MSM worried about “Trump’s Next Coup” 🤔 They are afraid of the 30 million +++ people who are now awake...🇺🇸🔥🇺🇸
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Biden blames "Qanon" for his failures.
Imagine how far we've come that the supposed POTUS mentions us as his biggest opponent.
Sounds like that Qanon guy is the only one in Washington that is getting anything done.
We are even worse than the hacker known as 4chan.
Hahaha gold
He sure is livin' rent-free!
Enter the latest Marvel or DC Comics character, QAnon, to save Metropolis! He'll beat the hell out of the evildoers with a keyboard, toss mouse grenades to blow pedophiles to smithereens, fling a razor laptop to sever DeepShit heads and destroy their evil empire using his network of PCs - from the comfort of his home office!
The fact that this mythical character resides in the mind of Braindead Joe - where thoughts go to die - shows just how powerful fear can be in LibWorld. He is our lap dog . . . Now all we have to do is issue mandates and edicts that are the opposite of our intentions, and that idiot and his programmed minions will do the opposite - to accomplish our objectives!
Bitin' ain't long for his role OR this world . . . The movie is well past intermission and he won't make it to the final scene. Roll credits!
Are you not Entertained?
I see what you did there....
Imagine blaming the people who supposedly elected you.
Almost like we didn't. And our numbers grow.
Find out why Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to rig a Billion Dollar Referendum in Racine, Wisconsin in the April 2020 primary, and you will not only find the Root, gateway and model of the rigged election but also the Root, gateway and model of their entire Agenda.
They fear the Root of the entire Agenda being exposed through Jesus Christ and The Truth.
Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of the entire Agenda.
Donald Trump can Save the world with One Word.
Is the word root?
The Word is Racine.
Racine means Root.
If everyone realized what their real Agenda is, and how Racine is used as the Root, gateway and model, they would begin to understand the real purpose of the Mark of the Beast, and that the global elite have been working for generations to build the organization and technology needed to implement their Agenda.
The real Agenda is beyond global enslavement. They aim to control every aspect of life and community from conception to cradle to career to grave and beyond. They aim to alter humanity into transhumanism with The Mark of the Beast enforced by smart cities, resilient communities, quantum AI and community policing.
Their Agenda is Eternal Enslavement.
My family is partially French and Racine doesn't exactly mean root in the language, it means a person who grows root vegetables mostly.
Knapp worked for the Illuminati families including the Astors. The Bavarian Illuminati never disbanded, they moved to Racine. What was their involvement in the French Revolution?
Why move to such a shit hole? Racine is one of the ugliest towns ever. They were living in the south of France, which is beautiful.
PleAse explain. Interesting!
Read the response posted to u/NeedMoarPillows and ask anything.
Here is an article about Biden’s involvement in the Racine referendum and serveral more about the election.
Biden endorses referendum in highly unusual move:
Wisconsin City Serves As Model For Community Policing:
Testimony from Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine
Election scandal “roots” in Racine
Did WI-5 mayors break the law?
Lawsuit: Racine refuses to turn over election documents
BREAKING – ‘WISCONSIN HOT’ – Grassroots Group Uncovers 23,000 Votes with Same Phone Number and 8,000 Voters Registered in 1918 All In One County!
Why they’re being subpoenaed
Racine tests how much COVID power they have:
Fauci became the expert by Cornell:
Mason Lab, Weill Cornell and experimental COVID testing in Racine:
Foxconn and connections with the Agenda and Referendum:
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard are Trojan Horse for Military Industrial Complex Takeover of Elections:
Brad Smith and Microsoft using pro sports to control market innovation:
Brad Smith talks about COVID and digital 9/11:
Why Brad Smith is the global ambassador for big tech:
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard use Wisconsin as pilot:
Brad Smith and Anna Makanju are two key advisors for Gates and Zuckerberg. Tiana Epps-Johnson is an operative for Obama. Anna led community organizing efforts in Racine. Brad grew up in Racine.
All of the global elite know about Racine. It is their greatest trick.
Thank you! WOW!
I get it, you are super into Racine.
Apparently you don’t get it.
Qanon is a democrat conspiracy theory. Made up by the MSM mockingbird media.
I find it silly when people get all coy and say there is no Qanon. The website is, the name of the book was Qanon: An Invitation to the Storm. We all proudly wore Qanon gear until the MSM started writing about Qanon then someone had a bright idea to say there was no qanon, just Q and anons.
It's silly.
BIden believes in census theories. The world is ending. HA HA HA
30 million, please let's be real here. It is at least 60-70 million! lol
Have you sampled the population ? And no, not your friends. 30 million would put it at approx less than 10% of the population of the great USA. That is high estimate for the number of people who are “awake”
If it really was less than 10% or anywhere near that number the media would not be worried about a Trump Coup
I agree, but i would tell you that i believe we are close to a major event or two happening to shock more of the normies awake. Lots of talk in the news and in our circles about internet, satellite, grid shut down due to solar flares, hacking, internet virus, war drums and of course economic collapse. Dark winter. I think white hats get us through Christmas then all bets are off. Cliff High talks alot about the next month and a half waking people up
How long have we been telling people to turn off the lie-box and THINK!!!
telievision evilvison
People are noticing the price of their food and gas shooting up. I don't really think it will take THAT much for Americans to demand change. We have been in the First World all our lives, don't really know how good we have it, and thus have a low pain threshold. And it's the Media themselves who blasted to us that the Democrats are in charge, that there was no fraud, etc. etc., driving home to the masses that the Democrats are in charge of the mess they are noticing. The Democrats here are serving as the front line foot soldiers of the DS.
