I believe that any doctor or nurse who gives one of the mRNA covid jabs after today will in due course be struck off the appropriate register and arrested.
[At approximately 03:40 of the video]: If the Covid jab experiment continues after today then we know for absolute sure that this is not a medical treatment. It's a cull. -Dr. Vernon Coleman
Well, that's some awfully bad news for a lot of people. Including doctors, lawyers, city officials, mayors, governors, premiers, prime ministers, etc...
If this is 100% true, and i don't doubt it coming from the actual source of the AHA, then that's a whole new can of worms for our friends at the DS lol.
Oh, I soooooooooo can't wait to watch these monsters hang.
Someone posted about Trump's social platform, something about a subscribing service. The comment I really enjoyed was "oh my god, subscription for streaming the hangings" LOL.
The last six months it has been a slow drip and now we are starting to see a gush of new info coming out from more and more mainstream sources and researchers.
The truth will come out eventually in full plain view of the public. But how will those that have been deceived by the experimental jab react?
That looks like it was written by Dr. Gundry, the heart doc who is always doing lectures and wrote a book about the dangers of lectins in foods. He’s all over Youtube. His book was interesting.
I noticed the same thing re: the author and was actually concerned that with normies it will delegitimize the study just because his very recognizable name is listed - with no co-authors by the way so that is a bummer because it might have helped legitimize his findings. Gundry has several infomercial type ads that pop up as commercials on youtube and of course MSM has already vilified his work as pseudoscience on Wikipedia (done before this article was published). Pretty sure my former leftie friends would not accept the data published here because of the author. They are very conditioned to completely disregard anything the mainstream says is pseudoscience. Sorry to toss a wet blanket on this one. For those who think the article may help in the cause of the awakening - share away I guess.
Dang, this will actually help me out very much during my next doctor's visit as I have a family history of cardiovascular disease and he always mentions that during every check-up.
You’re absolutely right and it’s not going to I really wish we would stop all of these BS comments about arrests and hangings and all the rest of that crap .....you’re Heard nothing from the Supreme Court of the nation that should tell you everything the train is on the tracks and it’s barreling full speed ahead
Thing is they're collapsing around different leagues and many westerners just watch domestic like English/Spanish leagues, Champion's league, and international Nation competitions.
The list I saw included teens in minor leagues, cricket players, mountain bikers, and sports with little crossover in fans for now.
I'm pretty sure US pro leagues received saline because nothing is happening to them. They are examples for kids and that doesn't work if they're clotting out.
I provided this article to my normie friend and he brushed it off. How are otherwise very intelligent people so FUCKING STUPID when it comes to these dangerous shots? My friend can run intellectual circles around me but I can plainly see that these shots are not remotely safe. It doesn't even take exhaustive research. I just don't understand this.
He (Yuri Brezhnev) describes how they have brainwashed people and why they can be told facts, but will not be able to discern truth. This was back in 1985. They knew how to do it then (and he defected in 1970!). (Edited for clarity)
I went to the "Circulation" website and can't find this article. Someone else please try to verify if this is a real article, or a sad attempt to deceive. Thank you.
Ok, thanks, I wanted to make sure I had a real link to the article before I post elsewhere. In the information war we are in, it's absolutely necessary to have full verification of anything before posting.
https://www.ahajournals.org › journal › circ
I'm surprised they publish stuff from Gundry, although he's a legit heart doctor. He is also into supplements.
I’ve sent this to some of my vaccine worshipping family asking them to reconsider getting a booster. Silence from every single one of them. Posted it on my social media in a way I knew wouldn’t get shadow banned, still ignored.
The one person I got to respond sent me a blog post railing on the AHA author as a crackpot. I chastised them for countering with a damn blogger. Get better sources to prove him wrong and crazy if that’s the angle but try harder. If we are able to use random bloggers as reliable sources by all means........ I’ve got plenty too. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
“These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.” Possibly a 10 to 25% increased risk to an already obese and sedentary population...
Does the article actually exist? Cannot find it. But abstract accessed w/links below say originally published Nov 24 not 8. Have it saying Nov 8 by searching abstract name.
This article expresses concern regarding abstract “Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning” which originally published November 8, 2021; https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712.
Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used.
We are publishing this Expression of Concern until a suitable correction is published to indicate that the abstract in its current version may not be reliable.
And here is Vernon Coleman explaining why this article is a game changer: https://vernoncoleman.org/videos/finally-medical-proof-covid-jab-murder
Thanks for that link,very much appreciated.
Crimes against humanity. May they all live in fear after being fired for that charge.
Excellent link! Thank you for sharing it.
all it takes is one chink in the armor. goliath will come tumbling down eventually if we never give up
“Nope it is not going to matter.”
Why did you post this comment? What was your objective?
Here's the Article: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712
Why do you delete comments? Thanks for archiving it I have it saved!
Here is the link. I won’t delete it:
The internet is forever.
The reason being that her family found her accounts and she's ashamed of all the dumb shit she posts.
T7 fren
Another must read:
2 million reports of adverse effects of the COVID vaccine
Well, that's some awfully bad news for a lot of people. Including doctors, lawyers, city officials, mayors, governors, premiers, prime ministers, etc...
If this is 100% true, and i don't doubt it coming from the actual source of the AHA, then that's a whole new can of worms for our friends at the DS lol.
Oh, I soooooooooo can't wait to watch these monsters hang.
Someone posted about Trump's social platform, something about a subscribing service. The comment I really enjoyed was "oh my god, subscription for streaming the hangings" LOL.
Hang on tight. Pure Blood blood is about to become a priceless commodity.
The last six months it has been a slow drip and now we are starting to see a gush of new info coming out from more and more mainstream sources and researchers.
