Why don't you make your own post if you think it's such a big deal? State your case there. Instead of hijacking this post and in the process deflecting from literal child sacrifice.
Like seriously, of all the places you could have mentioned this you decided to play the "but but but what about this" game on a comment talking about PP slaughtering fucking children.
You're equating the slaughter of Human children to animals. I hope you see how fucking degenerate that is.
The issue is not being able to show compassion to all creatures on this forum which you are more than welcome to do by creating a new thread, if you think it has anything to do with Q. The issue is doing it on this thread
If you do post a new thread, I would suggest explaining what the point you are making, and how its relevant to this forum.
She's the type of person who believes eating an egg is eating a chicken embryo. (The eggs we eat are unfertilized, but most pro-aborties abhor the idea of eating eggs because "it's a baby chick!" but a baby growing in their own wombs is not a human, or something, according to their "logic")
I don't care. They're delicious just about any way they're prepared and I shall do my best to consume as many of them as I can before I kick off this rock.
Yes that's exactly what they are, unfertilized eggs, unfertilized ovum. Like when an unfertilized egg gets passed in the womb of a woman she gets her period because her body knows that there is no fertilized egg to implant, so it sheds the uterine lining it's been growing for a month.
I know about the reverse, being alive and not feeling pain. This is called CIPA, or Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis (unable to sweat). Should those be excluded from a "pain" limit for abortion? Just in case... This is a rhetorical question.
You look at that bitch and you can tell she doesn't have two brain cells to rub together...and she's living proof that Liberalism is a severe mental disorder!
I remember when she was sworn in and she said she would base her decisions on her experience as a latina woman - and I don't believe she's ever provided an opinion that was based in legal doctrine. Bitch should be cleaning toilets at a motel 6.
The Morons on the left should focus on creating their own Vaccine to cure Stupid, no? Yeah, they are not smart enough. God will sort them out soon enough.
The only thing I could think of when she said this was I bet she's never carried a baby inside her. Looked it up and I was right. No children. Now her idiotic comments make sense
For the creature that got appointed to the Supreme Court by Barack Hussein Obama based entirely on her 'Hispanic woman feelings' this is incredibly stupid.
Let's think that through. To feel pain, there must be some sensory input, there must be some way to send those signals, and there must be some way to receive those signals and interpret them. Inanimate objects ie dead things don't have the ability to do that. Only living things of a higher order can. Living things with nerves, nerve pathways, and a brain, some of which Ms Sotomayor may lack.
Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.
Romans 1:22-25 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
If we don't allow them to sacrifice children then overpopulation will make climate change run rampant and there won't be an earth for the baby's babies.
Welcome to my new segment. Things a liberal would say.
Damn straight tell it like it is. 👍🏻
Imagine thinking Sotomayor actually believes that. It's a political argument, perhaps not even of their own accord.
Ah, yes. The Rittenhouse method...
Definitely a sack of something but I wasnt thinking wisdom.
You think the way those animals are treated is OK?
Why don't you make your own post if you think it's such a big deal? State your case there. Instead of hijacking this post and in the process deflecting from literal child sacrifice.
Like seriously, of all the places you could have mentioned this you decided to play the "but but but what about this" game on a comment talking about PP slaughtering fucking children.
You're equating the slaughter of Human children to animals. I hope you see how fucking degenerate that is.
My anon BROTHER!. Crimes against children unite across ALL PARTY LINES.
Tell me this shit ain't evil:
This so called Great Awakening forum can’t understand that we should show compassion to all creatures?
You have some growing up to do.
The issue is not being able to show compassion to all creatures on this forum which you are more than welcome to do by creating a new thread, if you think it has anything to do with Q. The issue is doing it on this thread
If you do post a new thread, I would suggest explaining what the point you are making, and how its relevant to this forum.
Humans are not creatures. We have dominion over those per God.
Le sigh. Whataboutism of the finest quality. All it does is derail from the issue at hand brought up by OP.
Make a new post if you want to talk about that.
Oh she believes it.... how could she say something so repugnant if she didn't.
Her views are THE why she was given this role.
Demons speaking from her shit-filled mouth.
Please put this on her tombstone.
Don’t give her or any of them that much honor. Mass grave. Unmarked. Forgotten.
Let’s all face it. Leftists are stupid.
And since you "can't fix" stupid, best to jus cut it out like the cancer it is.
Even that's giving them too much credit.
That's ridiculously stupid of her.
