BOOOOOOOOOM! YOU GET IT! Our enviroment is manifested from the collective conscious. The stronger the consensus the more rapid the manifestation. You can do this on an individual level, in a small group or entire countries. Tesla had the 369 method. My wife and I talk about and visualize things we want to create. Bottom line, it works. It's very important to stay positive if you want a positive outcome. Sorry to geek out but that understanding isn't regularly expressed.
I wanted a hot tub for the longest time. Worked at a grocery store, one day I brought home one of those pallet size cardboard watermelon tubs and put it on my back porch, lined it with plastic, filled it up and climbed in. I imagined it being hot and soothing. Next weekend, a guy walked in the store in front of me and posted a for sale sign for $300 for his used hot tub on the bulletin board.
Agreed, we put sticky notes up of our immediate goal and a long term goal. So they we see and repeat it daily. Update as goals are achieved. No doubt it absolutely works.
Oh, okay, I understand now. I didn't realize it's akin to Tesla's own habits (e.g., walking around a building nine times before entering, etc.). I thought it was a reference to something I must have missed, lol. Thanks for answering.
That is OCD at work in Tesla the brain is wired differently in these conditions just as in ADHD OR Autism spectrum
Not a bad thing! Helps us see things from a different perspective.
Actually, it causes the effect of people hearing news that's utterly fake, then not catching the correction. It happened before when Mandela was misreported as dead in the 80's, with people remembering the news and not the "update". People know, until they don't, but continue to think they know. People are frustrating as fuck, in general.
If this is in any way real can we all start simultaneously thinking about the 2020 election fraud being exposed.? Think hard everyone on 1, 2, 3.......! Shit, nothing happened..?
That's the tricky part. Manifestation is from the collective. You're going to need to overcome billions of people around the world that believes the lies or only information they are exposed to. The collective is a democractic negotiation. The bigger the majority the more control. The smaller the majority the bigger the compromise. It's DEEP.
I was in the Smithsonian with my brothers back in the late 80's. Dorothy's Ruby Slippers were displayed in a clear rectangle case. We were standing there looking at the shoes in the box. My brother reaches his hands out like he's going to touch the box on both sides, and lets out a scream like the wicked witch when the electricity shot out. It was funny at the time, and I could not quit laughing.
This video broadcast mysteriously darkened, recorded gunshots, police cars and canine units. Then magically it went back to normal a few days later. Then the pope was a hologram.
This was 11 months ago, right in the time frame the steal was occurring. Also same time frame Pakistan had the world largest blackout and several billionaires died in a row. I’m sure these are all related, and acts of retaliation.
This video alone raises so many questions. Why was the camera darkened before the shots? Why did it clear up so quickly? Why was there a shooting in the Vatican in the middle of the night and it didn’t make world news?
I loved the part where the DNC refused to give proof of life for RBG for months after her death hoping it would just blow over until POTUS was out of the picture.
RBG was supposed to retire as soon as She™ came into office as some woke "passing of the torch" display, but Trump threw a wrench in that plan. RBG missed her chance and was too much of a stubborn old crone to accept "defeat," so the DNC made her wait til the steal. Unfortunately for them, she died sometime during Trump's third year or so and left enough time for another SCOTUS nomination and confirmation.
Update: Four hours later, the Pope collapsed into his footprint at freefall speeds
Also, why is this stickied, because it's an interesting gaffe, the end
Thats the entire point of "the news". Manifestation using the collective minds of millions.
BOOOOOOOOOM! YOU GET IT! Our enviroment is manifested from the collective conscious. The stronger the consensus the more rapid the manifestation. You can do this on an individual level, in a small group or entire countries. Tesla had the 369 method. My wife and I talk about and visualize things we want to create. Bottom line, it works. It's very important to stay positive if you want a positive outcome. Sorry to geek out but that understanding isn't regularly expressed.
I wanted a hot tub for the longest time. Worked at a grocery store, one day I brought home one of those pallet size cardboard watermelon tubs and put it on my back porch, lined it with plastic, filled it up and climbed in. I imagined it being hot and soothing. Next weekend, a guy walked in the store in front of me and posted a for sale sign for $300 for his used hot tub on the bulletin board.
I drove home that evening with that tub.
Every since then, I've gotten replacement tubs for free. For 9 years now. Never paid for one since that first one.
Free section on Craigslist in big cities. Every weekend there's 7 to 9 up for grabs. People buy a home and don't want the tub.
Now I'm rich, I don't mind giving my secret away.
Didn’t a UK reporter also announce the twin towers collapsing on 9/11 before they actually did? Similar situation it would seem.
Have you driven one yet?
Buy $milkers
The Law of Attraction
Agreed, we put sticky notes up of our immediate goal and a long term goal. So they we see and repeat it daily. Update as goals are achieved. No doubt it absolutely works.
I've heard about Tesla's obsession with the numbers 369, and how he referred to them as the keys to the universe. But what is the 369 method?
There are endless sources that go into it. One example would be recite a mantra of 3 manifestations for 6 minutes 9 times a day. It's that simple.
Edit... It's easier to manifest finacial comfort than a million dollars. Get CREATIVE.
Oh, okay, I understand now. I didn't realize it's akin to Tesla's own habits (e.g., walking around a building nine times before entering, etc.). I thought it was a reference to something I must have missed, lol. Thanks for answering.
No disrespect but you may be missing it a little. Here's a link to help
That is OCD at work in Tesla the brain is wired differently in these conditions just as in ADHD OR Autism spectrum Not a bad thing! Helps us see things from a different perspective.
