Likewise, a naturally immune unvaccinated worker is presumably at less risk than an unvaccinated worker who has never had the virus. The list goes on, but one constant remains—the Mandate fails almost completely to address, or even respond to, much of this reality and common sense.
page 15
Footnote 19 The Mandate is also underinclusive in the solutions it proposes. Indeed, even in its fullest force, the Mandate cannot prevent vaccinated employees from spreading the virus in the workplace, or prevent unvaccinated employees from spreading the virus in between weekly tests. ed this!
the Mandate cannot prevent vaccinated employees from spreading the virus in the workplace, or prevent unvaccinated employees from spreading the virus in between weekly tests
People should be using this language when challenging employers to prove they have a reasonable basis to force a medical experiment on employees (and everyone should be making that challenge, but in a "nice" way).
Hijacking: Anyone facing forced vaxx in employment should use this decision to say that the "mandate" has been legally halted.
Sure, it is only the 5th Circuit, but that is law unless a local circuit says otherwise. If not, it is the current law. This is especially important for any company headquartered in Texas, as many are.
And sure, it is temporary, but we don't know which way this will go. So, it is worth using to advantage.
This was a direct and almost personal rebuke of the president. I especially liked the phrase: "Nor can the Article II executive breathe new power into OSHA’s authority—no matter how thin patience wears."
It's not allowed because the vaccine and the passports are the intended path back to Papers Please, social credit score as well as slow depopulation. Plus big pharma doesn't make money off of natural immunity, hence why they've been trying to make it sound like a myth. Hell I'm getting hit with a thousand dollar a year surcharge on my health insurance next year for not taking the jab, while I "may" get it waived with a religious exemption there's no option for natural immunity, they act like it doesn't exist in spite of even the NIH saying that it does.
It's interesting that other countries are counting. We are planning on doing religious exemption, and my husband's co worker in the England office was surprised we couldn't do an antibody test because they can over there.
I have read, keep it basic at first, then if they ask about it, have some details ready. Then if they dig farther, maybe have a lawyer on standby. But the important part is to keep it vague and see if they'll take it. No need to dig your hole deeper before they get a chance to look at it. I'm going to have to do the same here soon too. My job sent out the same bullshit.
I wish they would have touched more on the illegality of it. But I am presently surprised it addressed how little sense this rule made.
I'm concerned this won't matter. It sets up a narrative where they can say LOOK those IDIOTS in Louisiana blocked because they're anti-scieeeence! And then they'll have a great story to explain why the supreme court was right to undo this appeal because the supreme court is about the LAwwww /s
** edit I'm an idiot sorry just read the whole thing
I still think they'll say this. But I see the legal issues have been more addressed than I thought.
The whole document is worth reading!!! It slams on everything about the mandate, from OSHA to the Constitution, and it tells how Xidan was able to push the mandate using OSHA ETS powers.
From pages 20 -21 (bottom of pg 20 - pg 21)
For these reasons, the petitioners’ motion for a stay pending review is
GRANTED. Enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration’s “COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard” remains STAYED pending adequate judicial review
of the petitioners’ underlying motions for a permanent injunction.
In addition, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that OSHA take no
steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.
when does the supreme court get this and end this horseshit?
Would they even have the spine to do so?
We live in a world where everyone is just taking peoples word for it on this because they are scared. Fuck the freedom. Fuck our rights. Fuck the inexpensive medicines (HCQ / Ivermectin) that would END ALL OF THIS.
Other comments in there rulng seem to just shift the ability to do this to the states. The states shouldn't be able to do this either. I think the wording will just embolden lib ran states. It's scary
I've only gotten to read a few pages so far but on page 3 ...
From page 3:
"On November 6, 2021, we agreed to stay the Mandate pending briefing and expedited judicial review. Having conducted that expedited review, we reaffirm our initial stay."
This is just the OHSA mandate right? What about the damn federal contract vaccine mandate and mandate for hospitals receiving Medicare? Any hope there?