I know this is no comparison to what food means to the well being of people, but this semiconductor shortage is becoming a big problem regardless of what the fucking pinkos in the media are stating. It's not the big companies we all know and despise that seem to be struggling ... many small to midsized companies are facing challenges getting parts that were cheap and easy to get.
What's also amazing is that it seems that the parts in highest demand are available in decent quantities via chip brokers ... in China! One device I use constantly on small, niche kinds of projects is typically $8 in low quantities. The only place I can find them are via Chinese brokers ... I've seen them as high as $130. The lowest I saw was $48 ... and I highly doubt they're new ones.
Should this continue for a few more months, the US auto industry is going to implode. Good defense companies (not the giants that are corrupt to the core) are going to fail. Even many companies that produce home appliances are going to fail ... all because we depend on the Chinese for chip fabrication.
If people could see the shelves of semiconductor stores, they'd see what grocery stores in the USSR looked like on a bad day. These excuses the media are spewing are flat out wrong too ... there is literally a massive cut in supply ... this shortage has absolutely nothing to do with "ramping back up after COVID".
All very noticeable, and I don't think people are willing to tolerate much of it.
How awake are we talking? I know those involved in cryptocurrency are mostly right wing but I trade a lot of crypto and ~75% are adamantly against the jab (yes, I ask a lot of them).
I think BTC was probably invented by TPTB because it is super traceable. Maybe not as much so as spending from a debit card, but for sure moreso than paper cash.
Monero/XMR and other privacy coins like it, however, I think could be very important for us going forward.
Isn't that the threshold for a change in governance to occur?
CNN (a while back): Boo Hoo lots of Americans think the 2020 election was rigged, and thats really bad for Democracy!
Me: No, CNN, YOU are bad for Democracy, and rigging elections is bad for Democracy, and gaslighting anyone who dares to mention the rigged election is also bad for Democracy
And that’s why I never listen to these people anymore. Absolute leftist propaganda spin. This all just makes GAW and independent journalism in general stronger.
Half the country are violent right wing radicals! Sure sure they haven't attacked anyone, or burned down cities, or any other violent thing, but! They are a threat to our democracy! REEEEEEE KEK
Likely more like 100+ million.
Good grief can you imagine reading that and actually agreeing with the crap they say 🤢🤢🤮
I read it and thought it was pathetic. Put a few smoothbrains in a studio with a few trained propagandists and let them go after orange man bad for a while. Cant wait to see these bastards cancelled
Try 150 million.
When they say 30M they probably mean 60M, because it's likely Trump "lost" by having 30M more than Biden.
They should be afraid of Trump...
The lousey bastards.
No they shouldn’t, they should be afraid of us
I can also get behind this, without any problem.
Amen patriot
Very true, but I think the number is closer to the (real) record of 74 million people that voted for Trump.
having people legally vote is a coup?
Is this how liberal media (I no longer say mainstream because the big networks lag far behind web based news and info outlets like YouTube, TikTok, Rumble, etc. based on viewership) puts Trump back in office? Spool up a huge FF similar to January 6 but bigger and more violent, call it a coup, even though we will know it’s not, and next thing you know Trump is in the WH. The Dems in office will be upset in public but will quietly know this is what was supposed to happen last January 6th. Just my thoughts
Hopefully the big finale is soon and they are trying to get ahead of the stories
It's Qanon's fault. It's Trump's fault. It's the Republican's fault. Everyone is at fault except Xiden. Sounds like a classic narcissist.
I guess that is why they keep bringing their troops in over the southern border. Then spread them around the country until it’s go-time.
Biden is not the legally elected President.
They missed it by a few billion people world wide....
They truly seem worried (or want to appear worried) about Trump and patriots.
Pro-tip: we’re a lot more than 30 million…
I believe more than that too!
Let's see... an election system with two candidates, typically, and one guy isn't popular because the other guy is more popular...
Uh... yeah?
We are NOT a democracy. When they learn that, I might not treat them as traitorous liars.
They are going to try to prevent him from running.
They know what’s coming and they’re trying to get ahead of it with the public in hopes of keeping people turned against PDJT. Problem is, what’s coming for them is way bigger than Trump. Of course there will be libtards and demons screaming against the inevitable, but NCSWIC! Nothing!
Well at least they are calling it what it was, the leaders of it should be shot for treason. Starting with the instigator.
MSM is undercounting Trump, ... again.
I’m still waiting for Guccifer 3.0......!
30 million awake? I thought it was only us at GreatAwakening.Win and Conspiracies.Win. Seriously.
Texbook example of TDS living rent free in their empty heads.
More like 80 to 90 million
NCSWIC You bunch of American hating, far left fucks. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Damn, they are showing just how afraid they are of Trump!
The Left can not blame Trump for suppression of info. re. Hunter’s lap top nor the optics of selling paintings for $500,000. You can’t blame Trump poor the open borders because he had “remain in Mexico” in place after many court battles, plus he had built a large portion of the wall. Biden told the unvetted, illegals streaming in, to come. He stopped building the wall. Inflation is a result of stopping the Keystone pipelines and destroying energy independence, demanding Covid shots to work, resulting in many businesses firing workers. The country has turned into a mess in 11 months. Of course people want Trump back, he made promises and kept them. Joe promised student loan relief and reneged on his promise. He destroyed energy. He disrespected the military-not at the ARMY-NAVY game, didn’t visit the troops at Thanksgiving. He is weak and ineffectual as the “resident” of the White House. He is a disgrace to this nation.