Interesting concept.
Here is a TLDR video from Gregg Braden that may interest you. Sorry for the YT link.
Edit.... I watched it but my rabbit holes look like an ant farm. Lol.
Actually, it causes the effect of people hearing news that's utterly fake, then not catching the correction. It happened before when Mandela was misreported as dead in the 80's, with people remembering the news and not the "update". People know, until they don't, but continue to think they know. People are frustrating as fuck, in general.
Mandella Effect.
If this is in any way real can we all start simultaneously thinking about the 2020 election fraud being exposed.? Think hard everyone on 1, 2, 3.......! Shit, nothing happened..?
That's the tricky part. Manifestation is from the collective. You're going to need to overcome billions of people around the world that believes the lies or only information they are exposed to. The collective is a democractic negotiation. The bigger the majority the more control. The smaller the majority the bigger the compromise. It's DEEP.
Cheers fren, Merry Christmas!
I can click my ruby slippers and go home now?
I was in the Smithsonian with my brothers back in the late 80's. Dorothy's Ruby Slippers were displayed in a clear rectangle case. We were standing there looking at the shoes in the box. My brother reaches his hands out like he's going to touch the box on both sides, and lets out a scream like the wicked witch when the electricity shot out. It was funny at the time, and I could not quit laughing.
No! You must only sticky things that are signal! Never noise!!! Do the plan my way, dammit!!!
In 2023 if we are still hanging out here. We should all take an Italian speaking class together. In Florence.
Molto bene!
Ciao! I salute you fren! Chin! Chin! 🍷
ITV were jealous that the BBC got to announce building 7 going down before anyone else.
Yep! Many forget that fact or never knew it at all...
Asking the right questions...
This video broadcast mysteriously darkened, recorded gunshots, police cars and canine units. Then magically it went back to normal a few days later. Then the pope was a hologram.
This was 11 months ago, right in the time frame the steal was occurring. Also same time frame Pakistan had the world largest blackout and several billionaires died in a row. I’m sure these are all related, and acts of retaliation.
This video alone raises so many questions. Why was the camera darkened before the shots? Why did it clear up so quickly? Why was there a shooting in the Vatican in the middle of the night and it didn’t make world news?
Lol that video link. Jones BbQ and foot massage ftw!
Sounds like a great afternoon to me!
That's literally a much better rickroll designed for the people here wow
The original rickroll is so well known, all I had to type in YouTube to get it to come up was "neve"!
Why did I even click your link I need to go to bed hahaha.
It's hard to resist, isn't it? I remember when that video was new on MTV, back when MTV was round-the-clock videos.
Godfather III
Wtf did you just link me to?
Jones bbq. His bbq is phenomenal , and his services are great - especially his legal department
She's reading a teleprompter, so I don't see how this could be her mistake. Maybe whoever programmed the teleprompter or maybe intentional.
I remember when RBG was reported as dead
And then the Democrats kept her on ice until the most opportune time to rally their voters
Happened with Rep John Lewis also. He was reported dead on July 13 and then it was reported as a mistake. He died 5 days later.
Member the picture of the tree on 17th and Q, and the question of the red shoes....................
Ooo I like that. Also, a couple of headlines (same story, 2 articles about the cricket) which look to be juxtaposition comms:
Rory Burns and Ollie Pope axed for Boxing Day Test as England twist
Rory Burns and Ollie Pope out for Boxing Day Test as England swings the axe (one at random for sauce fiends)
Admittedly, this is less likely to have bearing, but it did jump out.
It means (((they))) are wearing shoes made from the skin of their victims...
These people are sick.
either that or their shoes are covered in blood.
bright red shoes are actually quite unusual, probably because they are not stylish at all, and never will be,
so you have to wonder why anyone would make them, and why anyone would wear them.
they are definitely for the symbolic effect.
Because that's the form Q used in his drops about the cabal.
Thought those [ ] were the kill brackets...
I loved the part where the DNC refused to give proof of life for RBG for months after her death hoping it would just blow over until POTUS was out of the picture.
That really happened? Why? Did they not want him to nominate a new Scotus to replace her?
RBG was supposed to retire as soon as She™ came into office as some woke "passing of the torch" display, but Trump threw a wrench in that plan. RBG missed her chance and was too much of a stubborn old crone to accept "defeat," so the DNC made her wait til the steal. Unfortunately for them, she died sometime during Trump's third year or so and left enough time for another SCOTUS nomination and confirmation.
Unless white hats hack into news feed line to tell the world the truth
Max Headroom effect.
ITV had a BBC building 7 moment?
Adrenochrome overdose?
Withdrawals are hitting all of the upper slime hard see rapid aging of hollywood and shaking merkle
What withdrawals? The southern border is open, that shits been flowing for nearly a year.
Yep, and they also believe suicide is not immoral, so either their withdrawals kill them or they will die by their own hands.
I can see the media is panicking and doing their usual, NCSWIC.
Pope's been dead. Plenty of odd activity for a long time now. Queen is dead too. (Also a gaffe about her being dead)
This was comms for the distant members of the DS to be made aware.
I think so, just posted a response to that effect to another fren with a bit o' sauce.
Please please be my Christmas gift.
Yep the queen and now the pope...
I remember Newsmax putting out something about the pope being dead 2-3 weeks ago. But I couldn't verify it and nothing came of it.
Looks like a pattern is forming it a message being sent or something.
Announcements of the Queen coming soon...
Has been for a while now....