Exactly. What about federal employees who work in sectors that aren’t elite or privileged or corrupt enough to exempt themselves like Congress can or the freaking USPS. Apparently it’s still ok for some people to have no constitutional rights.
Those who ask for federal privileges must abide by federal rules. The feds do not have authority over anyone else.
Read the Constitution.
Of course, a fake vaxx pushed on fraudulent grounds needs to be rejected no matter what, but federal employees asked for the privilege and must abide by the rules (as long as the rules are not based on fraud).
I agree that those companies seeking federal contracts are accepting privileges, but what privileges are federal employees accepting? The privilege of a paycheck? Doesn’t seem right that they think that can justify the total annihilation of constitutional rights.
In government agencies, hospitals, or universities they can give you a vaccine from a lot of their choosing. Doctors and those in power or valuable positions could be getting vaccines from the nonlethal lots.
Are they going to hold the Biden regime in contempt of court?
Hurray though, but hopefully it means something.
Edit: Ass hat down voters for speaking the truth. What you think Biden is going to stop pushing mandates because he lost his appeal when he didn't stop prior?
Uh not dooming, it's fact. Six days ago Biden was ordered to temporarily halt vax mandates. Did he? No. He filed an appeal and lost. Will he stop now? Doubt it.
Sorry not to be everyone else and hip hip hurrah something that may very well be meaningless. A nothingburger.
With the eviction moratorium, they even stated that it was unconstitutional and they were just trying to squeeze a few more months out of it before they get shut down, not dooming, but the fucks seem to just keep moving their shit along with or without approval from the other branches of government.
I read somewhere in one of the initial posts about the stay that it only applies to the states that are under the 5th circuit court. Texas, Louisiana, and a few other. But I'm definitely not a lawyer or well versed in this shit at all.
I'd have to look at the actual opinion. Those are the states that sued in the 5th circuit for sure. But usually if a federal court rules on something the executive branch has done and finds that it is unconstitutional, for example, that would mean that it's unconstitutional. That's why the 9th Cir. (CA, OR, etc.) was able to issue nation wide injunctions against Trump's immigration policies.
There's been a lot of debate about whether federal courts should be able to issue nationwide rulings but they can. Here the court seems to have held that the federal government's mandate was "staggeringly over broad" so I am making an assumption that's the ruling against the mandate is not really a state or region specific.
My dog woke me up but I'm not awake enough to look into it further right now LOL. I will get back to you :).
Thanks for the info. LoL I'm awake, but not smart enough to interpret all of this stuff. I do math and design shit for a living, this lawyer stuff is waaaayyyy to much reading for my brain to handle.
If only 1 circuit makes a ruling like this on a federal law, it is the law across the country, unless another circuit rules the opposite way on the exact same issue.
I would not be suprised if that happens, but until then, it applies nationwide.
However, if you go to district (trial) court in another circuit, the lower court might not abide by this ruling, though it should.
Rulings within a circuit are binding on the lower courts in that circuit, but only persuasive in other circuits. However, if there is no ruling in your circuit, and this ruling in the 5th Circuit, then all courts should follow this ruling as persuasive since there is no other ruling to look at. But many judges are corrupt, so there is no way to know for sure.
So, use it to advantage now, and we'll see what happens as more cards are dealt from the deck. Companies should start getting skiddish about this, now that there is a solid stay order. This is especially true for any company headquartered in Texas.
Also, it is a "stay" which means temporary. The fight is not over, but this is solid knockdown for our team.
It doesn’t change anything for those of us in healthcare. Doesn’t matter that we have naturally acquired immunity. What does matter is all the $ they’ve taken from me over the yrs for Medicare purposes can also be used as leverage to make me consent to tyranny. . . . I assume one has to sign paper to take the vac as does anyone taking the flu shot. We should write in before signing that we are being forced out of fear and intimidation!
< all the $ they’ve taken from me over the yrs for Medicare purposes
If you mean Medicare taxes, then those are income taxes. They are never "set aside" for your personal Medicare expenses.
Some for Social Security.
There is no "trust fund" or "lock box." It is just another scam, and always has been, from the beginning. Even FDR's lawyers stated that SS is a welfare program, not a retirement program, when challened in court. It has been legally treated that way ever since.
