil coward.
When Gov. Inslee came over to Spokane last year, nobody but press was allowed in the building with him. Police were blocking the two entrances. It's because he knew people like me showed up to call him an evil tyrant.
Going to the bathroom because you pooped yo pants
Well, she's a he so... leakage.
“I’m sorry everyone, we have someone demanding the truth be made public instead of the approved narrative, we’ll have to shut this down.” Who out there still cannot see thru this charade?
Ahh the great Jacinda Ardern, another product of the WEF young leaders program!!
Go to the bathroom and flush your fucking cunt face fucking demonic bitch
Does that guy sound like an American?
The unapproved reporter was asking why Israel is not having success with a high vaccination rate.
I’m pretty sure the guy was not trying to ask an anti-Semitic question, but he got shut down anyway.
Oy veh…
In other words: you’re disrupting the propaganda, no questions from critical thinkers allowed.
When do the people of NZ wake up? I understand there are those with the crabs in the bucket mentality. "I got vaxxed, so you have to too." Does this not make peoples spidey sense tingle? Are people seriously NPCS? Who in their right mind would listen to this horse-face fucking cunt?
Yep, they're NPCs. That's why it's impossible to see their point of view or reason with them as they don't actually think anymore.
Oh man - s/he is desperately clinging to the last shreds of he/r authority s/he has - which hilariously just happens to be the DIScredited presstituts 😂
Insufferable twat
We are being ruled by the ugly and repulsive!
To our accredited propagandist who hold the deepstate line... we have to move so i don't get honest questions.
Accredited media hahahahahahahaha
What the fuck's that even supposed to mean?
Someone not part of the officially sanctioned state-run media
All totalitarian dictatorships know they must control the media with an iron fist
Hence state-run media
Here in the US it's on steroids - all major media outlets except one, OAN, are part of the authoritarian state-run media cabal. Members of the dictatorship carefully select them for questions so they can get their narrative just right.
Many, many more free media outlets exist at the minor level. Will any become major after the Great Awakening reset? Time will tell!
Why? Easy.
Because Israel keeps larping as God's chosen people, when in reality they are the synagogue of Satan and going to hell.
Jesus warned those faggots. They didn't listen.
Coward bitch.
Why isn't "SHE" wearing a fucking mask?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
They dont make one big enough for a mouth like that
I’m sure he’s part of the tribe...
7 deaths a day from COVID in Israel, 0 in NZ.
I loathe that fake-nice routine they do. You can feel the hatred seething out of them.
Would've been funny if he just started laughing hysterically insanely loudly until she left the stage.
Oy vey anuddah shoah
That was fabulous
Accredited = leftist boot licker media only and no actual questions.