The truth will come out eventually in full plain view of the public. But how will those that have been deceived by the experimental jab react?
That looks like it was written by Dr. Gundry, the heart doc who is always doing lectures and wrote a book about the dangers of lectins in foods. He’s all over Youtube. His book was interesting.
I noticed the same thing re: the author and was actually concerned that with normies it will delegitimize the study just because his very recognizable name is listed - with no co-authors by the way so that is a bummer because it might have helped legitimize his findings. Gundry has several infomercial type ads that pop up as commercials on youtube and of course MSM has already vilified his work as pseudoscience on Wikipedia (done before this article was published). Pretty sure my former leftie friends would not accept the data published here because of the author. They are very conditioned to completely disregard anything the mainstream says is pseudoscience. Sorry to toss a wet blanket on this one. For those who think the article may help in the cause of the awakening - share away I guess.
Dang, this will actually help me out very much during my next doctor's visit as I have a family history of cardiovascular disease and he always mentions that during every check-up.
guarantee he'll go into denial mode because he's already vaxxed a fuck ton of people
This was originally published on November 8th. It appears to have not stopped any of the genocide program.
True, but it hasn't been hidden or removed yet, so that's good
You’re absolutely right and it’s not going to I really wish we would stop all of these BS comments about arrests and hangings and all the rest of that crap .....you’re Heard nothing from the Supreme Court of the nation that should tell you everything the train is on the tracks and it’s barreling full speed ahead
Finally the truth is coming out to the sheep. u/#supplies
Combine this with all the footballers dying on pitch and we have a SERIOUS problem, how are they going to rationalise this?
Thing is they're collapsing around different leagues and many westerners just watch domestic like English/Spanish leagues, Champion's league, and international Nation competitions.
The list I saw included teens in minor leagues, cricket players, mountain bikers, and sports with little crossover in fans for now.
So many have no idea how bad it is yet.
I'm pretty sure US pro leagues received saline because nothing is happening to them. They are examples for kids and that doesn't work if they're clotting out.
Nyjets player developed blood disorder post vax
I suspect a lot of them didn't actually receive it at all
I also suspect the leagues know this and are complicit
A young player from the jets developed a "rare blood disorder" after getting the vaxx and I believe his career is over just as it was starting.
I provided this article to my normie friend and he brushed it off. How are otherwise very intelligent people so FUCKING STUPID when it comes to these dangerous shots? My friend can run intellectual circles around me but I can plainly see that these shots are not remotely safe. It doesn't even take exhaustive research. I just don't understand this.
He (Yuri Brezhnev) describes how they have brainwashed people and why they can be told facts, but will not be able to discern truth. This was back in 1985. They knew how to do it then (and he defected in 1970!). (Edited for clarity) https://youtu.be/zeMZGGQ0ERk
Legit source. I am going to pass this to my lost co-worker who otherwise is incredibly intelligent but .....
I was just researching the source as well. Legit for normies👌
Sadly my friend is gonna ignore it. What the fuck is wrong with normally smart people? I am so damn confused.
That really sucks. I'm sorry❤
This needs spread far and wide.
Was able to post the Vernon video to both Twitter and Facebook, spread it.
Glad to see a major group not bow down and actually speak to truth ♥
I'm trying to find the actual study rather than just the abstract. Can anyone help find that for me?
I went to the "Circulation" website and can't find this article. Someone else please try to verify if this is a real article, or a sad attempt to deceive. Thank you.
scroll down and you will find it here, after searching the Abstract number.
Ok, thanks, I wanted to make sure I had a real link to the article before I post elsewhere. In the information war we are in, it's absolutely necessary to have full verification of anything before posting.
https://www.ahajournals.org › journal › circ I'm surprised they publish stuff from Gundry, although he's a legit heart doctor. He is also into supplements.
I’ve sent this to some of my vaccine worshipping family asking them to reconsider getting a booster. Silence from every single one of them. Posted it on my social media in a way I knew wouldn’t get shadow banned, still ignored.
The one person I got to respond sent me a blog post railing on the AHA author as a crackpot. I chastised them for countering with a damn blogger. Get better sources to prove him wrong and crazy if that’s the angle but try harder. If we are able to use random bloggers as reliable sources by all means........ I’ve got plenty too. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I do not understand these people at all.
Awesome find, fren! Great job! Thank you!
I wish there was more data on this.
Yeah, all i can read is the abstract. I’m sure it’ll be deboonked by facebook soon.
A few dead peasants will not matter to our New Lord's and Masters
Thanks for posting that brilliant article.
Printed this off for my husband to battle the same doctor I went to last week who tried to push me into getting the jab.
Thank you for sharing this! I watched Vernon Coleman’s video and went searching for this article but was getting late! Thank you 🙏
“These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.” Possibly a 10 to 25% increased risk to an already obese and sedentary population...
Does the article actually exist? Cannot find it. But abstract accessed w/links below say originally published Nov 24 not 8. Have it saying Nov 8 by searching abstract name.
Can we get a Facebook Check Here On This Science?
thx y'all for greatt info....again!! shared
It got hit today with an Expression of Concern:
1CirculationCirculation. 2021;144:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001051 xxx xxx, 2021Circulation is available at www.ahajournals.org/journal/circ
© 2021 American Heart Association, Inc. EXPRESSION OF CONCERN Expression of Concern: Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
This article expresses concern regarding abstract “Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning” which originally published November 8, 2021; https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712. Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used. We are publishing this Expression of Concern until a suitable correction is published to indicate that the abstract in its current version may not be reliable.
Only one name on this paper — Dr Steven Gundry
They will not be able to claim ignorance.
Cult always tells the truth after.
Published on the 8th...