Thank you so much for sharing this information. I'm facing some very hard decisions at a new job I started 2 week ago.
They are requiring all employees to upload their vaxx status to comply with commie California mandates. I'm sad. Confused. Nervous. Was unemployed for over a year and finally found something I like and now facing this garbage.
I am sorry for what you're going through. The only silver lining I see is that this has exposed your new employer as a giant duchebag and Commie. Anytime you're employed by someone else you are consenting to grow THEIR wealth while modestly increasing yours. That's fine for people who are ok with that, but personally, if I were employed by someone else and contributing to their wealth with my sweat I would want to feel like it was at least a moral human and a good organization. If self employment is an option, I recommend it highly. If it is not, maybe you can begin to look into companies who have taken a stand for their employees instead of for BIG PHARMA. I am hopeful that all those complicit in this will be held accountable but it may be awhile so in the meantime, best wishes to you on staying strong and not complying with this BS.
Appreciate the kind follow up to my comment. You're certainly correct regarding working for someone else and building their wealth.
While unemployed, I gave it my best to help with build the success of a small start-up company in which I am a co-founder. It will ultimately succeed, but will take longer than expected to be profitable because of all the unfortunate world events preventing our abilities to make things happen quicker.
Thanks for sharing your valuable feedback. I'll continue to avoid all corporate jab mandates.
Thanks for asking. We engineered and developed a unique and very luxury themed portable wine bottle. And did the same with our tumblers. Don't want to self promote in this sacred space. If you search kicks@$#%#$, you should find us. Appreciate your inquiry, Fren!
My personal favorite part of this ruling is found on the bottom of page 18 and top of pg 19:
"...the Mandate threatens to substantially burden the liberty interests of reluctant individual recipients put to a choice between their job(s) and their jab(s). For the individual petitioners, the loss of Constitional freedoms for even "minimal periods of time...unquestionably constitutes irrevocable injury." Elrod v. Burns, 427 U.S. 347, 373 (1976) (The loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.").
I think it is worth reiterating and really explaining once more for the compliant, complicit sheep trolling this site who are plugging their ears and wetting their pants in the back of the room:
"The loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, UNQUESTIONABLY constitutes IRREVOCABLE INJURY." (Emphasis mine).
Unquestionably: in a way that is beyond question or doubt; certainly, absolutely, indisputably
Irrevocable: not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final
Injury: hurt, damage, or loss sustained AKA the thing that will make these losers pull out their checkbooks to the tune of fines that will allow their abused employees to never work again if they choose and which will also result in the termination (and hopefully much worse consequences) for all individual actors found guilty of these crimes.
Let's see how well they enjoy having their jobs and their livelihoods and even their freedom threatened or lost altogether for noncompliance with our Constitution!
For those who have not already taken the course, please, please do. It is free and my 10 year old was able to complete it with me so the material is universally accessible.
page 13 (d)
Likewise, a naturally immune unvaccinated worker is presumably at less risk than an unvaccinated worker who has never had the virus. The list goes on, but one constant remains—the Mandate fails almost completely to address, or even respond to, much of this reality and common sense.
page 15
Footnote 19 The Mandate is also underinclusive in the solutions it proposes. Indeed, even in its fullest force, the Mandate cannot prevent vaccinated employees from spreading the virus in the workplace, or prevent unvaccinated employees from spreading the virus in between weekly tests. ed this!
People should be using this language when challenging employers to prove they have a reasonable basis to force a medical experiment on employees (and everyone should be making that challenge, but in a "nice" way).
Man Over Broad!
Bro before hoe
Maybe we can throw the Biden Admin overboard.
Hijacking: Anyone facing forced vaxx in employment should use this decision to say that the "mandate" has been legally halted.
Sure, it is only the 5th Circuit, but that is law unless a local circuit says otherwise. If not, it is the current law. This is especially important for any company headquartered in Texas, as many are.
And sure, it is temporary, but we don't know which way this will go. So, it is worth using to advantage.