Can she give any examples of something that isn't alive, but can feel pain?
Exactly. Utterly retarded.
This exactly!
She's the type of person who believes eating an egg is eating a chicken embryo. (The eggs we eat are unfertilized, but most pro-aborties abhor the idea of eating eggs because "it's a baby chick!" but a baby growing in their own wombs is not a human, or something, according to their "logic")
The eggs we eat are like chicken menstrual cycles 😂😬 (gross to think of it that way but hey!)
I don't care. They're delicious just about any way they're prepared and I shall do my best to consume as many of them as I can before I kick off this rock.
Yes they are probably the best food honestly
Yes that's exactly what they are, unfertilized eggs, unfertilized ovum. Like when an unfertilized egg gets passed in the womb of a woman she gets her period because her body knows that there is no fertilized egg to implant, so it sheds the uterine lining it's been growing for a month.
Possibly herself.
So if we stick a pin in her, she won't feel anything?
I know about the reverse, being alive and not feeling pain. This is called CIPA, or Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis (unable to sweat). Should those be excluded from a "pain" limit for abortion? Just in case... This is a rhetorical question.
That's literally the whole defense for veganism.
Cherry picking as fuck.
Not stupid, EVIL
She's very likely a pedophile, torturer, murderer and cannibal herself.
That's how she got to be part associate justice of SCOTUS.
She is actually very stupid.
You look at that bitch and you can tell she doesn't have two brain cells to rub together...and she's living proof that Liberalism is a severe mental disorder!
I remember when she was sworn in and she said she would base her decisions on her experience as a latina woman - and I don't believe she's ever provided an opinion that was based in legal doctrine. Bitch should be cleaning toilets at a motel 6.
Funny that she is jewish masquerading as a half “Latina.”
ELIF please.
Her mother is a jewish bloodline and she is a Shabbat goy…
Start here https://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-Features/Sotomayors-Jewish-ties
Then here https://petermyersnewsletters.blogspot.com/2016/06/814-why-is-sotomayor-jewish-wikipedia.html?m=1
WOW. Thanks for this. Although wouldn't she be a crypto-jew rather than a shabbos goy?
I think you have a more accurate description. Thank you 😊
Or at the Standard Hotel.
The Morons on the left should focus on creating their own Vaccine to cure Stupid, no? Yeah, they are not smart enough. God will sort them out soon enough.
Someone was just thinking about their adrenochrome.
The only thing I could think of when she said this was I bet she's never carried a baby inside her. Looked it up and I was right. No children. Now her idiotic comments make sense
I say do dental surgery on her with no anesthesia and when she screams in pain deny she's alive.
Root canal.
She speaks and demonstrates she has no feeling anywhere and she is not alive herself.
She a fucking monkey. Regressed like a freaking worm.
Wise Latina isn't very wise. Stuck on stupid is no way to go through life
What an idiot. I would love for her to name any object in the universe other than a fetus that can feel pain and not be considered living.
Its not stupidity its pure evil and not caring.
Liberal cocksucker this one - even her name spells out Sodomy
For the creature that got appointed to the Supreme Court by Barack Hussein Obama based entirely on her 'Hispanic woman feelings' this is incredibly stupid.
Let's think that through. To feel pain, there must be some sensory input, there must be some way to send those signals, and there must be some way to receive those signals and interpret them. Inanimate objects ie dead things don't have the ability to do that. Only living things of a higher order can. Living things with nerves, nerve pathways, and a brain, some of which Ms Sotomayor may lack.
I only wish HER Mother had made the decision to abort!
So does that mean none of us are alive? Can I go get my death certificate and get my life insurance check?
I'm confused. Isn't the left supposed to be the party of SCIENCE?
And Obama told me Sotomayor was a wise Latina.
Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.
Romans 1:22-25 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
You mean the same SJ that was a die hard liberal installed as a supreme without pushback.
She will and I mean will answer to God when she be facing God
replace can be with are
If we don't allow them to sacrifice children then overpopulation will make climate change run rampant and there won't be an earth for the baby's babies.
Welcome to my new segment. Things a liberal would say.
Bunch of vegans in there, huh? Interesting.
You mean evil
What an evil bitch.
If I recall I believe they were about to call plants “sentient” beings bc they can feel pain….but a fetus…woah woah woah. Don’t go crazy now.
She's not actually as much of an educated idiot as she would like you to believe.
Her intentions are purely evil and are to benefit the Cabal at all costs.