This stay applies on a national level.
This was a direct and almost personal rebuke of the president. I especially liked the phrase: "Nor can the Article II executive breathe new power into OSHA’s authority—no matter how thin patience wears."
Gotta remember that asterisk fren!
Overbroad???? Try unconstitutional ..!!!!
The decision does state that the mandate is likely to fail on constitutional grounds, but deciding that was no the purpose of the appeal.
Finally, a mention of natural immunity!!
In England, you can use your antibodies for proof that you are immune. Not that you should have to!
Weird in the US, it's not allowed.
It's not allowed because the vaccine and the passports are the intended path back to Papers Please, social credit score as well as slow depopulation. Plus big pharma doesn't make money off of natural immunity, hence why they've been trying to make it sound like a myth. Hell I'm getting hit with a thousand dollar a year surcharge on my health insurance next year for not taking the jab, while I "may" get it waived with a religious exemption there's no option for natural immunity, they act like it doesn't exist in spite of even the NIH saying that it does.
I think they've overlooked an important fact: THE JAB WILL KILL YOU.
Yeah, I know.
It's interesting that other countries are counting. We are planning on doing religious exemption, and my husband's co worker in the England office was surprised we couldn't do an antibody test because they can over there.
That's because England isn't going full blown satanic agenda...
Surprising because so much NWO came out of there.
Tomato, tamato; potato, patato.
Potatoe. Dan Quayle was NEVER wrong. KEK
Here's the official document
Thank you for posting link. Understanding it ? I'm not a lawyer or view docs like this daily .. Need cliff notes
I have read, keep it basic at first, then if they ask about it, have some details ready. Then if they dig farther, maybe have a lawyer on standby. But the important part is to keep it vague and see if they'll take it. No need to dig your hole deeper before they get a chance to look at it. I'm going to have to do the same here soon too. My job sent out the same bullshit.
Thank you 👍
So is that good news???
That is great news!!! Addressing individual needs and natural immunity.
I'm definitely pretty happy with this response.
I wish they would have touched more on the illegality of it. But I am presently surprised it addressed how little sense this rule made.
I'm concerned this won't matter. It sets up a narrative where they can say LOOK those IDIOTS in Louisiana blocked because they're anti-scieeeence! And then they'll have a great story to explain why the supreme court was right to undo this appeal because the supreme court is about the LAwwww /s
** edit I'm an idiot sorry just read the whole thing
I still think they'll say this. But I see the legal issues have been more addressed than I thought.
Wonderful news!
The whole document is worth reading!!! It slams on everything about the mandate, from OSHA to the Constitution, and it tells how Xidan was able to push the mandate using OSHA ETS powers.
From pages 20 -21 (bottom of pg 20 - pg 21)
For these reasons, the petitioners’ motion for a stay pending review is GRANTED. Enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard” remains STAYED pending adequate judicial review of the petitioners’ underlying motions for a permanent injunction.
In addition, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that OSHA take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.
Man overbroad! Throw him a life perserver.
when does the supreme court get this and end this horseshit?
Would they even have the spine to do so?
We live in a world where everyone is just taking peoples word for it on this because they are scared. Fuck the freedom. Fuck our rights. Fuck the inexpensive medicines (HCQ / Ivermectin) that would END ALL OF THIS.
God damn....this is fucking insanity.
No fucking doubt, fren. Insanity.
It’s absurd on its face.
Like his VP.
No, she's absurd on her knees
Thank you mods
Other comments in there rulng seem to just shift the ability to do this to the states. The states shouldn't be able to do this either. I think the wording will just embolden lib ran states. It's scary
It is up to each state's citizens to constrain their state governments.
I've only gotten to read a few pages so far but on page 3 ...
From page 3:
"On November 6, 2021, we agreed to stay the Mandate pending briefing and expedited judicial review. Having conducted that expedited review, we reaffirm our initial stay."
Edit to add link ...
You mean a one size fits all approach to healthcare is a bad idea? Who could have imagined that
Actually all of it is bad.
This is just the OHSA mandate right? What about the damn federal contract vaccine mandate and mandate for hospitals receiving Medicare? Any hope there?
Exactly. What about federal employees who work in sectors that aren’t elite or privileged or corrupt enough to exempt themselves like Congress can or the freaking USPS. Apparently it’s still ok for some people to have no constitutional rights.
Those who ask for federal privileges must abide by federal rules. The feds do not have authority over anyone else.
Read the Constitution.
Of course, a fake vaxx pushed on fraudulent grounds needs to be rejected no matter what, but federal employees asked for the privilege and must abide by the rules (as long as the rules are not based on fraud).
I agree that those companies seeking federal contracts are accepting privileges, but what privileges are federal employees accepting? The privilege of a paycheck? Doesn’t seem right that they think that can justify the total annihilation of constitutional rights.
In government agencies, hospitals, or universities they can give you a vaccine from a lot of their choosing. Doctors and those in power or valuable positions could be getting vaccines from the nonlethal lots.
Does it matter, aren't they still pushing it?
Are they going to hold the Biden regime in contempt of court?
Hurray though, but hopefully it means something.
Edit: Ass hat down voters for speaking the truth. What you think Biden is going to stop pushing mandates because he lost his appeal when he didn't stop prior?
Come on man!
This just came out!!!
WTF is wrong with you? classic dooming.
I know you are but what am I?
K: starts with an D and ends with oomer.
Uh not dooming, it's fact. Six days ago Biden was ordered to temporarily halt vax mandates. Did he? No. He filed an appeal and lost. Will he stop now? Doubt it. Sorry not to be everyone else and hip hip hurrah something that may very well be meaningless. A nothingburger.
TLDR; you're dumb.
He ain’t in control of shit as far as I can see. No pun intended!
With the eviction moratorium, they even stated that it was unconstitutional and they were just trying to squeeze a few more months out of it before they get shut down, not dooming, but the fucks seem to just keep moving their shit along with or without approval from the other branches of government.
Does this apply to ALL states or only those that filed the lawsuit?
It is federal law until some other circuit rules differently and then the Supreme Court will have to resolve any conflict between the circuits.
I read somewhere in one of the initial posts about the stay that it only applies to the states that are under the 5th circuit court. Texas, Louisiana, and a few other. But I'm definitely not a lawyer or well versed in this shit at all.
I'd have to look at the actual opinion. Those are the states that sued in the 5th circuit for sure. But usually if a federal court rules on something the executive branch has done and finds that it is unconstitutional, for example, that would mean that it's unconstitutional. That's why the 9th Cir. (CA, OR, etc.) was able to issue nation wide injunctions against Trump's immigration policies.
There's been a lot of debate about whether federal courts should be able to issue nationwide rulings but they can. Here the court seems to have held that the federal government's mandate was "staggeringly over broad" so I am making an assumption that's the ruling against the mandate is not really a state or region specific.
My dog woke me up but I'm not awake enough to look into it further right now LOL. I will get back to you :).
Thanks for the info. LoL I'm awake, but not smart enough to interpret all of this stuff. I do math and design shit for a living, this lawyer stuff is waaaayyyy to much reading for my brain to handle.
There are 11 circuit courts, plus 2 in DC.
They are 1 step below the SCOTUS.
If only 1 circuit makes a ruling like this on a federal law, it is the law across the country, unless another circuit rules the opposite way on the exact same issue.
I would not be suprised if that happens, but until then, it applies nationwide.
However, if you go to district (trial) court in another circuit, the lower court might not abide by this ruling, though it should.
Rulings within a circuit are binding on the lower courts in that circuit, but only persuasive in other circuits. However, if there is no ruling in your circuit, and this ruling in the 5th Circuit, then all courts should follow this ruling as persuasive since there is no other ruling to look at. But many judges are corrupt, so there is no way to know for sure.
So, use it to advantage now, and we'll see what happens as more cards are dealt from the deck. Companies should start getting skiddish about this, now that there is a solid stay order. This is especially true for any company headquartered in Texas.
Also, it is a "stay" which means temporary. The fight is not over, but this is solid knockdown for our team.
I read they were trying to get a permanent injunction for this, not sure if that means the ruling is chiseled in stone or what.
This applies nationwide.
Probably just that federal circuit, but I’m just some dude in the internet.
It doesn’t change anything for those of us in healthcare. Doesn’t matter that we have naturally acquired immunity. What does matter is all the $ they’ve taken from me over the yrs for Medicare purposes can also be used as leverage to make me consent to tyranny. . . . I assume one has to sign paper to take the vac as does anyone taking the flu shot. We should write in before signing that we are being forced out of fear and intimidation!
< all the $ they’ve taken from me over the yrs for Medicare purposes
If you mean Medicare taxes, then those are income taxes. They are never "set aside" for your personal Medicare expenses.
Some for Social Security.
There is no "trust fund" or "lock box." It is just another scam, and always has been, from the beginning. Even FDR's lawyers stated that SS is a welfare program, not a retirement program, when challened in court. It has been legally treated that way ever since.
Thank you so much for sharing this information. I'm facing some very hard decisions at a new job I started 2 week ago.
They are requiring all employees to upload their vaxx status to comply with commie California mandates. I'm sad. Confused. Nervous. Was unemployed for over a year and finally found something I like and now facing this garbage.
I am sorry for what you're going through. The only silver lining I see is that this has exposed your new employer as a giant duchebag and Commie. Anytime you're employed by someone else you are consenting to grow THEIR wealth while modestly increasing yours. That's fine for people who are ok with that, but personally, if I were employed by someone else and contributing to their wealth with my sweat I would want to feel like it was at least a moral human and a good organization. If self employment is an option, I recommend it highly. If it is not, maybe you can begin to look into companies who have taken a stand for their employees instead of for BIG PHARMA. I am hopeful that all those complicit in this will be held accountable but it may be awhile so in the meantime, best wishes to you on staying strong and not complying with this BS.
Appreciate the kind follow up to my comment. You're certainly correct regarding working for someone else and building their wealth.
While unemployed, I gave it my best to help with build the success of a small start-up company in which I am a co-founder. It will ultimately succeed, but will take longer than expected to be profitable because of all the unfortunate world events preventing our abilities to make things happen quicker.
Thanks for sharing your valuable feedback. I'll continue to avoid all corporate jab mandates.
What was the start up? Just curious?
Thanks for asking. We engineered and developed a unique and very luxury themed portable wine bottle. And did the same with our tumblers. Don't want to self promote in this sacred space. If you search kicks@$#%#$, you should find us. Appreciate your inquiry, Fren!
Let's hope this as far as it goes! WINNING!
More info
Over a broad?
They put that in quotes. Lol. Overbroad
The court did not. The person who wrote the tweet did.
My personal favorite part of this ruling is found on the bottom of page 18 and top of pg 19:
"...the Mandate threatens to substantially burden the liberty interests of reluctant individual recipients put to a choice between their job(s) and their jab(s). For the individual petitioners, the loss of Constitional freedoms for even "minimal periods of time...unquestionably constitutes irrevocable injury." Elrod v. Burns, 427 U.S. 347, 373 (1976) (The loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.").
I think it is worth reiterating and really explaining once more for the compliant, complicit sheep trolling this site who are plugging their ears and wetting their pants in the back of the room:
"The loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, UNQUESTIONABLY constitutes IRREVOCABLE INJURY." (Emphasis mine).
Unquestionably: in a way that is beyond question or doubt; certainly, absolutely, indisputably
Irrevocable: not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final
Injury: hurt, damage, or loss sustained AKA the thing that will make these losers pull out their checkbooks to the tune of fines that will allow their abused employees to never work again if they choose and which will also result in the termination (and hopefully much worse consequences) for all individual actors found guilty of these crimes.
Let's see how well they enjoy having their jobs and their livelihoods and even their freedom threatened or lost altogether for noncompliance with our Constitution!
For those who have not already taken the course, please, please do. It is free and my 10 year old was able to complete it with me so the material is universally accessible.
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin